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Mike Stone - As Covid Hoax Falters, Is an Alien Invasion Next?

June 12, 2021


Have you noticed the sudden increase of UFO sightings and stories appearing in the MSM lately? Could this be the beginning of a fake alien invasion?

by Mike Stone

"Do you believe in UFOs?"

My answer is always: "Yes, I believe they're real, but they're not from outer space."

The late researcher John Judge called UFOs "Unidentified Fascist Observatories." He noted that the Germans developed disc-shaped aircraft in World War II and that the rocket scientists behind those aircraft - Wernher Von Braun and others - all went to work for NASA after the war. Von Braun also did some work for Walt Disney.

The band Foo Fighters took their name from these disc-shaped craft that American pilots spotted flying around on numerous occasions during the war.

You'll notice that UFO sightings only started after the war and in many UFO sightings in the late 1940s and 50s, people reported waving to the saucers and seeing someone wave back.

John Judge's work led me to Operation Highjump, a military expedition to the South Pole led by Admiral Byrd in 1947. Admiral Byrd was searching for German military bases in Antarctica and apparently a couple of his planes were shot down. On his way back, Byrd claimed that the enemy was not yet defeated.

I don't know if that story is true or not. I'm relaying it to show you how far down the rabbit hole I've gone on this subject. My research also led me to the correlation between UFO abductions and demonic possession. Today I believe that most UFOs are literally transports from hell.

By that I mean they are powered and flown by devils and demons. Have you ever noticed how closely sketches of ETs resemble demons? Have you ever noticed how many "alien abductees" describe their experience as demonic and their captors as looking like demons?

What is their purpose? That I do not know. Perhaps their intent is to steer humanity away from God. Perhaps they are a manifestation of the "signs and wonders" of the end times. We are told in Mathew 24:24 that the devil "shall show great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect."

My reason for broaching this topic is the rise of UFO sightings and stories appearing in the MSM lately. Have you noticed that? Why the sudden surge and why now? Could we be in the beginning stages of a fake alien invasion?

Think about it: If they could con almost the entire world into fearing a simple coronavirus, how hard would it be to fake an alien invasion?

If Orson Welles could do it with a radio broadcast, don't you think that green-screen-Joe and his handlers could do it with all the resources they have?

When you think about it, an alien invasion might be something that's been planned for a long time. Look at all the science fiction books, movies and television shows about ETs, flying saucers, and hostile aliens. Look at all the fake science reports about the possibility of intelligent life on other planets and movies like Contact. If enough people were duped into believing an alien invasion, they could be manipulated into doing anything. Men would be conned into obeying the aliens. Women would be conned into breeding with them. People with no religious knowledge or backbone would be sucked right into the whole hoax.

If someone had suggested a fake alien invasion two years ago, I would have told them that despite my low opinion of the intelligence level of the average American, even I wouldn't think they're that stupid. But that was two years. Today I believe many, if not most, Americans are that stupid. I believe millions of people would fall for such an outlandish scheme.

Maybe I'm reading too much into it. If we're not seeing the early stages of a fake invasion, then perhaps my research into the demonic aspect of UFOs is playing out. As a nation and as a world, we've sunk so far down into sin and satanism, that perhaps these recent sightings are merely a manifestation of that. The more we engage in sin, the more these transports from hell make themselves visible. That's even scarier than a fake invasion.

What do you think? Do you believe in UFOs?
Mike Stone is the author of Based, a young adult novel about race, dating and growing up in America, and A New America, the first novel of the Alt-Right, a dark comedy set on Election Day 2016 in Los Angeles - - Available on Amazon.

Related- I.D.E. Thomas: Christian Pioneer Exposing The "Alien" Strong Delusion 

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Mike Stone - As Covid Hoax Falters, Is an Alien Invasion Next? "

AL said (June 13, 2021):

The NAZI (National Socialist Zionist) party won World War 2 because they defeated Germany and created the state of Israel; Adolf Hitler-Rothschild was the founding father of the state of Israel in 1933; It was official NAZI policy to transport German Jews with their assets to Palestine during the "Transfer Agreement". Hitler-Rothschild lived to see his dream becoming a reality by Israel officially becoming a nation state in 1948, since he was rescued by the people he worked for after WWII - British Intelligence and his own family, the Rothschilds. Therefore Admiral Byrd getting his butt kicked by NAZI UFOs in 1947 is highly probable.



The NAZIs discovered an ancient Atlantis(Thule) base in Antarctica and backwards engineered advanced UFO technology they found there. The people of Atlantis were more advanced than we are today.

Insider Donald Marshall explains that there is a cloning station where victims consciousnesses are transferred like in the movie Avatar; While asleep in their beds they believe they were abducted by aliens, when in fact the "aliens" are human actors dressed up as aliens with chicken skin at the cloning station as the victims were being abused in their cloned bodies.

Marshall also explains there are subterranean creatures called Vril that told Hitler about the Atlantis base in Antarctica. NAZIs went on expeditions to Tibet because the Monks were protecting the Vril.

There are 3 main types of Vril. Type 1, also known as Chupacabra, has a parasitic aspect that can take over your brain as it sheds its body. The type 3 Vril looks like a grey alien and needs methane rich air to breath why they are under the DUMB bases, therefore any "alien" invasion will be orchestrated by human satanists;
The Vril type 3 cannot breath our air.

Anon said (June 13, 2021):

Thanks for everything I always follow your work for my news! Love this article- I agree with Mike Stone and have long been interested in this topic. I thought he might be Catholic? I have studied Catholic prophecy and I think Catholics may appreciate knowing there has been prophecy on the “alien abduction” phenomenon. I learned about it from watching this gentleman’s video below. This is a famous apparition approved by the Roman Catholic Church.

La Salette prophecy of the Blessed Virgin Mary, section that foretells zombies, alien abductions, scientology:

Steve said (June 13, 2021):

I certainly do not believe the flying saucers are from classic aliens as portrayed in multiple Hollywood movies

I do believe they are using original Tesla and WW2 Nazi scientist technology - which no doubt as this technology has been built and refined since WW2, has caused many test saucers to be seen. I believe some are manned vehicle and others are un-manned. The un-manned computer controlled being used for manoeuvres that create G-forces the human body cannot stand.

I remember Tesla said, that using the earths electro-magnetic field, he could move an electro field machine object the size of a small fridge through an open window with precise control.

Further, I believe the show "the Jetsons" and their travel craft was about this technology to be given to mankind (or more likely future elite) but that it was instead kept secret for future use, i.e., pose a fake alien invasion (as President Ronald Regan said) to unite the world, yet more accurately, usher in a one world new world order government.

Further, I believe this fear of aliens is to create a false programmed psychological reaction of horror and revulsion to the final return of Christ, so that, as the bible book of Revelation prophecy makes clear, the peoples of the world not saved, will unite their militaries to literally fight Him at the battle of Armageddon.

The bible makes clear that Satan is the father of lies and deceit.

Simon Smith said (June 13, 2021):

A few thoughts:

I cover much of this in my book "Fake Aliens And The Phoney Nuke World Order"

"The band Foo Fighters took their name from these disc-shaped craft that American pilots spotted flying around on numerous occasions during the war."

Henry Stevens in "Hitler's Flying Saucers" demonstrates that the German did make "foo fighters".

John Judge's work led me to Operation Highjump, a military expedition to the South Pole led by Admiral Byrd in 1947. Admiral Byrd was searching for German military bases in Antarctica and apparently a couple of his planes were shot down. On his way back, Byrd claimed that the enemy was not yet defeated.

Having looked into this, I believe this is BS, Much is based on a Russian "documentary" that gets names mixed up. There would be of course people from the task force who would have remembered this. The Germans did pioneer antigravity, but there are disinformationists/sensationalists who claim they flew to Mars and so on to discredit the work of folks like Henry Stevens.

By that I mean they are powered and flown by devils and demons. Have you ever noticed how closely sketches of ETs resemble demons? Have you ever noticed how many "alien abductees" describe their experience as demonic and their captors as looking like demons?

This goes back to Roswell. UFO researcher Nick Redfern makes a case that original "little green men" were test subjects with progeria. Their greeness or rather greyness correlates to high altitude exposure.

I watch the "Blaze" channel quite a bit. They are really doubling down on the UFO = aliens (false) equivocation... "The Curse Of Skinwalker Ranch" especially is a TV/deep state psy op on some of the researcher features as well as the general public. I believe energy weapons are being used on the participants and blamed on ETs.

RR said (June 13, 2021):

Dr. Carol Rosin was the first woman corporate manager of Fairchild Industries and was spokesperson for Wernher Von Braun in the last years of his life.

& Quote from Von Braun ...

The next enemy was asteroids. Now, at this point he kind of chuckled the first time he said it. Asteroids-against asteroids we are going to build space-based weapons.

And the funniest one of all was what he called aliens, extraterrestrials. That would be the final scare.

And over and over and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving speeches for him, he would bring up that last card.

"And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie."

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at