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America Suffered by Stigmatizing Germans

October 24, 2011

germanamericanvolksfest.jpg(left, An American couple of German descent.)

The Germany of the 1930s and 40s has been presented as uniquely monstrous. And virtually all Germans have been said to have been complicit in these crimes. It's called collective guilt...being German itself became a kind of sin -- one that requires continual expiation.

by Rollin Stearns

I learned recently that an old friend of mine has died.
Elisabeth von G. was German. During World War II as a young woman she lived in Munich, where she suffered much. After the war she went to Switzerland, where she studied psychology at the Jung Institute. She then came to the United States, where she worked as a therapist in New York City.
It was her hope to contribute, as best she could, to making the world a little more sane, and less prone to violence
I got to know Elisabeth in the 1960s. She was good at her work, and enjoyed life in NYC. But it had its downside. Holocaust propaganda kicked into high gear in the 60s with the Eichmann trial, the movie Judgement at Nuremberg, and the play The Deputy.
New York, of course, was largely Jewish. It may have been verboten to tell jokes with a Yiddish accent, but it was common to hear jokes (or rather, sarcastic comments) in a German accent. A German accent meant Nazi.
I didn't think anything of it myself until I got to know Elisabeth. That's when I first became aware of anti-German prejudice on a personal level.
Then, in the early 70s, Elisabeth moved back to Munich. She was tired to being on the defensive. She was German and always would be.
She lived in Munich until she died, continuing to practice as a therapist. As far as I know she never visited the U.S. again.
Years later, in the 1980s, my wife and I were watching TV when the news anchor said he had something surprising to report. A survey had been done to determine the number of Americans from various national or ethnic backgrounds, such as English, Irish, black, etc.
He said English was still number one -- no surprise there -- though its dominance was declining. But then he announced that number two was... German-Americans, who have long been America's "invisible" ethnic group.

According to Wikipedia, "German Americans are citizens of the United States of German ancestry and comprise about 51 million people, or 17% of the U.S. population, the country's largest self-reported ancestral group.[1] California, Texas and Pennsylvania have the largest numbers of German origin, although upper Midwestern states, including Ohio, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, and the Dakotas, have the highest proportion of German Americans at over one-third."
For a long time Americans of German background have not identified themselves -- at least publicly -- as a distinct ethnic group. They have worked hard to fully assimilate.
On one level this is commendable. Americans of German background have contributed much to our nation. But on a deeper level, this "invisibility" is a hidden wound that has cost them, and our country, dearly.
Not long after seeing this TV broadcast, my wife and I took part in a therapy group called Reevaluation Counseling (RC for short). At an introductory meeting there were about 10 or 15 of us sitting in a circle and we were asked when our turn came to give our name and a little information about ourselves, including our family's ethnic background.
No one had any difficulty with this, at first. But then it was the turn of a nice-looking young guy who seemed generally sociable. He gave his name, but then froze up when he had to say his family background was German. We were all a little puzzled.  He was ashamed of the fact.
I think we all understood why.
Later, this was spelled out explicitly to my wife and I. A neighbor of ours was of Lebanese descent. His wife Janet was an outspoken and confident person of German origin. One evening she told us about a recent trip to Germany to visit relatives. (This was the first we knew her family background was German.)
She had never been to Germany before, and the biggest impact on her was when she had been driving on the autobahn. She had looked up and unexpectedly seen an exit sign that said -- matter of factly -- Dachau.
Janet said at that moment a feeling of shame swept over her, a feeling she was unprepared for and didn't know how to deal with. Nor did she know how to deal with it still.
For two generations there has been a relentless attack on Germans through endless propaganda (some of it true, some not) about the Holocaust.

The Germany of the 1930s and 40s has been presented as uniquely monstrous. And virtually all Germans have been said to have been complicit in these crimes. It's called collective guilt.
Oh, occasionally it's allowed that there was a "good" German here and there, but these exceptions only highlight the guilt of other Germans, the ordinary Germans. So that being German itself became a kind of sin -- one that requires continual expiation.
But the problem actually began much earlier -- not with the Second World War but with the first, when America was first maneuvered into taking part in a European war on the side of Britain.
With the sinking of the Lusitania (when Winston Churchill was Lord of the Admiralty), war fever swept America. It was fanned by the press and its financial overlords, and by popular celebrities such as Douglas Fairbanks and Charlie Chaplin. When America entered the war, there were anti-German riots, and an effective suppression (legal as well as extra-legal) of German-Americans.
The literary and social critic Edmund Wilson writes about this in the introduction to his book, Patriotic Gore: "Bombarded by British propaganda and horrified by what we heard of the brutality of the Germans, with whom, nevertheless, we had a great deal in common and for whom throughout the nineteenth century we had expressed the highest admiration, we went in on the side of England.... This cost us ... a persecution of everything German in a country with an immense German population which had always been thought one of our more valuable elements, together with a hissing and hounding of every kind of opposition sentiment that outdid the repressions of Lincoln."
The Illuminati have traditionally had their center of power in Britain -- in the alliance of British aristocracy with Jewish finance (Winston Churchill -- the son of Lord Randolph Churchill, or Edward VII, and Jenny Jerome is a good example of this.)  And that center was augmented by the Anglo-American establishment in America.
It was this Illuminati-dominated Anglo-American establishment that thwarted Germany's rise to preeminence in Europe. To establish a New World Order, it was necessary to crush German nationalism. 
Industrially and technologically, Germany was the first and leading nation of the 20th century. But its challenge to Britain (which was the leading nation of the 19th century) was defeated in two world wars, once America was brought in on the British side. Twice Germany was demolished and reduced to vassal status. It was stripped of much of its territory and what remained was divided and occupied.
America replaced Germany as the leading industrial and technological nation (though America's preeminence in rocketry and space really was due to German scientists, and some believe that even our successful development of the nuclear bomb in July of 1945 was due to German expertise brought to America immediately after the defeat of Germany.)
Germans are no more collectively responsible for the Jewish holocaust than Jews are to blame for the Crucifixion of Christ or the rapacity of Illuminati Jewish bankers. Average Germans are no more to blame for German war crimes than Americans or English for American and British war crimes. Individuals are responsible. People with no knowledge or participation in the deed are not.   
The Illuminati manipulate negative national characteristics for their own ends. They did this 75 years ago when Hitler exploited German nationalism and resentment over Versailles to cause Germany's ruin and to advance Illuminati design.

Today there is a resurgence of German pride and confidence. Germany is united again and the leader of Europe. And here in America, the German stereotypes have become outmoded. A return of ethnic pride among Americans of German heritage would be a healthy development.

In Europe, though, I'm not so sure. If the Illuminati succeed in manipulating German nationalism once again, things could get ugly and aggressive.

My friend Elisabeth worked hard all her life to restore a healthy pride in her fellow Germans. I only hope her efforts were not in vain.


Rollin Stearns is a former book editor who lives in Maine.

Also by Rollin Stearns   "The Coming German Superpower"


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "America Suffered by Stigmatizing Germans"

Jerry said (October 26, 2011):

Great article and if I could add the real shame comes by way of many who believe that the Gog and Magog of Ezekiel 38-39 is Russia and Germany who are supposed to attack Israel in the future. What unbelievable nonsense! Worthless garbage perpetrated by those who have no idea of how to interpret the bible correctly. What a stigma upon a people and terrible shame!!!!! God help us!

Ty said (October 25, 2011):

Thanks for posting the article.Germans have endured 70 years of race based persecution at the hands of the elite Jews in mass media. This has crushed their identity and filled it with unfair shame. No longer am I afraid to mention my part German ancestry because speaking generally, Germans have always proved to be the most kind, smart and logical people I have ever met. Zundel was right; get off your knees Germans!! I say, take some healthy-humble pride in yourselves again.

Stephen said (October 24, 2011):

I am of Scots-Irish and German ancestry. My family has been in America since the 1700's, so it's not like we're not assimilated. I have lived in New York City for my entire life, and I am more than familiar with the politically correct milieu.

The Holocaust occurred, and it was an attack upon God, all of humanity, the Jews, the Catholic Church and human reason itself. Theologically and teleologically, it was the unchaining of demons, as far as I am concerned. But I grew weary of the Holocaust Memory Industry long ago.

Outside of conspiracies and collaborations, I do not believe in collective guilt. Outside of Hell, I do not believe in perpetual guilt. I am not against Jews: I wish them nothing but health and happiness. I am not an anti-semite. But I am against a politically correct Party Line telling me what I am to believe and think. Genocide is the crime of the State. The Holocaust under the Third Reich was not history's first genocide, and it has not been its last. And you mark my words: The way the world works today, with its competing ideologies, means that genocide IS COMING AGAIN. And DO NOT be surprised: Genocide WILL be coming to America at the rate the New World Order is going.

Scott said (October 24, 2011):

Although the points in the "America Suffered by Stigmatizing Germans" article brings up valid points on the guilt complex, the photo of the happy couple is more than symbolic. Every year, Oktoberfests are increasing in popularity throughout the US at with festivals and restaurants joining. Canada has a major month of events in Kitchener, Ont, and probably smaller scales celebrations in other cities, as well.

People are just sharing food, drink, music, culture, friendship and good times. This can only be positive.

Dan A said (October 24, 2011):

I'm half Prussian. My mom is a full blooded Roman Catholic German. Over 150 years ago, our ancestors immigrated here from the second reich, completely broke, taking a ship up the Mississippi river, settling along the Missouri river, as this reminded them of the Rhine river valley back in Germany.

I lived in a community in Missouri consisting almost entirely of Roman Catholic Germans. We are all fair complected, And we all seem to live a very long time. We are also normally strong, physically and otherwise. Some of the girls I dated in my youth in this community were actual distant cousins of mine.

I'm proud to have German genes within me.

Germans, overall, do not represent Nazi Germany. That period of time was a totalitarian dictatorship that spanned two decades, and does not represent centuries of German heritage that existed before this dictatorship. Some of my German relatives express shame of their heritage due to this reign of terror under Hitler, but I do not. Personally, I would have not participated in the Nazi leadership, due to my nature. I'm opposed to being a sheep that follows any leader.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at