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October 9, 2016


Normally Americans find out that their President is a criminal, liar and traitor
 after they elect him. In the case of Hillary, they know what they getting in advance
and have no excuse for electing her. 

In a new book, Guilt as Sin, Edward Klein has revealed the extent of her corruption but
there are no reviews because the Rothschilds support her and they own the US media. 

I have not had a chance to read this book so I present the best reader review I could find. 

Please note that I have read this book in its entirety. This review is not in support of Hillary Clinton as a presidential nominee, but an evaluation of the book itself. I purchased this book as I wanted to understand the Hillary Clinton email scandal in more detail as well as any other revelations. I knew that Hillary was using her own personal email server at her home in Chappaqua, New York, but I did not really know all of the implications of what this meant. This book focuses on the email scandal, other past scandals as well as implications of political favors while she was Secretary of State.

FBI director, James Comey stated Hillary was "extremely careless" in how she handled her emails while she was secretary of state. The FBI is worried that Clinton's email may have been hacked which would compromise the security of the United States. However, he did not suggest the Attorney General bring any criminal charges against her. It appears that over 2000 of her emails on her private email server were classified with 22 of them being classified as special access programs. The author opined that Comey did not suggest indicting Hillary due the President's, Attorney General's, Democrats in Congress and the Liberal Media's oppositions to an indictment. He speaks of ill will between the Obamas and the Clintons. However, he explains why Obama ended up not wanting Hillary to be indicted for the email scandal.

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The author speaks of Hillary's temperament as being unbalanced. I felt he expressed this since Hillary's claim is that Trump has a temperament unfit to be President. The author feels that Hillary lacks the temperament to be President more so than Trump. The author also feels that Hillary is covering up real health issues. However, he only supplies the facts as they were released to the public such as events of her fainting and her blood clots as well as a friend's interview to support his claim.

According to this book, what is interesting is that her lack of indictment for the email scandal does not mean Clinton is in the clear. The author reveals how FBI agents are still investigating her. The media is not publicizing this new investigation. They are looking at her relationship with foreign entities that made donations to the Clinton foundation in return for political favors. The FBI director believed that Hillary had dispensed favors to foreign governments and businessmen who contributed money to the Clinton Foundation. The FBI questioned a retired foreign services officer who worked closely with Clinton. He was questioned whether Hillary ever worked on the Clinton Foundation business while she was secretary of state. He responded that the occasions that she did so were too numerous to mention.

I found the book interesting because I wonder what will happen if the investigation uncovers enough to bring charges against Hillary. If Hillary was found guilty of political favors while she was secretary of state, she could be charged under several different statutes. Among them: the federal official bribery and gratuity statute...; the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act...; and the federal program bribery statute. It is unsettling especially if it occurs before the election or if she is elected president.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at