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Australia's Forgotten Coup

November 4, 2017


Think you are free and live in a democracy? In 1975

the Prime Minister of Australia, Gough Whitlam, was 

summarily dismissed by the "Crown" i.e. the Rothschilds. 

Compare this to the JFK assassination in 1963.

"Australia briefly became an independent state during the Whitlam years, 1972-75. An American commentator wrote that no country had "reversed its posture in international affairs so totally without going through a domestic revolution". Whitlam ended his nation's colonial servility. He abolished Royal patronage, moved Australia towards the Non-Aligned Movement, supported "zones of peace" and opposed nuclear weapons testing."  John Pilgar 

Gough Whitlam, (1916 - 2014) was the 21st Prime Minister of Australia, serving from 1972 to 1975. The Leader of the Labor Party from 1967 to 1977, Whitlam led his party to power for the first time in 23 years at the 1972 election. He won the 1974 election before being controversially dismissed by the Governor-General of Australia, Sir John Kerr, at the climax of the 1975 Australian constitutional crisis. Whitlam remains the only Australian prime minister to have his commission terminated in that manner.  Wikipedia

by Merit Freeman


In the 1970's, the United States and Britain backed globalist Australian forces to oust Australian Prime Minister GOUGH WHITLAM. Fearing that Whitlam would close Pine Gap, the U.S.' largest spy base in Australia, he was relieved of his duties before he was able to inform the Australian Parliament of the U.S. and Britain's actions to undermine the nation.

Whitlam, the leader of the Australian Labor Party, was elected Prime Minister of the country in 1972. He believed that foreign powers had no place in the Australian government. As he worked to end their subservience to British rule, his two terms from 1972 to 1975 saw Australia become the freest nation that it has ever been. He drafted Aboriginal land rights legislation, calling into question Britain's illegal colonization of Australia and ended conscription. 

He also ordered home Australian troops who were fighting in Vietnam, a move which put him summarily in the sights of the Zionist war machine. He legislated equal pay for women, instituted nationwide free health care, doubled the budget for public education, abolished university fees, increased workers' wages and replaced the national anthem from "God Save The Queen" to "Advance Australia Fair," a move which thoroughly pissed off the British crown.

After taking office, Whitlam worked to oust the U.S. and Britain from Australian affairs. He hoped to publicly expose them for undermining the integrity of the nation. He hoped to take back control of Australia's vast natural resources from foreign corporations and governments. His main opposition in this fight was JOHN KERR, then-current Governor-General of Australia. Kerr was put in place and controlled by the CIA. 

Also on the Zionists' payroll were U.S. Ambassadors MARSHALL GREEN and WALTER RICE, who, per U.S. orders, told Whitlam [in no uncertain terms] to mind his own fucking business in regards to the Vietnam War.


Part of Whitlam's main focus was to expose and close Pine Gap, the U.S. spy base that was [and still is] operating in Australia. Operating under the guise of an innocuous research facility, Pine Gap is a top-secret communications and spy center which is operated by the U.S.' CIA and NSA [National Security Agency], Britain's MI6 [Secret Intelligence Service] and the ASIO [Australian Secret Intelligence Organization]. It allows the Illuminati to eavesdrop on virtually everyone. 

Whitlam discovered that MI6 has been intercepting and reading secret government communication. On November 10th, 1975, Whitlam received a top-secret message. Decoded by security contractor CHRISTOPHER BOYCE, it stated that the U.S. viewed Whitlam as a security threat and that Kerr planned on ousting him [possibly through assassination]. The message also outlined the CIA's infiltration of Australia's economy, trade unions, and politics. [See video linked below]

The very next day, Whitlam requested to meet with the Australia Parliament regarding the U.S.' spy activity and undermining of the nation. Before he could do so, he was summoned by Kerr, who, invoking archaic vice-regal "reserve powers," relieved Whitlam of his position as Prime Minister. This effectively ended the U.S.' "Whitlam problem." Kerr then instated fellow conspirator MALCOLM FRASER as the new Prime Minister of Australia.

Whitlam became Ambassador to UNESCO and served with distinction. He died on October 21st, 2014 at the age of 98.


Related:  Australian Adept Unveiled World Satanic Control 

SBS Dateline Exclusive Interview With CHRISTOPHER "FALCON" BOYCE [VIDEO]

CIA's Victor Marcetti talks about Pine Gap 


First Comment from Matt, an Australian

I believe Whitlam was at best a mixed bag. It was good that he led us out of Vietnam. He may have been a broader threat to the NWO, but I'd like to see Merit's sources for this. Whitlam was also a friend of the NWO.     He was always a darling of progressives. Even in Merit's article, it is clear to see Whitlam's progressive (equality) and big-government policies, the ideas behind of many of which have been dealt with on this site. He supported the Lima Declaration and trade policies, that have destroyed Australia's industrial base. He also recognized Red China over Taiwan and opened us up to interdependency with Asia. The Racial Discrimination Act was brought in, and he continued and finalized the dismantling of what were once restrictive immigration standards. Also, as I have pointed out before, "aboriginal land rights" has done a great deal to divide Australia.

I'd like to know the source of Kerr being a CIA agent. The Governor-General is a safeguard in our system, and Kerr used his latent powers to cut off a hung parliament to ask for another election - where we consequently saw the Liberal/Country Coalition gain office. Having said all that, ever since, our parliament, politicians and government, like most/all western democracies have become more and more corrupt and sold out to the NWO, to the point that our own citizens mean nothing anymore. Australia has been a sovereign federation since 1901, but of course, we had cultural, trade, and other ties to Britain, because our population and institutions largely came from Britain (the mother country).

Lastly, although Whitlam helped get the ball rolling with the change of the anthem, it was changed by plebiscite in 1977 under Fraser.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Australia's Forgotten Coup"

Russell said (November 6, 2017):

I am not an expert on any politicians, but I do have a very great deal of respect for Gough. He was a towering intellect and true statesman in every respect of the word including his physical stature. I would say easily the only visionary Australia ever had. I would also say that I believe everything Merit writes is accurate and truthful, however, there is a lot he does not say…

Gough, or at least his advisors, made a lot of mistakes. Not monumental mistakes, but hasty mistakes that should have and I believe would have been corrected in the fullness of time and Gough been afforded that luxury. I believe his mind was so focussed on the big picture for Australia that he let his minions run rampant with the “liberal” issues. It is most certainly a fact that it was overseas vested interests which brought down the mighty Gough Whitlam. That sniveling fucking, cowardly Yes man to the hag in England and no doubt an ample degree of meddling by the ever-present enemy, the US.

Basically the tenure of Gough Whitlam ultimately only delivered a string of socialist “reforms” for which we are still paying, because he was not allowed to correct those excesses, and we saw few or no benefits from his visionary, nation-building ideas because they were trampled on by the fucking UK and US marauders. Thus the sad legacy of such a great man. Even in defeat, he was creative: “God may well save the queen, but nothing will save the governor general."

I would not write anything disparaging about this great man because he was given no chance of setting up the Australia we should have had, and I think to look at his failures knowing full well we were robbed of what would have been his outstanding successes is totally unfair. In fact, if Gough would have been allowed his tenure we may well have been able to afford the social benefits he pioneered. Not that I am a socialist, but it’s a fact that many European countries enjoy such privileges without destroying their economies...

Chris W said (November 5, 2017):

I never cease to be amazed that even at this distance in years, we can still get people who despite all of the evidence challenge Kerr's connections to the CIA (‘Google’ it Matt! It's pretty easy to find!). Then there are land rights for indigenous Australians - do you know that has been a continuing source of division in Australia in some quarters? So discount that. Nothing inspirational happened on that front or anywhere else. You must be misremembering.

Likewise we are told that Whitlam was actually just a sort of limited hang-out figure who didn't really want to challenge American and British interference because we can see he worked for the UN after his dismissal. Give me a break! Whitlam was what we used to call an ‘internationalist’ in that he saw value in international networks to establish peace; and cultural exchange and understanding. Despite his towering intellect, he could be as naive about these things as the rest of us were. But fundamentally he was still a national socialist (small 'n' small 's').

Some people today might find it hard to believe that there was a time when it was assumed that governments could actually work to create better societies. This was Whitlam's belief based on the notions of national autonomy and control of Australia’s resources (while recognising those indigenous rights); support for parliamentary processes; support too for international institutions and regulations where these were based on genuinely democratic principles; and a belief that through more opportunity in education the human potential of the nation could be fully realised.

Such a vision, of course, runs diametrically counter to the Illuminati program whereby the control of all resources is in the hands of unaccountable international capital and where the people are kept stupid by privatized education. So it has not only been essential that Whitlam de removed from office, it has remained essential for his example to be rubbished or minimised at every opportunity for as long as there are people like me who still draw inspiration from it.

William said (November 5, 2017):

Readers just need to go to the last paragraph of this article and skip the rest. If serving the U.N. doesn't make one a globalist, I'm not sure what qualifies.

William said (November 5, 2017):

Readers just need to go to the last paragraph of this article and skip the rest. If serving the U.N. doesn't make one a globalist, I'm not sure what qualifies.

Peter said (November 5, 2017):

Despite the populist air of refreshment of that era, it was modernism and a change of the guard at best, or perhaps going off reservation in the semi-socialist experiment that had to happen at that time. It was probably the Khemlani Loan affair that did the trick, that bridge too far to non-Rothchild's and non post-WWII US Petro Dollar cental banking finance. I even wonder if that strange affair was not concocted to effect the changing of the guard (Jim Cairns was a bit of a Timothy Leary dude).

What we had was token anti-Americanism whilst engaged in a primarily American social 'revolution' (London Tavistock etc spawned though) . No mention of a Jewish problem or the attack on the USS Liberty in '67 or anything like that.

The 'It's time' media campaign for the '72 election was modern and supported by the Murdoch media. . viva La Revolutions. The advertising agency looks Jewish to me, Hansen-Rubensohn–McCann-Erickson it's director until 1974 was Rubensohn.

It seems like the elite, who make or break any governments under their domain, occasionally let the leash out a bit, perhaps to get social engineering information, and to break conservative politics and 'lifestyles', then regret it when their puppets begin to look like they gain the popular momentum and get too big for their boots which they do not really own (eg Trump). Then it's out with the new, and in with the old.

I am sure that if did any of the Australian leadership, he would find Illuminati families abounding and crossing over. (Whitlam's father was Australia's Crown Solicitor during the war years 1936-49. Brandis (Brandeis Jewish?) is the current one ). There appear to be no dual Israeli Citizens in the current dual citizenship distraction taking place currently in Australian politics, sorry, 'politics'.


Tony B said (November 4, 2017):

Does anyone need further proof that the CIA is not American in any real way but works directly for the Rothschild cabal out of the City of London?

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at