American patriots must recognize that a brazen Communist coup has taken place with the complicity of the ruling class who are globalist traitors. More than 75 million Americans have been disenfranchised.
This is only the beginning of the persecution they face. They must unite to fashion an effective response.
by Henry Makow PhD
Ninety seven per cent of Trump supporters want him to trigger the Insurrection Act and impose martial law, according to a poll. This is the only way to purge Communist traitors from the American body politic.
This is not going to happen. Trump will go quietly. There are over 400 million guns in private hands in the US and the majority are owned by patriots. The lingering prospect of martial law or any legal redress are simply ways of preventing patriots from using them.

Trump has the opportunity to play an historic role: save American democracy. Unfortunately he not equal to this task. He is part of the Masonic Jewish Tag Team. He will hand the ball off to the Communists. These are the indicators:
1. His support for mass vaccinations and failure to arrest Fauci and Bill Gates who openly boasts of staging the corona panic for power and profit.
3. Appointing Illuminati traitors like Bill Barr, Christopher Wray and Gina Haskell to key positions. He fired Barr for appearance's sake but did Barr's successor, Jeff Rosen, announce an investigation into vote fraud? No.

4. Trump never missed an opportunity to signal his true allegiance by making the downward prayer to Satan Illuminati (Masonic) hand sign. Like Hitler, Trump is false opposition.
5.Despite his criticism of China, the CPC has infiltrated US business, media and eduction under his watch.
6. Declared Antifa "domestic terrorists" but failed to arrest a single one. Antifa is sponsored by Democrats and George Soros.
7. Trump is an Illuminati Jew with a long history of involvement with the likes of Illuminati Jewish operatives like Roy Cohn and Jeffrey Epstein.
8. Despite being thrown under the bus by Bibi, he continues to be a hod carrier for Israel. He recently negotiated a peace deal between Israel and Morocco by betraying some Moroccan secessionists.

We are watching a reality show, a charade. Any faith we put in Trump will be betrayed.
Don't let Trump blind you to the danger we face.
Of course, I want to be wrong. I want Trump to rise to the occasion, but the odds are slim.
Makow Twitter Poll:
Will Donald Trump take a Fall and betray his more than 75 million supporters by conceding the election?
No, he's a patriot
Yes, he's a Zionist Jew
266 votes
"We kept track of events for both candidates in this year and the enthusiasm gap was shocking - President Trump entertained over 1.1 million event goers while Biden, even with Obama and some rock stars, entertained less than 2,000 people total at his events:
So when the election came, it was NO SURPRISE that President Trump set an all-time record for vote totals, blowing by Obama's record of 69 million in 2008, with over 74 million votes.
But based on all sorts of data and our own eyes, it is impossible that Biden beat President Trump in the election, especially with more than 81 million votes. This just didn't happen."
First Comment from Jim in Texas:
I agree with your article today (12-15-20) and my only request is if you could add that Trump was the only one that had the "LEGAL STANDING" to bring the Election Fraud before the Supreme Court and he Did Not do so.
What the Court would have done we do not know, but first you must try.
David C writes:
Trump is just another puppet politician, all of them are puppets for the same evil cabal. However, I believe Trump will be re-elected: Friday is December 18, the 45th day after the election, when the director of national intelligence will declare the election null and void. He just happened to be with Trump at the Army-Navy football game recently (hmm). It will be based on the "executive order" Trump made in 2018, stating that if the director of national intelligence determines there was foreign interference in the election, they can declare the election result nullified. Then governors then vote in January, one vote per state, with more republicans than democrats voting. (Mike King expands on this argument here.)
The 'left' (Antifa-BLM) will go crazy if the election is declared nullified on Friday, ruining the holidays for shoppers. BLM-Antifa will be out in force after that, perhaps beginning this weekend. They will be used to burn-loot-murder again, likely even worse than previously. Here in Portland, Antifa has an encampment (military style), protected by armed guards, and stockpiling weapons, as if they know what's going to happen (Soros knows!).
Peter said (December 16, 2020):
Wonderful editorial on trump! He is a controlled opposition, but let us be honest the Jews and the hard Bolsheviks (deep state) have been trying to destroy him before he even stepped into the White House.
Trump stood for the following:
1. Make peace with Russia. Remember JFK?
2. Build a wall to kepp not only Illegas, but MS-13 and Mexcian gangs out, Clinton's pedophilia operation on the southern border and Sleep agents from China, North Korea and Iran.
3. Bring jobs back from China. Hello Chinese Covid 19
4. He is a nationalist, not a globalist.
Unfortunately, Trump is very unethical and compromised.
He is all bark and no bite. He has no balls! Unlike JFK, a true patriot, Trump has done nothing for America but talk.
Persian Gulf War Veteran