Reader Thinks She Got Covid From the Test
January 28, 2021

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January 28, 2021
Dawn said (January 31, 2021):
I don’t doubt that Jennifer and the others did get sick from the covid test. I just had to take the swab up...waay up into the brain tissue region as pre-surgical protocol for a procedure I needed. Although it was quite uncomfortable, thank God I did not have any other bad symptoms like these poor people did. So sorry to hear of theirs and will pray for them to heal.
NC said (January 30, 2021):
I am a medical practitioner , from Durban south africa.I thought I will share this with you.
I have noticed a pattern with many patients who become ill very soon after getting their covid result and when it is positive
To cut a long story short, it looks like we are victims of mass hypnosis, and "positive" is some form of trigger word.
We are subject to mental strain over this all the time, from TV, social media, being locked down, not allowed to meet family, wearing masks, distancing, repeated spraying. We are
not allowed to stop thinking about this, People are convinced it is deadly, they believe if the catch it they will die, when they hear they are positive, they collapse.
Their immune systems must have been crashed prior to getting the news for then to deteriorate so quickly and so seriously.
Doug P said (January 29, 2021):
The most profound idea I ever got from one of my favorite books, Jaques Ellul "Propaganda...", is that the doctors or more easily indoctrinated than the average person outside their own area of expertise. I'm guessing that most doctors know about as much about viruses as I do - virtually nothing, other than subjective indoctrination. Furthermore there are lots of reasons to think this Germ theory is nonsense. It fits the needs of governments and corporations because an external threat always creates the need for protection. Nice to have an external threat threat that is in real terms, invisible, except a known flawed test. Being a professional is not about being curious, it's about being productive. Ask the wrong questions in a professional program and you can find yourself kicked out. I wondered if any engineers really believed WTC7 collapsed from fires, now I wonder if these docs, any of them, actually believe this nonsense.
Maureen said (January 29, 2021):
The "testimony" seems credible. However, the devil literally is in the details.
DS (29Jan 2021) and RM (29 Jan 2021) identified the "flies" in this testimony.
The supposedly "good guy doctor" used the usual Talmudic threat to "do what I say or else." That is, you must follow one of my 683 rules -- or be "cherem-ized."
The unquestioning belief in Robert Kennedy Jr. -- Mainstream Media's approved "Vaxxer" -- is an illustration of the confusion caused in the masses by mixing truth with lies (controlled opposition).
DS said (January 29, 2021):
I absolutely will never understand any person who acquiesces to a bullying doctor's demands. They are telling you all you need to know. She is an anti-vaxxer so that trumped that fact that she bullied her. She should have told her to F off and immediately left. She is part of the problem. I don't go to worthless doctors but if I did and one spoke to me like that I now have all the info I need. They are the services providers and you are the customer. If you are too stupid to understand that then I have a hard time feeling sorry for you.
RM said (January 29, 2021):
My question is, if Celeste Solum was once an employee of FEMA, and I believe she signed a NDA, why is she allowed to continue to spill the beans? Also, if you've seen one of her videos, you know the outcome; It's dystopic beyond belief. Never, does she offer any solutions, save the occasional nod to God and Jesus Christ. In essence, what's the point of these videos? I'm not bagging on you Henry, but she's one of the most prolific peddlers of doom porn on the internet. Just park the car in the garage, hook up the hose to the exhaust, roll down the windows and save yourself sixty-minutes of hopelessness.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Dave said (January 31, 2021):
Regarding the HCQ article.
HCQ and Ivermectin can be ordered by mail from online pharmacy websites in Mexico (and Canada for a little more money)
The reason HCQ works is that it is a ZINC IONOPHORE, a chemical that assists transporting zinc across a cell wall. Dr. Zev also recommends QUERCETIN (a bioflavinoid) that is also a zinc ionophore which is why they say "Quercetin + Zinc to prevent).
At the same time, an infected person should be taking colloidal silver 4 or 5 times a day. It seems that it stops the virus multiplying and gives the body a chance to get caught up in the fight. It must be really effective because the FCC jumped all over the TV fake preacher Jim Baker when he tried to promote it the first month Covid was discovered.
Also using the Hulda Clark zapper during the treatment seems it should help as well, as it destroys viri and bacteria electronically.It is not a rife device. It emits 30,000 Hz, 8 volts positive offset, square wave. Explanation in the Hulda Clark Book "Cure for all diseases, Cure for all cancers and Cure for Advanced Cancers, PDFs are free on the interent.
HCQ is an anti-parasite drug (malaria is a parasite)
Ivermectin is an anti-parasite drug
The Africans in Madagascar are using a wormwood (anti-parasitic) extract drink to fight covid
The Hulda Clark anti-parasite program (ground cloves, wormwood and black walnut extract) uses the Zapper to keep parasites away after doing the cleanse.
Covid - Are we REALLY dealing with a parasite ? Or a virus that hides inside a parasite, like Hulda Clark says happens??