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David Dees Was Clairvoyant

October 1, 2021

As a break from the gloom, I am featuring this delightful 12 min. profile of David Dees made by Jewish videographer Brad Abrahams.  It was made just three months before Dees' death and is an invaluable memorial to a great visionary.

Although Dees died May 31, 2020, at age 62, his art foretold the horrors we are experiencing today.   "I wanted everyone to know what I knew." Dees told Abrahams. "I wanted to wake people up."

Like many Jews, Brad can't understand the "antisemitic" elements in Dees work. He doesn't understand Dees was not referring to ordinary Jews who are not responsible for the machinations of Rothschild Cartel/Organized Jewry. Ordinary Jews are also its victims as we are seeing in the vaccine holocaust taking place in Israel today.

David Dees might appear kooky in some ways but I judge him by his art which expresses our reality better than any other.

"I'm a spiritual being in a body," he said. "This is just one of my incarnations." 

David Dees Was Clairvoyant

Excerpts from an Interview with Brad Abrahams, who made the 12 min documentary.

He seemed quite comfortable in front of the camera.

Yeah, I think he liked it. Interestingly, for a hermit, he's kind of vain--he was 67 or something, and he looks way younger. I asked him about that and he was like, 'Oh, it's 'cause I get plastic surgery, I got to LA and I get nips and tucks and my eyelids done.' I was like, 'What? You don't see anybody, ever, and yet you're going out every few years for expensive surgery?'

And were you aware if he knew he was terminally ill at that stage?

I had asked him if he smoked marijuana at some point, and he was like, 'Oh, I used to but I stopped because I sorta had a scare, I think I might've gotten cancer but don't worry about it, I cured myself. I looked up online how to cure cancer and I saw a YouTube video that said just drink a lot of baking soda every day.' So that's what he did. He had pretty early-stage skin cancer and he didn't do anything about it for years and when it got to stage 4, he realised he was probably dying and should seek medical attention. But it was way too late. There weren't any hints of it while we were there, at least.

Did you have any expectations of what he'd be like that proved to be wrong?

Totally. I didn't expect him to be so... He's very personable and charming and also pretty sweet. Me and my cinematographer were going there expecting it to be creepy and we'd want to get out of there as soon as we can. But most of the time he was just talking about how he loves animals and art, and it was only every so often he would pull himself into the darker conspiracy stuff.

monster-children-dees-1-of-2.jpg(left, Dees with his Scientology e-meter)

For you personally, what was the biggest challenge in trying to tell this story?

That was more in the editing phase when I had to strike that balance. The whole point--at least for me, making a film about someone who's on the margins--is to create a connection between them and the audience so you don't immediately dismiss them and judge them; instead, you try to understand the psyche. So there was that part of it, but then it's like I don't agree with pretty much anything he's saying, most of his art is awful and kind of disgusting in what it's portraying. It took me months of trying out different edits to find that balance. Also, there's the idea that maybe he has mental illness of some kind, and it's how overt do I put that idea in there?

And you mentioned that there was so much stuff you couldn't include, like Scientology and transgender content. What did you end up cutting that you would've loved to include?

Yeah, so part of the Scientology stuff was that he was best friends with L. Ron Hubbard's son, the founder of Scientology, and they would skateboard together in Los Angeles (laughs).

No way.

Yeah, in the 80s and 90s. So, David got pretty high up in the ranks of Scientology before he got sick. The fact that he got sick--because you know Scientology just keeps milking you of your money--meant that he couldn't afford it and didn't have the energy to do the studying, and that's why he fell out. But it was just too long to tell that story in a short film. And the second thing is it became really clear that he was obsessed with this idea that almost every person in Hollywood is transgender, starting from the 1950s. For example, he would say Elvis Presley is a woman and Marilyn Monroe is a man. And Arnold Schwarzenegger is actually a woman. Basically any celebrity I would bring up, he'd say, 'Oh no, that's definitely a woman or a man. As an artist, I'm trained in anatomy and I know certain things about features that are tells that you can't hide if you're transgender.'

Related- The Curious Murder of David Dees

Talks about Dees use of a Philipino faith healer, and speculates that his cancer was caused by electromagnetic rays. 

-----------Dees' Complete Oeuvre

------------- Dees Art Gallery 

Makow comment-  Brad Abrahams refers to a great deal of material he did not use. I would encourage him to make a much longer version of this documentary.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "David Dees Was Clairvoyant"

Doug P said (October 2, 2021):

really liked David Dee's art and respect him as an artist. He drew what everyone was thinking. As far as the vaccination agenda, I heard it was coming in 1992 - between 2020 and 2030, but didn't believe they could pull something like that off until I saw 9-11 and what people could be made to believe.

I'm no one special, and if I had heard about it, lots of others had, from the same idiotic but well placed source. You could also see it coming with the expanding standard vaccination schedule and by knowing how Big Pharma buys the vaxx mandates for little kids.

I was never expecting an actual experimental injection, only more and more vaccines for which you would have to take to trade or function in society. Some nerve, using an experimental injection and selling it as a vaccine.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at