The Vaccinated -- Smiling Soldiers Marching to their Death (Updated)
October 9, 2021

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October 9, 2021
Tony B said (October 10, 2021):
I have learned the hard way (at least for me it has been hard) that if you leave out the one Church created by God Himself (NOT the Novus Ordo), if you leave out the Virgin Mary, who has been commissioned to lead what is planned for this world, nothing will be accomplished in opposition to Satan. Worldly means are nothing against the supernatural. Nothing. ALL necessary grace comes through the Mother of God. ALL.
TB said (October 10, 2021):
The Kabbalists/ communists/zionists/central bankers have decided that the USA must be taken down.
At this point there is no end to their resolve.
They want our country destroyed.
It is the last hope of a return to Jesus whom they hate.
They control the banks and the money supply and the primary leadership of both the Catholic and Protestant churches through the Kabbalist/Masonic/ Zionist infiltration.
The only hope is real revival.
The people of the USA must turn from their wicked ways.
With Kabbalist Hollywood/media firmly in control of the aggregate USA and the world group think it will be difficult to stop their plan.
Real men who haven’t been feminized could and are trying to stop it. But the pansies in the pulpit are still promoting Zionism and the rapture. These pansies won’t tell the truth because they have been brainwashed by the Kabbalist Scofeld reference Bible promoted by Zionist Samuel Untermeyer 120 years ago.
It all boils down to a fight between good and evil.
The ancient Canaanite religions want their old world order back.
They used Trump and the Q movement to pacify the real Christians and patriots into believing that Trump wasn’t a Masonic filthy pervert with a Kabbalist witch daughter.
The USA without a direct intervention by God himself is done as we know it.
But why would God intervene? We have become Sodom and Gomorrah and A transgender country who sacrifices their children via abortion on the altars of Moloch and Baal.
What a mess!
Christine S said (May 27, 2021):
The most dangerous time was when we were all reasonably prosperous and having "fun". No reason to repent.
Spiritual Babylon is collapsing now. People can see it for the rotten, Satanic cess-pit that it is.
MIKE K said (May 26, 2021):
I'm going to non infected of wuflu.blood for the same price per ounce Gold is selling at.
Doug P said (May 26, 2021):
The Jews seem to do very well because they have buddied up with the ruler of this world, the devil. They have been tempted and tempt everyone else with earthly pleasure. They have more money and rise higher because they use political connections and are thus in debt to their friends and associates. They are part of a group where Christians are individuals. Christians are much more free. But things are not often as they seem and most Jews when you talk to them about all of this do not like it but go along to get along.
My point is not to be jealous of the Jew and many of them are secretly jealous of you. Also, this monster they have created will get hungrier and hungrier. While Christians may be first on the menu they will not be the last. My Christian point of view is that statutory religions, those who depend on clerics for their definition of good and evil must be replaced by a religion that has a clear definition of evil - exactly the opposite of those who are ruled by the devil wish for.
JG said (May 25, 2021):
The time has come for all the people who want to become believers to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior while there is still time.
Why in the world would anyone today want to put their trust in the ungodly worldly laws and cultures of today when eternal life that is incorruptible is being offered to you as a gift if we only believe in God's plan of salvation through his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.
As the world becomes more corrupted and wicked there is hope out there and that is in the Word of God, plain and simple. The world may change but God doesn't.
Robert K said (May 25, 2021):
Thank you for drawing attention to these amazing words, Henry. The message that God ("our Father", not our dictator) will take care of us materially is seldom quoted in so-called Christian churches. Most of these are themselves in pursuit of mammon, and accepted the bankers' model for society--slavery in the pursuit of money--long ago.
How far we are from the life God intended we should have is scarcely imaginable. Our susceptibility to domination by the group mind, as opposed to the voice of "the kingdom of God within", seems to be our fatal flaw. The smiling soldiers about to kill and be killed for nothing illustrate the point. Oh yeah, for our freedoms, right? It hasn't worked out very well.
The people who are torturing society today have been running things for a very long time. They are the authors of both the new normal and what people think of as the old normal.
Abdul said (May 25, 2021):
You wrote “The Pilot (God) has been locked out of the cockpit. The co-pilot Lucifer, a psychopath, is determined to crash the plane into a mountainâ€
No Henry, Satan has no power of his own, nor the elites have one, unless the Almighty lord God grants to them for a short time, and temporarily of course. You see humans become more corrupt than even people of time of Noah. So as God destroyed those corrupted folks with flood, he’s destroying current humans @ the hands of their ruling elites. The earth will be untouched but humans will be destroyed by fast majority of them. This is a gigantic, and Biblical calamity. The Judeo-Christianity ruined the concept of true God, although Islam is the only true religion with the unadulterated concept of true God, the Muslims are not guiding anyone, because of MSM lies. Read the Qur’an which is an update of the Gospel, just Gospel was an update of the Torah, and Muhammad is God’s (Allah in Arabic) last Messenger before world ends just as Moses, and Jesus were. Again read the Qur’an starting with chapter 3. Using your God given mind.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Greg said (October 11, 2021):
The article is beautiful and uplifting.
However I believe the reference to Luc Montagnier as an eminent virologist is misplaced. He was directly involved in an earlier and similar scam called AIDS.
A "syndrome" meaning a collection of symptoms caused by mainly by drug abuse by a relatively small portion of the population. NOT a VRUS that can affect the whole population. He and Gallo we competing for the big prize.
Kary Mullis and Duesberg were onto this As usual the media went with the money and people were scared out of their wits again. Drug companies had a quiet chuckle on the way to the bank.
All the same Luc was a well educated man and appears to have a touch of conscience of late.