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Lucifer Judaism's God? A Jewish Response

April 8, 2010

gottlieb-jews_praying_in_the_synagogue_on_yom_kippur.jpgDear Mr. Makow,
I was troubled by the claims raised by Mr Newman in his article entitled "Is Lucifer the God of Judaism?"
I immediately forwarded it to a respected and authoritative Jewish researcher.  

I am including his refutation to Mr. Newman's assertions below as I feel they offer all believers in Yeshua/Jesus a defense against erroneous claims as Newman's.  
Though I agree with Newman that Kabbalists as a whole do promote a destructive and immoral lifestyle both in Hollywood and Washington Politics especially, thankfully this is not the norm for the devout Jewish community in my experience.
Dear Daryl,

I hope that you are well.

I do not agree with the case, the arguments nor the conclusions of this author. In fact, I find his main points to be quite erroneous. I don't know what kind of Jewish people this person has gotten to know, but they are not mainstream Jewish people. What he writes about does not represent anything that is taught in Jewish yeshiva (religious schools) nor in our synagogues nor educational systems. Maybe he got to know someone who was a devil worshipper, but that would be one person, not my entire people. He is taking perhaps 1 person and drawing sweeping and rather bombastic conclusions from that one case. Let me debunk some of the myths that he writes about:

"The Jewish and Masonic religions both worship the same god." Daryl, with all due respect, this is an utterly ridiculous statement. Now, I have no doubt that masons worship Lucifer. But my relatives who go to synagogue do not worship Lucifer. The percentage of the worldwide Jewish population that are masons is minuscule. So I think Newman is making a very prejudicial and rather wild, unprovable statement.

In all of my years in Israel, I never met one Mason. Not one. The number of Masons in the only Jewish state is even tinier than minuscule. I know a number of rabbis in Israel, and not one is a mason. There is no mention of any such thing in any synagogue that I have ever been to, not in the USA and not in Israel. Are there Jews who are masons? Sure, but they do not, nor ever have, represented more than a tiny fraction of our people.

"In most Jewish synagogues, a bright burning flame represents their god." Again, Newman's statement is simply wrong. The flame is called the 'ner tamid'. It is symbolic of the menorah light that once shined 24/7 in the Temple in Jerusalem. Every synagogue has one in memory of that menorah that shined in the western plaza of the Temple. That's all it is. I have never heard or read of the explanation that Newman gives. He is simply believing an error.

"The Hebrew word for Lucifer is "Hillel" (Strong's Concordance  #H1966) meaning "bright light."--Not really. The Hebrew word for lucifer is 'shahar ben hillel', not 'hillel' by itself. And it is the Jewish people who instead of using such a name, were the first to refer to our enemy as 'satan' (literally 'our opposition'). 'Hillel' does not mean 'light'. It means 'to praise'. It is the word used in the scriptures many times over to mean 'to praise God'. The psalms used this word. Unless King David worshipped satan, it is the word that David used to described what he gave to God--'praise' [Hillel]. If anything, the combination name that Isaiah used to describe satan [shahar ben hillel] was a name that shows us what lucifer was like--"one who was once bright, but wanted praise." 

 "The Jews subtly suggest they know god's name and that it is secret knowledge that can only be had if you take up the Cabala. Masonry also uses this ploy to entice." Again, Mr Newman is propagating an untruth. No typical Jewish thought today claims to know God's real name. It has been lost throughout the ages. In fact, only the High Priest and his family ever knew God's name, and only ever said it once during the year, at Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement, cf. Leviticus 23). The Jewish world today does NOT claim, as Newman asserts, that God's name is secret knowledge that can be learned by kabbalistic study. Maybe 1 or 2 religious leaders today are teaching this. But again this does not represent 99.9% of Jewish religious belief or practice. It truly makes me wonder who in the world are 'these Jews' who Newman refers to?

Another point: when the bible says that Israel was to proclaim God's name, watch out for thinking this meant that God's name had to be said aloud. There is no historical record that this was ever the interpretation given to this commandment (cf. Numbers 6.24ff). In fact, history and philological study show us that the word for 'name' in Hebrew ('shem') also means 'reputation'. It still does in modern Hebrew, as well. Meaning: God may have been telling the people that if they walk in His ways and shine His light to the world, that this is how to proclaim His (name or reptuation). A man's name IS his reputation in the ancient world. Newman seems to have little concern for how history helps us understand how the biblical commands were interpreted by ancient Israel. That leads to poor biblical interpretation, which is what he seems to be propagating, in my opinion.

"Jewish prayers are conducted in Yiddish, a composite language far from the intended pronunciation of the original Hebrew (A.C. Hitchcock, "The Synagogue of Satan," 1). The prayers in modern synagogues are nothing more than disguised demonic invocations. They are hypnotic spells, similar to the Enochian language of the Church of Satan. Jews are invoking demons named adonai, elohim, el shaddai, et al in their rituals."--After this statement of Newman's, there is no need to go any further into his essay. It is utterly false to say that Jewish prayers are in Yiddish. They are 85% in Hebrew! And 15% in Aramaic, the language of the Jewish people from the Persian Empire (Daniel, Nehemiah and Ezra's language of prayer, as witnessed by parts of their biblical books being written in Aramaic).

 I am very fluent in the Jewish prayer book, the Siddur. I challenge Mr Newman to find one Yiddish prayer in it (outside of a very short one called 'The God of Abraham', which is uttered once weekly, only by women, and hardly has anything in it that is dangerous). There is not one prayer in the prayer book that is invoking any demons. That is so 'far out' as an accusation that I can only term this charge as anti-Semitic. No one with any hands-on knowledge of Jewish prayer would ever say this. In addition, el shaddai is the name that God told Abraham to call Him!! It could hardly be demonic, then.

"The true god AHAYAH"--I have no idea what Mr Newman is referring to here. With my PhD in Jewish history and my BA in Theology, I have never come across this name. Not in Christian writings, not in Jewish writings, either. This is not God's name by any historical texts that exist.

"While not all Jews actively practice Cabala, they all accept the highest Cabalistic name as their god--Yahweh (Jehovah.)" The first half of his sentence contains a half-truth: it is true, most Jews do not practice kabbalah. Let me qualify this even more--maybe 10% of the Jewish world has ever even read the kabbalah. Of that per centage, maybe 5% ever use anything in those writings in their life. Daryl, kabbalistic study does not engage the great, overwhelming majority of the Jewish world. So Newman's assertion is simply not founded in reality.

The most famous American Jewish professor of Religious Studies in the past 75 years, Saul Liebermann of the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York never allowed his many students to study the kabbala, saying that 'it's nonsense'. Like Rabbi Liebermann, most Jewish people believe the kabbala to indeed be nonsense. And you can't judge and make sweeping statements, like Newman does, judging and damning the other 95% of the Jewish people, because 5% believe something else. It would be like saying that all Christians are going to hell because of the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses. A small splinter group is no reason to judge the larger group. And yet this is exactly what Newman does, enforcing stereotypes about Jewish people from the Middle Ages that have led in history to things like the Crusades and many pogroms. I could give a long history lesson about that, but I trust you understand my gist.

Daryl, one last thing: Henry Ford was a blatant anti-Semite. And I totally disagree with his point. The Christian world needs to see the scriptures through Jewish lenses. After all, it is through the Jewish people that salvation has come to the world (do not the scriptures teach such?) Do not the scriptures also teach to love and respect the Jewish people, and to bless them? (cf. Psalm 122.6, Genesis 12.1-3, Zechariah 2.8, Romans 9-11). This is hardly what Newman is encouraging.

Newman also blasts 'Talmudism'.

My question to him would be: what is Talmudism? Is it studying the Talmud? If so (and I truly don't know what Mr Newman is referring to by this), contrast his statement with that of Dr Shmuel Safrai, the former head of the Talmud Department at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, who stated: "One cannot understand what Yeshua was teaching if one has no background in very basic Talmudic studies". Dr Safrai, who was a humble Jewish scholar who liked Christians, is telling us that the Talmud is a valuable collection of writings, if for nothing else, to better understand the world that Yeshua came from and some of his teachings. I'm happy to give you some examples of this if you'd like in a follow up e-mail. Throughout my 39 years of being a believer in Yeshua, I have found the Talmud to be a valuable source of historic and homiletic keys to understanding our Messiah. So I deeply disagree with Mr Newman, who probably has never even opened a volume of the Talmud [?]
Feel free to correspond with me about the above.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Lucifer Judaism's God? A Jewish Response"

Dan said (April 10, 2010):

I'm glad someone who knows what they're talking about weighed in to correct Newman's lazy scholarship.
There was so much half baked internet 'urban legend' in "Is Lucifer the God of Judaism?" that I didn't bother commenting on it. For instance, wrote:
"The Jewish name for god is represented by the tetragrammaton יהוה (YHVH) can be pronounced Yahweh or Jehovah....When dissected in the Hebrew, the true definition of Jehovah (Yah-Hovah) is revealed. "Yah" (#H3050) means "god". "Hovah" (#H1942) translates to "eagerly coveting, falling, desire, ruin, calamity, iniquity, mischief, naughtiness, noisome, perverse, very wickedness. Jehovah is synonymous with Baal:"

"Jehovah" is an incorrect pronunciation of YHVH by Masorete scribes who salvaged Hebrew from the status a dead language during the Middle Ages. Hebrew was the language of the temple priesthood, not the every day language of the people.
Intoning the Tetragrammaton was forbidden so Only the high priest could intone the name alone in the Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur. The full name was passed by oral tradition and presumably was lost when the entire Kohem priesthood was massacred by the Romans during the destruction of Herod's Temple in 70AD.
"Yahweh" was like intoning an anacronym - not the name of G-d. As I just explained "Jehovah" isn't even a correct pronunciation of the anacronym, but this error was picked up by Christian translators from the 7th - 11th century Masoretes texts.

Pike on the Freemasonic twist of Yahweh:
"The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is Yahweh REVERSED; for Satan is not a black god, but a negation of God. " - Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 102

Warren said (April 9, 2010):

I appreciated you posting this article. I found it most interesting especially the response on the Talmud. I remember having many discussions with many Muslims on who Jesus was to them? They would tell me he was a prophet sent by God, Of course being a Christian I would disagree and make my points on who Jesus is according to the Christian doctrine. So we both believe that Jesus existed, but come to two different conclusions on who Jesus is based on our two different beliefs systems. Now I read this guys response and he is saying "to better understand the world that Yeshua came from and some of his teachings" one would know this through study of the Talmud. He continues on that he is a believer of Yeshua and that he "found the Talmud to be a valuable source of historic and homiletic keys to understanding our Messiah". What Yeshua does he believe in? The Yeshua of the Talmud? Is this Yeshua that he believes in through the Talmud the Messiah? I would like to know what his definition of the Messiah is? And how does he know that the Yeshua of the Talmud is his Messiah? Are there prophecies indicating that his talmudic Messiah is Yeshua? I also wonder if the Yeshua of the talmud he believes in is the same Jesus of the Christian belief/doctrine? If it is he is the enemy of the Christian's Jesus!! I have read the foul and devilish things that are written in the Talmud against Jesus. This is a tricky game we play.

No real Jewish/Gentile/Jesus/Yeshua believer would have reverence or reference that book (The Talmud) if he truly read it and read what the Talmud says about Jesus/Yeshua the Christian God. He would burn those books. If he shows me his Talmud's I'll show him mine.

Robert said (April 9, 2010):

Hi Henry,

I enjoyed the exchange of today/yesterday.
I think it was good you chimed in to clarify
that you don't necessarily share the views
of those you post on your site. I also think
the fact that you allow them to post
shows wisdom -- because it sets a politically
incorrect example about engaging those
with whom one disagrees. It challenges
one to defend one's views, exposes one
to more ideas, and takes away legitimate
grievance from those who would otherwise
be silenced.

Hans said (April 9, 2010):

Dear Henry and all: I feel intrigued to reply to the first and second article regarding the "God" of the jewish Religion.

Gods name is given in the old Testament, it is Yahwe - a very important point as the Lords prayer points out - among other scriptures - how important the name is. The name is to be holy.

The fact, that anti-christian, Talmud believing Jews use and abuse the name in blasphemic, satanic magical practises (as the Talmud confirms itself), is no point against Bible-believers, as any name could be misused and desecreted - which says nothing on the owner of the name!

That "Daryl" asks a jewish scholar on "Guidance" and Understanding is utterly grotesque: Didn`t he read in the Bible that Jesus said: call no man Rabbi, for one is your teacher and you are all Students.
The Bible is the Word of God and needs no middlemen - rather on the Contrary: Jesus rebuked the Jews for following "man-made-traditions" - the teachings of corrupt, greedy, non-believers, of which many of jewish and non-jewish, worldly institutions of "Churches" consist. Then as today.

Asking a jewish, that is non-Christian, teacher on the Bible and its credibility, is like asking Bernie Madoff where to invest ones savings risk-free!

Let me quote: "teacher`Dr Shmuel Safrai, the former head of the Talmud Department at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, who stated: "One cannot understand what Yeshua was teaching if one has no background in very basic Talmudic studies". Dr Safrai, who was a humble Jewish scholar who liked Christians, is telling us that the Talmud is a valuable collection of writings, if for nothing else, to better understand the world that Yeshua came from and some of his teachings."

It doesn`t get more blasphemic than that. Didn`t he read that anyone is cursed by God, who adds or takes anything from the Bible?
Is this the Jesus, he is talking about, who was sentenced to death by Rabbis - and confirmed it himself: John 18.36 and to finish the myth that Judaism is based on the old Testament: 1.Thess. 2.14-16 "they killed the prophets"!

What does the Talmud say about Jesus Christ, the Son of God and our Saviour?
It confirms what Jesus said, that he was to be killed by Jews: Sanhedrin 43A: "On Passover Eve they hanged Jesus of Nazareth. He practiced sorcery, incited and led Israel astray...Was Jesus of Nazareth deserving of a search for an argument in his favor? He was an enticer and the Torah says, 'You shall not spare, nor shall you conceal him!"

"Blasphemy is an indictable offense only if it is mentally directed against God. If, however, one reviles the Divine Name, whilst mentally employing it to denote some other subject, he is not punished!" (Sanhedrin 65a-b) a clear violation of the 3rd Commandmend - and an other proof that the Talumd is anti-Christian, and more so - runs counter to the old Testament.

So according to the jewish Teacher Safrei, we should read an anti-biblical, Christ-hating book in order to understand the Christian Bible? Only a very wrenched mind could argue in favour of such a notion.

The difference, which can not be bridged, between Judaism and Christianity, is the fact that Christians accept Jeus as Son of God, and God himself (John 1.1) while Judaism rejects him. Therefore, Jews can not be the choosen ones, as Jesus declaired: I am the only way!
John 14.6 - that of course excludes anyone who has not actively made a committment to him!!! Who accepted him once the gospel was being preached to him, respectively the New Testament was accessable.

That is probably one of the reasons why Bibles (that is the old and the new Testament, of course) can not be purchased in Israel, and copies of the holy scriptures are even burned there!

Are Jews bad per se? No, it depends on the decision of every individual, what he believes, that goes for Jews and non-Jews, past and present.

Mike said (April 9, 2010):

"Throughout my 39 years of being a believer in Yeshua, I have found the Talmud to be a valuable source of historic and homiletic keys to understanding our Messiah."

UNBELIEVABLE !!! They actually pump out this -- pardon my French -- crap -- with a straight face. The Talmud says that Mary was a whore who had sex with the Romans and that Jesus (Jeshua to them) is in hell up to his ears in boiling excrement. Lucifer is the god of the Talmud and anyone who does not reject it serves that god. By the way, the Talmud is not a secret anymore. Anyone can research and find out what's in it, including other disgusting and satanic things like how they think it's OK for an adult jew to have sex with a three year old girl because her hymen will supposedly grow back. Lucifer definitely IS the god of the Talmudic jews. However, anyone, Jew or not, can repent and turn to Christ. What they cannot do is serve two masters.

Anthony said (April 9, 2010):

This coming from me, an insignificant Christian of Jewish extraction. I am immediately suspicious of anyone who calls themself a 'messianic jew' (mj). Is this title in wait for the true 'messiah' of cabala and judaism that is yet to come, or in honor of the 1 who has defeated sin and death and FALSE RELIGION, Jesus Christ.

The mj industry also smacks with exclusivity, which these people love, is highly overrated and is in total contradiction to the Gospel of Jesus (woman at the well, Peter's vision of the unclean, Paul's passion for 'gentile' souls). Even, they make us feel inferior when we use the name Jesus.

What the mj industry also does is to make the Gospel difficult to access with cumbersome and scholarly tales of the 'good old' religion, again a notion that Jesus came to completely obliterate!!

These mj people our almost cultic in and of themselves, salvation seems to become a convoluted, burdensome process again that is difficult for the average 'dumb arse' seeker to obtain..Exclusitivty-working for salvation-cultic-SATANIC? Just throwing ideas around here.

One last comment there was a recent 'new age/psychic fare' expo in the town where I live and guess who had set up a stall in this cesspool of luciferianism, in the guise of, we 'need to be talking about Yeshua where ever we can', or is it more related to the groups synergy with the occult. In my view followers of Jesus should be brandishing placards outside such venues not sipping decafs in the midst of it, why not attend a brothel and discuss things, hang on they may disturb business for the manager uncle...all I can say is remember Lot's wife?

David said (April 9, 2010):

In order to make any sense out of the King James Bible version of the Torah (Sorry, I do not read Hebrew) in comparison to archeology findings of the 20th Century, In my 77 years have come to the conclusion that there are at least several "gods" lumped under the term "God" in the Torah. I will seek to identify them only by their actions.

1. The Creator God ie, the Sentient Universe. Gen 1:1,25 Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient

2. The gods who created Man in their own image, male and female created he them. Gen 1:26,27, 5:1,2 These gods also wanted gold Gen. 2:11 & 12. And mankind to work the garden 2:15

3. The God of Laws who told Moses; Thou shalt not kill, steal, bear false witness, covet anything that is thy neighbors. Ex 20:13
This God was also able to sustain the Israelites with food and water in the desert for forty years. Why not indefinitely. Trees produce fruit in 3 to 7 years. Grapes and other food in 1 or 2 years.

4. The God of War of Joshua who proscribed genocide, murder, covetousness and theft against the remainder of Abraham's seed.
Who are Abram’s seed? Eight Sons
By Hagar, first born, Ishmael, who married a Canaanite wife, was blessed by God to be a great nation. Gen 17:20
By Sarah, 2nd born, Isaac who married a Chaldian wife, Rebekah.
By Keturah, Zimran,, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah. Gen 25:1.

In an attempt to identify who is speaking, Jesus said: "Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?" Matthew 7:16
"Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." Matthew 7:20

I believe this is also true of how we identify which "God" is speaking both in the Bible and to individuals.

For instance when GW Bush said that "God" told him to invade/bomb Iraq, was this a "God of Love" or a "God of War, Hatred, Greed for oil, and Division"?

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at