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Below - It's All a Charade! July 26 (scroll down)

Oscar Pic "Chicago" Celebrated Jewish Chicanery

July 26, 2024


"Don't shoot, I am alone," a husband pleads after his wife catches him in bed with two naked women in the movie Chicago. "Believe what I tell you, not what you see." 

Jewish Cabalism is based on the premise that truth is defined by their vanity, perversity, and self-interest. There is no objective Truth. They are GodIncreasingly, due to their dominance over news/ entertainment, our world reflects this Cabalist Jewish (Communist) solipsism.  Thus they are putting menstrual products in men's bathrooms.

Cabalism is Satanism and Satanism inverts truth and falsehood (as well as good and evil, beautiful and ugly, healthy and sick.)

The 2002 Best Picture Chicago was an inside joke where Jews celebrated their own chutzpah and chicanery over the dimwitted goyim. 

(From July 18, 2018)

By Henry Makow PhD

"Don't shoot, I am alone," a husband pleads with his wife after she catches him in bed with two naked women.

"But I can see two women," she objects.

"Don't believe what you see," he instructs her. "Believe what I tell you."

The wife shoots her husband in this scene from the 2002 movie musical "Chicago". But the show is dedicated to the cynical premise that the public is not so astute.

"Chicago" was written by the author of "Cabaret", Fred Ebb. Where the mantra of "Cabaret" is "money makes the world go round," the sequel proclaims power turns on deception, connections and media control.

It is significant that when many Americans suspected Zionists of doing 9-11, a movie that celebrates Jewish duplicity received 13 Oscar nominations and won "Best Picture" and six Oscars.

"Chicago" epitomizes the bogus Cabalist religion of secular humanism (Satanism) that morality and truth are man-made and relative, rather than Divine and absolute. This is the cause of our cultural and moral malaise.

It raises questions about the relationship of organized Jewry to the elite, and Jews to their own religion. According to Irving Kristol, Jews in America "proudly identify themselves as Jews but their religion, for the most part, is only Jewish in its externals. At the core, it is secular humanist." (The Future of American Jewry)


"Chicago" is set on Death Row in Chicago's Women's Jail, where women who killed cheating husbands brazenly proclaim, "He had it coming."

"Roxie Hart," wife of Amos, murdered her lover because he promised to advance her singing career but dumped her instead.


"Irish" lawyer Billy Flynn is the only person who can save Roxie's neck. He has never lost a case. Luckily, Flynn accepts a reduced fee from Roxie's devoted cuckold husband. 

Richard Gere, aged for this role and actually made to look Jewish, plays Flynn. By calling him"Irish" the play's creators pass off Jewish experience as the American experience.

Flynn's practice is to invent a crowd-pleasing story about his client and create media hysteria. There is an eerie scene where Flynn is a giant puppeteer controlling dozens of puppet-reporters. Another evocative scene shows him as a ventriloquist voicing Roxie Hart's words. (Imagine Hillary on his lap.) Finally, there are the winks and Masonic hand signals he gives the judge suggesting corruption.

Flynn tells Roxie: "You got nothing to worry about. It's all a circus, kid. A three-ring circus. This trial, the whole world all show business. But kid you're working with a star, the biggest!

Give 'em the old razzle-dazzle...
What if your hinges are all rusting?
What if, in fact, you're just disgusting?
Razzle dazzle 'em.
And they'll never catch wise!
How can they hear the truth above the roar?
Throw 'em a fake and a finagle
They'll never know you're just a bagel...
They let ya get away with murder..."

To drive home the point, another inmate, a devout Hungarian Catholic woman does not have the money or the "smarts" to hire Billy Flynn. We see her praying to Jesus Christ but Jesus does not help her. She goes to the gallows. We see her swing. We see them take her coffin away. The Christian is a loser.

 The Jury is out. The newspapers have printed two batches with headlines GUILTY and INNOCENT. The audience knows Roxie is guilty. She killed a man with a wife and five small children just because he had her without paying the price.

If Hollywood were doing what it should, Roxie would be found guilty. The world would be portrayed as a place where Billy Flynn's chicanery does not prevail, where you can't "get away with murder."

But Roxie is found innocent, of course. In Cabalism, this is the way the world works. Anything else would be preachy. But, isn't this preaching too? Doesn't religion create the world we live in? This movie preaches that moral corruption (Satanism) is trendy, fun and sexy.


Roxie Hart and her partner, Velma Kelly, another of Flynn's satisfied clients, take to the stage. "Thank you for your belief in our innocence," they say in the Finale. "You know, a lot of people have lost faith in America. And for what America stands for. But we are the living examples of what a wonderful country this is."

Brazen, n'est ce pas? It's as if, in their view, corruption and exploitation are what America is "great" for. 

It's both logical and frightening that the mass media is controlled by people who believe in creating a false and perverted reality. 

Is the world "a three-ring circus" because the Jewish God is Lucifer?


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for " Oscar Pic "Chicago" Celebrated Jewish Chicanery"

WILLIAM B said (July 18, 2018):

We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality – judiciously, as you will – we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.” (Ron Suskind, NYTimes Magazine, Oct. 17, 2004). Said by Karl Rove.

David S said (July 18, 2018):

Nice article: "Chicago."

Re: "We see her praying to Jesus Christ but Jesus does not help her. " (Maybe he did...)

I wonder if the powers that be (e.g., the Israeli 8200 program) leave you alone because in the world of cyberwarfare and control, your email activity acts as a honeypot in identifying people with certain opinions.

I am too old to care. I was a philosemite (e.g., I was an ardent ROFTER) that became a little red-pilled, that's all. I simply gave up my naivete--mainly because of the animosity that workplace Jews had for me--much to my shock.

I have no hatred of Jews. They need their ethnostate and so do Europeans--and so does everyone else, actually. If some really want to persecute me in the future for this reason (and I do not know that that is the case)--so be it. More Heaven for me. I have enough on my plate learning how to deal with the "persecution" for being a government whistleblower.

JJ said (December 6, 2016):

Even though I've never seen it, and don't plan to, everything is spot on, but I do take exception to this:
The God of the Old Testament is capricious, xenophobic and often barbaric. He demands human sacrifices and promises to slaughter Israel's enemies. He is sometimes mystical and good but often mysterious and unknowable.

That's what I used to think as a "baby Christian," early in my walk, but after growing in faith and the reading of God's word, especially the OT, the narrative becomes more clear. There are two forces at work, and God wants us to search and know Him above all; he grew tired of sacrifices early on. Satan created entire races of people that had to be destroyed. His own people turned against Him. His New Covenant seems a given, but it's a fulfillment of the old. Same God, always.

OK, but on the topic of the Hollywood narrative, another series from HBO summed it up so well that I had to stop watching it in the 3rd or 4th season, "Boardwalk Empire." The villain is a white male Christian fed who murders a Jew fed by drowning him while baptizing in the river while a black congregation watches. They later identify him as the culprit. The bootleggers and corrupt politicians are the good guys, except for one who is seen reading a copy of "The International Jew" Henry Ford magazine (played by Dabney Coleman).

I really liked some aspects of the show, but there's only so much I could take.

Below- Mark Glenn - Satanist Rabbis Control Israeli Leaders (scroll down)

July 26 - It's All a Charade, Folks

(Like schoolboys, they witness their treachery with secret handshakes.) 

Biden is supposedly in favor of a ceasefire and two-state solution which Satanyahu vehemently opposes. But it's all a charade folks. At the same time, he enables the genocide with munitions.

Look at Biden's hand. That's a classic Masonic thumb-on-knuckle handshake. No normal person shakes hands like that. They are all deep state. 

Just like the Secret Serices' collaboration with Trump in his little Moshiah stunt. Trump's fight with the Demonrats is about as real as his feud with Rosie O'Donnell. 

Please send links and comments to

Chronicling the collapse of civilization is a depressing task, but truth must be told. 

"They that hate you shall reign over you" (Leviticus 26:17).

"The 188th mitzvah is that we are commanded to wipe out -- from among all the descendants of Esav -- the descendants of Amalek..." -

Chief Chabad Rabbi of Russia & Putin's personal Rabbi, Berel Lazar: 

"Bibi Netanyahu was in Moscow four times this year. There are 10 flights every day, Moscow-Tel Aviv....a lot of business....Everything that's happening in Syria, it's fully coordinated between Israel & Russia."

It's all a charade folks.


You've heard the famous three shots that caused Trump to grab his ear and duck for cover.
There's a problem: Those three shots were fired AWAY from Trump. No bullets were ever fired at Trump.
Trump is not a conservative, he's just a straight up CON.
Video is a snippet of longer video courtesy of MaxResistance:


Not a Christian country anymore

Rabbi Levi Slonim of Chabad of Binghamton had the distinct honor of giving the opening prayer at the United States Congress by invitation of Congressman Marc Molinaro.

Illuminating Inconsistencies and Addressing Anomalies in the Trump Assassination Attempt


Depopulation in action: Reuters published a complete instruction on how to make $3 million worth of fentanyl for $3,600 at home.

Tucker Carlson Praises Noahide Laws: "They're Great!"

Red/Russian (aka Jewish) Mafiya

Starting in the 1970s and accelerating after the fall of the Soviet Union, thousands of these "Russian" thugs somehow were let into America with the greatest of ease. Robert Friedman wrote, "Thousands of hard-core criminals, many of them released from Soviet Gulags by the KGB, took advantage of their nominal Jewish status to swarm into the United States. The majority settled in Brighton Beach, where they quickly resumed their cruel criminal vocation. The understaffed and ill-equipped Immigration Service," Robert Friedman reveals, "seemed helpless to stop them."

Hundreds of former Soviet athletes and Special Forces veterans of the Afghanistan wars, including many retired KGB agents, swarmed into America. It is estimated that 500,000 to 750,000 Russian Jews came in. The FBI at the time called them far more lethal and dangerous than Italian Mafia ever were.


Blue Tooth Mac Address Phenomenon From COVID 19 Shots - Conversation with Dr. Pedro Chavez From COMUSAV. Truth, Science and Spirit Ep 30

In this episode, I speak with Dr. Pedro Chavez, President of COMUSAV from Mexico. Dr Chavez explains his research of the MAC address phenomenon in the COVID19 vaccinated and the unvaccinated who received PCR swabs. He also documented the emission of MAC addresses from grave sites of the injected. His findings were shown in the documentary Bluetruth available here:

Israeli woman dressed like the Statue of Liberty standing in fake blood near the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv, protesting the U.S. unconditional support of the genocide in Gaza, during Netanyahu's speech to the Congress. Many Israelis oppose their government policies, but like us, they are trapped. 

After months of denials, IDF finally admits responsibility for KILLING Israeli hostages on October 7

The IDF's gradual release of these stories seems aimed at mitigating the impact of their actions. Recently, Haaretz was permitted to publish a story acknowledging that Israel killed their own people under the "Hannibal Directive."

Watch this clip from Tel Aviv of a protest featuring thousands of Israelis calling for an immediate ceasefire with the release of all hostages, Netanyahu's ousting and new elections.


Anne Heche didn't die in the car crash. Video from Fox shows her trying to escape a zipped body bag.

1.50 min


Wife Of Never-Trumper (((Max Boot))) Caught Spying For South Korea

Despite Boot's relentless accusations of treason against Trump, it turns out his own wife might be involved in espionage. According to The New York Times, Terry, a respected foreign policy expert, has a taste for luxury, enjoying high-end fashion and fine dining.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "July 26 - It's All a Charade, Folks"

rh said (July 26, 2024):

"Starting in the 1970s and accelerating after the fall of the Soviet Union, thousands of these “Russian” thugs somehow were let into America with the greatest of ease. They typically used religious exemptions as cover."

From Winter Watch article Red/Russian (aka Jewish) Mafiya

I remember this happening and how the newspapers reported to us how these Russian Jews were persecuted in Russia just because they were Jews. This was during the '70s and '80s from what I remember. Most of us didn't hesitate to believe it, back then...we were told how the Russians were the bad guys since the early 1960s in elementary school. We were waiting for the bad USSR missiles to blow us any day. It was so over the top looking back now...but everyone fell into place. Yeah, there were bunkers built by citizens, nuclear missile silos built by the government, the moon launch was a race to the moon before the USSR would get there (we had to protect space from the bad USSR!), the DEW line protected us from missiles coming from the North Pole, the B-52 bombers were flying now and then overhead and we heard sonic booms on a regular basis (and they were loud!) We were told the USSR athletes won by cheating in the Olympics, too.

Let's not forget Moose and Squirrel cartoon characters battling Natasha Fatale and Boris Badenov. Fearless Leader was a character as well. We were being brainwashed as elementary children without much trouble on the B/W TV screen.

Duck and Cover was a bit passe in my area, just blow us up. We didn't know it then, but even the TV Star Trek Klingons were based upon the Russians in a cold war with the Federation.

So, with that background of mind warping, thinking a handful of Russian Jews coming to America to escape communism was plausible. They came first to America and then the truth follows decades later.

Most of the migration today is just for cheap labor, IMHO.

Like you say, "It's All a Charade, Folks"

Keep up the great work!

Below- July 25 - We are Being Frogmarched to the End Times (scroll down)

Mark Glenn - Satanist Rabbis Control Israeli Leaders

July 25, 2024

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"Israeli leaders take their 'cue' from the Rabbinical class, the real power brokers behind this anti-Gentile criminal conspiracy known as 'La Kosher Nostra' much as defenders of the Jewish State constantly paint it as a 'democracy', it ISN'T. It is a theocracy that...wears the outward appearance of being a western, liberal, secular entity, but which in reality--just as her name indicates--is the 'state' of the Jews where the spiritual/religious energy that animates 'Jews' and makes them what they are, their Judah-ism, functions as the operating system that animates and electrifies all functions on the hard drive of this 'Jewish State'."

Mark Glenn analyzes a speech by RABBI NACHMAN KAHANE, Meir Kahane's brother: "Whenever creatures such as Kahana have something to say that carries with it Apocalyptic undertones (such as the essay below) the world should sit up and take notice, given the fact that nutcases with the ability of incinerating all life on God's green earth.

"A laundry list of 'must-knows' contained herein that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to study and understand."

(Abridged by HENRYMAKOW.COM)

Rabbi Kanaha is not a prophet, a psychic, or a 'seer'. When he makes predictions such as those appearing below, including WWIII, intercontinental ballistic missiles hitting America 'within minutes' and making comparisons to the Gentile civilization today to Tower of Babel destroyed in the Bible, understand that these 'predictions' are based upon those discussions he has had with those in positions of power who possess the ability of bringing these things about.

Rabbi Nachman Kahana

"Ten years ago, I wrote in a whisper to 'prepare for the day'.

Five years ago, I wrote in a voice a few decibels higher to 'prepare for the day'.

Now my voice is hoarse from screaming, to 'prepare for the day', namely by 'SENDING YOUR SONS TO ISRAEL!' To yeshivot, universities, the army, to a kibbutz, or even to just relax on the beach in Tel Aviv. They will be indebted to you their whole lives.


China, Russia, Iran, Islamic Jihad. Millions of homeless refugees filling your streets and gardens; internal threats to peace and democracy by growing Arab and Moslem residents; economic uncertainty, etc. Each of these factors when taken alone and certainly in unison, will force democratic governments to upgrade their militaries, initially by increasing military conscription.

(The destruction of Christian civilization will bring the return of the "Messiah." - After Bibi, the Messiah will come.) 

Your sons, and later on also your daughters, might plan for a spring in Paris, but will find themselves in Marine boot camp on Paris Island, South Carolina, or other bases where Jews might not be very welcome.

As events continue to evolve on the international stage, the draft is inevitable....

Part B: The Day the World Began To Die

On Friday the 19th of July, the UN's International Court of Justice (?) delivered its advisory opinion with respect to the legal consequences arising from the 'policies and practices of Israel in Judea and Samaria, the Golan and East Yerushalayim'.

Their 'learned, objective' legal decision was that Israel's presence in Palestinian Arab territories is a violation of international law, and that therefore 'The State of Israel is under the obligation to bring an end to its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory as rapidly as possible', meaning that Israel must evacuate all of its settlers from the West Bank and East Jerusalem (soon to be a million people) and pay reparations to Palestinians for damages caused by the occupation.

The ICJ said Israel's 'policies and practices amount to annexation of large parts of the Occupied Palestinian Territory', which it said was against international law, adding that Israel was 'not entitled to sovereignty' over any part of the occupied territories.

Among its other delusional conclusions, the court said Israeli restrictions on Palestinian Arabs in the occupied territories constituted 'systemic discrimination based upon race, religion or ethnic origin'. It also said Israel had illegally exploited the Palestinian Arabs' natural resources and violated their right to self-determination.

The court also advised states to avoid any actions, including providing aid or assistance, that would maintain the current situation.

Our Prime Minister swiftly issued a blunt statement rejecting what the court had determined: 'The Jewish people are not occupiers in their own land - not in our eternal capital Jerusalem, nor in our ancestral heritage of Judea and Samaria' (the 'West Bank'). No decision of lies in The Hague will distort this historical truth, and similarly, the legality of Israeli settlements in all parts of our homeland cannot be disputed.'

No other country has yet to protest these decisions. The court's findings will now go to the UN General Assembly, which will decide how to respond.

(left, Shamir and Schneerson)

The court's findings and the silence of the world community are declarations of war against the omnipotent Creator. Rashi (Bereishiet 11) writes that the generation of the tower of Babel declared war on the Creator by seeking to terminate all connection with spirituality.

Today, the world in its silence, turned its back on the Torah (Bible) and on the fact that the Jewish people lived here and controlled the land for close to 1500 years before being exiled by the Romans. And never a day passed when the Jews did not pray for our return to Zion. And there was a continuous presence of Jews in the land for all the years of our exile.

On the day of July 19, 2024, the world began to lose its soul, and will soon pay for it with its body.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "Mark Glenn - Satanist Rabbis Control Israeli Leaders"

DP said (July 26, 2024):

The destruction of Christianity is the destruction of love and responsibility. It is the destruction of self, the creation of a human hive.

James said (July 26, 2024):

IMO, the United States, England, and Israel have become a demonic trinity from hell. Support for what the Israelis are doing in Palestine is all the proof I need to make such a statement.

Indeed, the United States is a country run by people who hate us; and that country, in turn, is a theocracy run by a religion that hates everyone.

We are witnessing the fulfillment of biblical prophecy: "They that hate you shall reign over you" (Leviticus 26:17).

It was also predicted that we would be under a "monied aristocracy" (Deuteronomy 28:43-44), and we have been since 1913. Our day of reckoning is fast approaching.

Below- Trump- Jewish Traitor Posing As Savior

July 25 - Our Frogmarch to the End Times

(See below, Scott Ritter's eloquent comments on Satanyahu's speech.) 

Talk about "self-fulfilling prophecy." 

They are following a script. The world is being destroyed by religious fanatics trying to realize Biblical prophecy.  Our life here on earth is a miracle gift from God. It is the Kingdom of Heaven. These Satanists are shitting in the punch bowl of life.

Rabbi Izer Z. Weisberg- "On Saturday July 13th in Butler Pennsylvania God almighty anointed President Donald Trump as the second and final non-Jewish Messiah in the history of mankind." 

This is the big picture. Fill in the details if you want. I am not a detail guy. I can't take most people seriously anymore. 

Reader-This is the most disturbing YouTube video I have ever listened to.

"My Messiah, Donald" - Video 44 - YouTube. Rabbi Isser Z Weisberg"----and all the Christian Zionists said: Amen"


The Right Ear Sign. Taking the Consecration of Aaron and Connecting it to the New Testament.

This video will take the story of Aaron's consecration and connect it to the story of Jesus by a sign. It's an important lesson for us today as we move forward toward end times.
Whitney Webb--They are going to use a world war to introduce a new monetary system
involving total surveillance. Mark of the Beast.

Norway, Latvia, Lithuania 

NATO States Embrace Conscription, Eyeing Future War with Russia

Deagel predicted US population decline by 70% by 2025

Deagel was an insider with connections to the Rockefellers and CIA

This strongly suggests that isn't just the work of one man, but is in fact the work of a U.S. Military Industrial Complex consisting of the CIA, the U.S. Department of Defense and the shady Rockefeller Foundation. Making its apocalyptic depopulation forecasts all the more concerning.

Scott Ritter addresses Netanyahu's speech at US Congress: Al Mayadeen Exclusive

"This isn't an honor given to Netanyahu by the US Congress, this is the US Congress obeying the commands of the man who leads the nation that owns the US Congress," commented Scott Ritter, former US Marine Corps intelligence officer, in an interview for Al Mayadeen on Netanyahu's speech at Congress.  

Ritter emphasized that "This isn't so much the US Congress inviting the Israeli Prime Minister to speak, but the Israeli prime minister calling in the duties and responsibilities of the Congress that Israel has bought and paid for over the years." He explained that every US presidential candidate "that was backed by the pro-Israeli lobby, AIPAC, won because of the money that was put on the table." 

Consequently, Scott Ritter argued, "This is the result, where a war criminal, a man who has been accused of genocide, who has arrest warrants being prepared for him by the International Court of Justice, a man who heads a state that has been defined legally as an apartheid state, carrying out an illegal and unjust occupation, and again, genocide of the Palestinian people, has demanded an audience to the Congress that he has bought and paid for."
End Times - A transvestite is carrying the Olympic torch in Paris 

Israel runs out of tanks and ammunition as economy plunges

The Jewish Mafia Became Murder, Inc. - Became The CIA

In a declassified, sanitized copy of a report by Joseph Clark from 1954, he details the Code Name for Murder, Inc., was the CIA.  At this point the communist Bolsheviks controlled the CIA. Per the report, the CIA mob then began to expand their mob activities across the globe infiltrating countries, assassinating government officials and blowing up trains, bridges, warehouses, etc... to gain control of entire swathes of countries.   Including the insertion of the Shah of Iran.

Scandal at Washington Post Involving Neocon Max Boot and his Accused Spy-Wife

musk-wilson (1).png
Elon Musk Was 'Tricked' Into Allowing 'Suicidal' Son Become Transgender: Meet Vivian Jenna Wilson
Vivian, born as Xavier, officially changed her name and gender in 2022.

When asked about gender dysphoria, the Tesla CEO said: "It's incredibly evil, and I agree with you that the people that are promoting this should go to prison."

A 2023 study by The Trevor Project found that nearly half (46 percent) of transgender and nonbinary youth in the US seriously considered suicide. This statistic underscores the challenges faced by this community.

The study also found that only 13 percent of transgender and nonbinary youth reported taking gender-affirming hormones and just 2 percent reported taking puberty blockers in 2023. Musk has expressed regret over allowing a child to begin puberty blockers, alleging he was pressured into the decision.

"I was tricked into doing this. It wasn't explained to me that puberty blockers are actually just sterilization drugs. I lost my son, essentially. They call it 'deadnaming' for a reason. The reason they call it 'deadnaming' is because your son is dead, so my son, Xavier, is dead, killed by the woke mind virus."

Hard times reveal who we really are. The agents of Evil are testing us. 


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

BELOW- Harris-Trump and the Masonic Jewish Left-Right Communist-Zionist Mind Vice (scroll down)

Trump - Jewish Traitor Posing as Savior

July 24, 2024

The Most Powerful POTUS Psyop In American History

"Unknown to the MAGA Movement and Patriot Movement, a Trump victory means one thing and one thing only: MIGA.  And, if Trump "Makes Israel Great Again" as he did during his first term, America's downfall is certain this time around."

Trump is being installed to lead the US into the third Masonic Jewish Zionist (Fascist) Vs Communist world war.

(live links are in the original)
Abridged by 

This exposé is long overdue...

Trump named himself the "Father of the Vaccine" and he oversaw Operation Warp Speed: The Covid injections were most dangerous and deadly bioweapons ever imposed on trusting citizenries around the globe.

Trump fanatically promoted the purposefully misnamed "China virus" which was actually the "Israel-UK-US virus". The COVID-19 bioweapon was also designed to produce multiple catastrophic outcomes as noted HERE.

Trump was responsible for the military deployment of the highly injurious 5G across the USA. He was completely oblivious to the many serious medical ailments and heath problems 5G is well known to cause.

Trump effectively abandoned the J6 protesters after luring them to the Capitol to demonstrate against the proven stolen 2020 election.

Trump continued to prosecute the Afghan War for no good reason, even dropping a MOAB on that war-torn nation, which was eventually followed by the Biden U.S. troop withdrawal fiasco.

Trump appointed his ultra-liberal daughter Ivanka and Zionist son-in-law Jared Kushner to important roles in White House where the dubious Chabad-Lubavitch agenda was clearly advanced at every turn.

Trump chose Christian Zionist Mike Pence as his VP running mate and dreadfully incompetent Jeff Sessions as Attorney General. He later appointed Bush lieutenant Bill Barr as AG.  Each of these turncoats stabbed him in the back as many other appointees have done.

Trump appointed Alexander Acosta as Secretary of Labor after he gave pedophile Jeffrey Epstein a corrupted plea deal to escape even the minimum prison sentence.

Trump appointed notorious warmongers John Bolton, Nikki Haley, Mike Pompeo, James Mattis, H. R. McMaster and other dangerous warhawks to key positions in his administration

Trump pushed the despicable prosecution of Julian Assange even after the Wikileaks were quite instrumental in his 2016 victory.

Trump tried to ban the TikTok app in the U.S. market at the request of Israel over false national security concerns.  The raw truth about the apartheid state of Israel was being posted all over TikTok as it is now.

Trump deceitfully encouraged Speaker Mike Johnson to provide more funding to the Ukraine genocide...even after saying he would shut down that war within 24 hours of his election as POTUS. Talk about talking out of both sides of his mouth!

Trump approved the moving of Israel's capital to Jerusalem thereby recognizing that stolen territory from the Palestinians as Israeli land. 

Trump impetuously ended the long-negotiated and highly significant Iran Nuclear Deal only to satisfy Israeli demands.

Trump arbitrarily imposed a highly discriminatory 'Muslim travel ban' for citizens of Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen for the sake of Israel.

Trump's primary public position on the Gaza genocide is that Israel should complete their murderous military mission and land theft much more quickly tan they are doing.

Trump always acts and speaks like the never-ending Palestinian Holocaust is essential to his "Make Israel Great Again" platform.

Trump assassinated the top general and Iranian military hero Qasem Soleimani who successfully eradicated ISIS. This was a very bad move that could translate to some instant karma for him at any time.

Trump unlawfully bombed Syria on false pretenses at the request of Israel, killing innocents and damaging targets identified by the US Intel Community.

Trump added a whopping $7.8 trillion to the national debt, more than any other POTUS in history. Certainly not the fiscal conservative he pretended to be; rather, a "tremendous" CON MAN.

Trump unlawfully recognized Israeli sovereignty over Golan Heights, territory stolen from Syria, on orders from Tel Aviv.

Trump systematically destroyed the U.S. trade relationship with China.  And he vows to continue that disastrous policy.  Trump is hellbent on making China our enemy just as Biden-Obama-Clinton made Russia our enemy.

Trump abandoned the people of Puerto Rico after the devastating Hurricane Maria causing untold pain and suffering to the poor residents of that hurricane-wracked island.

Trump has always promoted bigotry and racism against Muslims worldwide and Arab nations (on behalf of Israel).

Trump pushed environment-destroying fracking nationwide when there was no reason to do so.

Trump rolled back essential clean water protections. What's more important than clean water?!

Trump bombed Iraq oil fields and said he wanted US Troops to take their oil (again for Israel).

Trump was perfectly okay with the Jared Kushner security clearance scandal--an unprecedented disaster for maintaining any degree of security integrity within the US Intel Community.

Trump insisted that the U.S. military presence in Syria is 'only for the oil', most of which was transported to Israel.

Trump promised to "drain the swamp" of Washington lobbyists, corruptocrats and grifters. Instead, he put them in charge of health, safety, and environmental protections, among many other key positions.

(US politics is a reality show)

Trump promised to "LOCK HER UP" ... and then folded the day he was elected, even lauding the Clintons as "good people".

Trump signed various Executive Orders which were actually gun control measures in disguise including the banning of bump stock.  Trump has suggested ideas such as expanding background checks and raising the minimum age for purchasing firearms in direct violation of the Second Amendment.

Trump outright lied about his 'blood-dripping hand' after the staged, false-flag assassination attempt hoax in an effort to become an instant American hero and MAGA Movement martyr. See: Reposted by popular demand->TRUMP IS A TRAITOR!

Trump was reported by Bloomberg in July of 2024 to be considering Jamie Dimon, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of JPMorgan Chase & Larry Fink, Chairman and Chief Executive Office of BlackRock for for Treasury Secretary-two of the most dangerous NWO globalists on the planet (See: Larry Fink vs. Jamie Dimon: Donald Trump's Pick for US Treasury Secretary)

Please understand that this is a vastly truncated list of Donald Trump's gross betrayals, extreme failings, shocking incompetencies and serious abuses of high office.  Were the extent of his profound criminality and rampant corruption known, he would be a top candidate for Chairman of the World Economic Forum or Charter Member of the Committee of 300.

Exactly what type of corruption and criminality before he was ever elected?  As follows: See the original source for live links.

Trump controlled by KGB/Mossad - Part I
Trump controlled by KGB/MOSSAD - Part II
Trump controlled by KGB/MOSSAD - Part III
Trump controlled by the KGB/MOSSAD - Part IV
Trump controlled by the KGB/MOSSAD - Part V
Trump controlled by KGB/MOSSAD (Part VI)
Then there is this quite revealing series on the secret life of Donald Trump:

Donald J. Trump: The Secret Back Story (Part I)
Donald J. Trump: The Secret Back Story (Part II)
Donald J. Trump: The Secret Back Story (Part III)
Lastly, there is this little exposé on Trump:

Donald Trump is NOT who we thought he was

Next, take a close look at this Israeli coin with Donald J. Trump's signature on it (notice the two vaccine syringes in the cluster of graphics on the blade of the sword). (Reader-You are right about him. What really shocked me too, was this coin and what it shows what is happening and future happenings. Please look closer at the tip of the sword. I believe I see a representation of a Nuclear Explosion.")


If Donald Trump gets elected in 2024, there's only one reason for his installation into the Oval Office--ISRAEL WANTS HIM THERE.

In other words, now that the Democrat Party has abandoned the apartheid state of Israel, especially in view of the horrific Gaza genocide, Team Netanyahu has no choice but to show the American people that the U.S. Federal Government is a hardcore ZOG.

ZOG = Zionist Occupied Government
The Zionist State of Israel is now facing existential threats as never before.  Not only that, but if Kamala Harris becomes POTUS, Israel will face dangers somewhat alone from their Middle East enemies, both real and perceived. See: Kamala Harris to skip Netanyahu's address

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "Trump - Jewish Traitor Posing as Savior "

James said (July 25, 2024):

What the prophet Isaiah wrote thousands of years ago is just as relevant today as it was then: "every one is a hypocrite and an evildoer" (Isaiah 9:17). They're all liars.

Below- July 23 - Trump Will Fill Swamp With Jewish Bankers (scroll down)

Trump, Harris & the Masonic Jewish (Right-Left) Mind Vise

July 23, 2024


(On the left, Communist Jewish Gulag commandants in the USSR. On the right, Zionist Jewish pioneers at Kibbutz Gan Shmuel in 1921. Both are making the classic Masonic hand sign.) 
A pattern reminiscent of pre-war Germany has emerged in the US and Europe. There is an intensifying conflict between  Left" (globalism) and "Right," (nationalism)which are each backed by a Masonic Jewish faction, Communism, and Zionism. In fact, these two are one. Trump threw the election to Communist-Jewish controlled Biden.   This is how false opposition works.
"Chaim Weitzmann recounts in his autobiography Trial and Error (1949) that Jews in Russia in the early twentieth century were divided, sometimes within single families between revolutionary Communists and revolutionary Zionists. These divisions however were relative and changeable...Moreover some financiers...supported the two movements jointly. to make them the two ...pincers that would clutch Europe: Jacob Schiff...financed both Herzl and Lenin simultaneously.  Laurent Guyenot, From Yaweh to Zion,239 


Slightly updated from May 21, 2023 
By Henry Makow PhD
What is Donald Trump's place in the big picture? 
Trump is a Freemason and probably a crypto Jew. He is surrounded by Jews. The Masonic Jewish (Illuminati) goal is the reduction of the human race (goyim) to the status of domestic animals serving them. We see this emergent pattern in the gross disparities of wealth  in today's world. 


The Illuminati advance this agenda through mind control (mass media, education) and war. They can't subjugate humanity alone; they need the goyim to destroy each other.  
"War is revolutionary," insider Chaim Rakofski said. 
Thus, they have developed a tag team to promote war. On the one hand, we have the Communist Jews ("globalists") who attack the goyim by undermining their national, religious (moral), racial and family (gender) identity
On the other hand, are the Fascists, Nazis or Zionist ("nationalist") Jews, who seem to defend the goyim from this onslaught. Trump won the election by appealing to the latter demography. 
From a different angle, we have a conflict between philo-Semitic Masonic Jews (Communists) and "anti-Semitic" Masonic Jews (Fascists, Nazis, Zionists.) While claiming to defend Jews, Zionism uses anti-Semitism (and false flag terror) to coerce Jews into serving their megalomaniacal agenda. 
Similarly, they use false flag terror to herd the goyim. The genuine goy elite has been decimated in wars contrived by the Illuminati. The elite goy vestige (Freemasonry) has been co-opted with the promise of a share in the spoils. 
In  Zionism in the Age of the Dictators (1983), author Lenni Brenner claims that Zionists have always betrayed the Jewish masses, whose interests were defended by the Bolsheviks and their heirs, the Trotskyists. During the 1930s and 1940s, Zionism collaborated with the fascists and Nazis. (27-37)  
Zionism is not only about a Jewish state; it is about a Jewish world-order. The same applies to Communism: they use "social justice" as a ruse. The Jew World Order is achieved by pitting the goyim against each other. Most Jews are not aware of this. They would gladly assimilate but, like the goyim, they have been tricked into supporting Zionism or Communism. 
Arnold J. Toynbee was a propagandist for the Communist (globalist) faction.  He wrote, " There has also been the aim of converting the Gentile world to the worship of Yahweh under the aegis of a world-empire centred on Eretz Israel and ruled by 'the Lord's Anointed': a coming human king of Davidic lineage." (Reconsiderations, 1961, p. 486).
"The guilt - or merit - of having put Jesus to death is ascribed in the Talmud to the Jews, not to the Romans." (p. 481)  In other words, Cabalist (Masonic) Judaism is Satanic.
There are many signs that the Nazism was funded by Zionist Jews.  For example, Churchill said ex-German Chancellor (1930-1932) Heinrich Bruning  revealed  the identities of Hitler's backers in a 1937 letter:  'I didn't, and do not even today for understandable reasons, wish to reveal from October 1928, the two largest regular contributors to the Nazi Party were the general managers of two of the largest Berlin banks, both of Jewish faith and one of them the leader of Zionism in Germany." 
Barack Obama is a toady and lickspittle for George Soros and the Communist Jewish faction.  "Communist" Jews are in the forefront of the hysterical opposition to Donald Trump, threatening an ongoing campaign of civil disobedience and worse. Thus we have a situation similar to Weimar Germany where Communist and Nazis fought each other in the streets, and later Communists and homosexuals were rounded up. 
Apart from Trump's unequivocal support for Israel, many indications suggest he is in the Zionist camp. His "chief strategist" Steve Bannon was from, a probable Mossad front which defined Trump's anti-migrant, anti-Iran, anti-free trade and pro-Russia policy. See Makow "Have Americans Been NeoConned?"  
Uber Zionist Sheldon Adelson is reported to have promised Trump $100 million for his election campaign.


Then there are the dog whistles.  Trump's extremely effective final campaign commercial pictured Janet Yellin and implied that Trump would "drain the swamp" by attacking the Fed and Goldman Sachs.  An earlier ad attacking Clinton corruption featured a Star of David. Of course, he has done nothing but enhance Jewish power and left the Fed untouched.
The Commie Jew faction was quick to assert that Trump's ad represents "white supremacism."   (Indeed, any attempt to defend traditional America is equated with "hate.") 

Gov.-Ron-DeSantis-Legislation-Hatzalah.jpg(All US politicians owe their first loyalty to Organized Jewry)

All the European nationalist "far right" parties are lining up behind Zionism  while the globalist anti-Putin factions are in the Communist Jewish (Soros) camp.   The latter flooded Europe with Muslim migrants. Now thanks to Zionist false flag terror, Europeans are identifying with Israel.
Recently 70 nations beholden to the Communist Jew agenda held a meeting in Paris which held up hope for a two-nation solution to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. 
Netanyahu dismissed this as the last vestige of a dying era. "This conference belongs to yesterday's world. Tomorrow's world will be different -- and it is very near." 
What does "tomorrow's world" look like?  If present trends continue, the Northern hemisphere will be a pile of radioactive ruins. Putin, like Stalin, is a nationalist. I see Russia China and Iran facing the "Zionist" West. 
Communism is a monopoly of power, money and culture by the cabalist central bankers. This monopoly requires the dissolution of "all collective forces except our own." (Protocols of Zion, 16.4) As I said, these collective forces are race, religion, nation and family (gender.) Hence we have a conflict between Communism and Nationalism, which appears to be backed by Zionism. The question is, can we trust our defender? 
Trump has answered this question. Zionism can quickly pivot to embrace the goals of Communism (war)  because they are both cut from the same Masonic cloth and ultimately stand for the same thing. Masonic Jewish central bank tyranny. 
First Comment from James Perloff-
The artificial conflict you speak of, between communist Jews and nationalist Jews, reminds me very much of the home conflict during the Vietnam War.
 In that one, the hippies and yippies (I then counted myself among them) took to the streets in protests that often turned violent. But, just as today's protestors are funded by Soros, the hippies back then were unwittingly being funded by the Rockefellers (as just one example, I used to hawk Boston's most left-wing underground newspaper, THE REAL PAPER, and its publisher was David Rockefeller, Jr.). 
Likewise, the men in our government who got us into the Vietnam War (Rostow, Bundy, Acheson) were not anti-communists but CFR globalists in the mold of today's Neo-cons. They prolonged the war into a 14-year divisive mess, and turned us from a "Leave It to Beaver" culture into a Woodstock culture. I sense they may now be taking a cue from that Vietnam War playbook, and are seeking to create another national divide. These protestors committing violence over Trump's Tweets-why weren't they out protesting Bush and Obama for ruthlessly bombing Iraq, Libya and Syria? Phoney as a dollar bill with Soros's picture on it.





Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "Trump, Harris & the Masonic Jewish (Right-Left) Mind Vise"

Doug P said (February 1, 2024):

The only way to stop the circus is to stop buying tickets. Shut the whole shit show down by stopping the payment of income tax.

Communist Amerika- Where Patriots are Viilfied

June 17, 2024

blacklisted-cover.jpgBlacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies Paperback - November 24, 2009 by M. Stanton Evans (Author) 4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 676 ratings See all formats and editions 

Accused of creating a bogus Red Scare and smearing countless innocent victims in a five-year reign of terror, Senator Joseph McCarthy is universally remembered as a demagogue, a bully, and a liar. 

History has judged him such a loathsome figure that even today, a half century after his death, his name remains synonymous with witch hunts. 

But that conventional image is all wrong, as veteran journalist and author M. Stanton Evans reveals in this groundbreaking book. The long-awaited Blacklisted by History, based on six years of intensive research, dismantles the myths surrounding Joe McCarthy and his campaign to unmask Communists, Soviet agents, and flagrant loyalty risks working within the U.S. government. 

Evans's revelations completely overturn our understanding of McCarthy, McCarthyism, and the Cold War. Drawing on primary sources--including never-before-published government records and FBI files, as well as recent research gleaned from Soviet archives and intercepted transmissions between Moscow spymasters and their agents in the United States--Evans presents irrefutable evidence of a relentless Communist drive to penetrate our government, influence its policies, and steal its secrets. 

Most shocking of all, he shows that U.S. officials supposedly guarding against this danger not only let it happen but actively covered up the penetration. All of this was precisely as Joe McCarthy contended. Blacklisted by History shows, for instance, that the FBI knew as early as 1942 that J. Robert Oppenheimer, the director of the atomic bomb project, had been identified by Communist leaders as a party member; that high-level U.S. officials were warned that Alger Hiss was a Soviet spy almost a decade before the Hiss case became a public scandal; that a cabal of White House, Justice Department, and State Department officials lied about and covered up the Amerasia spy case; and that the State Department had been heavily penetrated by Communists and Soviet agents before McCarthy came on the scene.

mccarthy-meme.jpgEvans also shows that practically everything we've been told about McCarthy is false, including conventional treatment of the famous 1950 speech at Wheeling, West Virginia, that launched the McCarthy era ("I have here in my hand . . ."), the Senate hearings that casually dismissed his charges, the matter of leading McCarthy suspect Owen Lattimore, the Annie Lee Moss case, the Army-McCarthy hearings, and much more. In the end, Senator McCarthy was censured by his colleagues and condemned by the press and historians. 

But as Evans writes, "The real Joe McCarthy has vanished into the mists of fable and recycled error, so that it takes the equivalent of a dragnet search to find him." Blacklisted by History provides the first accurate account of what McCarthy did and, more broadly, what happened to America during the Cold War. It is a revealing exposé of the forces that distorted our national policy in that conflict and our understanding of its history since.

Below- June 5 - Rothschild's Third Masonic-Jewish World War is Starting (scroll down)

Tattoos Signal Satanic Possession in South Korea

June 5, 2024

One-third of Korea's adult population, 
or some 13 million people, 
have tattoos as of the end of 2022, 
according to data from the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

From a reader-

Hi Henry, I am a longtime reader, 41 male. I have been traveling in South Korea and I've noticed many young women have grotesque tattoos on their forearms and chest, even face tattoos! 

The young men are also heavy on tattoos and it seems 1 out of 5 have them. Particularly ugly tattoos that don't make any sense. 

One guy had in tiny layers "Satan" under his eye. Kid you not. The foreign women who are living here are often white with nose rings and tattoos and dressed provocatively. They definitely look like the modern feminist. 

Interestingly most young people are holding hands and in relationships as if it was the 1950s, but they are pushing baby strollers with Pomeranians or other small dogs. I got a haircut from a local Korean guy aged 29 who told me that Koreans have decided to be the last generation and will no longer have children. This is all so fucking bizarre.

I wanted to share this because I suspected they have been infiltrated by something related to all of this madness happening in the world. It's been very disturbing to see this and I grew up in a generation that was already messed up. 

South Koreans are known to work extremely hard. And long hours. To raise baby dogs in strollers for the next generation? Makes 0 sense. 

To specify the tattoo situation - it's all over the country but the area to see the most is near universities and city centers. Particularly they are western style, upside down crosses, guns; one guy had a man holding a gun with a ski mask on his wrist; a girl with what appears to be an angry demon on her throat; a man with a demon on the back of his head. You can't even make this up. And it has nothing to do with yakuza or organized crime, this is the NORM! 

Lastly, I went on a date with a Korean woman who told me she is disgusted by babies and children. She attends church every Sunday and is an ATHEIST! 

So what I see is this cancer of the West is spreading in eastern countries sadly, where they used to be known for being traditional and conservative. It's truly disgusting and tragic. 

I was reading that "Japanese are becoming more open with tattoos now" and in my opinion women in particular have no business sporting masculine tattoos across their body or any tattoos for that matter. It's just a sign of moral decay which is clearly in its infancy stages across Asia. 


First Comment from Alex- 

I am writing you now to confirm what your reader in Korea recently wrote. Things have gotten much, much worse since I wrote "the Illuminist Hand in South Korea" back in 2009. You see this with how much the cultural scene has degenerated here, how disrespectful the young have become, and how demoralized everyone and everything in general is. Young girls in middle and high school dress like absolute sluts. Though they still wear school uniforms, their hemlines go straight up to their crotch. A lot of boys here are porn addicts, thanks to access to smartphones and no supervision from their parents. The parents here just don't care. Disciplining children in schools has all but been banned for the past decade. 

Organized Jewry Controls Most Governments

April 14, 2024
