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The Hidden Knowledge of Heterosexuality

April 5, 2024


The essence of masculinity is power. The essence of femininity is love. Men want power; women want love.

Heterosexuality is an exchange of female power for male power expressed as love. 

The Illuminati is teaching women to seek power instead of love in order to neuter and destroy both sexes. 

"A man will not care about something that doesn't belong to him. He should find a woman who is prepared to belong to him, surrender power in exchange for love. The woman is the heart. The man is the head. A creature with two heads is a monster. "

Ladies!!  When you took the feminist poison, this is what you lost:  Most men are hardwired to give women pleasure. They are aroused by female arousal. 

By Henry Makow Ph.D.

I am grateful that I married a traditional woman.

I don't sacrifice any freedom for love. I am in charge. My wife is comfortable with that. I am twice as free as when I was single.

My wife is passive by nature. Passivity is the natural female principle. The marriage of active (male) and passive (female) is the basis of heterosexuality.

But it is heresy to say so.

Women are now actually ashamed to be homemakers. How did this happen? How did motherhood go from being honored to being stigmatized? This transformation is the trajectory of Illuminist subversion of America. The Illuminists prefer women to be corporate widgets rather than wives and mothers.
A woman needs a man to love her. The notion that she should be "independent" and career-oriented is absurd. As though pounding a mail route is superior to making a home and caring for loved ones. As if obeying a boss is somehow superior to assisting the man who pledged his love and devotion to her.

There is no greater blessing than a woman whose grace, beauty and love warms a home like sunshine. There is no greater gift than the nurturing love she gives husband and children. Only Satanists would try to sabotage and destroy this love.


The passive principle is the earth principle. The earth receives sunshine, water and seed and produces life. A woman receives a man's seed and performs the miracle of human birth.

A woman in love wants to recreate her husband in her children.

Bearing and nurturing the young is the essence of female psychology.  

They love (sacrifice themselves) and are loved in return.

A woman is not going to be loved permanently for her appearance or accomplishments. Love is not like that. We love the people who sacrifice for us.

Men also sacrifice by supporting their families and providing leadership. Happiness can only be found in self-sacrifice (love), not self-seeking. Human beings were designed to look after each other.

heterosexuality (1).jpg


The Male Principle is the God Principle- purpose, energy, form and direction.

Women want to look up to their husbands. They tend to seek men who are older and more successful. Why? They want their husband to be like their father was (or should have been), strong, capable, reliable, protective and nurturing.

More than anything, they are seeking emotional and physical security. They feel most secure when they feel possessed by a strong, loving man.

A man should prepare himself for this role. He should have a clear vision of what he wants to do with his life. If he is lost, he might ask God how he can serve Him. What was I born to do?

A man's first passion should be his work - the source of his power. In contrast, a woman was not designed to get meaning from a career. A real woman's primary career is her husband and family. A man's job is to enable her to make that sacrifice securely.Despite what feminists say, a man should never show weakness. The essence of masculinity is power. Women exchange power for love. When men do it, they become women. 

A man should know what role he wants his wife to play. A man usually chooses on the basis of sexual attraction. What else does he want? I appreciate my wife's reasonableness, intelligence, competence, and sense of humor. She has a graduate degree in Information technology. Think of the long haul. You spend 1% of your time having sex. You need someone who is easy to live with.

Most women were meant to be wives and mothers. A man should think about becoming a father and the responsibility this entails. He is not only providing for his offspring, but also teaching them to be good human beings. He is creating a new world, a family.

The man is the head; the woman is the heart.

Marriage is about dependence, not independence. It is about union, two people becoming one. For women, surrender of power is the essence of love. If a woman can't trust a man with her life, she doesn't love him and shouldn't marry him.


The heterosexual contract is this. The husband has the power and he does his best within reason to make his wife happy. A man cannot love a woman if he doesn't have the power to grant or deny her wishes.

But a man must keep his end of the contract, or the marriage is off. The same applies to a woman.

If she doesn't respect his leadership, he needs to dump her.


Nobody has a problem with treating women as equal to men. Feminism treats women as though they were men. It portrays heterosexuality as pathology and discriminates against men. Women are favored for jobs so they will have careers instead of children and men can't support their families.

Society is being sabotaged. 


Bella Dodd, a former leader of the American Communist Party revealed: "The bourgeois family as a social unit was to be made obsolete." The aim was to "create a new type of human being that would conform to the world they confidently expected to control."

"First You Get the Women, Then You've Got the Children, So Follow the Men" -Adolph Hitler, another member of the Illuminati


We can fight the New World Order by having strong male-led families.

After a couple of marital mishaps, I finally have a frictionless marriage. My wife and I complement each other. She doesn't compete, criticize, complain or try to control, the four C's. She tells me if something is wrong. I try to make her happy. She's part of me.

Because of her passive nature, I don't have to constantly anticipate and meet her expectations. Rather she allows me to propose. Usually, she assents. When she doesn't, we compromise. Her acquiescence empowers and completes me.

We disagree politically but that hasn't been a problem. I want her heart, not her head.

I love her. She commits the unpardonable crime. She loves a man.


Related- Politically Incorrect Advice for Young Men

-------------- Male Dominant Marriage

-------------- Young Men Giving Up on Marriage

First Comment by Jennifer:

In conjunction, the Illuminati has taught MEN to seek women who seek power and has destroyed men's will to be spiritual leaders in a family or distorted their compass to lead via the porn culture. 

Speaking from experience, as an international beauty, I've met and dated some of the richest men (including Trump) in the world and "nice" Christian farmers from SD and everything in between. I've had many marriage offers.

There are probably a few exceptions but in general - only super rich men can afford/want stay home traditional wives but they also want mistresses - a' la Trump. But at some point the rich men become old farts and just don't have the energy to have a wife and a mistress.  So they either divorce their wife and marry a young trophy wife or if they are divorced, they finally settle down and marry a "mistress" a'la Melania.

I'm Melania's age and met Donald Trump about the same time she did. Like her I had many choices- marry a stinky old gross rich man who probably wouldn't cheat /leave me as they are too old.  Or take my chances with a man my own age.  I chose the path of a traditional man my own age.  After being the good wife helping him climb the success ladder (Ivana) I discovered his mistresses and cocaine habit. (I know so many good women in my shoes) My X tells me today that I didn't drive him to cheat. I was the model good wife but he said the culture brainwashed him to not appreciate me and think he was a loser if he DID NOT have a mistress.  

Now the "nice" middle class Christian men I meet, my own age, expect/demand I work.  Only rich men can afford to support a wife and when a man is rich (or relative to the woman) he will choose a woman 20, 30 plus years younger then himself.

So a woman is stuck, if she wants a non-cheating traditional man she must marry a man 50 plus years of age when she is in her 20s-30s   Let me tell you something -its a spiritual and biological fact- No woman can truly Love a man that much older.  It is a calculated compromise for security, that kills a woman's soul, its not out of a natural hormonal oxytocin passionate love.    

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "The Hidden Knowledge of Heterosexuality"

AL said (April 6, 2024):

Saying women only want love is like saying only female dogs want love and male ones don't. Every living thing in the universe needs love from a dog to God Almighty.

The essence of masculinity is simply outgoing positive energy and the essence of femininity is incoming negative energy. Like a battery. It's just that simple. Men by nature must direct and instruct. Women by nature must follow. That's why women love it when you order food for them, even if they're a feminist. Also why why women despise nice guys(really bad guys) that never instruct them.

The heart has more neurons than the brain and everyone and everything needs love.

The man being the head is not that simple though because our brains are split in two. The man is the left rational hemisphere of the brain and the women is the hysterical right hemisphere;

[Genesis 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.]

The heart is the glue that keeps the man and woman together.

Al Thompson said (December 26, 2016):

The picture of the little boy being groomed by his mother reminds me of my childhood. Growing up in the late 40s and 50s was wonderful and full of good memories. I talk to men my age and we all think back and wish our children and grandchildren could have experienced a life like that. Life today is very evil and it takes some work to be able to separate from it.

I remember a lady was posting on a forum that when her husband comes home, she fixes him dinner and serves him a beer and she does it cheerfully. She washes the dishes and does the laundry without complaining about it. Some of the men on that forum were asking her to dump her husband and marry them. They were just joking with her, but the men were envious of her husband.

I read where the Roman Empire had forbidden divorce for about 600 years because they thought it was too destructive to society. Now, divorces are permitted and the sexual lives of the people are completely twisted. It isn't that difficult to fix and people should rethink the whole relationship between men and women. It should be put back into the more traditional role. At the very least, one parent needs to stay home with the children. The idea of constantly making money to buy more stuff gets in the way of living and enjoying life. In the 50s, I remember most of my friends' moms were at home and very few of them worked at a job. However, the Bolsheviks all over the world destroyed that way of life.

Al Thompson said (December 26, 2016):

The picture of the little boy being groomed by his mother reminds me of my childhood. Growing up in the late 40s and 50s was wonderful and full of good memories. I talk to men my age and we all think back and wish our children and grandchildren could have experienced a life like that. Life today is very evil and it takes some work to be able to separate from it.

I remember a lady was posting on a forum that when her husband comes home, she fixes him dinner and serves him a beer and she does it cheerfully. She washes the dishes and does the laundry without complaining about it. Some of the men on that forum were asking her to dump her husband and marry them. They were just joking with her, but the men were envious of her husband.

I read where the Roman Empire had forbidden divorce for about 600 years because they thought it was too destructive to society. Now, divorces are permitted and the sexual lives of the people are completely twisted. It isn't that difficult to fix and people should rethink the whole relationship between men and women. It should be put back into the more traditional role. At the very least, one parent needs to stay home with the children. The idea of constantly making money to buy more stuff gets in the way of living and enjoying life. In the 50s, I remember most of my friends' moms were at home and very few of them worked at a job. However, the Bolsheviks all over the world destroyed that way of life.

Tony said (May 29, 2012):

Henry, your latest is right on the money. Great!

The responder who wrote that men need to be men before any change can occur needs to understand that "modern" laws will not allow men to be men. Today's law practically allow women to be men. So if he wants men to change back to being men he needs to work for the laws to being changed back to being sane.

Victoria said (May 29, 2012):

t is my contention that even a strong woman will follow a man she admires anywhere; Katherine Hepburn with Spencer Tracy and Simone de Beauvoir with Jean Paul Sartre are but two examples of women who prove the point. In both cases, the men were secure enough in their masculinity that they obviously didn't feel threatened by women who most men would, inelegantly, describe as 'ball-busters'. Men are meant to lead and women, to follow but it's difficult to follow someone who doesn't have a clue where he is going.


Thanks Victoria

Sure the woman is responsible for marrying such a man,


JCW said (May 29, 2012):

Even though I agree with the principles of your argument. The only way humanity can turn this around is by a society that is balanced in its totality. Everything you state in this article is something that is naturally true, something that should happen without thought or planning.

Only with this mind set can the destruction of the family be turned around. When men are men because they do what is natural to them and women do what is natural to them as well without fear. Only then can humanity be saved.

The world we live in today is not conducive for the survival of the traditional based family as defined in your article. The present reality we live in today, is death, nihilist, and destructive.

Everything is out of balance. There is no equilibrium. Humanity is self destructing before our eyes. In the not too distant future, the survival of humanity will depend on what you have written, only out of a unconscious need to survive rather than psychological planning as to what we need to become, to make change, and become whole..

Ron said (May 10, 2009):

It takes a lot of reading of this article to see it as not having the mindset of "the man is superior to the woman". One sex is not superior to the other, we're just different. "The man is the head" does not mean that the man is the dictator of his servant, his wife; he may have the right to decide "okay, we're doing _____", but only after discussing it with his wife with her being seen as his equal. It's just a matter of husband and wife being who we're naturally made to be.

At least that's the way it should be.

The problem is that, for at least two generations, women have asserted their rights (and in some cases created rights) and refused the resultant responsibilities. The huge majority of women I meet see themselves as being superior to men, whether these women are single or married. Divorce is no longer a tragedy, but just another stage in life as they seek their own personal happiness. I would have to think hard to come up with any exceptions. Men are quite tired of this, because they're getting shafted. Women are actually tired of it too, saying that "there's no more good men out there." Of course there aren't; the good men are avoiding these women!

Christine said (May 9, 2009):

It may interest you to know that there are single women out here (like me) who have never married partly because we no longer trust men. And that means we no longer trust them to take care of us.

Due to the Communist-instigated divorce laws, it is now very easy for spouses to quit each other. Over the years, I've heard tragic stories of women abandoned by husbands and were too poor to get legal help and even alimony.

It's really difficult to summon up much interest in marriage when you are sitting in front of an ex-wife who is now living with her parents. While I don't like having to shift for myself, that's just the way it is.

Oh, and by the way: if you think running off to a convent is the answer, that's out, too. The Communists have infiltrated the convents so badly that they are now havens for sodomites, perverts, feminists (Communists), and witches. Yes, witches.

Don said (May 9, 2009):

Mr. Makow - Margaret, in her response to your article regarding the Male and Female Principle, writes - " As the child of a abusive father..." I would present that the shattering of the father/daughter/son bond is the engine which produces the resentment which Margaret [below] and countless other children now grownups use as their hatred motivation against the pillars of our civilization such as the family. When we see the feminist and homosexual movements we are really seeing a mass psychotic breakdown of culture, society, and nation due to the hatred/resentment of children toward their ( weak ) fathers. Thank you for your excellent work. Best to you,

Kathy said (May 9, 2009):

I love and enjoy your point of view......causing one to think beyond the tiny think tank that most people live and thrive in.......and especially....sadly....most Christians.

What people desire....yes even non what has been placed in us all (innate) by our Creator......a clear distinction of who we are (many are dissatisfied with that as well). But yet sin has convoluted it all and now there is confusion in the world and in, sadly, our churches.

We just celebrated 10 years of marriage and I stopped and thanked the Lord for it. I also asked Him if he would continue to be with us and be a part of our lives.......admitting that Im not always true to Him and His Word (I am nothing without Him....and even with Him I'm only what He allows me to be). What a privilege it is to be a part of God's life and we a part of His.

Tony said (May 9, 2009):

This latest is so necessary I intend to print it out and spread it around - and, unfortunately, make a lot of modern, young women mad as hell. But maybe it will help them come to their senses.

I will only add this: "From the beginning of time until the 1960s every word of the following was simply common knowledge because it is obvious truth to anyone whose mind is still capable of ordinary human thought."

Wolf said (May 8, 2009):

I really liked this article, a lot. I'm in the quasi-same boat as your first respondent, Mark. I'm a naturally active/aggressive alpha male and do seek and desire an earth mother. Mother of my children, much like MY MOTHER. What women don't realize is the power they have over a man when they use the earth-like feminine power to which he willingly submits because of its inherent beauty, grace and love. The tarot card STRENGTH represents this.

My mother was such a woman. She was the hub of our family, but wasn't the boss per se, my father was, but she was the engine, the lifeblood. When she died, so did the family - we all just gradually drifted away naturally. In my experience, the MOTHER is the all-important principle of the family which is why she must be protected and respected. The father is vitally important too, obviously, but his role is defined differently and is more of an enforcer/provider.

Pierre [below] refers to his wife like he's nothing more than a nanny and a sperm bank (and I guess he is). Not even a wallet which is one of the roles for males nowadays. What he thinks works I would guess does not (from an objective viewpoint) and is precarious. Its very possible when his wife gets too irritated and figures out she could have a younger stud, he may be out.

I've seen that happen before (not to me) and heard about it. Like she's rekindling her 20s and the pinheadery that went with those years. With a recession on this will dampen such thoughts but come a recovery he's definitely replaceable as a nanny could be hired and she can acquire her younger stud for "stud work" as it were. Pierre is in trouble, he is just too weak and feminized to see it.

Pierre talks about mishaps and such. Life is full of them and inequality is the design of nature that does not mean what YOU said is wrong, because you're right. He and his wife are the modern day anomalies and products of social-Marxism. It can't last just like I suspect his relationship with his wife won't, he's already presented us with a window to this with his wife's irritation at him and his marching orders for the day.......its only a matter of time sure as the sun rising and the tides coming in.

We as a civilization are in trouble due to decades of social engineering, however, now we know (thanks to many who have reconstructed the ideological criminal enterprises in our midsts) who the culprits and criminals are, who advances this and only need to decide and advance what can be done. The enemies of the family and civilization have been identified and are nearing or are at their epoch of power, some day soon they will be in trouble themselves and may no Divine Powers, ever, help them.

Margaret said (May 8, 2009):

have never read such conservative drivel since Rush Limbaugh handed in his 6th grade English essay. Your ideas are absolutely NUTS!

Also, I find it disturbing that you, as a member of the Jewish faith, would align yourself with conservatism. You may as well go and laud Adolf Hitler.

As a Christian, I am shocked and disgusted by your warped interpretation of Holy Writ.

As the child of an abusive father, I think your ideas about the family are total bullshit. You sound like a wifebeater and a child abuser in your tirades against the rightful and just cause of Feminism.

I cannot believe that someone with your education and background could believe and purvey such drivel.

Rachel said (May 8, 2009):

As always, you hit the nail on the head. I have spent the majority of my life struggling to define myself as a woman: knowing that there is so much more to life, but unable to throw off the yoke forced on me by this Illuminati Agenda.

My father left my mother and us when my brother and I were toddlers. He spent the next 16 years or so trying to punish my mother for not going out, getting a career and leaving my brother and I as latch-key kids. My mother spent most of our childhoods working odd jobs to support us, but she was ALWAYS there for us when we got home from school. She cooked, she cleaned, she sewed all of our clothes, she was PTA president at some point, she did Avon, Tupperware, you name it..all to make sure she was always there for her kids when we needed her.

She was (and still is) my idea of the perfect mom. Sadly, she has never remarried but maybe one day she will find the right guy that will allow her to be herself. Because of my father, I have always wanted someone the opposite of him: I wish in my heart that I could find a man that would allow me to be a housewife. Not because I am lazy or don't want to "work", but because I know how important it is to raise my children and be the best mother I can be.

Sadly, I ended up marrying someone just like my father: selfish, putting his needs first instead of his family. He would never consider supporting me or my son. He earns enough money, but I am sad to say that he has been too drawn into society and thinks that a woman's worth is how much income she can bring in.

I therefore am stuck at work and longing all day to be with my two children. It would be a dream come true to be a housewife/house-mom. I do not see in any way how that could possibly take away my "freedom" that I have now. What freedom do I have, anyway? To be forced to work 40+ hours a week, away from my two kids??

I am lucky in that I have my beloved mom, who is watching the kids while I work. But in my mind and heart, this is not what I want to do. I want to be at home: cooking, cleaning, sewing, gardening, watching the kids grow up. I wish I had a man that complemented me. I want a man that is strong, who loves his family, who loves his job, who understands his place and mine. Maybe one day..

Angie said (May 8, 2009):

I am a single woman who was raised in the traditional family model and have become very frustrated at what I find on the dating scene.

Every man I have dated so far only want three things in life, porn, video games and to be unemployed. In my opinion men today want women to go to work and bring home the paycheck so they can sit in front of a computer and watch porn or play video games 18 hours a day.

I become very angry when I hear the attitude people of today have towards porn, it's always "men are visual creatures, every man looks at porn". The way I see it is when a man loves a woman and either wants to marry her or already has he has no need for porn or strip clubs. She will be everything he needs to satisfy his "visual hunger". I will not accept a man who watches porn or goes to strip clubs. I will not tolerate a man who refuses to have a good job, meaning he isn't just working part time at McDonalds at the age of 40.

The younger generation worry me. I am in my late 30's and can see in the younger men a terrible attitude towards hard work and being successful in life. It seems to me that they no longer value finding good jobs and working toward the goal of supporting a wife. I love my career and will continue to work until I retire, but I would like to find that one man who shares the same views and values that I have. I hope that more men and women will wake up and see the deceite before it is too late.

Mark said (May 8, 2009):

Henry, since discovering your site I am starting to see what has happened to me over the years. At 46 years old I am only now discovering what as a man I was supposed to be doing as far as relationships and women go.

I always wondered about the goofy looks or eye rolls I consistently got from most women and why I couldn't stand being around the majority of them. It was the feminist agenda and the destruction of the family in action. I'm not picking on the ladies either as they have been severely compromised as well. Now I am understanding my addiction to pornography and my complete inability to have a real relationship with a woman even though that has always been one of my strongest desires.

I always wanted to "posess" a woman but thought it was a bad thing or not the way I should feel. I feel so ripped off and emasculated as a man.

Henry I can't put it into word's really. This has been an internal battle within me that has gone on for years and nearly drove me to suicide on more than one occasion. I have felt completely lost in life for 20 years. Thank you for helping me to see at least in part what happened to me. I fear a family is too late for me unfortunately as I have never discovered my occupation in life and I cannot support myself let alone a family.

I don't know if I will find a woman or not as my heart is pretty hard but at least now I know what happened and I can stop blaming myself for what has happened to me and no doubt countless other men.

Pierre said (May 8, 2009):

It is precisely because of "marital mishaps" that women strive to be independently secure for themselves and their children. Too many women have woken up one morning to find husbands gone with bills that need to be paid, leading to enormous hardship, heartbreak and tragedy.

My wife, in parallel to raising two children, runs an online web business from home which makes more than enough money for the family to survive should I no longer be there. She is a fiercely independent woman who needs no man to define the course of her life. I would not have it any other way.

As I sit here writing this comment, she has just irritated the hell out of me by informing me that it is my turn to feed the children and get them off to school. I dare not refuse! I would not have it any other way. The founding principles of our marriage are equal partnership and shared philosophy.

I do not feel diminished as a male because she does not need me. I do not feel diminished because I do not possess her. Quite the opposite. I am proud of her. The fact that she has chosen me for a life partner elevates me. Neither is she any less of a woman because she has no need to be possessed.

Our marriage works precisely BECAUSE of the equality. Not in spite of it. I refuse to categorise this partnership as an example of feminist dysfunction.

Your "esoteric" version of marriage only "worked" hundreds of years ago because of the economically and socially servile state of women. They had no choice but to fulfill the roles assigned to them. This did not mean they were necessarily happily married.

I salute and respect the happiness you have found. Your wife's naturally acquiescent persona is obviously the ingredient for success in your instance. However, not all women are naturally passive. And not all men need a passive yes-woman to feel good about life.

I am on the team, Henry. I resent the march towards hegemonic domination of this planet by the power elite just as much as you. But sometimes I feel you tilt at the wrong windmills.



My wife has a graduate degree and a career. I shop, cook and clean up after. I am not talking about rigid roles here. I am talking about masculinity and femininity.

And by possession, I don't mean her mind. She has only some interest in my writing. We don't agree on many things.


Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at