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Americans Duped by Jewish Press, Polish Ambassador Reported in 1939

September 30, 2014

(left, Ambassador Count Jerzy Potocki leaving the White House)

A secret 1939 report by the Polish Ambassador to Washington demonstrates how
Illuminati bankers used organized Jewry to bring America into the Second World War.

First, they brought Hitler to power; then they used the Jews to ensure Germany
was destroyed.

Apart from being very profitable, the Second World War advanced the Illuminati's satanic
"New World Order" agenda by
killing 60 million goyim and by destroying Europe and the 'old order.' 

"Besides this propaganda, a war psychosis is being artificially created... These groups of people who occupy the highest positions in the American government and want to pose as representatives of 'true Americanism' and 'defenders of democracy' are, in the last analysis, connected by unbreakable ties with international Jewry."   - Count Jerzy Potocki

by Mark Weber
President Roosevelt's Campaign To Incite War in Europe:
The Secret Polish Documents

(Excerpt by

On 9 February 1938, the Polish Ambassador in Washington, Count Jerzy Potocki, reported to the Foreign Minister in Warsaw on the Jewish role in making American foreign policy:

"The pressure of the Jews on President Roosevelt and on the State Department is becoming ever more powerful ...

judea_declares_war_on_germany_02.jpg("Judea declares war on Germany while 500,000 Jews live there)

... The Jews are right now the leaders in creating a war psychosis which would plunge the entire world into war and bring about general catastrophe. This mood is becoming more and more apparent.

In their definition of democratic states, the Jews have also created real chaos: they have mixed together the idea of democracy and communism and have above all raised the banner of burning hatred against Nazism.

This hatred has become a frenzy. It is propagated everywhere and by every means: in theaters, in the cinema, and in the press. The Germans are portrayed as a nation living under the arrogance of Hitler which wants to conquer the whole world and drown all of humanity in an ocean of blood.

In conversations with Jewish press representatives I have repeatedly come up against the inexorable and convinced view that war is inevitable. This international Jewry exploits every means of propaganda to oppose any tendency towards any kind of conciliation and understanding between nations. In this way, the conviction is growing steadily but surely in public opinion here that the Germans and their satellites, in the form of fascism, are enemies who must be subdued by the 'democratic world.'...."


Of all the documents in this collection, the most revealing is probably the secret report by [the Polish Ambassador to Washington] Count Jerzy Potocki on 12 January 1939 which dealt with the domestic situation in the United States. This report is given here in full:

"The feeling now prevailing in the United States is marked by a growing hatred of Fascism and, above all, of Chancellor Hitler and everything connected with Nazism. Propaganda is mostly in the hands of the Jews who control almost 100 percent radio, film, daily and periodical press. Although this propaganda is extremely coarse and presents Germany as black as possible -- above all religious persecution and concentration camps are exploited -- this propaganda is nevertheless extremely effective since the public here is completely ignorant and knows nothing of the situation in Europe.

NightmareBg.pngRight now most Americans regard Chancellor Hitler and Nazism as the greatest evil and greatest danger threatening the world. The situation here provides an excellent platform for public speakers of all kinds, for emigrants from Germany and Czechoslovakia who don't spare any words to incite the public here with every kind of slander. They praise American liberty which they contrast with the totalitarian states.

It is interesting to note that in this extremely well-planned campaign which is conducted above all against National Socialism, [the] Soviet Russia is almost completely excluded. If mentioned at all, it is only in a friendly manner and things are presented in such a way as if Soviet Russia were working with the bloc of democratic states. Thanks to the clever propaganda the sympathy of the American public is completely on the side of Red Spain.

Besides this propaganda, a war psychosis is being artificially created. The American people are told that peace in Europe is hanging only by a thread and that war is unavoidable. At the same time the American people are unequivocally told that in case of a world war, America must also take an active part in order to defend the slogans of freedom and democracy in the world.

President Roosevelt was the first to express hatred against Fascism. In doing so he was serving a double purpose: First, he wanted to divert the attention of the American people from domestic political problems, especially the problem of the struggle between capital and labor. Second, by creating a war psychosis and by spreading rumors about danger threatening Europe, he wanted to get the American people to accept an enormous armament program which exceeds the defense requirements of the United States.

3.pngRegarding the first point, it must be said that the internal situation on the labor market is steadily growing worse. The unemployed today already number twelve million. Federal and state expenditures are increasing daily. Only the huge sums, running into billions, which the treasury expends for emergency labor projects, are keeping a certain amount of peace in the country. Thus far there have only been the usual strikes and local unrest. But how long this kind of government aid can be kept up cannot be predicted. The excitement and indignation of public opinion, and the serious conflict between private enterprises and enormous trusts on the one hand, and with labor on the other, have made many enemies for Roosevelt and are causing him many sleepless nights.

As to point two, I can only say that President Roosevelt, as a clever political player and an expert of the American mentality, speedily steered public attention away from the domestic situation to fasten it on foreign policy. The way to achieve this was simple. One needed, on the one hand, to conjure up a war menace hanging over the world because of Chancellor Hitler, and, on the other hand, to create a specter by babbling about an attack of the totalitarian states against the United States. The Munich pact came to President Roosevelt as a godsend. He portrayed it as a capitulation of France and England to bellicose German militarism. As people say here: Hitler compelled Chamberlain at pistol-point. Hence, France and England had no choice and had to conclude a shameful peace.

Franklin-D-Roosevelt--Bernard-Baruch.jpg(left, Rothschild agent Bernard Baruch & FDR)

The prevalent hatred against everything which is in any way connected with German Nazism is further kindled by the brutal policy against the Jews in Germany and by the émigré problem. In this action, various Jewish intellectuals participated: for instance, Bernard Baruch; the Governor of New York State, Lehman; the newly appointed judge of the Supreme Court, Felix Frankfurter; Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau; and others who are personal friends of President Roosevelt. They want the President to become the champion of human rights, freedom of religion and speech, and the man who in the future will punish trouble-makers. These groups of people who occupy the highest positions in the American government and want to pose as representatives of 'true Americanism' and 'defenders of democracy' are, in the last analysis, connected by unbreakable ties with international Jewry.

For this Jewish international, which above all is concerned with the interests of its race, to portray the President of the United States as the 'idealist' champion on human rights was a very clever move. In this manner they have created a dangerous hotbed for hatred and hostility in this hemisphere and divided the world into two hostile camps.

The entire issue is worked out in a masterly manner. Roosevelt has been given the foundation for activating American foreign policy, and simultaneously has been procuring enormous military stocks for the coming war, for which the Jews are striving very consciously. With regard to domestic policy, it is very convenient to divert public attention from anti-Semitism, which is constantly growing in the United States, by talking about the necessity of defending religion and individual liberty against the onslaught of Fascism.

Makow Comment- Remind you of 2003? "The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservative intellectuals, most of them Jewish, who are pushing President Bush to change the course of history." Remind you of Ukraine 2014?

First Comment from John:

Mark Weber at the IHR has done more responsible work on Germany and WW2 than maybe anyone else I've read. This article here is no exception and is possibly the best condensed summary of America's role in the Illuminati's plan to unite democracy with communism on the battlefield.

The media first creates the "boogeyman", Hitler, then manufactures the bogus intel on his nation, and then with their power in the high places of their foreign host nations like America, England, Russia, and France begin to force under pressure through media propaganda and this bogus intel these heads of states to act by declaring war on the Illuminati's enemy, Germany.

End result; 60 million Russians, Asians, Jews, and Europeans dead and the forming of Modern Day Israel as a nation which would be the headquarters for the New World Order in their quest for hegemony over the world.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Americans Duped by Jewish Press, Polish Ambassador Reported in 1939 "

Dan said (October 1, 2014):

Count Potoski was basically assuring the Polish government they could depend on American intervention in the event of war with Germany. That could have only been good news to the Polish military in 1938.

After WWI Poland demanded and got large concessions in the Treay of Versaille. They wanted most of Prussia, but settled for a large swath cutting off West Prussia and most importantly, the sea port of Danzig on the Baltic coast. The League of Nations declared Danzig "free", but gave Poland control of railways, roads, even the postal system.

It also helps to know that the Polish army was more powerful that Germany's until 1934. During the weakest years of the Weimar republic Poland's diplomacy reflected that. They'd been aggressive against both Germany and Russia when both were collapsed.

Here's the point. In 1938 Poland had reason to fear the rearmament of Germany, but in 1936 they refused to take Reichsmarks for their transit fees, threatening to effectively stop import/export flow from the Danzig port to Germany.

Now, in October 1938 Germany offered to recognize Polish sovereignty over much of West Prussia in return for railroad corridors connecting the goods between Danzig and Germany. Despite the fact that the Weimar Republic had rejected such an offer from Poland after the war, Poland stalled - while the Polish General Staff secretly prepared for war.

In this context, that's why it struck me that Count Potocki's report intended to reassure the Polish government that the United States was preparing to deal with Hitler. Keep in mind that in 1938, Britain's Prime Minister was Neville Chamberlain, whose policy was "appeasement".

If history had gone differently and Count Potocki reported that President Huey Long intended to keep the U.S. out another European war, I suspect Poland would been appeasement too.

Another important time frame to consider is that the German-Soviet 'Non-aggression Pact' was made on August 23, 1939 - less than one month before Germany and the Soviet invaded Poland.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at