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Wife's Infidelity is Blessing in Disguise

December 3, 2014


When his wife told him about her affair,
Eric Carver thought his life would fall apart.
Instead, it became an opportunity to reach
a better place.


My wife pulled the "I love you but I'm not in love with you" bullshit three months ago... she then left our home, and is currently f**king another man, and it seems, had at the very least carried out an emotional affair w/ him online for a six month minimum prior to confessing and leaving. 

There are many more heinous details.  My poor daughter's life has been rocked... she's only seven and in Grade Two. Over and over, I ask my wife (soon to be ex) how she could be so absolutely selfish. She's thought about no one but herself and "finding my happiness in life" as she says...

One thing is certain. We need to begin working at the judicial level to change the laws. Women like my wife should be punished harshly. Infidelity and abandonment should be a felony offense. But as the laws are currently written, ill probably end up PAYING her a ridiculous sum each month. For what?!?!

Dec 1:

Thank you for keeping me in mind my friend. It actually means a lot to me to know that someone so far away is actually thinking about how I am doing.

To answer your question, I am coping just fine. While at the onset of this entire ordeal I thought that my world was ending and I felt as if I might die, through a lot of steadfast prayer, I managed to turn the situation into a positive for myself.

I actually lost almost 40 pounds; I grew a beard and I look better and more masculine than I have in a very very long time. Women have noticed and have responded very well.

Although I did plead at first with my wife to come to her senses and do the right thing for our family's sake, she did not respond positively and just became more blatant with her affair.

band.jpgIn turn, I poured my energy into my music and I began playing with several bands getting paid to do it, and meeting women in the process.

I started dating and I also focused on being a good father to my daughter the three-and-a-half days a week that I see her. Ironically enough I have met a very wonderful woman four years older than myself -- a single mother -- and she sees eye-to-eye with me on all of the things that my wife disliked.

 Specifically my wife did not like my research and what she considered my obsession with conspiracy theories, Satanism, the Illuminati, our governments and the shadow government, and so on. My girlfriend, however, is in tune and very aware and it is like a match made in heaven in that regard.

Of course now my wife is aware that another woman has my attention. She is now trying to make nice with me. However I am quite skeptical but I am not sure what I should do. Yes we do have a child and I feel a moral obligation... however, once a cheat always a cheat... you see my point Henry?

The new woman, whose name is Molly, has a lot of promise as a great stepmother, and in her philosophy and outlook on life. I believe that she and I could be very happy together without having to fake it...

So my friend as you might guess I feel a little mixed up right now. Not sure what to do. But I can tell you one thing:  I never thought that I could feel the feelings that I am feeling right now-- ever again-- but I am and it is so wonderful.

On top of the fact that we formed a solid intellectual and emotional connection, I happen to think that she is quite beautiful!

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Wife's Infidelity is Blessing in Disguise "

Chetsy said (December 4, 2014):

Sorry to be so simplistic, but two wrongs don't make a right. I believe marriage is sacred and so is forever. If the wife is coming around, then good. Try to reconcile. But a tit for tat is not the answer. Molly should not be part of the picture. I agree with whoever said that the daughter will remember how fast her mom was replaced. Focus on being the best Eric, father, musician, husband(?) he can be. That's what God wants as Jesus made plain.

Dan Abshear said (December 4, 2014):

Same with pharmaceutical sales. They hire the hot girls as sales reps. Why should the doctor focus on therapeutic options and benefits when you want to lay the girl pitching such benefits to you?

Anon said (December 4, 2014):

I have to wonder if the reason the wife left was because he was, as he admitted, forty pounds overweight. Did he get lazy? He must have. But that does not excuse the wife's affair. If she was mature, she should have told him her issues and they could have ironed it out like mature people. Instead she went and had an affair and broke the marriage vows. Perhaps now with his future relationships, he won't let himself go.

I will say that he is lucky he gets to see his daughter three days a week. Some men do not get that. He should cherish what time he has with his little girl.

But ever since he lost the weight and received attention from other women, the wife has become jealous because it means the husband is getting over her and women hate it when men live better after women have attempted to crush their spirits. Tom Leykis is correct that the best revenge is to live better.

So should he take her back for the sake of the marriage? What would be the point? He lucked out since he gets to see his daughter three days a week. He should cut his losses, take that deal and continue on with dating other women.

She broke the rules first, she deserves no marriage security. If he really thinks he can get his wife back and 'win her heart back', he is clueless and deserves whatever alimony, divorce court raping she tries to deal out if she ever tries to take him for more money.

Women only get away with crap like this when men put up with it due to lack of testicular fortitude and those rosey coloured sunglasses they see their wives through. You know, the ones they should have thrown on the ground and smashed to bits when their wives stepped out on them? When men stop trying to project logic onto women's sudden and unpredictable behaviours, they will learn a lot about the opposite sex and they will learn a lot quicker.

Feminists hate what Nietzsche said about women for only one reason. It's accuracy.

David H said (December 4, 2014):

Eric Carver's wife. You mention Satan a lot. Am I correct in presuming you worship God? I believe when a family follows the teachings of Jesus then the chances of this sort of thing happening aren't quite as likely. And while I'm on that I can honestly say that if I was Eric I would want to cut her lover's pecker clean off his body for ruining my family like that. But you're supposed to love your enemy.

Thanks David

re. worshiping God- like you I try

worship = obey


Bill S said (December 3, 2014):

Thank you for sharing Eric Carver's story with your readers. he is absolutely right. "No fault" divorce is a ridiculous miscarriage of justice. It needs to be scrapped and overhauled - along with alimony, child support and custody laws.

I commend Eric on losing 40 lbs, getting out of the house and performing his music. Also, for his dedication to his daughter as a responsible and loving father. I would encourage him to pursue the relationship with Molly. This door to love and happiness has opened and he should walk thru it.

I am continually amazed by other men who advise him to "deny himself and pick up his cross" of martyrdom - for the sake of women and children. This is chivalry. Yes, consider the affect of his actions on his daughter, but gosh - what about him?

He IS separated permanently from his soon to be ex-wife. She has moved on - he has too. Don't let guilt and shame trips deter you Eric. Do what YOU think is right. God bless you and best wishes for your future happiness.


Dan replies:

I saw 'Bill's' comment, "He IS separated permanently from his soon to be ex-wife. She has moved on - he has too. Don't let guilt and shame trips deter you Eric. Do what YOU think is right. God bless you and best wishes for your future happiness."

He just doesn't get it, does he? He doesn't understand the legalities. Soon as the wife's lawyer tells the judge the guy's been screwing another women before their divorced he can forget custody - plus the court will downgrade his status from from husband & dad to ATM machine till 2025.

Jim W said (December 3, 2014):

As one who has gone through a similar situation I can really relate to what Eric going through.

I can understand the good feelings he gets from his girlfriend. After being rejected so terribly his bruised ego relishes the affirmation and admiration. It feels good to have someone like you and want to be with you.

However, as the other commenters advised, it would be best for Eric's daughter if she had at least one parent who wasn't involved in a relationship. Right now, she needs one hundred percent of her dad and he can't give that to her if his attention is divided.

Also, the little girl doesn't need to get attached to dad's new girlfriend only to have her leave because it didn't work out.

If Eric and his girlfriend do end up getting married I would venture a guess that as soon as a baby comes along that Molly will be less of a stepmother to his daughter and more of a mother to the new baby. Molly will always see his daughter as "the other woman's kid". Whether or not she can be "great stepmother" remains to be seen and there is no guarantee that she will.

I don't mean this as a slam to his girlfriend. She sounds like a wonderful person but I've seen this scenario played out time and again and it never ends well. Everyone thinks they're the exception but they're not.

I would encourage Eric to keep pursuing his hobby and to concentrate his energy toward his daughter. If he does, I can guarantee him this; he won't regret it.

Dan said (December 3, 2014):

Even with only his side of the story, his wife pretty well burned the bridge by writing down "I love you but I'm not in love with you" - and then proceeding to flaunt an affair. Once a woman says those precise words, it's over.

It doesn't help that most girls are a confused mess due to the new normal that finding myself, finding 'happiness' is a sacred holy vocation.

So here's my feedback for your reader. Not advice, just an assessment of what to expect.

First, while the wife was absolutely wrong to have an affair and worse to flaunt it, he got into his own extramarital affair before securing a divorce. That's not going to help you in family court.

Your first priority has to focus on a divorce, with the single minded goals getting full custody if possible, and with minimum divorce settlement. Only then will you be clear to be intimately involved with another woman.

If you haven't had sleepovers with Molly - don't start. If you've been intimate, take a cold shower till after the divorce is finished.
Otherwise you're wife will get whatever custody arrangements she wants, plus you'll be shelling settlements and child support for the next eleven years. If Molly is really serious, she'll put up with chastity for the duration, or whatever your lawyer advises.

I have to add something you may not want to hear. How do you think your seven year old daughter felt when you replaced her mother so quickly? During this time you really need to be thinking of minimizing the confusion and damage that's already interrupting her life. I'm just saying - keep it wholesome and strictly Platonic until the divorce is final. And if you have been having extramarital sex, cut it out, and don't ever tell your daughter. These are the kinds of episodes in little girls live's that turn them into lesbian feminists when they get older.

Dan Abshear said (December 3, 2014):

I'm happy this man found happiness after the betrayal and deception he faced from his former life partner.

The laws continue to favor women in intimate matters such as this. It is as if feminism has infiltrated our judicial system completely. The Violence Against Women Act is a good example.

KS said (December 3, 2014):

The first lesson of divorce is this. Don't ever get married again.

The second lesson is harder for us to learn but no less true. A man does not need a woman in his life to be fulfilled.

W. C. Fields said, "Women are like elephants. Nice to look at but you wouldn't want to own one". (Or be owned by one, which would be more the case in this world.)

Greg said (December 3, 2014):

I have exchanged God's love for eros and koinonia.

It works. Another thing I had to look at is sex. The woman I live with and I have not been intimate going on seven years. For me it is bliss. You have talked at length regarding the slaying of that beast and how it makes a man free to pursue his purest intentions. I have found that promise to be so. What happens when the sexual bond is broken is that sexual worship and the worship of women falls away. A man is able to keep his eye on his spiritual life. So I can attest that everything you have said about that is true.

So I live with a woman. I have love for her but am not in love with her. She knows that I can leave at anytime. We are both financially set and do not need each other in that way. Not having a sexual or romantic bond is an advantage for me and keeps feminism in check. Therapists are calling this the brother-sister marriage in today's world. That is ok. Feminists created it, we men, we real men, have learned how to solution it. It is a relatively new phenomenon and it took us a while to figure it out, but we are not of low intelligence, as feminists like to portray us in TV commercials.

My advice to Eric:

Don't Mary Molly. Focus on your daughter.

Make and keep your own money.

Do not let anybody stand in the way of your musical bliss.

Women want two things: Money and the center of attention. It is their nature. Give them neither.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at