Unanswered Questions: The Quebec Mosque Terrorist Attack
February 1, 2017

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February 1, 2017
Yvon said (February 2, 2017):
As a nationalist Quebecker, white male, who feels quite ashamed of 2 mass murdered that have happened in Quebec in the past 30 years, both aimed at innocents persons, I think that we are attacked by islamic propaganda forces alined with the Liberal party. Those are fake islamic forces typical of a Mossad operation aimed at transfering a conflict toward another futur jewish territory. A tactic that makes all government pay for jewish expansion and gain the destroyed territory assets at bargain price to repopulate with their own mixture race of the month !
The author of the first massacre, Marc Lepine, who killed 16 young womens for the reason it was wrong to persue career as engineers, made all of us white male look like mysogenic retards in opposition with women educating themselves.
NOT exactly a feeling i have heard or felt from any of my fellow French speaking citizens.
As it was revealed, Marc Lepine was raised by an Arab father and had another name prior to the mass murder.
Feb 1 article about the Quebec mosque being a more than one shooter Attack is perfectly in line with the continuous discreditation of french speaking white male.
By using young apparently frustrated white male, it marks the collective consciousness so strongly that i feel guilty and unworthy because of the actions of those higly brain washed individuals.
The first purpose of such propaganda attack is to discredit a whole group by constantly creating events that makes them look bad. Our politiciens, our publicity, all of the Quebec propaganda machine is aimed at extinguishing that particular group.
Such discredited white males are rejected by the system and for the first time in Canada’s history earns less on average then the preceding generation.
As conséquences of the Quebec mosque Attack, and the previous discreditation mass muder, the islamist ( who have been working that one for a long time ) are legitimate to commit terrorist Attack within Quebec. Probably towards a Young white male group.
Such attacks will be supported by gays and women, as a legitimate punishment for those deranged murderer that we all look to be now.
You have read it here, Bomb explodes at .... hockey Arena !
Sid Green said (February 2, 2017):
Because of people like Tony B (below) the Illuminati has everyone who would be awake fooled
I studied Islam in a UNIVERSITY. There is nothing like that in the Koran.
A statement such as his, there is no logical basis for an opinion like that. This is simply an example of someone who does not care at all what the real truth is. He has definitely not read the Koran. I am not Muslim. This ignorance angers me
GO TO SCHOOL (to Tony)
P.S. not that I am a big supporter of the school system, but it's good when BARE BONES BASICS are lacking.
In this case for Islam, has the person commenting read the Koran. No. In this case, school actually IS useful.
and I thought nobody was retarded enough to make it useful
Cecil said (February 2, 2017):
Henry: While the terrorist attack is a tragedy, it does NOT address the issue---ON PURPOSE.
While violence is a concern, the prime reason we don't want non-Whites and Muslims is because we have the right to have our own countries.
The West, including Canada and America, is not and never was intended to be, a place for "all races and nations". To claim that it is, or was, is a direct attack on the identity, legitimacy, and existence of the Western people.
This talk about “oppressed minorities†dissimulates the very real disenfranchisement of the White majority, and serves to deny us from our rights to public empathy, to dignity, or to even basically survive in a world of our own.
Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White countries for Everyone IS White Genocide.
They are coming to conquer. That they use passive means — moving in, demanding society adjust to them, and reproducing until they can vote themselves into power — does not matter, nor does it matter that they do not consciously intend these things. Their presence, whether they mean it or not, amounts to an invasion.
White Genocide: is a crime, not a 'policy option'. Jail for Justin!!!
Tony B said (February 1, 2017):
It is becoming ever more obvious, thus impossible to ignore, that those who want to rule the whole world openly see their only viable enemy as the white man. We see it in the insane engineered and paid for movement of non whites into all white nations but absolutely no reverse movement.
We see in every white country so invaded different levels of violence. Obviously that violence did not exist before the invasions of so-called "refugees," etc. yet, in every instance, the violence is officially blamed on the native white population.
It is also NEVER pointed out that the Koran advises, just as it is the regular tactic of talmudism, that Muslims be very cooperative with "infidels" when in the minority but to crush them, murder them, once they have the power. This is not just the M.O. of "radical Muslims," it is a part of the Muslim religion, admittedly not followed by most Muslims, but as seen on a daily basis in Syria for over the last five years. "Radical Muslims" might more honestly be called "literal Muslims" who follow its creator exactly.
So which is the violent side, the native citizens or the new invaders who refuse to assimilate into the existing societal customs but insist on those they invade changing and following theirs, especially their religion which the white man generally finds to be a false one? The "west" already lives under such talmudic subjugation and transformation of Christian civilization to the talmudic chaos of self interest above all. Is this present invasion the next step?
Regardless, this is obviously an agenda to get rid of the white man's opposition to imposed oriental despotism.
All Islamophobia and Muslim migration originates with the Zionists. Anti Muslim terror is designed to win sympathy for Muslims so more can immigrate.
K said (February 1, 2017):
This shows his face book page which was taken down. A neighbour stated that the twins dressed the same; almost impossible to tell one from another; and they only had one car that they drove together. Thus there may have been an evil twin in this equation. They shared the same apartment together so we really don’t know who was who do we? This becomes a very confusing issue that needs to be explored as why did the patsy phone the cops later to meet him where they found what
may have been a gun in the car and nothing else that was material in this shooting event? Something is wrong with what we are being told as those that knew the patsy were shocked as he was not the one they had known before in life.
Peter said (February 1, 2017):
The Quebec Shootings: Might well be a set-up. The press in Canada has been heavily laying the groundwork over the past couple of months to convince the people of the threat posed by a supposed right-wing vigilante (Quebec-first) group called 'Le Meute' which, if it exists at all, was most likely the brainchild of the RCMP or CSIS and a few hot-heads that they were able to get to join up.
Let's wait to see if they try to pin this on 'Le Meute' or some similar group. If they do then it was most likely a pretense for claiming that there needs to be even more 'surveillance' of groups, chat rooms, conservatives, the PQ, Christians, gun owners, etc.
In fact, just the other day one of the new federal cabinet ministers said that he would be convening a new working group to look at reforming Canada's gun laws yet again.
Robert K said (February 1, 2017):
Early reports were that the man in the Mosque went low when the shooting began, then that four were shot trying (presumably in succession) to disarm the (pipsqueak) gunman, then that they were (treacherously) shot in the back, now that most wounds were to the abdomen. The flow of fake news never stops.
By the way, I saw a photo of the outside wall of the mosque that announced that it had 24-hour video surveillance. I have seen no mention of this in news reports. Have the police alluded to it? How the surveillance cameras were arrayed would be of great interest, but maybe, like the Pentagon cameras apparently on 9/11, they weren't working at the critical time....
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Sikander said (February 3, 2017):
Regarding some of the comments on “Unanswered Questions: The Quebec Mosque Terrorist Attackâ€, people deliberately or unknowingly mistranslate or misinterpret the Quran and Islamic History to promote Islamaphobia as pointed out by Sid Green. We have also seen the same deliberate misinformation techniques against Christianity with the production of the Scofield Bible and infiltration of the priesthood by people whose job is to misguide the flock. And then, to make these false interpretations appear genuine, we even have situation actors with posters acting as pied-pipers. Regarding Tony B’s comment, it is again an out-of-context misinterpretation of the Quran created to fit a particular meme.