(If you seek care, they might kill you.)
Jim Stone's source told him, "The Agenda is Genocide"
"This doctor stated that the goal was to "simply kill everyone off" by threatening them with a virus they made that is not that bad and then killing them by other means once they enter the medical system.
Obviously if you go in for any sort of medical care, be well aware of the fact they might kill you right then and there so make damn good and sure you have to. What else can I say? That's the reality we are up against now. "
by Jim Stone
THIS IS BAD FOLKS. We got ALL the details.
First of all, if you take ANY of the alternative cures for COVID, you will be denied insurance coverage.
If you take the chlorine dioxide, quina, ivermectin, hydroxychloriquine, zinc or anything else to help you overcome Covid that is not their vax or one of their other hell expensive cures, you will be denied health insurance. This is already (about to be the case) in Mexico and it is going to be global.
On the back side of this, this doctor has stated that they are indeed intentionally killing people that comply with whatever rules are necessary to get health insurance, and nothing can be done to stop it because the corruption is too complete.
This doctor has stated that they have already started killing large numbers of people (a far greater number than even the newspapers are publishing) which makes sense, because now, in my immediate circle of association there are additional people (now 5) that are already "dead from covid" who died as soon as they went to the hospital when they had no Covid symptoms at all.
The last one went in for pain in the left kidney; they gave him a shot, he died within an hour and they called it a COVID death. These five people are not the ones I reported before (scorpion sting, broken arm, etc resulting in immediate death and Covid diagnosis,) these people are IMMEDIATELY known in the immediate circle and not "someone talking about it". It is obvious they killed the last man but what can you do when a totally corrupted police state is running the covid scam?
FIVE people in my immediate circle of association dead vastly exceeds the number being reported when taken as a percentage of population. They are absolutely letting it rip in Mexico probably because of the orders to keep society open, so the covid scammers are murdering every possible person they can possibly get away with.
Back to what the doctor said: This doctor stated in specific terms directly to US, not someone else, that Covid was a manufactured virus that was designed to be easy to cure and they want to punish anyone who seeks an easy alternative cure by denying them medical care.

This doctor stated that the goal was to "simply kill everyone off" by threatening them with a virus they made that is not that bad and then killing them by other means once they enter the medical system.
Additionally this doctor explicitly stated that the "covid vax" is not a vaccine, it is gene editing to change people from what they are to what a group of evil elites want, and that the "easy cures" are for them while they offer NO CURE for the rest of humanity, only a shot of doom.
This doctor is freaked out over it but knows that if anyone speaks up they'll immediately lose their license so rather than have that happen, this doctor is telling trusted people what is going on so a warning can be spread.
What to do? Take the hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Quina or whatever else you have, (it probably works) because this virus was explicitly designed to be easy to treat.
When you take these things, DO NOT TELL YOUR INSURANCE YOU DID, you lie about that, don't be a fool - and then resist the shot for as long as you possibly can
Once it is impossible to have insurance or a job without the shot, well, go without insurance and eat out of the trash while sleeping in a $20 tent.
Obviously if you go in for any sort of medical care, be well aware of the fact they might kill you right then and there so make damn good and sure you have to. What else can I say? That's the reality we are up against now. --
Is Jim Stone paranoid? Send comment to hmakow@gmail.com
Thanks to Tony B!
Related - David Icke video - Murder by Vaccine Icke says the "pandemic" is not going to end. Seniors are being deliberately killed. The intention of masks, lockdowns is to cause harm. Says we're dealing wth Nazis.
First Comment from Ken Adachi
Of course, not EVERY hospital nor everyone who enters ANY hospital is going to be killed willy nilly, It depends WHERE you are and WHICH hospital is involved and the corruption of the owners and directors and doctors and nurses in that particular hospital, BUT, overall, it's been obvious since late March, early April 2020 that people were intentionally being killed by "treatment" such as the 90 % mortality rate for people who got ventilators. That wasn't an accident. They knew what they were doing and they kept on doing it. Look how many elderly people Cuomo killed in that nursing home idiocy back in March, April, May. Cuomo should be indicted for mass murder because that's what he committed.
A few nurses with a conscience posted videos at the time SAYING that the hospitals they were working at in New York were intentionally letting people die and KILLING them with ventilators. The Stone warning is accurate - the overall agenda IS genocide.
Unless you have a heart attack or a stroke or a major car accident, and are taken to the hospital by others, I wouldn't enter a hospital for any reason. You can treat yourself for just about anything - if you learn how.
You don't NEED insurance. You can cure yourself or ANY health affliction, including mortal diseases like cancer, if you know how to treat it at home using Nature-based treatments and protocols. You need KNOWLEDGE - which is abundantly available on the internet today - not insurance or dependence on the medical racketeers to take care of your health.
You can buy HCQ (hydro chloroquine) on the internet. Many vendors are available online, OUTSIDE the United States. Do a search.
Chlorine dioxide (mentioned in the Stone article) is a gentle, oxidizing gas that is readily infused in water. I call it CDS Water. It's EASY to obtain and make yourself at home. It will last in the refrigerator for 3 or 4 months at least.
How to Make CDS Water, the World's Most Powerful Germ Killer & Disease Eradicator at Home ~ For Next to Nothing
It's dirt cheap and has proven itself to be a superior Covid Killer in Bolivia, at least, where they finally succumbed to using it after it became clear just how Inexpensive, Available and Well it worked.
Peter writes:
That's the problem with people like Jim Stone, you can't trust them as they do not really know what they are talking about: THERE IS NO VIRUS!!! People should read Dr. Stefan Lanka, Dr. Andrew Kaufman etc. to understand the foundation of the big lie.
Not one single virus has ever been isolated. None of Koch's postulates are fulfilled ( https://coronistan.blogspot.com/2020/07/coronavirus-and-kochs-postulates.html ). The PCR test is a fraud as it finds gene fragments no one knows where they are coming from.
Lanka won the measles trial here in Germany. He offered 100,000 Euro for a scientific proof of the existence of the measles virus. Same now from another guy, he offers 100,000 Euro for corona virus proof (impfkritik.de). "The corona virus bet: € 100,000 for virus evidence!" - https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=de&tab=TT&authuser=0&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.impfkritik.de%2Fpressespiegel%2F2020032201.html
There are some videos with Dr. Lanka and Dr. Kaufman.
Lanka: http://wissenschafftplus.de
"Dismantling The virus Theory" - https://wissenschafftplus.de/uploads/article/Dismantling-the-Virus-Theory.pdf
"Dr. Stefan Lanka Exposes The "Viral Fraud" Pictures of "Isolated Viruses" Debunked" - http://neue-medizin.com/lanka2.htm
"Dr Stefan Lanka Debunks Pictures of "Isolated Viruses"" - https://vaccinationinformationnetwork.com/dr-stefan-lanka-debunks-pictures-of-isolated-viruses/
"Biologist Proves Measles Isn't A Virus, Wins Supreme Court Case Against Doctor" - https://preventdisease.com/news/17/012717_Biologist-Proves-Measles-Isnt-Virus-Wins-Supreme-Court-Case.shtml
"Important as Pasteur..." for the fraudsters. "Dr. Stefan Lanka: The history of the infection theory. (English transcript)" - https://abruptearthchanges.com/2017/11/17/dr-stefan-lanka-the-history-of-the-infection-theory/
Piotr Bein said (February 15, 2021):
The Q should be: is the insider paranoid. Jim has a decent track record and intuition:
- one of the first in the world to notify govt's of H1N1 hoax before Summer 2009
- the best theory explaining Fukushima catastrophe, debunking the official narrative
- research on remotely controlled cars to kill dissidents (Israeli invention)
- he cares about Humanity, early warnings about wireless as a weapon against the public.
Mexico, as one comment says, is likely for organ harvesting in any situation, like Poland is. If the globalist mafia bought millions of physicians and nurses around the world with extra pay for "covid" cases, then imagine what higher reward for human organs could do.
The optimistic comment on goodwill and professionalism of medical staff is not reality. Yesterday, invited by RCMP ("education" for my opinions contrary to mainstream, for which provincial health office likely zapped my blog PiotrBein.WordPress.com), I talked to a nurse in charge of an acute cases floor. She has no idea about the "alternative truth", patients died under her care when intubated. She goes by guidelines centrally prepared. I know someone who lost her mother to wrong "covid" procedure at said hospital, the other rescued his wife from wrong procedures at said hospital.
Who needs medical insurance -- open arms to rockefeller "medicine" and Big Pharma genocide. Taxman reminds us "submit your 2019 tax return, or else you get no coverage for medicinal and devices :) Who needs that stuff! We should refuse to pay taxes and to have the "medical insurance" paid for by the gov't from our pockets via bankster usury.
Covid was a manufactured virus that was designed to be easy to cure and they want to punish anyone who seeks an easy alternative cure by denying them medical care. -- If true, then where are the jumps in total death numbers? Around the world, the numbers are as in previous 10 to 20 yrs, i.e. "covid" deaths are stolen on the certificates from the usual seasonal fatal cases. The only anomaly are strangely occurring peaks in some countries as a result of lockdowns.