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Francis Bacon, Mystery Man

October 26, 2009

bacon1.jpg(Francis Bacon, 1561-1626)

by Fritz Springmeier
(From his book, "Wise as Serpents, Gentle as Doves")

I am writing about an extraordinary genius,
a great philosopher, a great orator, a great lawyer, and a man of great character. A man who was framed in his old age ... by a ruthless politician. A man who gathered the sciences together under the Royal Society. The man who wrote the greatest works of English literature, and proofread the King James Bible. Many of his incredible works of genius are known under his pen-name of
William Shakespeare. He conjectured ahead of his times that heat was energy in motion, and that light travels very fast. He created the modern English language and is responsible for English replacing Latin in the English higher schools. He was of royal blood and proper heir to the throne of England.

He also lived in an age when the shadow of the executioner's block haunted men. It was a day when the heads of those who displeased the Queen were severed and put on public display. He would have lost his head for some of his works written under Shakespeare's name had the Queen been able to identify who wrote the works. Therefore, he wrote much of his works under pseudonyms, and many of his works were published after his death. He concealed
his  royal  identity.  He  concealed his  leadership  of  secret societies. He concealed the role he played in designing the plans and machinery for the creation of his vision of a New World.

 His mother the Queen, ruling when half of her people questioned her legitimacy, feared the repercussions if the truth of her secret marriage and two sons were revealed. Indeed his mother, Queen Elizabeth 1, had almost been beheaded by her own sister, and had watched the first man who she had romanced be beheaded by her father for being too forward. She had watched baby heirs to the throne be killed. Such barbarism is forgotten, and the Elizabethan age seems now to be only full of the glamor of romance. It was difficult and dangerous times, even for the Queen of England.
Who was this great man? Sir Francis Bacon, Viscount St. Alban, for over two decades the leader of the British Parliament's House of Commons, and later in life, on January 30,1621, a member of the House of Lords, the secret first son of the secret marriage between Lord Robert Dudley and Elizabeth Tudor.


Sir Francis Bacon is widely known for his Utopian book the New Atlantis. What is not widely known is that it was originally titled The Land of the Rosicrucians. The concept of Atlantis has been preserved by the Mysteries. Sir Francis Bacon and the other leaders of Secret Societies in that day felt the New World held out the best chances to create the New Atlantis.

Sir Francis Bacon played a leading role in creating the British colonies, especially in Virginia, the Carolinas and Newfoundland.The British Masons with the British Empire behind them were entrusted with the Plan to create the New Atlantis. Bacon's descendants moved to Virginia in 1635, where his descendant Henry Blount took the name Nathaniel Bacon. Nathaniel Bacon, a Master Mason, led a premature revolution called Bacon's Rebellion that prefigured the American Revolution. It is true that Freemasons served on both sides of the American Revolution. Naive people think that indicates that the Masons could not have had anything to do with the Revolution. On the contrary, the Masons were the primary instigators and leaders of the Revolution, although they allowed others to get involved. The British Masons fighting the rebels actually contributed to eventual independence of the Colonies, as did the secret societies in France and Germany.

Masons claim [to have to have] uncovered near Williamsburg, Virginia a vault left by his descendants [which] supposedly gives information about the founding of the United States. ...
The Earl of Leicester, who was Bacon's actual father, had as his physician the magician and Jew Dr. Frederigo Lopez. Christopher Marlowe described Lopez in a dramatization of his career in the book The Jew of Malta. Marlowe was stabbed to death after the book came out. Sir John Dee, who was another magician/doctor, traveled throughout Europe and was the court astrologer for Queen Elizabeth.
Bacon describes the Masons in New Atlantis "...amongst the excellent acts of that king, one above all hath the preeminence. It was the erection and institution of an order, or society, which we call Salomon's House; the noblest foundation, as we think, that ever was upon the earth..."

The idealism, charity, and integrity that characterized Bacon is notably absent today in the inner circle of the One-World-State power. Bacon was a Philosopher, a man who for much of his life was not wealthy or exceptionally powerful. His life was in jeopardy a great deal of the time, although contrariwise he and those who knew about his secret royal blood were more respectful, never knowing if he might be proclaimed King by his mother the Queen. When James 1 took over the throne from Bacon's mother, to protect his head Bacon wrote a letter to King James 1, delivered through the Secretary of State, renouncing any ambition to the throne, and announcing his decision to marry a commoner.

By comparison, those who are as prominent today in the One-World-State as Bacon was then are part of a far greater power, and have been corrupted by that power. Technology has made a One-World-State much more ominous. It is possible that Bacon would be aghast at what the One-World-State is going to be.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Francis Bacon, Mystery Man"

CJS said (October 27, 2009):

Dana is right in correcting some of the myths about Francis Bacon, but it is not generally know that at the time that covert Rosicrucian circles could have been considered to be synonymous with Scottish Freemasonry, in existence since the demise of the Templers and their being constituted as Elder Brethren of the Rosy Cross by Robert the Bruce in 1317. By the time the English got around to “establishing” their watered down “Anderson Constitutions” version of “English Freemasonry”, by purging it of all their history of scientific study – eg. Copernicus and Galileo, which remained heresy for 625 years – until their secretive English society had nothing secret left to hide except their funny handshakes and misunderstood boy’s club rituals.

It may be relevant that Cromwell’s brother-in-law, John Wilkins, set up a clandestine group which became known as the “Invisible College” – the fore runner of the Royal Society – and included all the brains of the day; Boyle; Hooke and Wren etc. latter these same people were meeting at Sir Thomas Gresham’s collage (established in 1597) at Bishopsgate, and Sir Thomas’ daughter was married to Sir Francis Bacon’s brother Nathaniel Bacon.

Is this Tony’s Bacon?

PS Laurence Gardners’ “The Shaddow of Solomon - The lost secrets of the Freemasons revealed” should have been compulsory reading for you, along with his earlier books which if you haven’t yet read, may provide further enlightenment to your hobby.

Vis: “Bloodline of the Holy Grail”; “Genesis of the Grail Kings” and “The Magdalene Legacy”

Tracy said (October 27, 2009):

Let me recommend to your readers another terrific source on this subject. It's Timothy Spearman's site Please note that it's spelled shakes-a-spear, as in ' shaking a spear at ignorance', the way the goddess Athena does.

Spearman's site is packed with detail and insight. He not only explains that Bacon was most likely Shakespear, but that several other men
along with Bacon formed a small, secret society to get the job done. it's a fascinating read, and just might fill in some of the details a few
of your readers seem to think Fritz left out.

Tony said (October 26, 2009):

Although Springmeier presents the best reason yet for some to believe that Shakespeare was actually Bacon, there is something very wrong with his composition on Bacon.

Bacon died in 1626. It was almost 100 years later when "The Mysterious Force" bought out the English stone mason's guild and established "freemasonry" in 1717.

In Bacon's day the mason's guild was just another Christian guild, a standard part of the social fabric of the Middle ages. It had no power over anything except the stone mason trade.

Also, Springmeier, like most all western hemisphere English speaking people, seems totally unaware that before the Protest against the Church (Protestantism), England was the safest, happiest place on earth for man to live - right down to the lowest commoner. It was Catholic England which secured the Magna Carta and from which came the true ditty about "ol' King Cole" (was a merrie old soul and a merrie old soul was he . . . . . . .), King Arthur and his court, etc. It was an age wherein no man, or his family, was in need of anything as the monasteries provided "work" (whether or not needed) for all and paid all with the necessities of life - even a generous daily ration of beer. It was the time when the Cathedrals were built which the protesters burned down in their fit of insane rage against the religion of their heritage.

Few know the truth of the wholesale and extremely gristly slaughter of English Catholics - the people who refused to abandon the religion of their lifetime and that of their parentage back to Roman times - by other Englishmen who did abandon their religion when Cromwell and his Dutch army invaded England at the behest of English traitors at the top. The slaughter went on for decades. Those church lands of the monasteries, etc., were stolen by the criminals at the top whose offspring still own them today as England's lords and ladies.

Meanwhile, commoners who stole a crust of bread for their starving children from the land thieves, who, thanks to their theft, eventually had the means to establish (with the partnership of banker Rothschild) the heartless "industrial revolution," were hanged or sent to the colonies or Australia as criminals. England has been a hell hole ever since the so-called "reformation."

Since Ben Franklin let the English rulers know of the colony's free scrip, it hasn't been a hell of a lot better here. Under the insane Puritans it was almost as bad as England immediately after Cromwell's conquest.

You'll have trouble finding any of this in the Encyclopedia Britannica but good sources are the Protestant William Cobbett (A History of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland), and, in our life time, Catholic Eamon Duffy of Cambridge University (The Stripping of the Altars, Traditional Religion in England 1400-1580).

It seems odd to me that people who claim to be fiercely independent, such as many Americans, never seem to figure out that the King James Bible, as it's name implies, is the product of a politician. It has been seriously modified from its source, the only existing bible of the time, the Latin Vulgate - claims to the use of "original" manuscripts notwithstanding as, by that time, the originals were nothing more than a few decayed scraps preserved by the Catholic Church.

Dana said (October 26, 2009):

As someone who has studied the Bacon family in depth, including Sir Francis, I can tell you that much of the information contained in this article is factually incorrect, and disinformation. Neither, Nathaniel Bacon, the Rebel, nor Nathaniel Bacon, Gov. of Virginia, were descendants of Sir Francis Bacon. They were descendants of James Bacon, the brother of Sir Nicholas Bacon, Keeper of the Great Seal. In addition, Sir Francis had only 1 child, a son named Anthony Bacon, who was baptised at Barham, Suffolk, England and who died in infancy.

In regards to the Bruton Vault, nothing has ever been found. There is some suspicion, though unsubstantiated, that the Rockefeller family may have excavated beneath the ground and absconded with the contents of the vault. But, no evidence of the contents has ever seen the light of day.

Also, while Sir Francis Bacon has been suspected by many to have authored the works of Shakespeare, recent evidence-- such as the discovery of the notebooks of Sir Henry Neville, the material of which was written during his imprisonment, contained rough drafts of a number of Shakespearian works in the handwriting of Sir Henry Neville. Other evidence has lent credibility to the theory that Shakespeare's works were likely written by a group of highly educated men who were, in private, dissenters of the monarch. If those men were to have openly opposed the queen, it would have cost them their heads and the financial & physical security of their families. There is no evidence to substantiate Sir Francis Bacon as the sole author of the works of William Shakespeare.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at