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May 25, 2010

gwwii019.jpgHeterophobic Hate rears its ugly head!

End of Army Gay Ban Is an Attack on Heterosexuals

Attack on Heterosexuals is an Attack on America

From Richard Evans

Military culture
has impacted American society all along, because war is generational - and now, permanent.

I predict the suicide rate will go up due to gay officers and sergeants singling out new recruits to intimidate into sodomy. There will be homosexual gang rapes, which will unreported, since it will be worse for the victim than if they say nothing, or commit suicide - just like prisons. C/o's can punish or coerce through threat or reassignment of straight soldiers to queer outfits. 

Only a predominantly gay Congress and Senate could pass this long awaited piece of shit bill.  "E" was right when he told me in Georgetown - 'half the Senate is gay and the other half likes little girls'.  That's not representational government.

Ray writes:

Henry, Look at it this way if the "queers" try to push their perversion on the "straights" there will be bloodshed! When I was in the military 38 years ago there were gays soldiers, but they went there way, and we went our  way. If this agenda is pushed on a straight majority it will be a disaster of major proportions. If these idiots in Congress can't see the err of their ways then we have sunk to a historical low in this country. My concern is when are the majority of Americans going to rise up to take back our "Den of antiquity" government? 


The Wall 
Street Journal


Deal to End Ban On Gays in Military Takes Shape


The White House and leading lawmakers came to an agreement Monday about how to end the ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the military, likely speeding the end of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. Backers were optimistic that they could this week attach the amendment to a broader defense funding bill expected to pass this year.

The bill wouldn't immediately repeal the Clinton-era policy. Rather, it would take effect as soon as a Pentagon review is complete and the president signs off on the military's recommendations for how to undertake the change in policy.

President Barack Obama and Pentagon leaders have already said they were committed to ending the policy and allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly in the armed forces. But in order to lift the ban, Congress must act as well. If the proposed legislation becomes law, the change can occur once the review is finished.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at