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October 21, 2011

Media's Relentless Promotion of Lesbianism Continues


Admiring another woman's looks could have an underlying meaning, because according to recent research, 60 per cent of heterosexual women find other women sexually attractive.

The latest findings from the Boise State University, discovered that over half of the 484 straight women questioned, had been attracted to another female at some point in their lives - with a further 45 per cent admitting to kissing a woman and 50 per cent confessing to enjoying fantasies about other ladies.

"Women are encouraged to be emotionally close to each other. That provides an opportunity for intimacy and romantic feelings to develop," says Professor Elizabeth Morgan from the study.

A previous study found that the chances of a woman being attracted to other women increases as she get older.

diamond.jpgFollowing on from the findings at Boise State University, psychologist Lisa Diamond (left) from the University of Utah, discovered that sexuality develops over time. Of the women she questioned, many of them changed their sexual preference from heterosexual to 'unlabelled'.

"We have this idea that sexuality gets clearer and more defined as time goes on," Lisa Diamond told the Daily Mail. "We consider that a sign of maturity to figure out who you are. I've seen it's really the opposite."

Makow Comment: Who do you think is doing this research and ensuring the findings are "revolutionary?'   Lesbians.  Lisa M. Diamond, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Psychology and Gender Studies is the author of "Sexual Fluidity: Understanding Women's Love and Desire," a book that explores the changing nature of sexual identity and desire, and is based on her longitudinal research of female sexual identity development.

Similarly, Alfred Kinsey, a homosexual, skewed his famous report to convince Americans they were really as promiscuous and sex-obsessed as homosexuals. A fifth of his sample were homosexuals.
The Daily Mail/HP may have misrepresented this study  in the same way.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at