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More Readers Who Have Escaped Amerika

February 10, 2010

indonesia_2.jpgBernard  (Indonesia)

I was born  and raised in Houston, Texas, the oldest of six children, the son of a politician, and the product of exclusive private schooling.  I grew up in a monstrous house and had virtually anything I could want.

By my mid-teens, I had learned more about politics and history (my father was an historian) than most people learn in a lifetime, and all of it was repulsive.  At 17, I ran away from home, never to return.  I spent the next few years backpacking around the world and living in Europe.  I gained vast life experience that no textbook can ever convey.  I slept under bridges and in bus stations, or on the open ground in the middle of nowhere.  I went entire days without anything to eat and met people from the very lowest station in life to the highest.  When I returned, I entered a Catholic monastery and became a Benedictian postulant at the tender age of 21.

After a time, I was asked to leave for a while because of my youthful age.  They felt I needed more experience before I could choose such a life.  Maybe they were right, or maybe that was all I needed, but I never returned to that life.  Instead, I went on to university and got my degree in Communications, and had a successful career in media.  I had built up a good life for my family with a house and cars and all the things that we all consider important.

Then my wife committed suicide and destroyed our life in the process.  I lost nearly everything, and the rest I cashed in to fight CPS [Child Protection Service] which hovered over my children like buzzards waiting to pick their carcasses.  Completely impoverished after two years of legal battles, I had come full circle back to nothing.


Through all of this, I received a continuous message: "Get out now!"  I had become completely and thoroughly disgusted with America and all it had become.  A friend had offered sponsorship and work in Indonesia for some time.  At the end of my rope, I took the offer.  I sold the very last of my belongings, bought a ticket and landed in the strangest and most amazing place I have ever known.  In the past two years, I have found a new wife, purchased some land and we are building a small farm in the mountains south of Jakarta.

More importantly, I have rediscovered my faith.  Not religion, mind you, but faith.  All religions, in my eyes, are money factories and hypocritical support systems for a privileged priest class.  What I have discovered, and continue to discover, is the unity and peace of knowing God within.  I don't need a church, I am the church.  I don't need rituals and ornaments, my daily meditations are more than sufficient. I no longer see different religions, I see the same message on different channels.  They all point the same way using different signs and languages.

I have rediscovered women.  My wife is humble and submissive.  When I make a decision, there is no further discussion or complaint.  I do my job to provide us with a good life, and she does hers to provide us a good home.  We are both happy.  I now know how empty and dead Western women are, and how unfulfilled and unhealthy Western men have become.  Don't misunderstand.  My wife is a strong and intelligent women with a good career, but I am the spiritual and titular head of the home, and it is very empowering for both of us.

I have come alive in ways I can never explain.  Planting seeds, caring for livestock and butchering my own food brings a satisfaction that can only be experienced once you let go of the Great Chase.  Westerners spend their entire lives chasing gee-gaws, thinking the next one will bring happiness and contentment.  In reality, as fast as you buy one gee-gaw, a newer and more desirable one comes along.  It is an endless chase and one which creates deep tensions in families.  Everyone is so busy chasing rainbows that they have forgotten that real happiness is sitting around the dinner table with the family and talking.  And that is free.  It comes with every family.

I see many Westerners now with That Look in their eyes.  They are starting to wake up to the dead end careening towards them.  They are scrambling for answers Out Here Somewhere.  I wish they knew that the Answer has been with them all this time.  Look inside, past all the noise and trimmings and cascades.  It's right there and it has been calling you for a long time.  I hope some start listening.  It's time to stop cutting bait and start fishing.

Paul -- (Taiwan)

I'm having trouble telling the difference between a man and a woman these days back in Canada. Women talk, dress, and act like men. I don't want a "man;" I want a woman. In Japan, on the other hand, they talk, dress, and act like women. The foreign women can't compete with the Asian ladies at all. Don't believe me? Ask a man who has lived in eastern Asia for more than a year. Think they'll want to marry a western woman when they come back?

I believe one of the reasons for this feminist attitude is the immorality that had been propagated by the media that brain-patterns women to be self-assertive, independent and even to develop a sense of self-worship. I look at (not watch) shows like sex and the city, and the soap operas, and the women on there make me sick. People were meant to help and care for each other, and to be with each other for long periods of time, not just for "recreational" purposes. It's terrible for society, especially the children.  

Kevin  (Brazil)

I recently spent 2 months in Brazil and love it there.. I also met an amazing woman. 
The woman I met is like no other I have met in the USA..
She loves her parents (still married), wants a family, has model looks, loves to cook, works,does not drink or smoke,  and enjoys simple things.. Love is of extreme importance to her. I already trust her more than any American woman I have dated. I do not have to play games to keep her interested..
It is almost hard for me to believe women like this still exist, as I have dated so many American women who seem to either think guys are "needy" if they want to see them, proclaim how they "do not need a man", are promiscuous, and basically have little class.
I have told some American women about my current girlfriend, and their minds are so warped that all they can think of are negative possibilities.. "She wants to come to the USA!.. She wants money!  She cant really love you! She will want to come here and live in a mansion! " etc etc One jealous female even referred to foreign women as "mail order brides"..
I am glad to read I am not the only one feeling like the way i do..

Shayne -- (France)

Today I awoke much earlier than usual, and ran off to a French government office to ask for a little income supplement to help me through the coming year.  As I climbed on the 47 bus in a flurry of snowflakes, at an hour when I'm usually sawing logs, I felt a little heavy-hearted... after all, dealing with the government and civil servants is not usually a task one labels as fun. 

Well, how wrong I was on that matter.  I had a truly enjoyable session at the government office.  After a mere 20 minutes of waiting, which I used to straighten out my document case to some extent, I was received by a lovely lady who took me to her office (neat, clean, perfect in fact) and proceeded to make my morning very pleasant.  The French social workers are almost always female and almost always very attractive females.  Call me Lucky!

In this case I was received with a huge smile, and then the lady had all the time in the world for me, no matter how many people were by then in the waiting room waiting to see her.  I watched the snow drift by her window as she began to create a 'dossier' or file for me with the computer on her desk.  She swiveled her monitor so that I could see the screen clearly, and then enlisted me in the job of filling out the hundred or so fields which were required.  So, the two of us sat there in that nice, warm office, smiling and laughing, working like a couple of high school kids on my 'dossier' so that it would pass inspection.

By the way, the effort was hardly wasted, because once we'd filed my 'dossier' she informed me that within 14 days I should start receiving a monthly check into my post office bank account. (!!!)  The amount will be almost the equal of the retirement check I get every month from American SocSec... not that much... but with the French equivalent they've just allotted to me,  suddenly I'm a more prosperous retiree by far.

 Imagine a European government giving financial help to an American!  And smiling while filling out the form for him!  Sure, it's because I have three French children, two of them still quite young, but nonetheless, God bless the French!

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "More Readers Who Have Escaped Amerika"

Larry said (February 12, 2010):

Hi just a word of my experience. I had an international business with an office in Singapore, Denmark, Greece and Home office in San Francisco. I love Asian women and some are terrific, but be careful. I met what appeared to be a beautiful charmer from Communist China....I found out too late she was a Red Guard Officer...She was a true Mata Hari...unfaithful a thief.. an ally cat had better better morals. She cost me my life work my business my home and my sanity.. The courts did not believe me as I am male and older...she got everything. I finally ended up with our eight year old son and homeless on the streets of Oakland...20 million net worth to careful Larry, after taking everything i worked for all my life she found another rich idiot and is working on him BE CAREFUL looking to get out out of this shit hole usa but where to go at 72?

Alan said (February 11, 2010):

As I was reading your reader stories of people who left America whether for "traditional women" or for less taxes and regulation or more personal freedom etc., I realized this too is part of the 'powers that be' plan to destroy European culture in America and Canada. Make things miserable here, show them other options for a perceived better life outside of this country with women outside of their race and encourage their emigration to wherever. This way, even though they can sense something went wrong, they won't figure out what went wrong and who they need to go after to rectify things.

They'll be happy in their new life with a new wife in a new country but the perpetrators of their motivated migration will have won. None of these ex-pat's stayed to fight the battle. I'm not making a value judgment on ex-pats, just an observation. As Benjamin Freedman said, Facts is Facts.

Having not been born in America or Canada and not feeling any major connection to that part of them which is European, I doubt very much we shall see a Braveheart rise amongst the children of these ex-pats to throw off the tyranny of these international Banksters. It is very difficult for people to fight such a power without a strong sense of Identity of themselves. I can understand the pain people must be attempting to alleviate by leaving the country. I wonder if they are aware of the full implications of conceding defeat by trying to alleviate such pain? I guess we could call it the international version of Ayn Rand's "rational selfishness." Go where it feels good. The PTB have been successful in substituting sex for love, I wonder if they are going to be successful in substituting perceived 'happiness' for our freedom, for our very lives.

Mary said (February 11, 2010):

hi. my name is Mary from kenya. i'm 24. i have been following your site for months. your stories are very depressing because they are true. i was raised to aspire for a good career. i wanted to do accounting so i started but i stopped because it robbed me of my femininity. i had to wear suits to work which looked like male and i had to compete with men. i cried a lot when used to go to work and have to wear a "uniform". i changed and did graphic design. very many people are disappointed with that decision. but at least in this career i don't have to dress like men. i can be feminine.

i have not been lucky in love. i am a virgin and i am sticking to it to death (thanks to my Christian upbringing) most men in this country hate virgins. so when i meet someone and they ask for you know what, i have to dump them. i cant say that i am a virgin coz they will dump me or cheat on me.. so sad. they make fun of virgins on our radio. they say such cruel things. once a lady called and asked the presenter to find a guy to take away her virginity because she was not attactive to guys. i feel so bad. something beautiful is being treated like crap. sometimes i think that i will end up an old maid but i am coming to terms with it. you cant win with dressing in this country. i tried dressing conservative but no man took notice. many people criticized my conservativeness. my relatives dint even support me. i dressed provocatively i attracted the wrong guys. i feel very depressed coz i feel i cant win. i dont want to be a slut just to get a date. cheating is so rampant in this country even among married people. people here dont even respect wedding vows. you can get trown out of you house(together with your kids) by a mistress or lover. so sad. so many sad stories.

i cry almost every day. i feel trapped in the world. i wish i could just die sometimes and there is nobody to share my feelings with.please pray for me to get a good man. i pray everyday and before a new relationship so that God can reveal to me a good man. so hard. life is hard.

Mary said (February 11, 2010):

hi. my name is Mary from kenya. i'm 24. i have been following your site for months. your stories are very depressing because they are true. i was raised to aspire for a good career. i wanted to do accounting so i started but i stopped because it robbed me of my femininity. i had to wear suits to work which looked like male and i had to compete with men. i cried a lot when used to go to work and have to wear a "uniform". i changed and did graphic design. very many people are disappointed with that decision. but at least in this career i don't have to dress like men. i can be feminine.

i have not been lucky in love. i am a virgin and i am sticking to it to death (thanks to my Christian upbringing) most men in this country hate virgins. so when i meet someone and they ask for you know what, i have to dump them. i cant say that i am a virgin coz they will dump me or cheat on me.. so sad. they make fun of virgins on our radio. they say such cruel things. once a lady called and asked the presenter to find a guy to take away her virginity because she was not attactive to guys. i feel so bad. something beautiful is being treated like crap. sometimes i think that i will end up an old maid but i am coming to terms with it. you cant win with dressing in this country. i tried dressing conservative but no man took notice. many people criticized my conservativeness. my relatives dint even support me. i dressed provocatively i attracted the wrong guys. i feel very depressed coz i feel i cant win. i dont want to be a slut just to get a date. cheating is so rampant in this country even among married people. people here dont even respect wedding vows. you can get trown out of you house(together with your kids) by a mistress or lover. so sad. so many sad stories.

i cry almost every day. i feel trapped in the world. i wish i could just die sometimes and there is nobody to share my feelings with.please pray for me to get a good man. i pray everyday and before a new relationship so that God can reveal to me a good man. so hard. life is hard.

AS said (February 11, 2010):

I am a American woman who has recently read your site, and post "More Readers Who Have Escaped Amerika" and I want to thank you for posting the content.

The testimonies of these men say a LOT.

While some of these men are a bit disillusioned from what I see, in disillusionment comes a bit of stereotyping, and type casting, and for the American women who have gentle quiet spirits too who aren't down with the feminist agenda, it doesn't fare well for us, but the majority of these feminist wenches make it REALLY bad for us.

There is nothing wrong with being a strong and educated woman, and from what I have seen these feminists aren't strong at all, because they are fighting against their intended purpose, but they rather indulge their nature to rebel and have a desire to be like Adam (The head) of his woman.

I see real strength in a woman taking care of a home and taking care of children, and submitting to a godly husband. They make it seem like it is so horrible to submit to a man when they go to the work places of America and do the SAME THING in the corporate world.

The feminists of the world are destroying the families of America. I don't know one feminist who isn't single at the moment and asking "why am I still single?" DUH!

Anyway I just wanted to say that, there are still women here who have not sold themselves to the feminist lies of the American culture.

Tom said (February 11, 2010):

I too am an American that has escaped, sort of. But still there is a big problem.

I am retired, 68 years old, with a wonderful Asian wife. The big problem is that we can find no country to live in because of my age and
being retired. I really do not want to go back to work at my age and most (all?) countries are really looking for young people to work and
pay taxes.

Right now we are living in Malaysia, but will likely return to the states simply because it is the only place where I can reside as a
citizen. (I have no permanent residence here).

Do you (or any of your readers) know of a country where we can retire, preferably not in latin america? We have sufficient funds and nothing
to tie us down. We also prefer a temperate climate, not sweltering tropics.

I do enjoy reading about the other men who have found greener pastures outside of the usa and I mostly agree with all that they have to say. I
just wish I had started the process at a much younger age.

Dan said (February 11, 2010):

The one problem with this is that America has a way of catching up with you. As time goes on eventually America will export itself and its control to the world, save for the most die hard of places such as the middle east which are every bit as rotten to live in as this country is. So as the old song goes, you can check out anytime you like but you can never leave.

I am happy for those who have found a repose and some happiness from getting away from this mess though. As time is our most valuable commodity, the more positive and enriching that your life experiences are, the more value that you receive for your time eh?

John said (February 11, 2010):

Around the year 2002 I knew a former executive for the Bank of Montreal that worked in Japan for several years. He ended up marrying a Japanese woman during his time there and eventually he
came back to Canada with his Japanese wife. He was single and had never been married before until he married the Japanese woman.

He told me of many cases among the bank employees where a Canadian man would get transferred overseas to Japan and bring his Canadian
wife along with him. He told me that it would usually take no longer than one year before the man had divorced his western wife and was either dating or marrying a Japanese woman. He personally
knew of 6 instances of this happening... just within the small group of his specialty banking area! It eventually caused great concern among the top dogs at the bank. They were getting calls
from former western wives who were very upset for a number of different reasons (ie, the gravy-train stopped, their husbands were bastards, how they hell do they get out of this fucking country,
etc, etc.).

I think the thing that struck me most was that once the men discovered women in a foreign place that were actually "woman-like" they simply “woke up” and saw their wives for what they really were… mere expensive baggage.

Afghan Forum said (February 11, 2010):

I find this funny...

while we are dying to make it to the west, westerners are dying to get out of the west LOL

topsy turvey world...

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at