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Christ's Gospel: Unity With God

December 25, 2011

It is not God who is lost and must be found.  It is we who are lost and must step back from the ludicrous and arrogant assumption of our separation from Truth (Reality), which is Love and Unity of all Life.

By Robert Cinque

Authentic spiritual practice and discipline are founded and grounded in responsibility, not beliefs or metaphysics, which are way downstream from What is always already the Case: seamless unity between matter and consciousness, self and God, part and whole.

Beliefs are stories about reality, not reality itself;  a map is not equal to the territory it describes. Reality is obvious, self evident, does not need beliefs to make it true.

Reality is already true, it is Truth, or Life, same thing.  Life is Truth, Truth is Reality, Reality is Conscious Light, That which we call God.

Our emotional recoil, our collapse from Reality, from Love, our assumption of separation from Truth, creates the stressful search for unity and meaning, which cannot be found because we are pushing it away.

Endlessly repeating this creates the structure and mechanisms of egoism, a farce that we plaster on to the Beauty and Innocence of Life.

Truly, there is no discrete entity living inside my head or heart, there is only Reality fractalizing into versions of Itself that I call "me".

Failure to understand this results in a confusion that prevents me from being intimate with That which lives Itself as me and everything else.   The part is lived by the Whole and there exists a deep and passionate intimacy between the Two.


Thus, to "repent" means to turn back from our foray into identification with one side of the equation (matter/body), and, to "sin no more", becomes a sacred commitment to face and embrace Reality's descent into the body, that which I actually am. 

That's right.  I am the living, embodied Presence of Reality and so are you. We are embodied consciousness, intelligent Light that creates appropriate forms for its expression.

You, for example.

Waking up to this already existing Fact is crushing and humbling and illuminating because it outshines my assumption of separateness, (egoism) and relieves me of the burden of being a searcher, a somebody.  Yes, I am a "somebody", an individuated being, a self, a personality, but it's not separate from God any more than a whirlpool is separate from the River.

We are the whirlpool and the River, human and divine, intimate with each other, lovers that are simultaneously "separate" and one.  We are only apparently separate, which is the way Reality incarnates, making endless distinctions and variations of Itself, playful themes and modifications of its own intense Dynamic. 

The assumption that organic distinctions in Nature, such as the leaf on the tree, is evidence that the leaf is separate from the Tree is absurd, is what creates egoism and suffering and the search for God.  However, it is not God who is lost and must be found.  It is we who are lost and must step back from the ludicrous and arrogant assumption of our separation from Truth (Reality), which is Love and Unity of all Life.

There is only One Life living Itself as all beings and worlds. Only God exists. "You" and "me" are proof. No entity could possibly be separate from what originates it.

All techniques and remedies and solutions to our imaginary, self-created problem, spiritual, religious, psychological, political or otherwise, are doomed to not only fail, but to guarantee our endless enslavement.

It hurts to be an ego and going to the doctor or priest only hurts more because he, like us, assumes our problem to be real.  Instead of telling us to take our hands off our throats and our fingers out of our eyes, he gives us a prescription for the pain and sets up another appointment. 

This is like waking up in prison and asking the warden for a better pillow as a solution to feeling despair and longing.  Break out of the prison!  The door isn't even locked!  We think it's locked.  It isn't.     

All the grievous maladies and injustices in the world stem from this spiritual error and nothing will change on planet Earth until we wake up from our exclusive identification with a separate self, a false self, and be Who and What we already are: Love embodied, the Word made Flesh.

That's right.  Each individual is always in a state of seamless unity with the Mystery and Wonder of Existence, that which we call God.  Christ's original Gospel was certainly this very message, the Good News of Unity with God, the Treasure the man finds "buried in his field", as he is recorded as saying in the New Testament.  It had been there all along...

Our emotional recoil from Life, from Trust in Love, is what Christ identified as sin, literally "missing the mark".  His call was to face the already existing State of Happiness, of Love, that is Alive as Everything, and to not wander off into fear or doubt, love God and our neighbors as ourselves.

What a glorious message.

Let us give this gift to ourselves and to each other as we celebrate Christmas, the Feast of Giving, whatever our traditions may be, and embrace the infinitely Passionate Current of Life in Love, and fulfill the work of Peace on Earth, Good Will to all.



Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Christ's Gospel: Unity With God "

Michael said (December 26, 2011):

With all due respect to you, Robert..this is not really the Gospel, at least not the one in Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. There is bits of truth here and there, "...we are lost" That is true. And Jeus came to "seek and to save that which is lost" But the Gospel of Jesus deals with simple truths, that in this article seem a bit mixed up..howbeit sincere.

The Bible is emphatic, "all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God;" "The wages of sin is death".."the soul that sins it shall die" Repentance is part of receiving God's gift, but its not "repent...from that which I actually am"-(sinner not mentioned). It is the real revelation, "I am a sinner, seperated from God." Jesus contrasted the story of the Pharisee, "I thank thee God, I am not like..." and the poor publican, who "hung his head and beat his
breast, saying, 'God be merciful to me the sinner'" Jesus said, the latter went to his house justified, not the Pharisee. Sin is missing the mark of God's perfection, some miss small, some large..Paul said "he was chief of sinners." Yet he claimed also he was "perfect after the Law-a Pharisee" Jesus went beyond the outward appearances, "if someone looked on a woman to lust, he
commits adultry in his heart.." God was after the heart all along. Jesus vicarious death, was payment for "all who believe." God is love, man is not naturally good, Jesus said "There is none good but God.." Jesus "tasting death for every man" showed God's absolute love..."greater love has no man than this, that a man would lay down his life for a friend...yet while we were
sinners Christ died for us."

Hans said (December 26, 2011):

With all due respect: maybe this piece was written with a good intention, but sounds suspiciously like new-age garbage with a Christian coat of paint.

Christ did not come to "unite all", but to select those choosen for a special purpose.

He did not teach "Unity with all", but he rather said: "Think not that I have not come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."

There is no unity between the peadophile, the murderer and the liar on one side, and the law-abiding on the other,
there is no unity between those who accept Christ and those who do not.

"whatever our traditions may be", there are no Christian traditions, but doctrine and faith - while Christ condemned the Pharisees for following the "traditions of man"!
You can not follow both.

Finally, i object the picture. This is not Christ - and when it is not him, why the picture?


Thanks Hans

Possibly Christians don't have a monopoly on Christ.


Jeff said (December 26, 2011):

Excellent article by Robert Cinque. His statement that " Love and Unity of all Life" has long been the basis of my spirituality. Learn to Love God and each other (as Jesus instructed). Nothing else is required or needed. No special rules, no ideology, no 'getting saved', no belonging to the 'right' religion, no anything else but to realize that we are all a part of God and Love is the only reality. This is what was taught by the Master we call Jesus, and is the message that is relayed to us by the overwhelming majority of near death experiences.

I also agree with the comment by Rob, although reading it gave me a headache. :)

Ken said (December 26, 2011):

I would seriously challenge the concepts put forward in Mr. Robert Cinque's article. I do this, particularly, because this article is claiming to correctly interpret Christianity and what God teaches in the Bible.

It does not. Not according to what the Bible actually says. Mr. Cinque is proposing old occult doctrine, which likes to pose as the "truth" about Christianity. Pantheism has nothing to do with what Jesus Christ teaches. God is infinite and part of that is His Omnipresence. However, God's personality is not negated by this Divine capacity, nor is human personality.

God is present everywhere....but, "everywhere" is not God. This is the crucial difference between truth and error pantheism refuses to admit.

If pantheistic philosophies are true (God is everywhere, so, "everywhere" equals God), we should throw our Bibles away. Everything it teaches, and I seriously do mean everything, is utterly and entirely destroyed. Included in the conflagration are: human origins, the nature of the fall and sin, the need and science of salvation and redemption, the finite malleability of human spiritual nature, the present mortality of the human being, the true nature of death, the Cross, a real Heaven, and all the issues of judgment according to human choices, resurrection, and a final end to the suffering and pain brought about by sin and 'RealityLaw' breaking.

Blasphemous proclamations must rise to the top in the beliefs of pantheism. And so they do in this article.

Genuine freedom of choice, with real meaning and real consequences, cannot exist without the possibility and reality of separation and nonexistence occuring. Pantheism denies the reality of this effect, and, thus, denies the reality of the cause that would bring it about.

With respect to Mr. Cinque, this article couldn't deny Christ's teachings more if it tried.

Brendon said (December 26, 2011):

As a result of a recent breakup with the girl i have been with since 16 years old (11years), I have been searching for answers to the empitness within I have always felt. I began to read the book 'Take me to the truth: Undoing the Ego', and have since realized how separated from the source(god) I really was. Although I am still new to this new thought, I realize situations where my ego-self reacts to the illusion that is, and can step back in a unified conscious, and trust what is.

I have always felt (and have stated) that I was living in a world of black/white/grey. Although its a daily struggle to untrain the ego-self thought process, I am living a more fulfilled, positive, and colourful life already. Relationships, work and my perception of life as a whole all have improved immensely. I highly recommend that those who are experiencing feelings of emptiness, guilt and judgement seek such truth.

Good Luck

Brandon, 27


Thanks Branden-

Assume you also know Eckhard Tolle - Power of Now


Rob said (December 26, 2011):

The author of the subject article, by “Robert Cinque,” reveals an individual quite like I am. I meet so few, which means none
thus far in my life on earth until Mr. Cinque brushed up against my thoughts just now.

Mr. Cinque has intimate knowledge of something that surely sets him apart from others. I have the same knowledge and this is how I know how he is set apart. If possible, I would like for him to know that he does not have to include any “others”
in the world in his public statements on the Power of Selfhood if he desires not to. When one gets to Unity, and gets inside, one becomes Unity Itself where there is no such thing as “otherness” even to address. One realizes at Point Unity that “others” are as much the same “one” as one is oneself. This is where I AM. I do not allow “others” to exist AT ALL. Thus, when one addresses me, unless one desires the ultimate in discord, one must begin with knowing that, “I AM THEE AND THEE ARE ME.” It helps “us both” see the forest from the tree.

I AM the Entirety of the Universe. I don’t say I AM “part” of the Entirety of the Universe. But I AM the Whole Thing because “we” are all connected and One, right? This is Purest Unity Point. It blows all ego to hell. When one is here there is only one thing one can say of oneself, “I AM.” And Whom else could One Be, except God playing, “Me.”

Modern science is fast closing in on this very point, i.e., that everything in the universe, ultimately, is intimately connected and one with all. However, science still won’t know what it has when it has it, as science is not a living animal. But I know what I have for having closed in on said “Unity Point,” and I would bet Mr. Cinque knows. If he doesn’t know, I detect (from his thoughts here) that he is on the cusp of finding out any time.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at