The Political Persecution of a 7/7 Truther
December 11, 2010

Several weeks ago, the Supreme Court of Ireland proved to everyone
just how corrupt they are when they extradited A.J. Hill, also known to
supporters as "Muad'Dib", for mailing DVDs of His Film, the "7/7 Ripple Effect" to a U.K. courthouse.
A.J. Hill is now in prison in the U.K., awaiting trial there. He faces the possibility of life in prison if convicted of the ludicrous charge of "...intending to pervert the course of justice..." for telling the truth to prevent a miscarriage of justice. When did telling the truth become a crime? Life in prison for telling the truth?
If you are touched by this true story, you are probably wondering what
you can do. We need to unite and continue to get the truth out to as many people as will listen.
We know the solution is NOT to return to the U.S. Constitution or the
British legal system or the Magna Carta, or any other set of man-made
rules, which have ALL failed to provide true freedom, true justice or
true peace. The fact that we are in this mess right now should serve
as PROOF to everyone that all of these nice and noble sounding
constitutions don't work and in fact were given to us by the N.W.O. to
deflect us from the ONLY Solution that will defeat the N.W.O. The
Solution that THEY don't want YOU to know about.
A.J. Hill produced the "7/7 Ripple Effect" documentary film to expose
the British government's official cover-up of the July 7, 2005 London tube-train bombings. He then had the spiritual backbone to send DVDs to a U.K. courtroom to correct the judge and the QC barrister's attempt to mislead the jury during the trial of the three accused. All
three men have since been found not guilty on those charges, but the
British government is so embarrassed that it is punishing A.J. Hill
for making the film and trying to silence him by throwing him in
prison. This is a clear cut case of malicious political prosecution.
The DVDs of the "7/7 Ripple Effect" should have been received as an Amicus Curiae (friend of the court) brief, as they were intended, to prevent a miscarriage of justice. Anyone with an open-mind who watches the film, which is less than an hour in length and uses only mainstream media reports, should be able to see that A.J. Hill's Intentions were pure and truthful.
Anyone with an open-mind who researches this case should be appalled
to learn that NOT ONE SINGLE JUDGE IN IRELAND VIEWED THE DVD BEFORE CONCLUDING THAT A.J. HILL'S INTENTIONS WARRANTED EXTRADITION. How could a court determine his Intentions without ever viewing the DVD?
The only reasonable explanation is that the Irish Courts were under direct orders from the British crown to hand A.J. Hill over to silence Him and make an example of him.
If you doubt that things are really this bad, please study this case.
See for yourselves. This is NOT about DVD's, it is about THIS DVD:-
"7/7 Ripple Effect", which can also be downloaded for free at
If you already know that things are this bad, and are looking for
ways to help, please get involved. Get the word out to others, both about this case and about the film. If you have the facilities to do so, please make copies of the "7/7 Ripple Effect" and give them out to everyone you know. Forewarned is forearmed, but time is running out, as this gross injustice should hopefully prove to everyone.
Wake-up Fremen/Free-men. It is time to follow Muad'Dib's Example and
fight for what is right in God's Eyes. If you won't stand up for
someone else now, who will be left to stand up for you when they come
to imprison YOU for telling the truth?
Release AJ Hill Campaign Blog
Debra can be reached at
Jeffrey said (December 14, 2010):
"It shows how dumbed-down our society is, and how logic has been almost completely removed from people's educating process (and thus their minds), that people want to return to a system of government which is producing failed states all over the world. Obviously constitutional democracy, which originated with a bunch of free-masons, is not a good form of government.
People say, "its the bad, illegal, and unconstituational laws at fault", not the basic doctrine. But THAT is the biggest throw-off of all, and either it is disinformation agents saying these things or just the blind being led by the blind.
I'm not sure how many countries on planet earth are now based on constitutional democracy, but NONE of them are succeeding. ALL of them have become corrupted. So, democracy based on constitutions has so far shown to end up in a success 0% of the time.
Whether people want to choose God's Law (He is God after all and is probably correct if people would just listen to Him), or if people want go make something else up to add to their long list of bad ideas, as usually happens, the FACT remains that democracy is a shit of a choice.
Anyone who can't see that as obvious should express a little humility and willfully keep their mouths shut for the greater good."