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Vaccine Pros and Cons

September 17, 2011

dees_vaccines1.jpg"Needle shock should not be underestimated. The myriad of vaccine studies all fail to take this into account."

by Stephen Coleman

The blanket claim that vaccines don't work or are dangerous is ludicrous. Farmers would quickly stop vaccinating if this were true.

Growing up on a farm, I have seen several livestock epidemics stopped cold thanks to the use of vaccines. Good hygiene and vaccines have greatly increased our lifespans along with that of our animal companions.

Louis Pasteur discovered that vaccinating chickens with weakened chicken cholera bacteria induced permanent immunity. The difference in the survival rate between the vaccinated and unvaccinated chickens was remarkable. From this discovery he developed successful vaccines for anthrax and rabies.

However,  the claim that all vaccines are useful is equally ludicrous.

In order to get a communicable disease, two factors must be present. The emotional conflict specific to the illness and the presence of the microorganism.

Masha and Dasha, a pair of Siamese twins joined at the hips share the same blood supply, yet one or the other twin girl gets a cold, a flu or a childhood disease while the other remains healthy. Why?

There is more to getting sick than just catching a bug. These two girls shared the same blood, but not the same emotional conflicts.

For example, the main emotional conflicts behind polio are fear of being stuck, imprisoned, and forced to work beyond one's abilities. The great polio epidemics coincide with the industrial age and died out with the end of child labor. In nations where child labor is still used, polio still presents a problem.

TB epidemics coincide with wars and natural disasters. Plague outbreaks coincide with total economic breakdowns. Flu season coincides with the holidays and families getting together.

Cervical cancer is a healing phase cancer. That means that after the conflict is resolved, the "cancerous" growth occurs. While the conflict is active, painless necrosis of the cervix is occurring. It becomes like microscopic Swiss Cheese.

The longer the conflict, the greater the necrosis. The "cancerous" growth is the repair of the necrosis.

When the necrosis has been fully repaired, the excess tissue breaks down. Bleeding, puss, fever and discomfort results. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is instrumental in it's breakdown and healing, it is not the cause of cancer anymore than apples cause orchards to appear.

The main conflicts that cause cervical cancer are feeling abandoned by a lover, or a fear of not being possessed by a man. The conflict is usually resolved when the lover returns, or she finds another lover. This explains the higher rate of cervical cancer in women married the 2nd time.

Thus Gardasil is worse than useless. It will not stop a single case of cervical cancer. It will stop HPV, but we don't know the dangers of a new virulent strain appearing.

Dr. Diane Harper, the lead creator of Gardasil says that 90% of HPV infections resolve themselves in two years. She also states that Gardasil would do little to prevent cancer.


There seems to be a link with vaccinations and the alarming growth of autism, diabetes and other serious conditions.

Flu, polio, Gardasil, pneumonia and other vaccinations have been tied to the potentially deadly nerve disease- Guillain-Barre Syndrome. (GBS) The conflict behind GBS is that a person strongly feels his life is not unfolding as he hoped. He feels stuck and unable to change; the future is unchangeable.

It is not what is in the syringe (baring any contamination, deliberate or not.) that causes these conditions. We have learned that it is the stress or fear of the needle that trigger these conditions. Many of us have seen people that get nauseous, dizzy or even faint just from the sight of a needle.

Needle shock should not be underestimated. The myriad of vaccine studies all fail to take this into account.

Within hours of being vaccinated with Gardasil,  a nine-year-old girl was hospitalized diabetic shock. She was resisting with disgust the thought of a future promiscuous spouse, fear of the needle and had just a fight with her parents over refusing to receive the vaccination.

the subconscious mind of a child and even some adults, the needle can represent a knife, bayonet or even a rape, triggering diabetes, autism and other conditions.

The increasing rate of autism is in direct proportion to the breakdown of the family. The key to autism is in the family tree. We have learned it is caused by the breakdown of communication between the generations.

A four-year-old girl seemingly became autistic from a vaccination. 4 years later I questioned both parents separately, the father after much questioning finally admitted to raping another woman while his own wife was pregnant. Confessing this to his daughter she was set free and greatly improved.

Personally, I do not take vaccinations but I'm not against them when they are needed. I believe we are over vaccinated and big pharm is profiteering off of us.

But I feel that living lives free from judgment, self criticism, covetousness, promiscuity or arguing with reality are among the true keys to health and happiness.

Stephen Coleman is an alternative therapist working in California. 


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Vaccine Pros and Cons"

Houman said (September 21, 2011):

Hi Dr Makow,

I just read the article on vaccination posted on your website. The vaccination story is a sad one and far from being new... you may want to check the date on the book at the following link

Another point: Many vaccines contain aluminum hydroxide as an adjuvant (, I suggest reading the following scientific paper to understand what it does to our brains (see also

The "lies" behind vaccination can continue because the so called "science" behind it is far from being "independent" and "transparent", more precisely the VSD database ( is not made public, and it is nearly impossible to gain access to it (

I strongly recommend watching the following presentation by Dr Andrew Moulden to have some insight on how mass vaccination has affected all of us (and not just people who got a "visible" adverse reaction)

Hans said (September 20, 2011):

Good article as ever. Thank you Mr. Coleman. I think the reason for polio is not the fear of the needle (persons with fear of a needle normally loose consciousness), I think the reason of polio is a "can not run away" shock. Some decades ago it was usual that polio vaccines were obligatory at schools. Children were grabbed and hold tight and couldn't run away - this is the root cause for polio. The shock of being "abused" and can t flee. The behaviour of doctors 30 years ago was very rude. (most diseases are iatrogenic but if you mention that you need
a fast horse). Parents e.g. weren t allowed to stay at night at the hospital if the children (toddlers) had a surgery. Today of course the situation is better.

Here is something about polio:

78 percent of Pakistani children with polio were given polio vaccines

Sometimes it seems that so called harmful microorganisms are under the control of the psyche.

Here is an example: The feeling of disgust can evoke herpes. Not the viruses, just the feeling.

Most people think that the body is a kind of machine and that the psyche has only a minor influence.

No, the psyche is everything, the matter is nothing. And people think that there is a permanent fight between good (immune system) and evil (germs, viruses, bacteria). What a nonsense. A primitive black and white thinking which reflects the human mind of an average person, not the reality.

PS. That most vaccines are poisoned is not necessary to mention.

Stephen Coleman said (September 19, 2011):

(Reply to Robbie)

I lived 3 years in the American tropics. There is plenty of sunshine, (Probably too much for me.) but flu season also coincides with the holiday season. Most families have somebody that causes irritation. Even if this person did not cause trouble this year, the stress and tension may still be triggered in the subconscious.

I would be alarmed at anything Bertrand Russell says, he was a high ranking Illuminati. Dr. Hamer has been reputedly told by a line worker for a big pharm company that nano chips were being placed in the vaccination needles.

Most of us have seen people that have received the flu vaccine that get the flu anyway. I became ill for 3 months from a flu shot, or I thought I did. I was working overtime and starting a business, all the activity overwhelmed me and I came down with CFS.

When I gave up the idea of starting a business, I was able to relax and got better in a few days.

Nicole said (September 19, 2011):

I love your articles. I read your site everyday. I am a young woman who is becoming more and more aware of the upside down world we are living in and it scary, but there is an awaking occurring on a massive scale as we speak.

I am writing about your latest articles you posted about vaccines. I was disturbed to find it did not mention at all the most important fact of all about vaccines: THEY CONTAIN MERCURY , GMO'S AND OTHER POTENT TOXINS. All vaccines depress the immune system and the mercury and other neurotoxins in them cause BRAIN DAMAGE, autism and autism spectrum disorders, allergies, diabetes, lowered IQ at the very least and many other health problem.

It is a documented fact what mercury does to the brain. Many doctors, scientists and parents of children injured by vaccines are speaking out now. Drug companies refuse to admit the damage these vaccines do to peoples health for obvious reasons. The liability would be enormous. But the day is fast approaching that they will be forced to admit the truth because people are waking up to this part of the elites plan to poison us and profit from it. Its all part of the New World Order. The dumb down, and poison us mentally and physically, and spiritually. We are being assaulted from every direction.

But despite all this I am hopeful. People are waking up and we will defeat the New World order simply because evil is inherently destructive. NON COMPLIANCE IS KEY and thats what I am doing. :)

Robbie said (September 18, 2011):

Stephen Coleman states: “Flu season coincides with the holidays and families getting together.” I do not agree with this, we get more Colds and Flu in the winter due to the lack of sunshine, which when it comes into contact with the skin, causes the body to produce Vitamin D3. which is very good for the immune system.

Dr. Maurice Hillerman jokes about Cancer being in some of the vaccinations:

“I brought African Greens in, I didn`t know we were importing AIDS virus at the time.

....So we had this meeting and that was sort of a topic of the day, and the jokes that were going on was, “Gee We would win the Olympics because uh, the Russians would all be loaded down with tumours.”

Source: Living with the Conspiracy 24-7.

The ruling elite admit that vaccinations are given to adversely effect the people:

Bertrand Russell.

From his book “The Impact of Science on Society” 1953 Page 50.

“Diet, INJECTIONS, and injunctions (Laws) will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be, will become psychologically impossible.”


Aldous Huxley, 1959.

“And it seems to me perfectly in the cards that there will be within the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing … a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods.”

Robert (York UK)

Debra said (September 18, 2011):

An obvious danger of vaccines often overlooked even by the 'all-natural' inclined dispositions, are their effects on the natural order of survival to weed out genetically weak from the stronger breeds. To take it one-step further, weeding out weaker spirit-beings from the higher spiritually-led beings.

For example, four people are exposed to bacteria, plague, environmental toxin, whatever the case:- Without external pharmaceutical aid from vaccines for example, physically weaker ones might die, thus leaving the remaining stronger physically ones to live and pass on genetically their immunity. By giving vaccines, the physically weak who might have died can then produce offspring like them. Multiply this by a billion of people, with laws of Nature having been disregarded, longevity lessens.

Take those same four people; one of the four living a higher Spiritually-led life of faith and humility is exposed as well to the bacteria, plague or environmental toxin, of which was out of their control, putting their complete trust in God for healing to occur which involves the direct connection to God. By doing so, live, whilst a weaker spirit-being's lack of faith and humility may be followed by death. The higher spiritually-led person lives to influence others, towards a better life. Multiply by a billion.

What do you get without vaccines / pharmaceuticals? A physically and Spiritually fit human+Being, and a community and nation and world of the like; and an opposite of occurrence in the world now. Same applies, physically, to animals and plants, and all that Father in heaven created for mankind.

The "Elite" have already poisoned a large portion of the Earth and more yet to come is considered. In the near future, then, one could correctly assume, it will be survival of the Spiritually-fit who'll live. So, "No", vaccines are not the answer, ... never. The explanation for "why" is out there, for all to find.

Healing in His Wings:-

DA said (September 18, 2011):

One concerning issue I have is the fact they are mandated. Gardasil, for example. Merck paid legislators to have that vaccine mandated.

The other risk with vaccines is thiomersal:

People push flu vaccinations all the time. The vaccination is a combination of three viruses speculated to be present in a given flu season, by the world health organization. So, they are often ineffective. I've not had a vaccination in decades, and I never get sick,

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at