I'm Wary of Anti- NWO Groups Like LaRouche's
March 27, 2010

by Don Bradley
(for henrymakow.com)
Every six weeks or so, our local post office has an ad-hoc outdoor kiosk setup with a few Lyndon LaRouche hawkers decrying the state of affairs, and oh, please sign up ASAP and join the fight against every wrong in the world.
These folks always try to corral me and tell how bad things are when I need to go inside the post office. They setup right next to the door; there's no escaping them.
One day, I stopped to hear the pitch. As the lady droned on, she pretty much said what I expected her to say. She and this other fellow had clipboards where people could sign up--name, address, phone, email addy.
I was told that LaRouche and company were the ONLY ONES fighting the NWO and all that. This was repeated a few times, especially as I protested the facts to the contrary. I was also informed that the only way to defeat said NWO was to organize under LaRouche leadership and his battle standard. No other option possible was the repeated mantra.
There's a few problems with that attitude and
perception. First
and foremost, outfits like LaRouche are what is known as "lightening
rods." They are put out to the public--online, in the mail, and now,
post office outlets--to attract those souls who are unhappy.
The purpose? To get their names. These then become created data sets which the intelligence agencies to update their databases with information as to those people who are finding the status quo not too much to their liking.
When Bush was president, the LaRouche kiosks had posters of GW Bush with a Hitler mustache. Now, it's Obama.
When I told the woman that although this country and the world had problems with the so-called NWO, but that organizing into groups that could be easily surveyed and infiltrated (think Co intel pro) was a classic mistake made far too often, as history has taught us, she got downright angry with me, closed up, and wouldn't look me in the eye. Her tone became militant and angry.
I informed her that the true solution would come from the individual, not the group that could be taken over, used, discredited, and then setup as a patsy for some future ill yet to befall this country. At that point she literally turned her back to me and ended the conversation.
I see.
The answer is with the individual. It's the person who sees and can act, doing what is within their power and preview to forestall the efforts of the established network of evil that has taken over this planet. The individual can do and be, saying nothing to anyone, but just doing what needs to be done as it presents itself to them on a day to day basis. If the aware souls of the world acted alone and without concert with others in any organized fashion, we really do then have a chance at winning. By organizing into easily penetrated and infiltrated groups by intelligence assets, each group then quickly becomes a nothing which ends up serving the purposes of the very system it was designed to defeat. History has taught us this lesson, if we've been paying attention at all.
Think about it. You too, will see that this is so.
It's the person, rather than the group, who makes change. Each according to our own measure, skills, perceptions and aspirations to have a better world that is within our grasp.
Don said (March 29, 2010):
Regarding your article on LaRouche he advocates multiple principles which make him an automatic enemy of out national and world Plantation Masters -
1) He states that the so-called " over-population " problem does not exist and that in fact there are too few people. Hence he directly challenges the anti-human/humanity themes of the New World Order which justify abortion and any other population reduction programs ( which in my opinion includes creation and disseminate of the AIDS bioweapon ).
2) He challenges the fraud of radical environmentalism which manifests in the lies regarding so-called " global warming " and other frauds. He correctly states that such frauds are part of the comprehensive Plantation Master ( my term ) program for, and to justify, population reduction; in this case via the smashing of industrial production and manufacturing.
3) He advocates technological progress. Just this idea brings out the foaming-at-the-mouth environmentalists who recognize that such progress makes all people around the world more prosperous; a completely unacceptable action to the Plantation Masters whose religion is Social Darwinism. It is this religious belief that justifies mass murder ( abortion, AIDS, etc. ) in order to stop those considered " Inferior " from outbreeding their self-considered Superior overlords.
4) He advocates a complete overhaul of the educational system from its current primary ( and truly only ) Social Engineering function of indoctrination and dumbing down of the populace to produce a greater ease of their control by the Plantation Masters ( bankers, etc. )
Hence while his followers may or may not be justly accused of " cult " actions his philosophical base of ideas is in complete agreement with the advancement of humanity overall and of its victory over those who would enslave our nation and humanity as a whole.
I have my own disagreements with aspects of his political positions but overall I believe that his perspectives are those upon which our nation was founded and which must be returned to if we are to escape the permanent slavery of our nation.