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Why Satanists Fail

December 16, 2011

Satanists are fixated upon one set of badly distorted symbols that eventually drain them of all energy.

by Edgar Portisch

When I read the "death-bed confession of a Satanist" - I could visually see exactly what crowd of 'young, elegant, educated manager-types, and of course also just such 'eager young recruits of the secret services' would be directly attracted by such a blasphemy.

These men and women don't believe in anything anyway, and by virtue of the slick 'modern aspect' one could assume that especially women would be attracted.

All these glossy 'Woman's Magazines' have predisposed them to fall for the subtle aspects of Satanism, already integrated into all cosmetics advertisement.

Who the hell, so to say, is in his/her right mind to smear expensive and poisonous chemicals onto the face ? This is good for theater and 'mundane balls', where certain people only congregate.

These people believe in the most vacuous external parodies of real life. For men, it's the demented sports news, car racing and all other superficiality. Not one of such 'predisposed for Satanic ritual' beings has any belief system, has never thought of Creation or the sources and reasons for our being alive.
This is just the type of nihilism that both communism and capitalism have created. It follows that it's part of the Masonic grand plan. For WW III, Albert Pike, grand master of the Scottish rite, used exactly these words: "we will  unleash the nihilists, the non-believers, etc."

What was to be the outcome of that war ? "To submit to the worn out and tired masses the pure light of Lucifer !"

This black magic has always suffered from its own limitations. They don't understand nor bother to understand any of the divine creative ways.

That's what eventually always destroys them. They are fixated upon one set of badly distorted symbols that eventually drain them of all energy.

Some say their life-force goes to the daemons of the under-worlds. Today more people tend to believe that it goes to 4th-density parasitic entities. It doesn't matter: they are eventually drained.

They invented the distorted blasphemous rituals, even specialized in child sacrifice, made a mockery of all that they could influence, destroyed the evidence for a previous much higher and purer culture - mainly to create that 'Chao' to be followed by their 'Ordo'.

In this the Masons are highly implicated. If Albert Pike represents Masonry, it at the very least serves as an entrance portico to the lower rituals, which then quickly degenerate into pure Satanism.
Yet, tough they rarely appear in the open, the connection with such forces is infective. It tends to unbalance those who dig too deep into that horrible hole.

The warnings of high-level esoterics have been repeated for a long time already : Do not approach the vibrations emanating from this putrid mockery of all that is good and divine.

They can be infective, worse: they can make these dark forces aware of someone who is looking too closely at what they are doing. That is the main reason for attracting dangerous secret service agents, police and police chiefs into their cult, for they can really harm those eager to expose them.


Armin Risi is a Vedic scholar or rather an ex-monk in the traditional line of Vedanta. Like Creamo and Thompson of 'Forbidden Archaeology', Swami Prabu.... (?) of Hare Krishna fame, he believes that in this darkest Kali Yuga, only the mantra Hare Krishna can help to ward off the under-world daemonic forces.  Christians would maybe say: 'only the light of Christ'.....

In his second book, with a foreword by Illuminati insider William Bore Williams, he delves rather deeply into how the daemonic world of mind control, subtle influences emanating from secret societies, etc. reflect nothing else than what Krishna had talked about when he said: "Those evil doers, those who mock the sacred rituals, those killers of animals and men.....,etc..... at the end of each cycle I invariably throw into the flames of disintegration....etc."
Bhagavad Gita

As Hinduism in general does not accept any single "God" as supreme as in monotheism, so also does Risi not accept the notion of a single Satan, Devil, etc.

Instead, he divides them into spheres of influence, a little like Rudolf Steiner:

The fiery Satanic, working through its ever-busy Asuras, who are responsible for the misuse of energies, especially electricity, nuclear and ELF / ELLF (extremely low long frequencies = one wave many times earth's diameter long, plus lowest frequency). It is the Asuras who control the active secret societies, use them to create war and mayhem in general.
The Ahrimanic negativity, which is sluggish, using the depth of ignorance to push Man into obeying the agendas of the Asuric forces. This is the true Entropy, destruction and dissolution.

What Risi points out is that closer contact with all of these forces already creates a subtle bond, because we are dealing with other dimensions/densities : daemonic, invisible, yet reactive to human endeavors, as in critique, blowing whistles, exposing them openly. In this way, he warns of too close an investigation, because they also react as vampires, and are full of spite for divine creation.

In Tibetan thought, these are the "wrathful deities", fuelled by vampiric forces, always eagerly looking out for weak spots to attack and drain energies.

Risi, who knows the whole of Hindu literature, points to the fact that Vimanas and flying ships of different shape have always been a common phenomenon, but they are also employed by the seven under-worlds of the Daemons.

So, if the positive Devas or Angels do use them too - though they prefer ethereal and spiritual ways - a great part of these ufos would be built by Asuras, Rakshasas, etc. The under-world, devoid of natural light, lives in an artificial mockery of the seven worlds above.*)  The middle world, the fourth from both up and down, is the bi-polar playing field where both influences are present. At least Krishna says that at cycle's end there is always a cleaning and re-balancing.

*) The most evil centers of control and evil are invariably located underground, or like the Bank of England, etc., in buildings with no Windows.

Edgar Portisch is a Madagascar-Based researcher. His website. 

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Why Satanists Fail"

Ralph said (December 17, 2011):

This article is exactly what I've been thinking about the last couple of weeks. The fallen angels and the master the luciferians worship initialy rebelled against the Creator. These dark powers are trying to prove that mankind is not able to live freely and in harmony with the Creator. In every aspect it works in the exact opposite of how it was all intended.

We have the Book of Life. They have the book of Death.
The forces that dwell on earth draw power from mankinds negativity, pain and suffering. I think if you read Albert Pike, you read the words of Satan. The great "Awnser Man" wants to return and sit on his Luciferian throne. It is up to all of us to keep seeing through it all and seeking the Lord. Indeed, see through their commercials, public -under-the-surfice- rituals, movies, tv, distractions etc. But personally I don't believe that is what Satan truly wants, personally I think he wants to wipe out everyone, including his followers. He has done nothing but lie and cheat from the beginning. Luciferians do nothing but lie and cheat even amongst each other. The Luciferians believe the Creator will never "kill" them, because it is not in the nature of the Creator. Can you believe how absolutely evil this
thought is?! But I think is that deliberatly rejecting Jesus our
Savior, and to damn the name of the Lord is something that seems almost unforgivable.

Luckily I am not the one to judge.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at