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"You Lie" -- Joe Wilson Outburst a Charade

September 19, 2009

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

When Rep. Joe Wilson's interrupted the hypnotic rhythms of Barama's speech Sept. 9 with the cry "You lie," he shattered the illusion of plausibility required for participation in the great Charade of Democracy

Of course the President is lying. Politicians are supposed to deceive the people. (Does "9-11" ring a bell?) They are chosen for their lying skills. ("I never had sex with that woman.")

Obama promised that illegal immigrants would not be covered by public health care, but a few days later he said they all should become legal.

Wilson interrupted the theatre. Obama could have confessed, "I'm not going to lie to you. I am going to lie to you. You're all suckers and this is an act."

But we must keep up the illusion that politicians are honorable men, not stuffed suits who have betrayed their country and fellow citizens by joining a Satanic cult, the Freemasons (Illuminati.)

So everyone pretended to be real shocked and demanded an apology. Wilson was censured. The illusion was restored. Millions of dollars flowed into Wilson's coffers and that of his opponent. Illuminati alumnus Jimmy Carter ventured that all opposition to Obama could now be dismissed as "racist."  Obama magnanimously demurred. Great theater.

Even Joe Wilson's outburst was a charade. Thanks to "Columbia Christians for Life" we learn that Joe Wilson is a high-level Mason and Shriner, a secret brother-in-arms of  Prince Hall Mason Barack Obama. Moreover,  he cast a deciding vote in 2003 for giving prescription coverage  to illegals. Two years later he betrayed working Americans and supported the "Central American Free Trade Agreement."  Last term, it appears he was a Liberal.

So you see, democratic debate is just a charade. All prominent politicians (and actors), Left and Right, belong to the same Illuminati club and advance the same agenda, world government controlled by the Rothschilds. Wilson's outburst was part of the distraction from the economy and the robbery by banks of trillions from future taxpayers. Billions of dollars were put into the pockets of Goldman Sachs by its former chairman, Treasury Sec. Hank Paulson.


perlstein.jpgSelect Masons and Jews serve as Rothschild agents. This is the real cause of anti-Semitism. The mass media is a mind control machine which inundates the public with pornography and propaganda. Look for a Liberal smear-job and ten to one, a Jew is doing it. For example, I was listening to the CBC, the government broadcaster, when they wanted to talk about the "craziness" invading American politics. So they brought on a Washington Post columnist, Rick Pearlstein, ( left) to tell us that "Liberal power induces a crazy-making panic in Americans"  which is stoked by "powerful elites." Liberals are "earnestly confused when rational dialogue won't hold sway."  Sounds objective huh? It couldn't be that Americans don't want to increase the size of government?  Or bear the cost of insuring illegals? Or think America cannot afford public health? (The Washington Post is owned by the central bankers. Eugene Meyer was Chair of the Fed from 1930-1933.)

It's the old Liberal mythology of the "people" (government) versus "big business." In fact, the government represents big business not the people. Under the pretext of benevolence, the central bankers are using the government to establishing a private monopoly. Ultimately this monopoly will extend to everything.

Try to understand the baneful Masonic influence on the US, and you will find another Jew whitewashing it. Mitch Horowitz, in his book "Occult America" puts the most positive spin on the Masonic substitution of paganism for Christian values. "Masonry's penchant for occult and pagan symbolism suggests how it saw religious truth as emanating from a common source that could be found in different cultures throughout history, including those of a mystical and pre-Christian past."  He portrays Henry Wallace, FDR's VP, as a "great intellectual searcher" when he was, like FDR, a Communist and a Satanist.  He says William Dudley Pelley's Silver Shirt Christian-inspired patriotic movement was a model for "hate groups" and anti-Semitism.
Don't kid yourself Mitch, the hatred is all coming from your side.

mitch2.jpgSo there you have it: Masonic Jews and Masons monopolizing discourse and distorting reality, in order to impose Rothschild domination and control, and yet wondering why anti-Semitism is flourishing. Jews are scapegoats alright. For the Rothschilds! And, like Pearlstein and Horowitz, many earn the privilege.

Meanwhile another Mason and some say Jew, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is again engaged in gratuitous holocaust denial designed to stoke unnecessary friction and war. 


The battle lines are not based on class or race or gender. These divisions were all fostered by the Illuminati bankers to distract and undermine. The battle lines are between the bankers and their legions of unscrupulous opportunistic lackeys on the one hand, and the human race on the other.

Except for a few courageous writers, public discourse is theater put on by the Illuminati. By controlling both sides, they control us and the outcome.  All we can do is tune it out, or laugh, or just throw up.

Related- A Study of Freemasonry & the US Presidency

Related- "The Matrix of Manufactured War"

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for ""You Lie" -- Joe Wilson Outburst a Charade"

Sasha said (September 21, 2009):

Dr. Makow,

Below is an article indicating the Gay Pride Parade in Belgrade (funded entirely by George Soros) was canceled due to the threat of violence. The first parade, in 2002, was also marred by violence.

I do not condone violence Dr. Makow by any means. However, I travel often to Serbia and am well informed by friends and family, and the Serbian Orthodox Church, to what Soros and the West are trying to do. I find it most fascinating that most people I know there are entirely aware to the motives of Soros and the parade in general, in the attempt to fracture the family and culture.

Perhaps after being attacked by NATO in 1999 and with more people awakening to the West's culpability in the Yugoslav war they are not as naive as people in the US.

There are some interesting quotes in the link from the Swedish ambassador condemning the cancellation and stating how "normal" the Gay pride parade is in Europe, particularly Sweded.


Doug said (September 21, 2009):

My name is Doug. I stumbled across your site when it was I read your articles and while I agreed, I dared not show it to anyone, because I was afraid that they'd call me a chauvinist. Today, however, as a married man and father of a young girl, your words ne'er rang more true. You are spot-on with every single thing that you write. Now, I openly share your writings with my mother, wife, mother in law, sister in law... and who'd have thought that they all agree with you. They all feel that they were sold on a huge lie. They all hate their jobs and wish they could stay home and be mothers & homemakers.

Also, I wanted to thank you for helping to connect the dots regarding the new world order / masons, etc. Now that I understand, I see it all so plainly. Perhaps it is done that way intentionally; they hide themselves by placing themselves in plain sight. Anyway, keep up the good work. There are growing legions of individuals like us. I like to think that we outnumber them, and can some day crush them.

D said (September 21, 2009):

Having been an radio traffic analyst, cryptanalyst, in the employ of the USAF Security Service , aka NSA, circa ------, I am rendered incapable of believing anything emanating from the Gov't., of any country presently operating on planet earth.
I'm delighted you are spreading your stuff.....

Tony said (September 20, 2009):

As a late response to "Wayne's" question [below] about the U.S. Constitution, which is a masonic creation as is the nation itself, here is my take.

U.S. law is based on humanism, a masonic basic. Humanism can only work properly if almost every person is not only ethically and morally in right order but each must also be knowledgeable of the pertinent facts of each issue. If any one of these absolute necessities is missing, humanism becomes a perfect tool for masonic manipulation of the masses.

In the very beginning of the nation these necessities were usually in existence by a high enough percentage - with the exception of the knowledge of a proper medium of exchange - so that the government worked fairly well.

Today I defy anyone to honestly state that the people in general are ethically or morally in right order or that they are in possession of necessary knowledge of the issues. Or that the nation is not nose diving into chaos, if not oblivion.

anon said (September 20, 2009):

There is a group that needs to be stoped, They are almost cult-like.
They are called "The Saviors, they are a group that works along beside the illuminati. They are led by a sociopath named Bara Tool.

This Bara Tool person is devious, can manipulate or hypnotize people in seconds, does not care for human life that is wasted in wars.
All he wants is "the ultra-quality" or "ultimate equality" a goal that everyone is exepted and people are hypnotized into thinking that
the people "behind the throne" so to speak, are just or god-like.

they wear all black clothing, and under that wear bullet proof armor, the armor is home made and in order to keep it well hidden and flexible it has some holes or unarmored spots in it, so a slashing movement with a knife can easily go through it, although a bullet at point blank may not, seems strange, i know.
the picture i'm attaching to this is a picture "the double cross" that members use or draw to identify themselves.

Wayne said (September 20, 2009):

I've become familiar with NWO conspiracy thought over the past several years -- and you seem to be among the better-informed people writing on this subject. There is a conundrum which you might wish to address in an article, if you have not already done so.

The involvement of Freemasons with Illuminism (& by extension the NWO plan) is well-known, but what puzzles me is how one reconciles that with the founding of the United States. One can easily see the diabolical side of the French Revolution & its significance in the larger plan of nation-destruction leading to the NWO. However I cannot see how one can say the same about the American Revolution -- which was led by Masons inspired by Enlightenment ideas.

If you believe that today's American dissidents calling for a return to a true constitutional republic are just dupes of the Illuminati, then please explain how -- for many of them see themselves as mortal enemies of the NWO and believe the Decl. of Independence, Constitution & Bill of Rights are the best basis for government ever devised (if only they had not been subverted over the years).

It does make me wonder what kind of system you do support, if for ex. the Protocols of the Elders of Zion are true -- republics are allegedly part of the larger nation-destroying game plan. What is the better alternative? Monarchy? Prior to the 20th C. the term "conservative" usually meant monarchist. Until recently, separation of church & state was a radical idea -- just the sort of thing "Satanists" would promote.

It seems to me that one's politics naturally follows from one's view of human nature. For ex., those who think we are merely beasts & incapable of changing tend to prefer totalitarian rule of one sort or another -- the assumption is that there is always a master class & a slave class, and the latter can never rule itself wisely.

Those who believe we are all capable of self-improvement (a common belief among Enlightenment thinkers) prefer self-rule, classic liberalism & republicanism. The corruption of that view has led to socialism & communism -- an ironic inversion of liberation-movement into tyranny.

Anyway, I do look forward to reading more of your essays. Thanks for your sincere efforts -- the world clearly needs changing. If only we could agree on what kind!



I agree with the principles of the US Constitution but you must understand that the Masons put them there are as window dressing to catch the flies as it were. They operate beneath the surface to steer things onto the rocks. I support democracies where the central bank is nationalized, the media and education systems are genuinely diverse and free, and election finance is 100% public. No private donations whatsoever.

Christine said (September 20, 2009):

At the rally in DC last week, a protestor held up a placard stating "Joe Wilson Said What We Think." Regardless of Wilson's shortcomings, the placard was right. He did speak for many of us.

John Stossel of ABC News has been talking about healthcare reform for a long time now. There is an extremely simple solution to healthcare, so obvious that he seems to be the only one pointing it out: pay cash.

Stossel says in his videos that the only part of US healthcare where costs are dropping are LASIK eye surgery and cosmetic surgery. That is because neither are covered by insurance, which forces patients to pay cash and shop around for bargains.

And that in turn forces LASIK doctors to offer better care, such as personally answering the phone and emails. Does your doctor do that? Almost none in the US or Canada will. Stossel showed one doctor busily answering the phone because he HAD to - or else he would lose business.

Stossel said that if we treated food the same way we treat health insurance, the price of food would skyrocket. After all, don't you shop for bargains when buying food with cash? And wouldn't you buy filet mignon if someone else were footing your food bill?

He also showed long lines of people waiting for free giveaways. We've all seen them. And that's what happens when people perceive something as "free," even though healthcare is not free. It is paid for by an insurance company or the government. Stossel said over and over again that when people do not have to pay for a staple, such as food or healthcare, they tend to overconsume because they don't even know how much it costs. Even US doctors are so out of touch with costs that even they don't know what their fees are, he said.

With regard to your respondent's assertion that "no one is turned away at Emergency Rooms in the USA," that is technically true. In my neck of the woods in Virginia, if you dare to show up at the ER with no money or insurance, they may charge you nothing. Or they may sue you rather than direct you to a charity that can pay your bill, as the local paper revealed. The going rate here is $4K a visit. Want to play financial Russian roulette? Didn't think so.

Clearly, Stossel was correct in his assertion that it is the 250 million insured Americans who are causing the problem, and not the uninsured. Through legislation, the government has stacked the cards against the patient by promoting health insurance rather than a return to free markets.

In my opinion, the reason that governments keep pushing insurance is to control people. One of the more ghoulish aspects of health insurance in Canada and the US is the total control they exert over the patient.

For example, I know 2 heart patients in Canada and the USA. Both have told me that the must take their medications or else they will be kicked out of their insurance plans. The doctors make sure that they are taking their meds by monitoring the level of drug in their systems. These drugs have reduced one of my friends to a walking cripple and have nearly killed the other one.

If this is healthcare, I prefer self-care. And that is why the gov't keeps pushing "healthcare" - so that we can be their diseased slaves.

Dan said (September 20, 2009):

Don't you think young guys like Pearlstein and Horowitz believe their own rhetoric? I spent most of my life hanging out on the left and it becomes a world. All one's friends are left, one works in left based careers. These guys grew up in a left indoctrinated world of left parents and left grandparents, sent to left universities to study for left careers. The only difference between me and these fellows is that it would never occur to them to get in a car and drive across America with no money from home and have to take temp work in factories with hillbillies or take a Greyhound bus and talk to black strangers, or get in a conversation with down-and-out on a street corner whom you'd just given two dollars to eat, or handed a couple of cigarettes.

At first glance of Pearlstein's career in propaganda journalism with the Washington Post it would be easy for me to assume he's lying through his teeth to label the people in the YouTube videos reactionary troglodytes too backward to appreciate the world Obama is building. But he probably does believe exactly what he says, that they're panicked and crazy for not bowing to what he thinks is the final victory of Liberal Power. Because liberals are out of touch with America. They insulate themselves in an ivory tower. So does the elite Right, and in this sense they are indistinguishable.

The Left came out of a past somewhere way back there of persecution, so having desire to make things right for the world once American liberalism achieves power it becomes the 'thing' it originally set out to destroy. That's a process bigger than any of the 'isms' that fall into it. American liberalism has become what the old order Christendom had become at it's peak of power - hypocritical, smirking, rigid and oppressive.

There's a level above the Left that directs it like a knight on a chess board. I don't think these guys know what that is, but the politician Wilson might, though I doubt it. The Liberal Elite writers are still idealists, the politicians have no ideals at all. But they're both serving a master and agenda even they probably don't understand.

By the way Wilson's delivering that scripted "You Lie!" was specifically tied to the matter of undocumented aliens 'getting' health care.
Listen - as it has been in the United States even though health care sucks, anyone who walks into a public hospital flat broke with a life threatening illness cannot be denied treatment. Wilson's op isn't merely to make the health 'care' reform protesters look rude, crazy and racist. The heart of this matter is whether the Hippocratic Oath and sanctity of life are the foundation of health policy in this country, or whether that foundation is to become whatever the State says it will be.

They want to make it about dollar and cents, and coax the protesters into calling for denial of services to anybody they can as the 'other' who's not to be included. If the elderly fall for that, they discredit themselves and that's what the Government spin doctor's game is with Wilson's carefully planned theatrics. Sure, Obama knew that was in the script. He knew exactly when Wilson was going to interject, and what he was going to say. It was theater. Just like every public appearance a President does is entirely scripted. Nothing spontaneous ever happens at any Presidential appearances. They're for the camera.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at