Romance/Sex = Potent Mind Control
May 7, 2011

Love is really the love of perfection (God.)
People are not perfect.
We have been brainwashed to sublimate
our love of God
into worship of people, i.e. romance and sex.
This is idolatry.
Revised from May 11, 2011
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
"Whopper" no longer refers to a hamburger but to the latest MSM headline. The masses eat it up, like dogs who love their leashes.
Kabbalist Jews and Masons, the Illuminati bankers are enslaving humanity in a veiled "world government" tyranny dedicated to Lucifer.
Throughout history they have broken us down by instigating wars, depressions, calamity and corruption. They have also destabilized us by promoting bogus and dysfunctional beliefs.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion state: "We must introduce into their education all those principles which have so brilliantly broken up their order." (16)
Since the Illuminati bankers dictate fashion through the mass media, it is a simple matter to shape mass psychology and destabilize society.
They simply present behavior like premarital sex, promiscuity, adultery, homosexuality and obscenity as though they were the healthy norm.
Monkey see; monkey do.
They promote dysfunction in more subtle ways too. Have you noticed that in TV and movies, there is usually an unrealistic correlation between a person's physical appearance and their moral status?
The "good guys" are handsome while the "bad guys" are ugly. Beautiful women are rarely portrayed as bad. Thus we are unconsciously indoctrinated to believe that beauty and goodness are identical.
Consequently, most men (and women) pursue feminine beauty as though it were a religion.
This is deliberate. The Illuminati are satanists; they want us to worship false gods: sex, money, fame and power. They want us to worship beautiful women -- "goddesses". Men are indoctrinated to believe the love of a beautiful woman (God) is as good as gets.
One of the pioneers of "humanism" was the Masonic philosopher August Comte (1798-1857.) He advocated idealizing women as a way of "secularizing" society:
"Women must become Goddesses," he wrote in "System of Positive Polity" (1854). "By substituting goddesses for gods, we sanction the legitimate preeminence of women." (Vol. 4, P. 446.)
By inflating the importance of women, the Illuminati undermine and destabilize society.
Men and women were intended to worship (i.e. love) God; women to follow their husband's leadership. By pushing beautiful young women to the top, the whole pyramid is inverted and society is destabilized.
By "God" I mean spiritual ideals like truth, beauty, justice and love.
There is universal agreement in Western society that romantic love is the way to happiness. This message is drummed into our heads by about 80% of songs and movies.

Take a movie like "Serendipity" for example. The John Cusack character falls for Kate Beckinsdale but then loses touch with her. The whole movie charts his frantic search, and when he does find her, it is presented as the Second Coming of Christ.
The woman has become a surrogate for his own soul. He has lost his soul by loving her, and now he thinks she is going to give it back.
The reason I harp on this subject is that I was very much a victim of the mass media. I overvalued love/sex/women. The essence of masculinity is power. It is what women want in a man.
But thanks to the free ride women get in the media, men are too in awe to court them; women are too in awe of themselves to follow a man. Neither are able to bond. Neither mature by assuming marital and parental responsibilities. The result: arrested development and an obsession with sex.
Of course sexual attraction (lust) is often mistaken for love. The Illuminati have endowed sexual intercourse with ridiculous religious and psychological expectations. It is the holy sacrament of the bogus religion. The result is that people pathetically mimic the love they crave by having anonymous sex.
The acceptance of anonymous sex has degraded all human relationships to the level of a short cheap thrill. For me, there is no better proof that humanity is in the clutch of satanists.
Sex has no significance unless it is an expression of love. It is a physical appetite like hunger.
Couples should not feel pressured to maintain the romantic standard peddled in the media. A successful lifelong marriage is based on mutual support, companionship, commitment, respect and trust. Sexual attraction is only one of many contributing factors.
Two people pledge devotion regardless of their many imperfections. They love the real person, not the ideal one. But the ideal does reside within every soul. We're all beautiful there.
Don't look for happiness/perfection outside yourself. Don't look for anyone to give you yourself. Worship God by uncovering the Truth buried in our souls.
Love is really the love of perfection (God.) People are not perfect. We have been brainwashed to sublimate our love of God into worship of people, i.e. romance and sex. This is idolatry.
People should not love each other in the sense of worship. This misplaced love sabotages and destroys countless lives.
Humanity has been hijacked by a satanic cult, the Illuminati, who are Kabbalists and Luciferians. Our civilization is based on a denial of God's existence and design. In effect, this is tantamount to denying Intelligent Design,(which should be self-evident) and the existence of morality and truth.
God is Consciousness which is the ultimate Reality: Truth, Goodness, Love, Beauty and Justice. That is why we all love and crave these ideals, why we all crave God.
We are radios that tune into this frequency. Obeying God, (faith, true religion) is about entering this consciousness and behaving accordingly. This is our real identity.
The Illuminati want to substitute their own corrupt self-serving reality. This is why they condition us to self-destructively pursue false gods like romance and sex. Their ultimate motivation is occult, not commercial. They want to stunt our biological and spiritual development, in order to domesticate us. If you're a satanic cult, It's what you do.
Makow - Hollywood's Sabbatean Sex Propaganda
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Mike said (May 12, 2011):
I too was victim to the over stimulation of sex via the media; the funny thing was, I thought it was "normal". Then one day I seemed to snap out of it and realized that emphasis on sex within the Gentile segment of our culture is nothing more than idolatry and mind control that does nothing more than weak our will and resolve. The fruits of this idolatry is Reality TV, disease and fatherless children...alas, however, our people love to have it so.