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Health Depends on "Good Vibes"

August 3, 2011

child-laughter.jpgLaughter is the best medicine because it raises body vibrational frequency, & purges or neutralizes negative frequencies.

A response to..."Doctors Ignore Mental Causes of Disease" &
"Therapist Calls Homosexuality "Mental Illness"

By Kevin E. Abrams
 (co-author of "The Pink Swastika")

The entire universe & every "thing" in creation is comprised of distinct vibrational frequencies - vibrating on its own unique wavelength.

AM & FM radio stations, for instance, broadcast on separate frequencies which are then "deciphered" & "attuned" by receivers.

Man, is created in the "Image" of God, which is His Divine "Frequency" to which man is more or less "attuned."

Negative emotions like hate, resentment & anger, lower or diminish the resonant frequency of our bodies, which makes us more susceptible to the function & design of a range of pathogenic microbial functions.

Shock, sadness, debt & loss, plus a lack of meaning & purpose in life, all cause our body resonant frequency to subside.

As therapist & Auschwitz survivor Viktor Frankl explains in Doctor of The Soul & Man's Search For Meaning, those who best survive adverse circumstances don't give up hope. They discover a deeper meaning & purpose to their experience.

In Nourishment Home Grown, Dr. A.F. Beddoe explains, "Each species of plants and animals functions on a certain frequency (vibration) - like a musical cord."

"Research by Dr. (Carey) Reams using the early oscilloscope revealed that the frequency of each unique specie is what kept that specie in existence because only animals and plants with the same basic frequency pattern were able to naturally reproduce."

Beddoe provides a sliding scale of life-form frequencies beginning with pure elements like nitrogen on the low frequency side, and (healthy) humans on the highest frequency side of the scale, with compounds, bacteria, insects, plants & animals progressively in-between. The Creator sustains all in existence through frequencies, which are encoded in His speech.
Beddoe offers a banana as an example. "The banana frequency calculated in the 1930s is .000(15). The number fifteen is written with parenthesis around it to show it holds a single decimal position. It so happens that in the banana example the (15) part of the frequency number comes from the number 1.5 which is 1/2 the actual chromosome number of 3 for a banana.

"The three zeros tell us the time, or how quick the atoms vibrate (circulate) throughout the molecules of the plant kingdom." What occurs in the dis-eaze process is this... When the vibrational frequency of a plant or a human body plateaus with that of insects or pathogenic microbes respectively, then the host becomes subject to their function. Microbes are pleomorphic (many formed) rather than monomorphic (singular in form), thus, a benevolent aerobic (in oxygen) intestinal flora may morph into a pathogenic, i.e., anaerobic (out-of-oxygen fermentative) function if the terrain becomes or is made toxic, acidic &/or dysfunctional.

"Indeed, a root cause of all dis-eaze, as captured in the title of a book by Dr. J.H. Tilden, is, TOXEMIA (of the blood) EXPLAINED. And of course, toxemia of the blood, largely originates in the intestinal tract, digestive process & quality of food, i.e., mineralization & enzymes. Whereas minerals are the building blocks of life, enzymes are the spark(s) of life in all whole, living food.
"When defective or damaged, all plants emit a distress or discordant frequency, which is received by an insect's antennae & deciphered for remedial action. Insects are, in effect, like all molds & rusts nature's perfect recyclers. They are actually the ever vigilant guardians of our food supply.

"Much like flowers attract bees, minerally deficient & vibrationally weak crops attract insects to perform their function, for which they are rewarded in our current system of adversity with death. In the modern denatured & minerally deficient food supply - an affect of depleted & poorly mineralized soils, human beings actually substitute, or are "substituted" by Corporate Interests FOR insects.

" Both modern medicine and conventional agriculture, are "allopathic" systems of cause and effect - systems of opposites that wage war against symptoms, while either ignoring or neglecting causes (terrain). As French microbiologist Antoine Beauchamp (correctly) observed, "the microbe is nothing, the (toxic &/or dysfunctional) terrain is everything."

For those challenged by cancer, you should first know its "purpose," or its cause. Cancer's natural purpose & function, is to recycle the body into usable compost. Cancer terms like "tumor," are interchangeable with those used in "mycology" - the study of molds, rusts, fungi and mushrooms.

Mushroom, for instance, can be substituted to describe the relative appearance and function of a "tumor." Both propagate similarly, and both perform the same function, which is to recycle depleted, abused, damaged &/or defective organic material into usable compost. This is in effect the carbon cycle, which is compromised or dysfunctional in most soils in which chemical fertilizers & pesticides are dispersed. So, if one wishes to know more about the nature and processes of cancer, simply study mycology. Note: It is in knowing the purpose or function of a thing, the remedy also is to be found.
All of the foregoing - health & dis-eaze, is tied in directly, & can be measured in frequencies. When a dis-eazed body frequency whether plant, animal or human, plateau's with that of the microbial kingdom, it becomes subject to its laws and function. Much to the chagrin of some, our world and universe is founded upon fundamental laws of cause and effect & order. As Dr. Norman Cousins personally experienced in Anatomy of an Illness, watching Marx Brother movies helped him recover from a life-threatening tissue disease. Laughter had become his best medicine because it raised his body vibrational frequency, & purged or neutralized negative frequencies.

Discordance of any type whether externally or internally induced, is a downward slope to discord and dis-eaze. Other pioneers in the field of frequencies are Royal Raymond Rife, who identified & catalogued thousands of microbial frequencies including the cancer microbe, and the eccentric Serbian inventor Nicola Tesla, who discovered alternating current and pioneered the radio.

 Essentially, when man is in discord with Divine Conceptualizations and order, he will also by degrees, be in discord with nature & his fellow man. The word "atonement" means at-one-ment, or to be at-one-with. In other words, one must atone or (re)attune, to become complimentary, or at-one-with our Creator, one's fellow man and nature. This is our true role & place in creation.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Health Depends on "Good Vibes""

Stephen said (August 11, 2011):

I agree with most everything Mr. Abrams writes. But I strongly disagree with his theory on the purpose of cancer. "Cancer's natural purpose & function, is to recycle the body into usable compost" is very wrong and fatalistic. The microbes present do not cause the cancer, they are in effect the clean up crew that breaks down the cancer once the vibrations have been raised by resolving the emotional issue. A woman develops an adenocarcinoma of the breast. These cancers actually produce a highly nutritious milk needed to nurture their loved one in distress. Stomach cancer cells can digest food 10 times faster than normal cells to better digest the indigestible discord that triggered the cancer.

The fear and terror of a cancer diagnosis is of very low vibrations, this is what causes metastasis to the lungs. The low vibration of "I can't afford these treatments" = metastasis to the liver. "I am doomed, there is no hope"= metastasis to the kidneys.

Cancers are often already in the breakdown phase when discovered, it is at this point that conventional and alternative (including Rife, carrot juice or standing on the left foot) actually seem to "work".

David said (August 4, 2011):

Today's piece mentioned the cure for Cancer being understanding frequencies. Edward G Griffin wrote a book and film saying that vitamin B17 cures cancer. The film is an hour long and he makes a pretty convincing case. I don't know if it works or not, by G Griffin is pretty spot on about other things isn't he?

There's probably dozens of cancer cures that have been suppressed.

Martin said (August 4, 2011):

Henry, This links up with your recent article on "eating right" and "spirituality". Good article. Martin. ( You must read Natasha Campbell-McBride's book : " The Gut Psychology Syndrome

James said (August 3, 2011):

This good article ties in greatly to the teaching so imperative in the time of Lao Tzu & Kon Fu Che-confucious. the sage is unmoved in times of good or bad, profit or loss, death or sickness, all is seen as one.

The mind is kept in stillness like a mirror seeing total reality, therefore able to react in a proper fashion to everything that happens. This is spirit in action through non-action; maturity.

This is attained by forgetting the self, the ego, the desires of the flesh, all sensuality & materialism. Jesus said: seek ye first the kingdom of heaven then all else shall be attained. same concept. in order to find oneself one must lose oneself.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at