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Henry: I can't believe what

September 26, 2004


I can't believe what I read in a comment from Barry Chamish. I had had respect for him and his writings like the prophetic "last days of Israel". I think you are right that he needs to read the separatist inspiring ideas in "the talmud" a bit closer. He thinks you are crazy like they way alot of people see David Icke. He needs to be honest and look within himself and see what he is truly made of and not rely on Judaism to give him his identity.

I respect you for being true to yourself and also printing balanced criticism,

Shame on Chamish.....


Enjoyable article, Henry.

Of what significance is it whether the Illuminati are Jews, Mormons, Freemasons, Luciferians, Christians, Catholics, Athiests or Reptilian shape-shifters?

It may be an interesting aside but whatever they are or whoever they worship, they are men like you or me.

You believe or have discovered that they are Luciferians, I think. You must think there is some validity to that and they are drawing power from Lucifer himself. Well, they cannot draw more power from him than you do from God, so there.

Does God do all your good deeds? No. He only inspires you. Lucifer doesn't do their deeds either, he just inspires them.

It is my opinion that you are stressing the importance of their affiliation to explain why they do evil things whereas the importance is exposing their actions and being able to assign responsibility to them.

They do evil to man because they believe him to be evil or at best stupid. They are good, man is evil, is their thinking. Therefore they must be better than man and have the burden of doing for him what is in his best interests whether they like it or not.

Because they do this for us they feel just in being paid with the wealth of the world and our labour.

That's how I see it.


Congratulations again. One small point. Ginsberg's "Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State" academically "proves" a lot of the historical relationship between a certain MINORITY of Jews and the State Powers That Be- over millenia, not just few centuries.

Its not as old as the pyramids, but almost: "Jews" do the dirty work for the State/PTB; when times turn sour and the majority of the people feel victimized, it is to "the Jews" [usually the poorer ones, not directly involved] that their wrath turns [instead of the State/PTB]. Its a "no-brainer" game in its simplicity, not to mention redundancy. Thanks for continuing to expose it in this global age of (presumed) souring.

The people really should be bright (and well-informed) enought to beat such a silly old paradigm in this day and age.


Saw your latest. At least now we understand the depth of your turmoil. You reveal a Jew for Jesus who has never read the Talmud, only the choice quotes of anti-semites, and hasn't a clue the role Christianity's leaders play in world evil from the Vatican to the Rapture.

So you've decided to quench your devils by declaring the most vicious anti-semitic writers as rational while spitting on who you are and the entire family line that created you. But the surest sign of your imbalance is your belief that Winnipeg is the "good life." Compared to Siberia, it's an average life at best.

This time, I have no need to answer you to anyone because anyone who reads this suicide note will recognize it as a cry for help from a most disturbed soul. And no Jesus will ever save you.

Barry Chamish

I have read the Talmud. Have you? HM

In many ways I agree with your general perspectives.

I do feel that in correcting wrongs that you see and research, you at times go to the opposite extreme.

In particular, today's article concluding with your own reading on the historical Pharisees, Essene period is a good counter to one faction of an old arguement. Yet, it (your own reading) is also factional and therefore divisive, and therefore not representing the Godly nature you cherish.

Two points are valuable to bear in mind i.e. more consciously. 1. As much as we 'know' about Jesus of Nazareth, he was always Jewish, and as the times would indicate, even the demarcation twixt the three factions of Judiaism were all 'orthodox'. The same things he is presumed to have said to Jews of the time could still be said to Christians of our times.

2. the things that were written about Jesus i.e. particularly those consider gosple, were written very long after the fact

This is not to deny the quoted teachings which are ALL Jewish i.e. found to predate the birth of Jesus.

All I am asking, is could you please consider this elements before you state your beliefs at the conclusion of more methodical research practices.

As always, I look forward to your next installments.



If and when Christ finally converts the Jewish nation it will be a glorious day for humanity because it will mean this mentally of opposition will be harnessed as
a power for true brotherhood of mankind in the one God. The massive power of the press will be turned to goodness instead of the filth producing soul
destruction it's being used for now.


Hello, I am interested in anti-semitism, and have met several theories that in a nutshell, point to this: the global elite uses jews as a scapegoat, i.e. if there is a ruling elite, and this elite is the jewry, you cannot criticize the elite without criticizing jewry.

It abolishes all questioning of the ruling powers in the layman's mind, who often is a good and simple soul who does not want to hate anybody.

And it misleads those who do recognize powers in place do bad things indeed.

Also, it's helpful to keep zionism and anti-semitism well fed, as you can play with both to confuse the masses, as jews have a worldwide diaspora.

What do you think about all that?

J (France)

Hi Henry.

Let me disagree with the conclusion of your last message.

Do you sincerely believe that the Catholic church (I mean the real one that
was visible until 1958) could have endorsed the Old Testament if it had
been only a national, ethnical-specific creed? Coincidentally, the excerpt
from the Psalms you are quoting in your message ("Ask of me, and I shall
give thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the uttermost parts of the
world for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron..." )
are the very words by which Jesus asks the Pharisees about the actual
identity of the Messiah, David's son, and this is today's Gospel (17th
Sunday after Pentecost).

This reader has a particular story: He was converted by the Lord to His
genuine Church, the Catholic Church which happens to be eclipsed as Our
Lady foretold at La Salette in 1846, when he understood what XXth century's
central hoax was: Judaism came after Christianity; Jews are definitely not
our Elder Brothers. Judaism is an artefact more based upon Talmud than Holy
Writings. All his mental and intellectual buildings collapsed and he had to
rebuild everything up basing on Christ's words as Saul did when he was
heading to Damascus. Of course, this is a shortened description of what
happened to me, but I think it is the intellectual heart of the matter.

On the other hand, I do appreciate your information and analysis,
particularly as far as men's and women's relationships are valued and
criticized. Keep up the good work!

Please be sure that you are in my prayers as all my benefactors are.

Julien (France)

Dear Mr Makow,

Thanks for this article, a piece of enlightened humanism in a world of semi-darkness.

I agree when you say: "By rejecting Christ's teaching, the Pharisees placed the Jewish people in perpetual opposition to the best interests of humanity (...)" Yet, I believe that in the ancient times the pharisean belief system wasn`t the only opposing to Christ`s teachings: there was then gods and goddesses everywhere to justify racism and massacres. What seems particular to me is the political power owned by the "elit" who represents TODAY -two thousands years after Christ- the racist values of the pharisianism. By the way, this elit isn`t only a jewish one since the pharisianist judaism is going through a mutation to a system of belief which is more and more openly talking about "luciferianist values" (see for example the elitist "lucis thrust", former "lucifer thrust").

It seems that the empowerment of the pharisianism is due to the money-centered economy:

Since the banking activities were traditionnally ("thanks" to the Vatican) attributed in Europe to jewish people, it occurred that some phariseanist (some says "talmudist") oriented jewish families became very rich in the past centuries. In a money-centered society, this means the possibility of acquiring the occult political power (the real power behind the politician`s fake power) and those phariseanist families did exploited it very soon, of course. I say "of course" because -and this is perhaps the secret of the pharisianism`s successful survival- the egoist and racist system of belief involved by phariseanism made the successful bankers just as these bankers made the pharisianism survive, in return. A sort of symbiosis between a predator and racist system of belief and those who acquire wealth and power through the application of this system of belief. Today, these bankers are no more bankers only but also giant shareholders in all kind of multinational companies.

Today, these powerful phariseanists are also the owners of the most popular media and this allow them to make :

- the black out on the informations which could reveal their occult and misused power;
- the propaganda/brainwashing to make people think in the way the phariseanists want it.

You finish your phrase cited above in saying: "(...) to the ultimate and inevitable path of human evolution." Once again, I agree with you. When humanity will be spiritually (and also technically) evolved enough to say NO to a money-centered economy, the pharisianists will lose their power at once. The only question is how much souls will the phariseanism still destroy before it will disappear in the cemetery of the spiritual dinosaurs.

During the past years I was living in several european countries. About ten years ago, in these countries, almost nobody was concerned by the question of anti-semitism. Today, the media are full of articles about antisemitism. Does it mean that people have suddenly become antisemit?

Many become aware of the negative zionist political influence on the western governments or of the destructiveness of the international banking system which seems largely to be under the control of people unfortunately known to be jewish. But these are mostly intellectuals (journalists, writers, artists...) and clever enough not to make the confusion between jewish people and sionism, jewish bankers or the so-called "talmudic" racist values. The rest of the europeans are mostly still ignorant of these things and are only aware their everyday`s life is becoming more and more difficult. So, I don`t believe there is any noticeable antisemitism which could justify the political and mediatic hysteria about the subject.

Yet this hysteria does exist and it seems that some few but influent "phariseans" make their best to make people believe that anti-semitism is overwhelming all Europe. As many others have already told, these reasons seem to be particularly related to that:

- Israel needs more jewish immigration and therefore jewish diaspora has to be frightened in order to make emigrate in the "protecting" Israel.

- Those who are opposing to the israeli political influence on western governments have to be silenced by the threat of antisemitism, as well as those speaking too much about certain jewish connections among the financial leaders of the globalization.

Very best regards,

J (Hungary)

hi henry..

just a thought.. sept 27 is 1111 days after nine eleven of 2001.... the s&p 500 ended at 1,110.11 and i guess on monday it will start with that ..... in occult lingo 11 is a big destructive number.,, and it is a signiture number of the illuminati or at least from what i have learned..... and you know they do things on a numerogical time schale....i think you see where i am going with this... could tommorow be a historic day.??? again...i am but sharing a guess .. johnny


It's really "The Riddle of Anti Goyism", But we're not allowed to speak truth.

Brother Henry,

The elites don't care who it is they use to push their global government agenda across the board , as long as they reach the end they seek. As they have said, "the ends justify the means", no matter what the cost they will use who ever and what ever to complete their agenda as long as they ,
like cowards, can hide behind the scenes, being seemingly removed from the events they perpetuate.

Again we see the same thing occurring with the Muslims and the intelligence
agency/elite bankers controlled terrorist networks.
This all ties back into the simple formula in the manipulators bag of tricks, the
Hegelian dialectic, thesis + antheisis= synthesis. It is basically the dualistic principals of the ego at work. THe ego being the dellussional construct that infest the human mind, tricking people into indentifying with external images, rituals and false mental perceptions. People who fall into these mind sets look for themselves in external objects and false ideals, instead of looking within and Knowing Oneself, therefore thinking for oneself in an open minded objective manner.

THe people who fall into these tricks simply are not thinking for themselves and
when one does not think for themselves, surely some one else will do their thinking for them as they look to find themselves in the external world of objects. When any free thinking individual can see for themselves, that the best place to find oneselves is to look within and to know thyself.

Jsus the Christ have said "the kingdom of heaven is within you", any true jew knows this. The jews did not kill Jesus, but the manipulators of the jews did, the false scribes and pharisees of his time. THe scribes and pharisees of yesterday are no different than the zionist today who use anti-semitism as a ploy to protect their own criminal actions, much like the criminals in the united states government use the national security act of 1947 to do the same .

Untill next time Henry, One Heart in truth and discernment!

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at