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Below - Feb 17 - Argentina's Milei in Pump-and-Dump Scam (scroll down)

In 2003, Wolfgang Eggert Predicted Chabad Would Start WW3

February 18, 2025

(Trump with his spiritual leader, Menachem Scheerson)

Twenty-two years ago German historian Wolfgang Eggert warned us that the Rothschilds belong to a fanatical doomsday cult that is instigating a world war to cleanse the world of non-Satanists

Historian Predicted Cabalist Plot to Exterminate Goyim in 2003 
is reproduced below.

Lubavitcher tzaddik Menachem Schneerson (1902-1994) said Chabad Cabalists (Illuminati) would implement Biblical prophecy of Armageddon in order to hasten the return of the Messiah and establish Jewish supremacy.  

"All human history is about Messianic-satanic Judaism ("Chassidim"); they´re "making" it happen. History and politics are a big movie, and they are the directors, bringing old-testament-prophecy into reality."

Trump, Putin and Netanyahu all belong to Chabad. World wars are hoaxes to destroy and depopulate. Freemasons are on both sides. None are so blind as those whom refuse to see.

Updated from 2003 
by Henry Makow Ph.D.

A Munich-based historian Wolfgang Eggert believes orthodox Jews called Chasidim want to instigate a nuclear holocaust to fulfill Biblical prophesy.

He thinks these religious fanatics must be exposed. The largest Chasidim group, the Chabad Lubavitcher sect want to hasten Armageddon which they believe is a prerequisite for the Messiah's return. Eggert quotes a Lubavitcher rabbi who says:"the world is waiting for us to fulfill our role in preparing the world to greet Moshiach" (i.e. Messiah.) 

(Wolfgang Eggert, left) 

"All human history is about Messianic-satanic Judaism ("Chassidim"); they´re "making" it happen. History and politics are a big movie, and they are the directors, bringing old-testament-prophecy into reality. They captured Freemasonry by building up the Illuminati (through Rothschild/Jacob Frank/Weishaupt); they made a pact with the British monarchy when they financed William III to become king; they placed the British royals at the head of the Freemasons; they made the modern banking system and the Fed (through Rothschild); they made Zionism, the world wars, the European Union and so on. They reign through their puppets Rothschild (whose ancestors had been part of the Chassidic cult) and Rockefeller, who were the guiding force behind Bilderberg, the trilateral etc. We are now in the "End Times"; they are trying to foment a "prophesied" Third World War.

Eggert believes both Germany and Israel are in the Chasid cross-hairs. "Germany, because the Hassidim are reading from the Bible/Talmud, that this country is an enemy of the Jews and must be killed. Israel has to burn for bringing the prophecy of Armageddon into reality. In addition, they are repeating a Machiavellian, strategic "trick": the sacrifice of the European Jews in the Second World War ("shoah") which brought them their own country- Israel. The sacrifice of the Israeli Jews shall bring them the international approval to be masters of a united world "republic", that will be governed from Jerusalem, which, again, is being "prophesied," by Jahwe."


While the Chabad Lubavitchers are his focus, Eggert is also concerned about Christian Evangelists like Jack Van Impe, left, and Timothy LaHaye who believe war is the will of God. The Books of Ezekiel, and Daniel in the OT, and Revelation in the New Testament prophesied Armageddon. Their desired scenario includes the destruction of the al-Aqsa mosque, the restoration of the Third Temple on its site; the rising to heaven of the 144,000 Chosen Ones; the battle of Armageddon; mass death among Israeli Jews and the Final Coming of Jesus Christ.  

According to Alison Weir, there are approximately 3,600 Chabad institutions in over 1,000 cities in 70 countries and 200,000 adherents. Up to a million people attend Chabad services at least once a year. Numerous campuses have such centers and the Chabad website states that hundreds of thousands of children attend Chabad summer camps.

According to the NY Times, Schneerson "presided over a religious empire that reached from the back streets of Brooklyn to the main streets of Israel and by 1990 was taking in an estimated $100 million a year in contributions.

Schneerson believes Jews are the acme of Creation: "The general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews."

Jews are the purpose of Creation. "The important things are the Jews, because they do not exist for any [other] aim; they themselves are [the divine] aim."

"The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews."

When Schneerson died in 1994, he was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal for his contribution to "global morals." According to Schneerson, Jews are the Priests while the Noahide Laws provide "a religion for the rank and file." 

Eggert quotes another Lubavitcher rabbi: "When examining the chain of frightening events [since 9-11] with a Chassidic eye, we see that the US is being pushed toward fulfilling its historic role of teaching the Sheva Mitzvos [i.e. Noahide laws] to the world."  

According to Eggert, Freemasons have always called themselves "Noachids" and incorporated the statutes into their Constitution as early as 1723.

If you look, you can find pictures of many major politicians in the West posing with this sect. This website features more than a dozen of them.  In this YouTube, the Chief Rabbi of the Chabad boasted of his rapport with Vladimir Putin. Eggert says Putin's mother is Jewish, which makes him Jewish, and that President Medvedev is Jewish on both sides. 

Eggert, who studied History and Politics at universities in Berlin and Munich, is the author of eight books on hidden history. While he believes that modern history is dominated by the Cabalistic plot to fulfill Biblical Prophesy, he is careful to distinguish between the Lubavitchers and other Chasidim called "Satmar" who think it is a crime to "force God's hand" and "hasten the redemption."

However, the Lubavitchers seem to be in control.

"Every part of modern history is linked to another and in itself to Zionism, state intelligence, lodges and alike. Without the Balfour declaration, there would have been no revolution in Russia and no American entry into World War One ... We may start at any historical point (even with the American revolution or farther back Oliver Cromwell) [and] we´ll see, that the maker (or profiteer) of all this is Cabalistic Judaism. All serve their plan, to implement biblical prophecy."

bushchabad.jpgEggert cites World Zionist VP Max Nordau's speech at the 1903 Zionist Convention predicting "a future World War [and] peace conference where with the help of England a free and Jewish Palestine will be created." 
( Eggert, "Israel's Geheimvatikan" Vol.2, pp.21-22)

He says the Zionists sabotaged Germany in WWI (strikes, revolts) because it wouldn't play ball on Israel. He cites a book in Hebrew, "The Historical Moment" by M. Gonzer: "We even find nations who are slow on the uptake and who find it difficult to understand certain relations unless the Rebbe--that is world history--gives them some sensible bashes which make them open their eyes." (Israel's Geheimvatikan, vol. 1, p.47.)
Today (June 3) Eggert cites James Forrestal's diary saying Jewish bankers forced England into WW2----

December 1945 Pg. 128-129
Played golf today with Joe Kennedy [Joseph P. Kennedy, who was Roosevelt's Ambassador to Great Britain in the years
immediately before the war]. I asked him about his conversa­tions with Roosevelt and Neville Chamberlain from 1938 on. He said Chamberlain's position in 1938 was that England had nothing with which to fight and that she could not risk going to war with Hitler. Kennedy's view: That Hitler would have fought Russia without any later conflict with England if it had not been for Bullitt' s [William C. Bullitt, then Ambassador to France] urging on Roosevelt in the summer of 1939 that the Germans must be faced down about Poland; neither the French nor the British would have made Poland a case of war if it had not been for the constant needling from Washington. Bullitt, he said, kept telling Roosevelt that the Germans wouldn't fight, Kennedy that they would, and that they would overrun Europe. Chamberlain, he says, stated that America and the world Jews had forced England into the war.

                          Ex-Chabad Member Exposes Trump Family Cult 

First Comment from Dan Butler:

The Chabad Lubavitch sect was a spinoff of Baal Shem Tov's (c1700-1760) Hassidic movement.  Non-Jewish Americans think its a minor 'denomination' of Judaism.  In fact, it's the largest Jewish religious organization in the world. It has centers in every important city on Earth. They're as active at recruiting as Scientology or Krishna Consciousness and employ similar inducements.  Consequently, they're the fastest growing Jewish religious group as well. 

As with the other theocratic juggernauts that move lots of people and money under the cloak of religion, they interlock with the world's consortium of organized crime.   There have been many spectacular arrests for such charges as international narcotics, weapons and human trafficking, and of course money laundering.  As with the Vatican's international money laundering and pedophile network, nothing sticks.  

Netanyahu and the Rebbe Schneerson, 1990.   

After exchanging amenities Netanyahu said; "I come to ask your blessing and your help.  In all areas, political and personal."   The Rebbe replied, "Since last time we met many things have progressed.  What hasn't changed however is Moshiach still hasn't come.  So do something to hasten his coming."  Netanyahu; "We're doing. We're doing."    

Reminds me of scenes from the Godfather. They weren't making small talk.  The Rebbe was anxious.  It's a Hasidic belief that every generation of Jews has a potential Moshiach who will become THE Moshiach if that generation becomes worthy.  That man is known as the Tzadik Ha-Dor, meaning Tzaddik of the Generation.  Lubavitchers believed it was "the Rebbe" Menachem Mendel Schneerson.   Since he died in 1998, they're waiting for the new generation's Tzadik Ha-Dor to appear and bring on the Messianic Age. 

What is the Messianic Age?  Yossi Gurvitz explains what it means from the Talmud, here: When Israel Is Mighty

'Christian' fundamentalism originated from a subversive corruption of Anglicanism called 'Dispensationalism'. 
"Just say No" to conversations about 'Blood Moons' and Red Heifers. 

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "In 2003, Wolfgang Eggert Predicted Chabad Would Start WW3 "

Mark said (February 18, 2025):

Putin a "member of Chabad"? A member of the "Illuminati"? I doubt it very much. His actions speak volumes against it. He knows it was Bolshevik Jews who committed the True Holocaust - against Russians, to the tune of at least 60 Million. He knows it was the Rothschild-run west that started the Ukraine conflict. Putin does not consider Jewry his friend! He is not a "Member" of Chabad, nor is he Jewish. I think it's a very careless charge.

Russians, of all people, know that Jewry is the mortal enemy of humanity. They know Jewry is very dangerous and can & does cause major trouble, so Putin has to deal with them like the chess player that he is. I also believe he is a Christian. Sure, there's atheists everywhere, but Russia has been fundamentally Christian forever. The people even risked their lives by hiding their Bibles, Crucifixes & pictures of Jesus from the Jew-Commie Commissars, always on the lookout for more Gentiles to torture & murder, and being caught with any of those items was a death sentence - by the Jew-Commies.

I read the article you referenced about Putin: Talk about a word salad! Did Kamala write it? It smacked of hearsay and seemed intent on bashing Putin because of an intense dislike for him. Some of the sentences were a hodge-podge of nonsense. The guy can't write for shit. This article and a couple of others I read are light years away from PROOF of the charges.

Jews hate Russia, and I would think Russians have the same attitude towards Jews. It's THE classic Jew vs Christian situation. Russia will never allow Jewry to prevail over them, as they did during the Stalin era.

I don't believe that Putin is a traitor to his nation & people. He, like leaders around the world, knows he has to put up with Jewry and he gives them some room to exist, but at the same time, he keeps them in check & at arm's length.
Jewry is very wary of crossing Putin. He is not the traitorous lap dog & Rothschild agent that western "leaders" are. He just crushed the biggest Jew-Illuminati-Rothschild project - Ukraine! It was supposed to become "Big Israel" and Rothschild's new crime base. Ukraine was overthrown by the Jew-USA in 2014 and it promptly installed Jews to run the Nazis against Russia! LOL!

Putin would never betray his people & nation on behalf of Jewry!

Kristine said (October 21, 2023):

What Wolfgang Eggert „prophesied“ was written by John in Revelation 13.3 and 20.4 hundreds of years ago.

Glen said (March 31, 2018):

Although I do not agree with everything in this article, I still find it to make many great points about the take over and destruction of America by "foreign agents". I think it fits in nicely with your post "Historian Predicted Current Run-Up to Nuclear War".

Glen said (March 30, 2018):

We well know of the sick, twisted belief's of these "Chabad Lubavitcher's". They were born with this "Messiah complex" and have had this racist ideology of being God's chosen shoved down their throats since the day they were born. So to some degree, it can be understood.

What cannot be explained away is the gullibility of the so-called "Christian Zionist". Their belief in this whole Armageddon thing is nothing short of ludicrous. For one to believe that the only way a kind, loving God can save his greatest creation is through their destruction is absurd.

What modern day Christians fail to realize is that the story of the destruction of the Jewish people and Jerusalem as told in the book of Revelations has already taken place. It occurred in 70AD at the hands of the Roman General Titus Flavius. This theory was taught by many Christian religions prior to the introduction of the Scofield Bible. As Hippolytus wrote (circa 200 C.E.),

What then? Are not these things come to pass? Are not the

things announced by thee fulfilled? Is not their country,

Judea, desolate? Is not the holy place burned with fire? Are

not their walls cast down? Are not their cities destroyed?

Their land, do not strangers devour it? Do not the Romans

rule the country?

Christian Zionist across the world will be the ones who will be responsible for this nonsense if it is allowed to happen. Their failure to openly acknowledge the truth and see through the fog of deceit will be the death of us all. The blood of the world will be on their hands.

Knowledge is the first step to wisdom, and without it we are easily fooled and mind controlled. I suggest this book by Joseph Atwill as a good place to start on the road to enlightenment.

OJ said (March 30, 2018):

Excellent work on the Lubavitchers.
At present, there are three places in Copenhagen that are guarded by heavily armed military personnel.

The Synagogue on Krystalgade.

The Jewish Bernadotte School.

Chabad House in Ole Suhrs Gade.

And only these places.

They are eternally paranoid, as people with a bad conscience are.

I've been attacked for merely looking at the synagogue.
For decades the police patrolled the school and synagogue, like every hour or second hour around the clock.

Offering a service and protection that Danes, in general, will not get.

Id also suggest looking into the Schneersons involvement in ritual murder.

Eggert seems to be spot on.
Also look at Book of Daniel, for the end time script.

Rock on!

Rich said (November 9, 2015):

Those in charge are indeed the Cabalist Jews who have been practicing high dark arts of sorcery and witchcraft that Solomon was taught by his Egyptian wives.. which is precisely why God said not to intermarry with pagans as they would lead you away from the true worship of God that He outlined in Exodus and Deuteronomy. This is why Freemasons talk a lot about Solomon and the "key of Solomon", one of which was how to control the dark demonic forces for your own ends, that mainly being money, wealth and power in this world.

These Cabalist Jews who use these dark arts, but are not really Jews are perfectly described by Jesus in Revelation where He called them the "synagogue of Satan".

Revalation 2:9
“I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
"Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you."

This of course being written 1900 years ago for our time as Jesus clearly saw that these are the people and group that would be in power and be causing great problems in the world. The first quote is to the Sardis church around The second quote is directed to the faithful church that would exist in the decades just before the return of Christ showing that this group would be influencing history for millennia prior to His second coming.

V said (November 9, 2015):

I don't quite agree with Eggert on most points.

First, Christianity has many offshoots as does Mohammedanism does and Judaism does.
Rabbinical Judaism's most 'holy' book is the Babylonian Talmud and thanks to many great writers, Jew and gentile alike we know that it is arguably the most vile, racist, supremacist collection ever written. I don't really care whether they are orthodox Chasidim Jews or mainline Jews. If the Rabbi's practice in law and principal the teachings in the Talmud then they are all of the synagogue of Satan and all are working for the coming of their so-called messiah.

Secondly the Hasidim Jews are not fulfilling biblical prophesy in the least. They are fulfilling their own Talmudic prophesy. I'm a full preterist when it comes to the New Testament bible and the Book of Revelations. I believe that all bible prophesy has already been fulfilled ending with the destruction of the second Jewish temple in 70 A.D. by the Romans. For excellent sources on this read David Chilton's "Days of Vengeance", "The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ" by Pastor V.S. Herrell and the great books by Don K. Preston (We Shall Meet Him in the Air).

Thirdly, most so-called Christians believe in the end of the world and the second coming of Christ. Complete nonsense. Read the works of Don K. Preston for proof on this. The Book of Revelations talks about the "end of the age" meaning the end of the old covenant age and afterwards is the beginning of the Christian age which has no end. The old covenant age ended in 70 A.D. when the Jewish temple was destroyed, the temple service and sacrifice ceased to operate and the Judea economy lay in ruin. All this was 'pay-back' for the murder of Master Jesus Anointed and of the prophets and saints by the Judea priest class.

The Chabad Lubavitchers are just another satanic sect (also a criminal mafia like the state of Israel is) that is fulfilling the messianic goal that is written in the Talmud in which Jew will have dominion over all the goy of the planet.

The state of Israel is a false name. The tribe of Judah (Jew) was only one of the 12 (or thirteen) tribes of Israel. When the northern kingdom (10 tribes) split with the southern kingdom (2 tribes) the northern kingdom called Israel was taken into captivity by the Neo-Assyrians. The southern kingdom (tribe of Judah and Benjamin) was run by a racist, blood-thirsty, power hungry tribe of Levi (Levi priests) who were not given land of there own but were the priest class of all the tribes.

In your comments section 'James C' said "Either it's happening because biblical prophecy is 100% accurate, or it's happening because "they are making it happen." Either way it's happening." I say that "they are making it happen" and duping Christians (Zionist-Christians) into believing that the prophesies in the book of Revelations are a future event that will happen soon. I use to believe this crap too not to long ago.

The reader would be very wise to read "The Controversy of Zion" by Douglas Reed for a great expose of this tribe since it's inception.

The Chabad Lubavitchers and the rest of the Jews who practice and teach the teachings written in the Babylonian Talmud are laughing all the way to the bank and are killing millions of white Christians along the way (WWI & WWII) while waiting 2,000 + years for their messiah (Diabolical one) to come.

Titus 1:14

Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.

Wade said (November 8, 2015):


Pseudo Christian ministers, who are Zionists, put forward all manner of false doctrine to congregations and followers who do not know their Bible.

The claim that 144,000 will be taken to heaven is preposterous. The 144,000 are "SEALED IN THEIR FOREHEADS" in Revelation chapter 7. They are sealed specifically because they are not taken to heaven.
They are left here on earth and the seal protects them from the wrath of God which begins at
Revelation chapter 8 verse 1.

The claim from Jehovah witnesses that these 144,000 are from the gentile Christian population is equally preposterous. In the same chapter (Revelation chapter 7) we see a vast amount of people clothed in white robes standing before God. They are described as a number no man can count from every tribe, kindred,
and race. They are also described as those who came out of great tribulation. The 144,000 are described
(In Revelation chapter 7) as Sephardi Jews, 12,000 from each of the original 12 tribes. Their will be no gentiles in the 144,000. On the other hand their will be Jews in the number no man can count who stand before God in white robes.

People are too lazy to read their own Bible. And they are too gutless to challenge the false doctrines of
their so called Christian leaders. As long as this phenomenon remains the masses will be fodder
for Satan's false prophets.

Below- When Will Stock Bubble Burst? (scroll down)

Feb 17 - Argentina's Milei in Pump-and-Dump Scam

February 17, 2025

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Argentine lawyers filed fraud charges against President Javier Milei in criminal court on Sunday for promoting a cryptocurrency on his social media, one of the lawyers told The Associated Press.

On Friday, Milei posted on X about $LIBRA, a coin that he said was aimed at "encouraging economic growth by funding small businesses and startups."

He deleted the post a few hours later and the value of the currency collapsed, causing millions of dollars in losses to its brief investors, according to financial site Dexscreener.

The coin, developed by KIP Protocol and Hayden Davis, could be obtained by accessing a link that directed users to a website called, referring to the well-known phrase with which Milei closes speeches and messages on his social media.

The President's Office said in a Saturday statement that Milei was not involved in any stage of the cryptocurrency's development and decided to remove the post to avoid speculation and limit further exposure, following the public reaction to the project's launch.

Jonatan Baldiviezo, a lawyer and one of the plaintiffs, told the AP that they saw an illicit association to commit "an indeterminate number of frauds" in the episode. "Within this illicit association, the crime of fraud was committed, in which the president's actions were essential," he said.
It's all a charade. Central banks fund both sides of Gaza War

How your tax dollars funded Hamas: USAID's $164 million scandal exposed

"In a shocking revelation that underscores the depths of government waste and corruption, a new report from the Middle East Forum's Focus on Western Islamism has uncovered that the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has funneled at least 164 million in taxpayer dollars to radical organizations, including 122 million to groups with direct ties to designated terrorist organizations like Hamas. This scandal is not just a case of bureaucratic incompetence--it's a betrayal of American values and a direct threat to national security."
(I hope I am 100% wrong.)

Nature of the Beast-Torah Judah-ism's Commandment to murder Christians

Zionism and Nazism two sides of same coin

Trump has been selected to lead the world into a catastrophic nuclear war that will lead to return of the Jewish Messiah

Sanhedrin Letter to Trump: "You have been elected to fulfill a heavenly mission"

"We invite you to meet with the Sanhedrin Court Rabbis in Jerusalem to discuss the establishment of an International Divine Court (IDC) for all nations. This court would be based on the seven universal commandments given to Noah and reaffirmed at Mount Sinai--a foundation for global peace and divine justice."

Noahide Laws calls for decapitation of Christians.

Trump's U.S. Department of Education Orders All 50 States to Eliminate DEI Programs Within 14 Days... or Lose Federal Funding

The letter explicitly warns schools, universities, and state education agencies that their reliance on DEI initiatives--which serve as racial discrimination--violates federal civil rights law.

RFK was a drug addict for 14 years

Hungarian Leader Orban Reveals How Soros and US Taxpayers Are Funding Organizations Around the World to Promote Radical Liberal Ideology

During their conversation, Victor Orban explained how the liberal globalist elites are using US taxpayers' money to spread their ideology around the world. This includes the financing of more than 60 NGOs, paid politicians, and media outlets in Hungary.
-- --
Supposedly the US has 8000 tons of gold

Could the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve be preparing to revalue gold and monetize America's reserves? If so, what would it mean for the global financial system, the U.S. dollar, and YOUR investments?

JD Vance condemns Scotland's Ban on Private Prayer

Scotland bans private prayer in your home

Florida: Jewish Man Shoots Two Israelis 'After Mistaking Them for Palestinians'

A Jewish man in Miami on Sunday shot two Israelis after "mistaking them for Palestinians" and yet the media is reporting on the incident as an "anti-Semitic attack."

Israel Shows Off New Shipment of 2000-lb Bombs Sent by Trump Amid 'Ceasefire'


Hannibal Directive- Ex IDF Chief Gallant admits Israel Killed its Own Citizens (to advance case for exterminating Gazans) 

The Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot reported in January 2024 that at midday on 7 October, an unambiguous order was given from the high command of the Israeli military to invoke the Hannibal Directive across the entire region.

The order came "even if this means the endangerment or harming of the lives of civilians in the region, including the captives themselves," Israeli journalists Ronen Bergman and Yoav Zitun reported.

In July, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that the order "not a single vehicle can return to Gaza" was issued to the Gaza Division of the Israeli military at 11:22 am that day.  But Gallant's new statement is highly significant, as the first public admission by a contemporary Israeli minister that their troops were ordered to fire on their own people on 7 October.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "Feb 17 - Argentina's Milei in Pump-and-Dump Scam"

RH said (February 17, 2025):

Hannibal Directive- Ex IDF Chief Gallant admits Israel Killed its Own Citizens (to advance case for exterminating Gazans)


Laurent Guyinot, in his book, "From Yahweh to Zion" keeps saying the leadership of the Jews is psychopathic and this in turn makes ordinary Jews the same because they become indoctrinated by the preaching and negative actions.

Does the Hannibal order of October 7 verify what Mr. Guyinot writes in his book?

I am reminded of the NT scripture: "A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, you will recognize them by their fruits" (Matthew 7:15–20).

If they can sacrifice their own to this level, think of the hatred for the Palestinians and other Goyim. We are all just things to be used, moved about or discarded when they decide. That is psychopathic behavior IMHO.

Below- Mike Sttone - Trump Revenge is Sweet (scroll down)

Feb 16 - When Will Stock Market Bubble Burst?

February 16, 2025


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Back in the 20th Century, we had a saying that when the shoeshine boy is giving you stock tips, it's time to sell. We now have this ten-times-over where social media is full of stock gain promises and get-rich-quick schemes. They goyim have learned that buying and selling beats working for a salary.

The US has doubled the money supply in the last ten years from roughly $16 trillion to more than $32 trillion. This is more than the accumulated US debt until 2010. It has resulted in massive inflation as well as a stock market bubble and an explosion of crypto currencies. AI stocks with huge losses have market caps in the billions. 

Will the stock market bubble burst?  Thomas Stone doesn't think so.

US Debt Crisis Unlikely 

"But US sovereign debt is unlikely to become a crisis, according to a paper released last week by economists at the Brookings Institution, a think tank. By "crisis" they mean "a sudden, large and sustained downturn in demand for Treasury securities." The paper lays out four scenarios in which that could happen, and concludes that none of them is likely."


Thomas Stone- Government spending to accelerate as war approaches, despite what the alt-media think

"I suspect the Trump regime is receiving orders to gut the public sector and hand it over to the private hands of the synagogue-controlled bankers, who work through their private corporations.

Unfortunately, the amount of federal government spending cuts is relatively inconsequential. Moreover, there will still be spending, except it will be shifted over to the private sector and run as a profit center. Cutting a couple hundred thousand jobs from federal government payrolls is not going to solve anything. The increases in defense spending over the next few years will dwarf any DOGE headway and progress towards streamlining the Federal government's finances.

To wit, take a look at the growth in the money supply and the ballooning Federal budget deficits. Oy vey...

I don't know what the stated catalysts will be, nor do I know its exact timing, but the Federal Reserve will have to begin resorting to some sort of QE type of federal government subsidized spending once again."

Patrick J. McShay, The COVID-19 Vaccine is an Israeli Mossad Created Bioweapon to Genocide the World's Population

Mossad's plan, according to Moshe, was to disguise bioweapons as beneficial vaccines and have targets lining up and begging to be given a bioweapon."

"In his paper, Dr. Classen made the shocking claim that the Israelis had placed Mossad connected Jewish scientists in the NIH over 30years ago, led by Israeli National Zavi-Ben Sasson. Classen worked across the hall from Ben Sasson when he found that he was working for the Israeli Mossad and was using the NIH facilities to develop bio-weapons, and training US scientists to become bioweapons experts for the Mossad.... In 2009 a Jewish American Microbiologist named Joseph Moshe said the Mossad was planning on using vaccines as carriers for bioweapons. Mossad's plan, according to Moshe, was to disguise bioweapons as beneficial vaccines and have targets lining up and begging to be given a bioweapon."

Economist-   Trump's Tariff Beef Against Canada Make No Sense 

CIBC Economist says Canada's tariffs less than US. Trade surplus totally due to raw materials which US needs. 

Macron is married to his trans father

All in the family- Macron is the illegitimate son of Lilly Rothschild and Jean Michel Trogneux (Brigitte Macron - his trans father, left). He was raised by Françoise Noguès (also trans).

Elizabeth Nickson--Deport Them All. The Immigration Consensus Collapses Across the West
A Grotesque Criminal Conspiracy Against Western Civilization.

"In every western country 50% want all the illegal immigrants deported immediately. All of them. Not one left. If the media were honest, if people knew the truth, it would be 90%, a crashing societal-wide consensus: end all immigration, legal and illegal, now."

Reader---"Henry, please watch at least part of this David Icke video: "Order out of Chaos (Problem, Reaction, Solution), starting at 24.00 mins in, where Icke exposes pastor Paula White Cain, the new white house "faith advisor":

Icke exposes the inherent danger of combining the religion of government with _any_ other religion (e.g. christianity,Judaism, masonism, deism,islam, satanism, buddhism,scientology, etc. Etc.), in this case "Christianity", however defined. 

Although, as a statist, Icke still doesn't quite get it yet, his expose still works well, IMO. 

And once more I must quote, for Ickes benefit (and presumably yours, Larken Rose: 

"You are not Christians. You are not Jews. You are not Muslims. And you certainly aren't atheists. You all have the same god, and its name is 'government.' You're all members of the most evil, insane, destructive cult in history. If there ever was a devil, the state is it. And you worship it with all your heart and soul." 


Vance Meets German Populist Leader in Munich, Snubs Far-Left Chancellor

Vice President J.D. Vance met with Alice Weidel, leader of the Alternative for Germany (AfD), on Friday in Munich, Germany, according to a source familiar with the vice president's schedule. Vance, in town for the Munich Security Conference, had earlier criticized the German establishment for attempting to shut out the AfD
US Civil Servants see writing on the wall. Reader- "Will Blackrock, et al, vacuum up the majority of the abandoned homes in D.C. ?"

US threatens to cut aid if Egypt refuses to take in Gazans, as Arab states race to find alternative to Trump plan

Rubio says US will give Arab states time to 'hopefully' have 'really good plan to present' to Trump

The Trump administration is upping the pressure on Cairo to accept the U.S. president's plan to resettle large parts of the population of Gaza on Egyptian territory.

On Thursday, the Qatari outlet Al-Araby Al-Jadeed reported that the Pentagon had reached out to warn Egyptian officials that part of the over $1.4 billion in annual military aid might be cut if Cairo won't accept President Donald Trump's plan.

David Irving Talking Frankly   encore

Says history profession is Jewish monopoly


Netanyahu Plans to Attack Iran and 'Lure Trump Into War,' Israeli Media Reports

Trump last month shared a video of Professor Jeffrey Sachs saying Netanyahu is a "dark son of a bitch" who conned America into war with Iraq and is trying to con us into war with Iran. Nonetheless, Trump welcomed Netanyahu to the White House last week and even pulled out his seat for him.

The scene prompted Israeli journalist Edy Cohen to mock Trump as Netanyahu's servant in the White House


Mark Carnage: I'm an "elitist and a globalist" but "that's exactly what we need"

"I know how the world works, I know how to get things done, I'm connected and I can deliver for the country," Carney replied.

As for his weakness, he says: "People will charge me with being elitist or a globalist, to use that term, which is, well, that's exactly, it happens to be exactly what we need."

Carney continued: "my weakness as a politician is I've not been a politician. So I didn't go straight into, as you observed, the killer."

Reader--"Nothing to see here...
Just a global constellation of satellites that no country has really complained about -- even as far as to launching more -- and in spite of in 2022(g) US signing Starlink to a MIL project StarShield -- nope, nothing to notice...
Sure would be useful for a global digital ID...
This is ALL Starlink, not every satellite there is. This is Starlink ALONE and growing up to 14,000 by 2027(g) which is a deadline for phase 1
There is a SINGLE GLOBAL SATELLITE NETWORK constellation covering the globe and what, you think its about giving internet to people in RVs or on cruise ships? Who are you shilling for?


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "Feb 16 - When Will Stock Market Bubble Burst?"

JD said (February 17, 2025):

"When Will Stock Market Bubble Burst?"

Investment Reality Fact: ( ignore it at your peril!)

Markets remain entirely anarchic, as always.

The economic future, therefore, remains unknown and unpredictable; _nobody_ can reliably, consistently predict any markets moves or direction, not Fed bureaucrats, not private economists or investment advisors or similar ( although anyone of these might get it right every once in a while).

See: Onebornfrees Financial Safety Reports:

Below- Why Does the Illuminati Reveal Their Agenda? (scroll down)

Mike Stone - Trump's Revenge is Sweet!

February 15, 2025

"Consider the scope of this. Thousands of six-figure-earning, Deep State criminals, who have done nothing but bleed the country dry and make your life miserable, mocking you the entire time, are now out of a job and can't afford their house payments. (I suppose they can file for unemployment. Or learn how to code.) Those firings have led to an exodus in Washington D.C. and nearby Arlington, Virginia with over 14,825 new housing listings. It's like rats fleeing a sinking ship."

by Mike Stone

It's amazing what we're seeing with Donald Trump back in the White House, but it's not surprising. This is what "drain the swamp" looks like and the criminality is far worse than what most of us could have ever imagined. Thousands of criminals (government employees) have been sacked, with more soon to follow. 

Consider the scope of this. Thousands of six-figure-earning, Deep State criminals, who have done nothing but bleed the country dry and make your life miserable, mocking you the entire time, are now out of a job and can't afford their house payments. (I suppose they can file for unemployment. Or learn how to code.) Those firings have led to an exodus in Washington D.C. and nearby Arlington, Virginia with over 14,825 new housing listings. It's like rats fleeing a sinking ship.

Meanwhile, Google searches for "criminal defence lawyer" are three times higher in Washington, D.C. than anywhere else in the country. Other Google search terms that have exploded in Washington are "wipe hard drive" and "offshore bank."

President Trump is following up on his promise to end the Russian/Ukrainian war. Negotiations are under way and the midget Zelensky is on his way out. 

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Trump has tasked Anna Paulina Luna with declassifying the Jeffrey Epstein client list, the JFK assassination files, the government UFO files, and more. Luna (my neighbor says, "She's hot!") has already publicly stated that the Warren Commission Report on the JFK assassination is a fraud and that multiple shooters participated in the assassination.

Those of us have studied the issue have known for a long time that there were multiple shooters in Dallas that day and that Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't one of them. However, to publicly state as much was grounds for termination from one's job and calls for psychiatric evaluation. Just bringing the topic up among friends would get you ostracized from polite company. That went on for decades. Remember the uproar over the film JFK?

Professional gatekeepers like Sean Hannity and Dennis Prager would ridicule, refuse to engage, and hang up on anyone who dared to suggest any type of government involvement or coverup in the assassination. To hear a government spokesperson finally admit the truth is simply astounding. Is Dennis Prager or anyone else going to apologize to the public for lying to them all these years? Don't hold your breath.

Time will tell if the American people are told the truth about Israel's involvement in the JFK assassination, or who's really on Epstein's client list, or that space aliens do not exist, but the creation of Luna's task force is a good start.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is our new Director of Health and Human Services. Did you ever think you'd see a Kennedy wielding this much political power? Kennedy has promised to get fluoride out of our water and dangerous vaccines out of our kids. Surprisingly, many are opposed to this. Their brains are so vaccine-addled and they've drunk so much fluoridated water that they've lost the ability to think rationally on any subject. They are truly mentally deranged. Speaking of which . . .

Trump has closed the door on trannyism by signing an Executive Order making it illegal to chemically and surgically mutilate children. He's made trannyism unfashionable and sent the freaks back into the closet. Naturally this has sent trannies and their virtue signaling supporters (all liberal White women) into a tizzy. They no longer have permission to sexually molest and mutilate children, or the legal right to force others into affirming their mental illness.

Granted, not all Americans are down with what Trump is accomplishing. Criminal Deep Staters, along with virtually everyone in the Democratic Party and their braindead followers, are panicking right now. 

There are also black pill doomers who won't give Trump credit no matter what he does. Doomers spend their time making themselves miserable and virtually all of them are incels. If you think that's a coincidence, I have a bridge in Baltimore I'd like to sell you.

To analyze the situation accurately, pay attention to what Trump does, not what he says. Doomers will take a statement Trump makes and fly into a spittle-flying, TDS induced rage, without ever realizing that Trump often does the exact opposite of what he says. 

It's also important to take into account the big picture. There are many credible and highly respected researchers who believe we are going to war with Iran. I don't believe that for a second. In fact, I'm willing to bet on it. I'm willing to bet a LOT on it, and don't forget, I'm the guy who told you to "bet the ranch" on Trump to win the November election when his offshore odds were +140. If you took my advice, you won a bundle.

As I type these words, there is no credible evidence that we are goibg to war with Iran. At least I haven't seen any. If we do go to war with Iran, I'll take it all back. But until we do, I'm willing to give Trump credit - a lot of credit - for what he has accomplished so far.


Makow Disclaimer-   I disagree with Mike. Trump will draw the US into a war against Iran.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "Mike Stone - Trump's Revenge is Sweet!"

Roger said (February 16, 2025):

mike stone has finally shown his true colors.
he says we won't have a war with iran anytime soon. insanity.
he applauds and promotes trumps pick anna luna. SHE IS A
MESSIANIC CHABAD JEW. that's a fact.
i guess mike has alzheimers.

Pierre said (February 16, 2025):

It appear to me that Mike Stone is completely seduced by Donald Schtrumps magical tricks, like Eve who was seduced by the serpent at the early beginning of the times of darkness.

He only looks at the hand that Satan wants him to see.

JD said (February 16, 2025):

This just in: Trump is a fraud.

The federal government will be bigger, taxing more, spending more, warring more by the time he leaves office. And we'll all have even less freedom. Guaranteed .

If he was not a fraud, he would be shutting down agencies such as USAID strictly because it is entirely unconstitutional, as is the Federal Reserve, the IRS, the Dept. of Education, as is the FBI, the CIA, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and 1000's of other US federal agencies.

All of these agencies need to be eliminated, overnight( i.e. no gradualism).

Trump does not have a frickin' clue about the unconstitutionality of these agencies or the many (1000s !) others not listed here.

So temporarily closing the doors of USAID is nothing but smoke and mirrors and will accomplish nothing long term.

USAID and it's parasite employees will just (unconstitutionally) regroup/re-form under another name.

The same goes for any other federal agency Trump temporarily "attacks".

It's all B.S. being bandied about by naive individuals (eg Trump, Musk etc), who fancy the government as ( or can be) some sort of benign " do good" force in the world, when the truth of the matter is that it is, like all governments, just a giant criminal scam that needs to be entirely abolished, or at the very least cut down in size by about 95%.

"This governments grown to big for it's boots,
We've got to cut it back down, right down to its roots"

Song: "New Revolution":

Below - Trump Prepares US to Advance Greater Israel (scroll down)

Why Do Illuminati Reveal Their Agenda?

own-nothing7.jpgThis article was written long before the scamdemic but it's a reminder that these conjurers have been gas lighting us for a long time. They engage in cognitive dissonance by revealing the truth and then denying it. They'll tell you all about Agenda 2030 (left) but this information never makes it into the MSM. They tell you about depopulation, "vaccine" genetic modification and transhumanism. They want our complicity. You knew and did nothing.

They want our soul.

That's why they're so sloppy. Anyone can see that no planes hit WTC7, the Pentagon 
or crashed at Shanksville. They want us to compromise ourselves by accepting these lies and not seeking justice for the victims. Thus, by our passivity and cowardice, morally we become their accomplices, practically collaborators. Call it Stockholm Syndrome? 

From 9-11, let's fast forward to the 2018 "Valentine's Day Massacre" in Parkland Fl where they dropped a plethora of clues that this was another hoax. There is video of the cop-shooters  yMHpU3vMzuRJCTWK.mp4 exiting the school despite the advertised fact that cops were told not to enter. As in the Las Vegas mass shooting, the surveillance video has been suppressed. 
A reader, Marco suggests the reason: 

In regards to your question "How can anyone fall for this hoax? Is the US a nation of rubes?"

It requires the suspension of reason because it isn't believable to a reasoning and rational human being.
One has to participate in their own deception in order to believe it. 

I think that may be what they want. By conjuring up these events that are unbelievable to a rational and reasoning person, they force us to participate in the lie and our own destruction. 
The hardest thing in the world right now is staying true to yourself, and not deceiving yourself. 

That's the way I see it. They need us to be active and lifelong participants in this massive lie. If we can continually suspend our reason and deceive ourselves, we control and police ourselves for them. We are our own slavers.

The hardest thing right now is just staying conscious to this all and remain sane. 

It would be so easy to just let go and allow the currents of change and this world carry the mind and soul away. 

Another explanation is gas lighting- "Gas lighting is a form of manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, hoping to make them question their own memory, perception, and sanity." (Flat earth is a prime example.) Satanic possession is about turning reality upside down so evil is good and false is true. 

Another explanation is that the Jewish Zeitgeist is an Egregore -- like a pool player pointing to a hole and nailing it.

Updated from Jan 19, 2012
by Henry Makow Ph.D.

The Illuminati don't just want your children, your spouse, your property, and your freedom.

Your birthright isn't sufficient for these Satanists. They want the ultimate prize. They want your soul.

They tell us about the conspiracy because they want us to be compromed. Just as lower-ranked Freemasons or ordinary Jews or Americans or Europeans are compromised by their support for war. They want us all to become demons.

They are deliberately clumsy because they want our complicity. They don't want us to say, "Gee, we didn't know."

200px-Dollarnote_siegel_hq.jpg(Hiding in plain sight) 

They have a wager with God. They can win us over to Lucifer. But they have to give us free will, the ability to make a choice.     

That's the reason they reveal the conspiracy to us. For example, the Rockefellers sponsored the John Birch Society. Their publication, The New American is still one of the best sources of information about the elite conspiracy. This controlled opposition has other functions. They are able to steer the blame and make sure no real resistance ever develops.

This is why many websites like mine function with little difficulty. They want everyone to know. Some other websites may actually receive support from the Illuminati.

Ralph Epperson, author of The Unseen Hand (1985) has been teaching about the New World Order since the 1980's. He told me that he had never encountered any push-back from the Illuminati.


220px-Devilsadvocate (1).jpg
In the movie, The Devil's Advocate, based on the novel by Andrew Niederman and produced by Arnon Milchan and Arnold Kopelson, the devil (Al Pacino) tells Kevin Lomax, the ambitious lawyer played by Keanu Reeves: "I only set the stage, free will, you pull your own strings!" (Watch on YouTube)

He shows Kevin that he cannot blame anyone but himself. Kevin was driven by his own egotism and venality. He abandoned his wife in her hour of greatest need, and she committed suicide. He got many  guilty people acquitted because he "never loses." 

Then the devil provides us with the Luciferian manifesto: Essentially it is the belief that man is defined by his carnal appetites and desires (greed, power, lust) rather than by his soul and spiritual ideals (truth, justice, beauty.) Man serves Lucifer by giving in to these temptations, by being an accomplice in his own destruction.  The Illuminati promotes indulging our base instincts calling this "sexual liberation" and "open marriage." This undermines the family. Their psychology always has been against "repression" (i.e. self-discipline.) This view that man is God, and his wishes are the measure of all things, is called "Secular Humanism" aka "Luciferianism".  


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "Why Do Illuminati Reveal Their Agenda?"

rh said (February 15, 2025):

Hanlon's razor is a saying that reads: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

And, let us not forget, The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with limited competence in a particular domain overestimate their abilities.

The Levitical Class rules by fear…they use a big bad war god that will get revenge if we do not obey their man-made rules, provide their livelihood and kill those “others” out there that do not follow their dictates. Jewish by origin, but Christian by adoption.

Its not necessarily just the Illuminati.

Chad said (February 15, 2025):

They want your permission. By telling you ahead of time, they're letting you know what's coming. If you don't object, protest, or rebel, well, at least they can say you were informed, albeit low key and camouflaged.

Predictive programming and lacing messaging in popular media are common forms of informing the would-be victims. They can feel better at night know they did in fact "tell you," though not exactly clearly and to your face. It's up to us to listen and take them seriously.

They behave like teenagers who want to be put in their place. Teenagers (or youths) as they grow are crying out for attention. Acting juvenile and rude, actually saying they want guidance and if necessary, a hand across the mouth. Since we refuse to discipline them, they grow more and more confident.

Bottom line, they can only do what they do because we allow it. Publicly call them out and shame them. Tar and feather used to be a thing. It's time we brought that back.

Chris said (February 15, 2025):


The reason they have to reveal their agenda is because all their plans are implemented using Black Magic. For Black Magic to work it has to be invited in.

Black Magic cannot work in our realm if it is not invited in.
( God set the rules and they cannot be broken. )
So, they have to tell us before hand and if we do not object and fight against it, we are by default, accepting that invitation.

So, they often hide the information in comedy or a cartoon or something silly so that we will not pay much attention to it and then the damage is done.
The door has been opened.

DD said (January 12, 2022):

hey henry, this kind of mindset is a conditioner. like watching tv. you simply get used to the script. as the picture of the pyramid & eye that FDR on the US dollar 90 years ago put. gets you used to it & it becomes the next elephant in the room. you simply don't see it & you go about your business. albert pike said that the lucifarian agenda would be brought out fully in the open in the days of the anti-christ; so they need to condition us slowly to these things. i have been in the mcdonalds restaurant before & seen childrens cartoon characters making the one-eye sign: it's a conditioner. you get to where you just don't 'see' what you should nor question it. then when the time comes for the full on trip they will reach out for it.

Tony B said (January 12, 2022):

I was in this war before the "society" existed. "Patriot" meetings were drawing huge crowds before they came on the scene, just like Trump's campaign crowds.

Saw it suck up every "patriot" it could, putting them all under its YOU CANNOT STUDY THE JEWISH QUESTION limited hangout. They pulled the local charter on any bunch that defied that. Am witness of two in So. California. Kept their money too.

Moreover, they burdened their members with mandated "studies" of a billion details of crap that doesn't matter, dulling and misleading brains with wasted thought concerning sidelining, worthless garbage.

I always told them - to their faces - that they were forever learning and never coming to the truth. Have never seen anything from them to change that assessment.

Tony B.

MM said (March 10, 2018):

Yes they do! I think I`ve told you about the movie 'Winter Soldier' where the New World Oder is totally explained in one of the scenes. I don`t know how anyone who is paying attention could have missed that! They use a fictional movie and try to make it seem fiction - but it is not! That is one way they operate.

Satan has had 1,000s of years to study humanity and knows our behavior better than we do. He also knows scripture better than we do and one glaring example is the Christian Zionists garbage. You are right that we have choices but it seems that people are too lazy to really find out which are more important because they are too busy with trying to get wealthy, getting the right mate, getting ahead in this world, etc. and that is where Satan`s traps are.

Chris G said (March 9, 2018):

Externalization of the Hierarchy is Lucifer's attempt to be worshiped out in the open; Satanists are tired of secretly eating feces, raping and killing children; They want to do it out in the open. Lucifer's fall begins with the creation of Adam and he is the sworn enemy of Man.

Always a patient strategist, Satan has set up his kingdom through the Sunday supposed "Christian" church. The Creator chose Saturday as His day, and Satan chose Sunday. The Rothschild created "Salvation Army" aims at bringing Sunday sacredness to the world. The "Apostle" Paul never met Yeshua in person, yet most "Christians" have been duped into putting Paul's doctrine above Yeshua. Through John the Revelator we know all of Satan's hard work will eventually come to naught.

Aleister Crowley: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law". Under Sunday Paulianity all you have to do is believe and you are saved; No accountability for your actions with a passion for Pork products, exactly like Satanism. (Paul - Acts16:31) vs (Yeshua - Matt24:13) We must endure to the end and say No to the RFID mark of the beast chip to be saved.

(Matt5:17"Don't misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose.)

Paul the Poltergeist false prophet disagrees with Yeshua (Eph2:15He did this by ending the system of law with its commandments and regulations...)

JG said (March 9, 2018):

alse flag terrorism has really hit it's stride since the foundational false flag event of the century called 911.
I guess the spindoctors in the MSM must figure if the public bought their 911 narrative then they'll more than likely believe every new lie that comes down the tube.
Where will the next one be? Another public school? Another shopping mall? Another concert but this time not in Las Vegas?
It's been almost about a month since that last one in Florida so maybe we're already overdue for the next. I have a feeling they won't keep us in suspense for too long.

MSM fake news is now the up and coming weapon of mass destruction with the 'Me To' psy op yielding many high profile victims. Fake news terrorism can start wars and ruin many lives. It might be the most lethal form of terrorism of them all.

Below- "Vagina Monologues" - Communist Jews Destroyed Valentine's Day (scroll down)

Feb 14 - Trump Prepares Goyim to Die for Israel

February 14, 2025

kill the strong gene pool.png

Please send links and comments to

Trump must restore US morale and end Ukraine war in order to help Greater israel.

NATO is in disarray after the US announces that its security priorities lie elsewhere

Hegseth told almost 50 of Ukraine 's Western backers on Wednesday that he had joined their meeting "to directly and unambiguously express that stark strategic realities prevent the United States of America from being primarily focused on the security of Europe."

"The United States faces consequential threats to our homeland. We must -- and we are -- focusing on security of our own borders," he said.


Religious Zionist Rabbis bless Trump as "God's Messenger" - Israel365 News

Sanhedrin Letter to Trump: "You have been elected to fulfill a heavenly mission" - Israel365 News

The Sanhedrin called on the President to establish an International Divine Court for all nations.

This refers to the president announcing last week at the National Prayer Breakfast that he would create a White House Faith Office headed by Pastor Paula White. -- (Trump appoints circus clown to White House Faith Office)

"The First Commandment and the Seven Laws of Noah"

A Call to Establish an International Divine Court - IDC


Disgusting YouTube Short -  Woman explains she lets her husband sodomize her as reward for his hard manual labor job. 

People are going crazy. Obsessed with making easy money and sex.  
DOGE begins audit of IRS, Trump Confirms.

Meanwhile, senior IRS officials were also directed to examine all "non-essential" contracts and determine which could be eliminated. In a memo issued by the General Services Administration (GSA)--the federal agency that manages most government contracts--the IRS is directed to review consulting agreements and provide justifications for the expenditures.


Oy Vei!    I'm sure RFK Jr. is a big improvement, but I was shocked to receive this pic of him posing with Rabbi Shmuly under the gaze of Chabad leader Menachem Schneerson. It appears that Chabad is the head of the Illuminati snake. Trump, Putin and Netanyahu are members of Chabad. Chabad is a Jewish supremacist cult that advocates the extermination of goyim. 

"BRICS is dead": Donald Trump reiterates 100 pc tariff threat on BRICS nations

He said that BRICS is dead and reiterated his threat to BRICS nations, saying he would impose a 100 per cent tariff on the bloc if they try to replace US dollar with any other currency.

"They don't have us over a barrel. We have them over a barrel. If BRICS wants to play games, those countries won't trade with us. We won't trade with them and if any trading gets through it'll be a 100 per cent tariff at least. When they hear that, what do you think they're going to do? They're going to say look what happened to BRICS. They didn't want to talk about it. They don't they don't even want to admit that they were a member of BRICS. That's what's happened," he added.

On Truth Social, Trump wrote, "The idea that the BRICS Countries are trying to move away from the Dollar, while we stand by and watch, is OVER. We are going to require a commitment from these seemingly hostile Countries that they will neither create a new BRICS Currency, nor back any other Currency to replace the mighty US Dollar or, they will face 100 per cent Tariffs, and should expect to say goodbye to selling into the wonderful US Economy. They can go find another sucker Nation. There is no chance that BRICS will replace the US Dollar in International Trade, or anywhere else, and any Country that tries should say hello to Tariffs, and goodbye to America!"


Mike Benz And Rogan Expose How USAID Pushed 'Blacklists' Of Independent Media While Operating Global Propaganda Network

To review - over the past several weeks, Elon Musk's team at DOGE have descended on several key levers of power within the US government - including the US Treasury, the Office of Personnel Management, and of course, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) - which was quickly revealed as a rogue, unaccountable 'blob' that used its vast funds not only to spread propaganda worldwide, it paid news organizations and 'disinformation' researchers to collude against outlets such as ZeroHedge, The Federalist, and others in order to strip us of ad revenues and damage our rep

REVEALED: Trudeau dumping $573,500,000 into offshore 'gender-responsive' economic development and climate initiatives

Canadian Taxpayers Federation releases bombshell information

Franco Terrazzano, federal director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, would say yes. Terrazzano released a series of bombshell tweets revealing extreme waste in Ottawa.

"Global Affairs Canada (is doling) out $223 million to the "private sector" in South America for climate change mitigation and gender-responsive, sustainable economic development," he wrote on X.

"Global Affairs Canada (also) doles out $350 million in corporate welfare to the private sector in Asia to develop low carbon and climate-resilient initiatives and advance gender equality in the region."

Other wasteful spending in Ottawa includes Global Affairs Canada spending a significant sum on a sex toy show in Germany, and funding discussions on seniors' sex lives abroad.


Jerome Powell commits to never introducing CBDC's


Jewish clergy denounce Trump's Gaza proposal in full-page NYT ad as 'ethnic cleansing'

A list of more than 350 rabbis, Jewish creatives, and philanthropists have signed their names on a full-page ad in the New York Times, condemning US President Donald Trump's proposed takeover of the Gaza Strip -- effectively ethnically cleansing the enclave of its Palestinian population.

Over 500 COVID studies retracted for 'unreliable' information: watchdog

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Jews and Gays Control Your Mind (from 2013)

December 7, 2024

Jews and Gays Control Your Mind (from 2013) Red=Jewish  Green= Gay  Blue = Non-white


Cheating in Early Votes is Off the Charts

October 31, 2024


Here we are, only two weeks into early voting
 to select the next president, and already 
the cheating is off the charts.

By Mike Stone

Ballots in Wisconsin, Virginia, and other states have either obscured or purposely misspelled Donald Trump's name. Is that to make those ballots unreadable by the rigged voting machines? Are they fake ballots? 

Three counties in Pennsylvania have been busted for fraudulent mail ballot request forms. And those are just the ones who have been caught.

In other parts of Pennsylvania, American citizens, waiting in line for hours to vote, have been forced to watch as van loads of non-English speaking illegal aliens are escorted inside of the polling precinct ahead of them to cast their own votes.

Voting lines in Republican counties have been shut down early:

A Pennsylvania GOP committeewoman was handcuffed and arrested for telling frustrated citizens to stay in line and vote:

And an ABC news station aired a "test result" showing Harris winning Pennsylvania by a margin of 52%-47%:

Jerome Corsi writes that the Georgia State Board of Elections creates illegal voter IDs by the thousands:

In Texas, half-a-dozen arrests have already taken place for people charged with "vote flipping," while "ballot mules" in Pennsylvania have also been arrested.

And bear in mind, this is just the opening salvo. 

Cheating is the only way the Democrats can win. They know it. We know it. They know that we know it. Yet they continue to do it, in part, because they know the American people will take it. And because they just can't help themselves. Cheating, lying, and stealing elections is in their nature. Remember the story of the scorpion and the frog?

Democrats are especially prone to cheat in this election, because Donald Trump is leading in every poll, and not by a little, but by a lot. Add "Garbagegate" and Trump working the fry cooker at McDonald's to the mix and the Dems are in full-out panic mode.

Who's ultimately behind all the cheating? In this five minute video, an Israeli company brags about rigging presidential elections for money. They are only one team out of many doing this.

How many of these companies have been hired to help steal the 2024 presidential election?

Get your popcorn ready. You ain't seen nothing yet.

Mike Stone is the author of the new book REAL or FAKE: The Donald Trump Assassination Attempt and Teen Boy's Success Book: the Ultimate Self-Help Book for Boys; Everything You Need to Know to Become a Man

Reply from Savvy Granny

August 18, 2024

Martin Armstrong - the UN's Goal is Communist Tyranny 17.8. 2024

Reply from Savvy Granny

Well it certainly is. 

However, the UN is just the transitional decoy, the bogey 'supranational order' (Protocols of Zion 5.11). Its task is masonry, that is building the international entity which will complete the projected world order. And its task is destruction  - the global depop, the destruction of nations through its climate dicta, immigration dicta, PHEICdemics, bioweapons, overseeing the communist tyranny of its regime-changed member nations. 

The completed world order will be the Judaic Anti-Christ World Soviet (JAWS) under Noachide Law with all the 'smart goy masons' executed - the ones who were instrumental in the bogey 5.11. They got the Jubela, Jubelo, Jubelum script  in the destruction.

Remember the French Revolution, [which alone we call 'Great' in some translations]for the secrets of its preparation are well known to us. It was entirely the work of our hands. (Protocols of Sion III.14)

The Supreme Soviet may have been dissolved Dec 1991, so it is no longer the base of the Great Revolution - the permanent world-wide revolution [now in its global, communist totalitarian phase].

Before it was dissolved the Supreme Soviet elected Gorbachev to its praesidium and he promptly took up residence at the Praesidio in San Francisco as the supremo of the UN - the one who dictates to the Secretary General. Under the Gorbachev  Praesidium, UN Agenda 21 was adopted 1992 and he also founded the Earth Charter Commission with Maurice Strong 1997. The EC was founded 2000 for the destruction of the Western societies and economies .

The Khazarian dynastic families of the Central Banking Cartel [the owners of this Money Trust] own the Revolution, own the UN and all its multi-lateral partners as well as the manufactured billionaires which are both Zionist (Western) and Communist (Eastern Bloc) assets of the Revolution.

The WEF founded by Schwab 1971 officially with Henry Kissinger (unofficially).  Its counterpart for the JAWS Eurasian Agenda is the SPIEF founded by Henry Kissinger (unofficially) 1997. The SPIEF was instrumental in establishing the Eurasian Economic Union for the Communist / Islamic Bloc 2014. Along with the EU(ssr) and the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board - these are the chief 'multi-lateral' partners of the UN which handle its international operations over the captured / subverted member nations to serve UN Agenda and Earth Charter Dicta.