Food Giant Fosters Lesbian Chic
April 4, 2024

This article which is almost 20 years old shows
how TV commercials have been used to emasculate men
and neuter women in order to prevent family formation.
( From Oct 3, 2004)
by Henry Makow PhD
Nestle is using candy to peddle lesbianism (or vice versa) in a deceitful socially destructive television campaign.
Their Aero chocolate bar commercial is the best example.
Two severe-looking young women (in masculine dress with cropped hair) are in the office lunchroom. With obvious allusions to oral sex, one instructs the other on how to let the Aero bar melt in her mouth slowly.
She places it in her friend's mouth.
"Put it on your tongue."
"Don't bite it."
"Can you feel the bubbles?" "The bubbles are melting."
They have an orgasmic experience. "Pure chocolate pleasure."
The scene naturally draws the attention of a nerdy male. They ignore him and he goes away. The male is redundant.
Nestle is currently targeting teenage girls with a revised version. The girls are young and feminine so the lesbian message is even more reprehensible.
Imagine if the commercial were different. Imagine that a handsome male is instructing a comely adult female on the sensual properties of this chocolate bar. She blushes, aroused.
Imagine that a butchy female is attracted to the scene. She is ignored.
I'm not advocating the use of sex to manipulate people but you get the point. Commercials like these contribute to the lesbian chic sweeping Western countries. Considering that 98% of the market is heterosexual, they are clearly designed to sabotage the social fabric which is based on heterosexuality.
The Nestle ad is typical of scores of commercials that attack heterosexuals by patronizing women and denigrating men.
The classic is the Clairol Herbal Essence commercial where a woman is having an orgasmic experience while shampooing her hair in a service station bathroom.
The hapless mechanic who is working under her car's hood can hear everything. The radiator spills over, a clear reference to premature ejaculation (i.e. impotence).
The message: ladies, self-love and shampoo will satisfy you. Men are useless.
The academic literature in this area is predictable. It complains that commercials enforce traditional gender roles. In fact, today traditional gender roles are usually undermined. Women's groups would be howling if ads portrayed women the way men are portrayed.
For example, there is a commercial for Alfredo sauce where a father is making supper.
His 10-year-old daughter keeps needling him, "Are you sure mommy isn't mad at you?"
He keeps denying it, but finally her question gets under his skin.
"Did she say anything?" he asks timidly.
This man is abused. Imagine if the ad portrayed a woman living in fear of her husband's wrath. Imagine the daughter repeating, "Are you sure Daddy isn't mad at you?"
"Did he say anything?"
This ad teaches men to be wimps; and girls to manipulate males by having tantrums.
The latest Swanson's TV Dinners commercial, which I have mentioned before, completely unsexes the father:
"Working mom asked for a big bowl she can eat on the run. Swanson responded. [Mom rushing off to work.]
Kids wanted something for after school. Swanson responded. [Happy kids enjoying snack.]
Dad wanted to wear mom's frilly under things! We didn't know how to respond." [Father shown with goofy embarrassed smile.]
Message: Mothers are responsible providers. Fathers are sexually ambiguous twits.
The Swiss-based food giant with annual sales in excess of $60 billion fosters sexual dysfunction for both commercial and political reasons.
Dysfunctional women gorge on candy. When women's natural instincts and desires are frustrated, they make a beeline for chocolate.
There are political considerations as well. Nestle is controlled by the same cabal that is destabilizing and depopulating society by destroying the family.
Men who are deprived of their social role are not going to recognize or resist the totalitarian world government called the New World Order. Furthermore, broken homes produce dysfunctional children who are easily manipulated as adults.
Another Nestle commercial for Smarties features two nerdy young males at work. One has made a surprising discovery. When he eats the red Smarties first, the office "hottie" walks by his office door.
They make high fives. This is the answer!
In a third Nestle commercial, a fertile blond asks to taste a nerdy guy's ice cream cone. She walks away with it. Instead of being annoyed; he considers it a compliment!
In a fourth Nestle ad, this time for Kit Kat Chunkies, two male teenage slackers ponder the question, "How to we know we are taking a break when we are never doing anything anyway?" By eating Kit Kat Chunkies, of course.
These commercials shape the way young males and females view themselves and interact. They reinforce feelings of male impotence and female power, independence and androgyny. Men can't humiliate themselves enough for these sexless unapproachable God-like creatures. These attitudes stop healthy relationships from developing.
By nature, people tend to conformity. Reality and social norms are defined by society through education and the mass media.
We must recognize that the mass media promotes the elite's political and social agenda, usually subtly disguised. In terms of our best interests, this agenda is usually destructive and subversive.
A reader, "Jerry" points out that Nestle's political agenda is called the "UN Global Compact." He writes: "If one views the websites of most large corporations it becomes evident they are getting their values and policies from the same source."
These values express a bland humanism, bordering on fetishism, that disguises their real purpose.
The constant inflation of women and disparagement of men produces sexual dysfunction that undermines the family and renders men politically impotent.
Nestle is a leader in elite social engineering designed to breed a slave race.
R said (April 4, 2024):
The old article you put out today about the suggestive commercials from the early 2000s is so spot on. The media has been pushing this agenda for such a long time and it’s great to help people understand the evolution of it.
I’m about to turn 41 and my father and I used to watch these commercials and cringe at them each time. I feel like my generation (millennial) was destroyed by this suggestive media content and apparently the new generation (z) is even worse than ever.
It was the media, the music and schools that ruined us. Luckily I was raised by a father who was very old fashioned and helped pull my mind out of the brainwashing they did to me in public school.