John Coleman - Our Tavistock "Truman Show"
September 28, 2024

(left, In The Truman Show, the hero discovered that he lived in a false reality constructed for him)
Like Truman Burbank in The Truman Show, we live in a reality show consisting of actors and facades like a Western movie set.
These facades -- democracy, wars, plandemics -- are designed to hide the sad truth that humanity is satanically possessed, covertly controlled by a satanic cult -- the Illuminati ( i.e. Cabalist Judaism/ Freemasonry) -- which aims to destroy, dispossess and enslave. Everything is scripted. We are mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed shit.
John Coleman- " The conspiracy reaches right down to the local level. Tavistock has an "invisible army" of actors found "today in the halls of justice, police, churches, school boards, sports bodies, newspapers, councils, state legislatures, and are legion in Washington. They run for every office..."
God is synonymous with PERFECTION - ultimate Truth, Beauty, Goodness, Justice and Love. The Illuminati are Cabalists (Satanists) who redefine reality to serve their occult dogmas, material interests and obscene perversions.
In his book on The Tavistock Institute, ex MI-5 agent John Coleman explains why we can't trust anything emanating from the mass media or government.
"The moral, spiritual, racial, economic, cultural and intellectual bankruptcy we are in the midst of today is not some social phenomenon...that just happened. Rather it is the product of a carefully planned Tavistock program," Coleman writes.
John Coleman- Social Reality is Carefully Controlled May 19,2018
(How the Elite Plays God from Aug 2016)
By Henry Makow, Ph.D.
Like a cat toying with a mouse, the elite teases us with glimpses of our true predicament. One such peek was the 1998 movie The Truman Show directed by Peter Weir.
Truman Burbank, played by Jim Carrey, is unaware his life is a reality TV show. Everyone, including his wife, is an actor, and everything that happens is staged. In other words, his life is a fraud.
Truman Burbank's predicament describes our own. According to John Coleman, the elite has been writing the script for almost hundred years at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations based in London.
Coleman, now 83, a former British Intelligence officer (MI-6), first exposed the clique that dominates the world is his classic Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 (1992)

As its title suggests, his latest book is a rambling cry of despair: The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political and Economic Decline of the United States of America. (Pdf)
The book is confirmation that a financial elite engineered every war and depression in modern history and continues to condition our beliefs and behavior.
According to Coleman, Tavistock began life before WWI to convince peace-loving populations of the need to massacre each other.
"Those fresh-faced young American boys from Arkansas and North Carolina were sent marching off to Europe believing they were "fighting for their country" never knowing that the "democracy" [Woodrow] Wilson sent them to "make the world safe for" was a Socialist-International One World Government dictatorship." (42)
Funded by the royal family, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, Tavistock pioneered the techniques of propaganda used to justify war. Outright lies about German atrocities in WWI resonate down through the decades to lies about Saddam Hussein's gassing Kurds and killing babies in Kuwait. Of course, the biggest lie of all is that Muslims had anything to do with Sept. 11.
Coleman found that 94% of the keywords and phases developed by Tavistock for WWII use "matched up with those used in the Korean War, the Vietnam War and the Gulf War." (153)

Coleman's main point is we can't trust anything the mass media or government tells us, especially not the "News." He cites Stalin's propaganda chief Willy Munzenberg: "All news is lies and all propaganda is disguised as news."
Coleman says society is rotten with institutions and organizations directed by Tavistock to deceive and distort. They are called "elite" institutions because of whom they serve.
The conspiracy reaches right down to the local level. According to Coleman, Tavistock has an "invisible army" of actors found "today in the halls of justice, police, churches, school boards, sports bodies, newspapers, councils, state legislatures, and are legion in Washington. They run for every office..."
Virtually every important corporation, university, think tank or foundation is linked to Tavistock. (See Conspirators' Hierarchy pp. 221-253 for a list.) It chooses the entertainers we watch, the pundits we listen to; the politicians we elect. Every US President since Theodore Roosevelt has been under its control. They made examples of rebels like JFK and Richard Nixon.
Tavistock is behind every "spontaneous" social movement of the last century, including feminism, sexual "liberation", the peace movement, the "New Age" movement, environmentalism, homosexuality, and abortion. Lately, they are behind sex education and the transgender movement.

"The moral, spiritual, racial, economic, cultural and intellectual bankruptcy we are in the midst of today is not some social phenomenon...that just happened. Rather it is the product of a carefully planned Tavistock program," Coleman writes.
We are constantly studied to see how we will react under stress. Orson Welles' Martian invasion in 1938 was designed to demonstrate the power of the "news" to deceive. Coleman doesn't mention it but the power blackout in the Northeast in 2003 was probably another study of mass behaviour. So was Katrina /New Orleans. Confident of our sedated sheep-like behavior, Coleman says Tavistock went ahead and massacred David Koresh and his followers at Waco after lying about his activities. (240).
Tavistock follows Sun Tsu's maxim of "Kill a few; terrorize many." Coleman calls Winston Churchill's decision to bomb German civilians "a war crime." Dresden was "an outright attack on Christianity, timed to take place during Lent," he says. (188)
According to Coleman, Tavistock is waging war on the Muslim world because Islam represents an obstacle to its control. (151) He claims Russia and China still have a measure of independence.
We are in this jam because a small group of dynastic families has amassed unlimited wealth by usurping the government's money-creation role.
To maintain this unjust advantage, they need to create a "world government" dictatorship. As in any colonial situation, our national elites are chosen by their willingness to collaborate with the occupying power. Most people will do whatever it takes to be "successful". Many think they are free citizens creating a better world.

Coleman says 450 of the Fortune 500 companies get their marching orders from Tavistock. This may explain why TV commercials seem more concerned with behavior modification than with selling a product. Lately, many commercials present mixed-race marriages and families. I don't oppose intermarriage except when it is someone else's agenda.
Like Truman Burbank, more and more people are recognizing the plot. They are testing the elite's storyline and finding it mendacious and perverse. They are walking off the stage to find an authentic life.
Related- Makow - It's All Scripted
-----------19 Things you might have missed in The Truman Show
-------------John Coleman - 21 Goals of the Illuminati
------------------ You Tube Speech by John Coleman
------------- Eric Trist - Wikipedia description of a Tavistock founder
Links from Ken Adachi-
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
The Beatles and the Aquarian Conspiracy by Dr. John Coleman (Mar. 1, 2007)
March 1, 2007
The Beatles, Coleman, Adorno, and the Walrus (Oct. 17, 2009)
October 17, 2009
Slowly Coming Up to Speed on Mind Control
and the NWO Agenda (except ref. the Beatles)
March 31, 2005
First Comment from Glen:
The process of "waking up" can be a long and unpleasant journey. It can start with your own investigation into 9/11 as mine did. You find you go through many stages, the first usually being denial. As you progress through the stages of and finally arrive at the point where you have cut through all the bullshit and realize we truly do live in a matrix and everything we are taught, told, or sold is nothing more than a G*d damn lie, you yourself will become a different person. You will enter the period in life where many of us have never been, that is the period where you feel you are truly alone, even when in the company of the ones you love. You will become the butt of your co-workers jokes as they sneer and call you a wack-a-do conspiracy theorist.
Soon enough you decide just to keep your mouth shut. It's just easier that way. As you read articles as this one you know for a fact it makes perfect sense and can be the only real explanation, for even in our imperfect world someone would manage to get something right once in a while. I now just spend my time in total amazement at how successful our true rulers have been in degrading the mind, soul, and body of what we call modern civilized man. It is unbelievable how they have succeeded. At the present time, I see no chance for "Homo normalis" to awaken from his slumber.
DD said (September 30, 2024):
Interesting article on tavistock. there is a lot about this agenda, since it's founding in 1921. even the beatles were a product of them. tavistock wrote the lyrics for the songs and paul & john did the music. they admitted the mind control turned out better than they thought it would be.