"Personhood" Makes Sex an Act of Procreation Again
March 23, 2013

North Dakota's "Personhood" legislation is a step in the right direction.
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
North Dakota passed "Personhood" legislation Friday that says human life begins at conception. This would effectively outlaw abortion.
It won't happen overnight. It must be approved by the Governor and then put on the ballot and approved in 2014.

For me, the underlying issue is sexual promiscuity and the resulting breakdown of courtship, marriage and monogamy, which are the foundation of the family.

In other words, contraception was largely responsible for a radical change in morals and behavior.
Abortion has become another form of contraception, the last resort.
It's what people do when they forget to use a condom or used nothing at all. It gives men and women a sense of security that allows them to be promiscuous.
I'm all for contraception.
But take away the abortion safety net and sex will again become an act of love and procreation, (not recreation.)
Values will adjust. Sleeping with a stranger will mean he or she could be the mother or father of your child. Or, if nothing else, you could be on the hook for child support.
If sex is tied to love, courtship and marriage, contraception will be used responsibly, and abortion will not be missed.
I'd like to hear your views. (hmakow@gmail.com) Thank you for the many thought provoking responses I have received.

I would like to add a few points as a comment, because I feel the abortion situation is really very dramatic.
- 40 million or more babies have been aborted in the US since Roe vs. Wade.
- Abortion is a total negation of paternal and children's rights. The idea that the woman is the only one with 'rights' while carrying the child is obnoxious.
- Abortion is a gruesome slaughtering. The baby is ripped apart in the place that should be the most secure on earth.
- Most women actually seeing the result of the abortion (her child hacked to pieces) after the fact are profoundly traumatized and suffer serious psychological problems.
- A few years ago a director of planned parenthood quit her job after seeing an abortion happen on an ultrasound (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2009/11/02/planned-parenthood-director-quits-watching-abortion-ultrasound/)
- My wife and I lost a son at about 22 weeks in pregnancy. I saw it (and named it) after it was washed after the miscarriage. It was a perfect little boy. He only needed to grow a little more. It was then that I truly realized what abortion was all about.
- Most people believing that abortion is a viable strategy for birthcontrol would change their mind with these kind of direct experiences. Abortion is an ethical, moral and plain human disaster, only possible because people make it an abstraction.
- There is a growing moral imperative to resist it. The abortionists are teaming up with the feminists once more, this time to proclaim infanticide, the murdering of the healthy newborn, no different from abortion. They call it 'after-birth abortion'. Basically this is the predictable moral hazard of allowing abortion in the first place.
If they get their way, this is the new 'pro choice' movement: http://jme.bmj.com/content/early/2012/03/01/medethics-2011-100411.full
- To make this a fundamentalist black and white yes/no abortion thing is simply a standard ploy to pit people against each other and to organize the opposition against wholesale murder. (Very) Young girls impregnated through rape, let alone incest. Serious threats to the well being of the mother. All these are grey areas where personal responsibility for the mother, (in the latter case) the father, their parents, and other people involved should have the right to make to make their own choices. These examples are just the exceptions to the rule and emphasizing those is just a transparent trick.
- But the idea that abortion is a reasonable way for birth control, or a matter of choice, or female rights, is simply untenable. We should aim to get rid of at least 99% if not 99,9% of abortions. It is a purely satanic celebration of the culture of death and the vast scale of the practice and in view of the people backing it, it, to my mind, must be seen as a major front in the war.
Jordan said (March 25, 2013):
As someone in their late teens who is awake I have a pretty unique perspective on cult-ture in this society we live in; especially being
in the age group with the biggest target for brainwashing. That includes abortion. I happen to be moderate on most issues (there are a
few that I will not be told any other way, otherwise you are a Zionist shill), and abortion is no exception. I generally disagree with
abortion, and find it acceptable only in a VERY FEW cases. I have not witnessed an abortion myself, but I have heard enough about them that
I never will watch one. No one should be able to get an abortion beyond 35 days after contraception, as that is when the soul enters
the fetus. There is evidence to support that too. For one thing, that's about when the brain is formed enough to host a soul, and brain
waves can be picked up from the fetus.
Also, if someone wishes to get an abortion, they should be forced to watch several recorded graphic ones beforehand. The only time I find
an abortion justifiable (it would fit into that last little 1% category that you mentioned) is if the fetus is disfigured. I'm not talking about missing an arm-type of disfigured, I'm talking about when there's an arm growing out of its face-type of disfigured. Also, pro-choice is anti-woman with its convoluted new age meaning.
Anyways,those are my thoughts on the issue in a nutshell.