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No Glamor in Porn Biz - Insider

December 18, 2013

 índice.jpgIn response to our article,
"Porn is both Sadistic & Satanic,"
 a former porn producer
presents a more realistic
but no more appealing
picture of the porn industry.

by Joe

I used to be a porn producer who lived and worked around the infamous "Porn Valley" in Los Angeles but now shun that lifestyle and have also turned back to follow God. I am pleased you are warning your readers about the pitfalls of watching porn and also warning the young men and women who get trapped in the industry.  However I am sad you decided to promote Shelly Lubben and her distortions on your website.

Shelly Lubben is nothing but an attention-seeking opportunist who shocks people into thinking that the porn industry is a one-dimensional place made up of evil  men who abuse women.   Sure, this happens but it is not the norm.  Shelly shocks the public and then is happy to accept their donations.   Also, it is obvious that she really enjoys the spotlight which is a big part of the reason women get into the porn industry in the first place.  Women like Shelly crave attention and her phony ministry is now the way she gets attention.

She is only hurting these women by enabling them to think that porn is why they have drug and mental problems. These women have so many problems is because they were raised without strong fathers and in many cases were molested by another male figure in their childhood.


I can tell you without a doubt that the female talent on porn sets have the ultimate power in most cases.   If they don't wan't to do something, it does not happen.  Also, in most cases these women are by far the highest-paid person on the set making about double what the male talent are making.

Yes, women are the victim of the porn industry but men are also the victims of it.  It does not matter if you are a performer, a photographer, a make-up artist, or an agent because taking something beautiful given to us by God to be enjoyed in a loving relationship  and perverting it into a business will surely destroy your soul.

Men ARE also victims.  I have seen the male talent's lives become so empty they gave up making huge amounts of money getting paid to have sex just so they could feel human again.


Drugs like Xanax and Vicodin are used by performers to numb their feelings.  However, the producers actually discourage it on set.  I have never heard of a producer giving drugs to performers.   Maybe they smoke a bowl of weed after the shoot is over but pot use is almost as common as coffee in LA. Producers do not want their performers on drugs not only because it effectively makes their content quasi-illegal due to 2257 regulations but also because they don't want some spaced out looking performers giving a lousy performance.

Yes the performers take pills but they are not allowed to be on drugs during the actual productions.   Surely, some can act sober even if they are on the pills but for the most part the girls are sober.   The men are always sober because they have to be able to get an erection.   And none of the male talent are on steroids as far as I know. The only drug some of  the male talent take is Viagra.  Some old school guys inject their penises with caverject instead of taking Viagra.

As far as disease goes......yes everyone gets herpes and the other disgusting sexually transmitted diseases.  The is a lot of hoopla about  HIV but most of the cases are from the gay side of the biz mixing with the straight part of the biz.  In almost every case it was due to someone having sex with gay men/transexuals and then having sex with straight performers.  Male and female performers also have sex with people outside the industry and do not use condoms.  As a porn producer,  often had unprotected sex with female talent who would seduce me and we never used condoms even though I never got tested.


As far as the claim of women being abused on set...  Sorry to burst Shelly's "women are the ultimate victims" claim but these women list on their agency websites exactly what they are willing to do and the producers book them accordingly.  The women get paid more to do more extreme sexual acts.  So for Shelly to claim these women are being victimized on set is a complete lie and she knows it.   Yes, it does happen sometimes but is not the norm and in the vast majority of cases, if a producer tries to get the female performer to do something for which she has not been hired, she will get on the phone with her agent immediately to complain.

I hope people who read my letter do not think I am somehow defending the porn industry or downplaying it's destructive force.  Porn IS very destructive to our mental health, families, marriages, our relationship with God, and ultimately our souls.   However I don't think the public truly helped unless they are told the truth and not some sensationalized version aimed at making people so emotional that they pull out their checkbooks.

THE PUTRID REALITY OF MAKING PORN  (Warning- this is disgusting)

I have been out of the porn industry for four years and although I make a fraction of what I did producing porn I am finally happy and fulfilled and for the first time in my life feel wealthy.   I try to warn people (especially young men) about how empty life can become by turning to temptations like porn instead of following God's commandments.   I think one of the best ways to break people from enjoying porn is to remind them that the performers on the sets are really not having a good time.  Porn sets are really disgusting for the most part and it is very rare for a female to actually have an orgasm.  The male talent are so jaded they would not show up to have sex with these women unless they were paid hundreds of dollars.

How disgusting are porn sets?  Well I can tell you from shooting a few hundred scenes that the females' private areas are not healthy.  They are having sex with a half dozen guys a week not including their boyfriends and escort clients.  Yes, most females and many of the male performers are paid escorts/prostitutes.  They are not using condoms with the majority of people they have sex with.  They are constantly getting STDs and female performers vaginas have to be douched before every scene or else the male talent will not work with them due to the smell and for obvious sanitary reasons.   Douching this much is not healthy and causes other problems..  Also females have to give themselves enemas if they are having anal sex.  It is common for their enemas to not be good enough making for some disgusting  things happen on set. 

I know this is a bit graphic but hopefully it turns people off and makes them realize that these women are not having a good time.  Because of all the douching/STDs/and because they are often repulsed by the guy they are performing with, their vaginas are bone dry.  They cannot have sex unless they use a large amount of lube.  Yes, they also do get tears in both their vaginal walls as well as in their anus.  I cannot stress enough that they are often in pain even though they are making fake sounds of pleasure. 

The male talent are also often not enjoying themselves and cannot wait to finish.  Their "orgasms" are often purely functional and they are not actually feeling pleasure even though you see their semen come out.   90% of men could not get an erection let alone have an orgasm in these circumstances and this is why these guys get paid up to $700 per scene.   Add the lights and production crew in the room and I would say 98% of men could not perform.  They small percentage of men who can manage to perform are merely able to put mind over matter and still make it look like they are turned on.

To be fair and balanced.....yes there are times when the male and female talent actually are attracted to each other and do have a good time but it is rare.  The moment the scene is over, they want their checks and they are OUT THE DOOR as fast as humanly possible.  Often their agent is waiting outside in the car and eager to drive them to their next scene or escort client.  Gross huh?


By consuming porn we are contributing to our our own destruction but also to the people who work in the industry because it is our consumption that justifies more porn being produced.   

Sex is wonderful, amazing, explosive and fulfilling if it is with someone you are in love with.  Sex was given to us from God and there is no better feeling than to have sex with your spouse while both of you are living lives devoted to God.  I know it sounds backward to many people because they think that God is restricting us with his commandments but the opposite is true.  By following God's commandments we are in fact freeing ourselves from the pitfalls of sin.

So my advice to anyone reading this is to turn off the porn, to follow God's commandments, seek a spouse to also follows God's commandments, get married, and have mind blowing sex!

Related -
Ex-porn Director Says Abuse Sold

From David Richards (author of ¨Watching Porn is Sadistic"):

I saw the great porn insider article. It adds some great insights

I find the attacks on Shelley Lubben in the article and comments disturbing though. Sure she promotes herself in a show biz style (can't see any pics of her preaching with her cleavage showing though) but the info she puts out is dynamite. Check out the 'Porn Stats' and 'Porn Stars' testimonies pages on her website. The donations she receives go towards her charity, the Pink Cross Foundation, that helps former sex workers. I'd also add that she does mention male suffering and exploitation in porn. She states that the porn industry has a higher suicide rate than any other industry and more male performers commit suicide than female ones. Some of her testimonies come from former male stars. But let's face it, the focus in porn is on the girls and porn damages society by presenting all women as sluts and nymphomaniacs. 

Joe has come forward with his important testimony in response to Lubben. Would he have ever done it without her?

Joe Replies:

Shelly Lubbens own brother is speaking out against her.  He is not doing it because he is pro - porn but because she is a pathological liar who blames her parents for her entry into prostitution, drugs, and her short stint in the porn industry. She says they were neglectful, abusive, and kicked her out when in reality they were loving parents who bailed her out over and over again.  Her brother and family are Christians.

Just like she does with the lies of abuse in the porn industry, she uses this fabricated story about her parents to get people to an emotional place so they pull out their checkbooks.

If Christians want to help porn performers then contact them directly.  All porn stars have email addresses, twitter accounts, websites etc.   Don't send the porn performers money.  If you want to donate to something, then send it to the people of the Philippines or some other worthy cause.  What porn performers need is love and know that they are loved.

Here are some interesting videos.  This first one is short and should be enough to see the real Shelly Lubben.    Watching all the videos made me sick and I had to stop and take breaks.

Does Shelly sound like a Christian in this video?????

The Devil and Shelly Lubben Part 1

part 2

part 3
David Replies:

Re:  the 'The Devil and Shelley Lubben' video that Joe linked to... Firstly, it was made my a guy called Michael Whiteacre, who, judging by this and other stuff I found online, works as a media agent protecting the porn industry. The website claims that he is part of an operation to defame, intimidate and threaten whistle-blowers in porn. In the film he sets out to discredit Shelley and uses every slant he can. The video is very well produced and some of the speakers are clearly reading lines given to them. Obviously it was funded by the industry.

I found most of the attacks weak. For instance, at the beginning of the video Whiteacre mocks Lubben for only being in the porn industry for a year and shooting 17 films, implying that doesn't give her enough experience to be critical of the business. I mean come on. He then mocks her for saying she got STDs doing porn, saying that she probably got them working as a prostitute. The worst moment is a spiel by an old feminist who has worked on the business side of porn for 25 years (making a ton of cash). She says that sex work can empower women. She really lays into Lubben for her belief in God and her stance that women should be subservient in marriage.

The attacks that seem to have merit are that Lubben has over-dramatised and fabricated parts of her history. For instance, her brother, while supporting her ministry, disputes claims that their parents were bad. But are we really concerned about the exact details of Lubben's past? She provides well documented info on the sick reality of porn. Just take that info. If you don't want to buy her book or donate to her charity, don't.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "No Glamor in Porn Biz - Insider"

Mark said (December 20, 2013):

"Joe" is probibly quite correct about Shelly Lubben. She's still a diehard attention seeker (and maybe in a similar vein to what landed her in trouble in the first place -- think the Tammy Baker Assembly of God sex scandal).

As for women being brutalised by mean, great hulking men on porn sets, looks to me like just a lot of Feminist anti-male propaganda to further divide and conquer the genders, and playing the sympathy card to fill the coffers of her NWO phony cult religion; also airing it publically, further normalises it, even if merely speaking out against it.

Powerful "illumined" men covertly bribe women to advance their own self-serving, despotic agenda by granting them supposed full rein in calling all the shots over men; on the porno set; on the marital bed; in the courting arena; the voting booth; the work place; and on the abortionist's table (except when in the clutches of government thugs/slaves).

It's the Divine Right of Kings over the bride in her bridal bed, leaving her man out in the cold, not just on her wedding night, but everywhere and forever. Sell bondage as freedom, and they'll set the world at your feet.

Bill said (December 19, 2013):

I just finished reading both articles on porn. Joe's was much better than Richard's. I especially wanted to thank Joe for pointing out that woman do it willingly for the attention and the money - just as men do dirty and dangerous jobs (e.g. coal mining, police, oilfield, construction and military) for the money. Nobody cares if they hate their work. They are free to quit. We pay them for the quality of their product, period. I also want to thank Joe for balancing out the pity-fest for "abused" women with the fact that male porn actors are also victims and suffer from their work. We ALL do. Ever heard of stress related diseases? But, as my dad used to say, that's why they call it WORK. Otherwise, they would call it FUN.

Steve said (December 19, 2013):

I shared the original article about Shelley Lubben with my wife to get her opinion. We checked out a few websites about her and viewed a number of images. We were left with the impression she never left the porn industry. She's just pursuing a marketing angle off the set, but still capitalizes on it none-the-less. Her expressions, the tight pink t-shirt promoting her former harlotry and her "escort" appearance are completely void of any shame. I sense not a drop of humility.

If she were truly repentant about that part of her life, for all the abominable things she did, she would cleanse herself of it, forget it and move on in life. Sometimes those who would supposedly "warn" us against dangers in life end up doing more harm than good. My wife wonders how many "Christians" searched porn sites to watch her movies, knowing she's a "convert" now.

Jennifer said (December 18, 2013):

Joe's knee jerk reaction to Shelly is pathetic.

1. He minimizes and whitewashes the reality.

2. He was a producer so he knows what happened on his set. His view is limited. Porn talent works on many sets and with many different producers thus they have a wider experience base.

When I was 18, I looked into the Hollywood acting industry but was constantly met with the "casting couch" so I gave up my idea of being an actress and went to college. My male actor friend who was a 17 year old actor in "Dead Poets Society" and other projects said he Never experienced the "casting couch" and thought I must have been exaggerating. Like Joe, he could take the attitude: I wanted fake sympathy or it was an excuse for not Making it in Hollywood.

3. Joe's need to put the spotlight on men's suffering as some sort of competition with Shelly is also pathetic.

Joe A said (December 18, 2013):

I agree with Joe's article about Shelly Lubben. I saw her work months ago, looked at her website and felt right away she is very much motivated by getting attention for herself. I was incredibly disturbed by the fact that she says she's a preacher while showing so much cleavage in many of her pictures. I might be wrong I never met her, but so often I hear people saying they're doing what they do to help people. When helping people is tertiary. Primarily they do what they do to feed their ego's and that's creepy, especially for a preacher. I get nobody's perfect, but when you start a ministry representing Christ, you are held to a higher standard.

Marie Henrie said (December 18, 2013):

Just to clarify the author's confusing statements regarding condom use and STD Herpes viruses.

As a healthcare professional I would like to clarify that STD Herpes are contracted with or without condoms.The mode of transmission is skin to skin and there are over a hundred varieties, several of which cause cancer in the female and are now being researched as suspect causes for testicular cancer too.

There are over thirty STDs now and it is specifically HIV which is entering into the female population in record numbers thanks to the proclivities of their bisexual partners. It is estimated by some health care experts that up to 80% of all sixty year old aged persons will have contracted some form of genital Herpes during an active sexual lifetime. In many cases, the body's own immune system overcomes this viral disease but it remains dormant within, despite this.

Chicken Pox is another strain of Herpes ( non STD) which erupts as Shingles when the immune system of the host weakens having rested in dormancy at the base of any nerve root in the body.
My point being is that "safe sex" is not all that safe at all.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at