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Fidel Castro Was a CIA Agent

May 12, 2015

1974_fidel_castro_ap_629.jpgMore evidence that Communism is a total sham. Its role is to
prevent genuine reform and impose tyranny in a feel-good disguise.

Fulgencio Batista, (Cuban President from 1953-59) was the Gaddafi of his day, creating a dangerous example of economic independence from the bankers.

The "revolutionary" Fidel Castro was nothing more than a banker shill tasked with removing him and reducing Cuba to penury and servitude, no different from any other US-installed fascist dictator.

Molecule: "The full story of Castro is even worse, but eventually it will come out. I'm actually already pushing the envelope -- the point is that Castro was on "the payroll" of Citibank and the CIA from the beginning."

Makow Comment: I'm not sure what Molecule's sources are but his account seems plausible. After all the CIA and Communism are both instruments of the central bankers. If Castro was indeed CIA, we will look at modern history in a new light. The Bay of Pigs invasion, for example, was meant to fail, in order to discredit JFK and make Castro look good. A real US invasion of Cuba would have been justified. Now I understand why it didn't happen.

Jim Perloff:
"Note the absurdity: the U.S. spent billions and sent 500,000 troops around the world to Vietnam to "fight communism," yet it wouldn't lift one finger to fight communism in its own backyard." (See Comments)

by Molecule

In the 1950's, Illuminati bankers David Rockefeller and Eugene Meyer organized a Cuban partnership, called the Moa Bay Mining Co.

As his appartchiks, Rockefeller hired the three stooges of the Caribbean, namely Fidel Castro, E. Howard Hunt and George H.W. Bush.

Rockefeller's Citi-Bank provided the financial support that Fidel Castro needed for his ouster of Batista, and that Rockefeller had profited immensely from Castro's fictitious "expropriation" of Moa Bay mining fields.

Castro received his training in the arts of economic terrorism and guerrilla warfare from US Army Special Forces, Col. William A. Morgan of Ohio.

Rockefeller maintained actual physical control of all of "Castro's" oil and mining operations. Meanwhile he collected extravagant profits from endless "Pentagon bailouts" by the U.S. taxpayer.

pigs.jpgCastro was a Meyer-Rockefeller-Dulles lackey. With Zapata Oil as cover, he soon became Bush's favorite candyman. Castro was doubtless pre-briefed on the impending April 1961 invasion, by a clutch of clueless Miami Cubanos, who were lead straight to their slaughter in a perfect military gauntlet, a crossfire in a long and narrow bay of water at the "heel" of a unique Cuban landmass, in fact a marine swampland drenched in oil, known as the Zapata.

Air cover would have made no difference at all. The successful humiliation of JFK in the Bay of Pigs operation led straight to rumors of Castro's absolute Invincibility. Castro the Maximum was trained and armed by the Pentagon and financed by the CIA and Citibank.

The person who delivered his paychecks was a Ukrainian country girl, who lived in a small cottage in Greenwich Connecticut. As cover, she sold homemade soaps.

 The CIA even put out rumors that hundreds of assassination attempts on Castro had all failed. If they were real at all, they were coordinated through Castro's business partners at Moa Bay Mining and Zapata Oil. With rumors like that, the comic-book status of Castro as "The Invincible One" was assured. The assassination of an American President soon followed.


batista.jpgCastro replaced Gen. Fulgencio Batista,(1901-1973,) left. In Castro's propaganda, Batista was characterized as a "racially impure" Cuban nationalist. Following the collapse in the Cuban economy in the 1930's, Batista crushed Marxist agitators, and established a constitution in 1940 based on the sovereignty of the Cuban people.

Cuba's new constitution was therefore contrary to Teddy Roosevelt's intrusive Platt Amendment of 1901, which attempts to ensconce an army of Zionist know-it-alls and Marine smarty-pants in "Gitmo," with the authority "to take any action necessary to protect Wall Street-Zionist interests in the Caribbean." (See Gen. Smedley Butler.)

Batista's 1940 Constitution asserted Cuban sovereignty over national currency for circulation. Batista chartered a Cuban National Bank, and an Agricultural and Industrial Development Bank, to finance internal economic development, intending to build up a stable middle class of inventors, intellectuals and professionals.

(See 1950s CIA training manual by Special Operations Research Office, "Task Revolt" editor Norman La Charite, Case Study in Insurgency and Revolutionary Warfare -- Cuba.)

Under Batista, Cuba's natural agricultural productivity and machine tool inventiveness finally had support of a local government. Had Batista's nationalist policies been applied without Marxist-Zionist banker intervention, it would have revived the Cuban economy.

But the Marxist-Zionist pirate-bankers who always work through their monopolistic control of foreign trade. Castro's endless Cuban "trade deficits" were orchestrated to prevent any emergence of internal economic sovereignty, especially for agriculture (for food and health, not sugar and money) and for development of Cuba's immense mineral wealth.

Batista also made provisions to dissolve the extreme concentration of economic power in the hands of a few Zionist-owned sugar companies -- who by use of fancy lawyers, including Fidel Castro, and by compromised judges, had accumulated ownership of 70% of Cuba's arable land, thereby unleashing unstable (i.e. "Marxist-ready") populations of wandering tenant farmers, penniless wage-workers and peasants living by subsistence.

casestudies.jpgTo prevent a Marxist-Zionist takeover of Cuba, by an internal insurgency using a "liquefied" and "Marxist-ready" population, Batista proposed  educational reforms for the formation of a creative middle class, and for redistribution of the vast barren and unused lands of the "U.S.-owned" sugar plantations to Cuban family farmers.

 In short, if the Batista model of Cuba were to succeed, it would have set a dangerous example for the economic potential of constitutional sovereignty, in Cuba, in the United States, and throughout the Caribbean and South and Central America. Batista's concept of Cuban national sovereignty had to be destroyed.


Quoting from the above mentioned CIA training manual, by Norm La Charite, "Castro was a rebel by and in reality long before Batista's second period of power. As president of the Law School student body, he became involved in campus politics, which many times reached violent proportions at the University of Havana. He was also one of the founders of Unión Insurreccional Revolucionaria (UIR), a terroristic organization [later to emerge as model for Al Qieda], which allegedly dealt in political assassination. Castro was arrested several times in connection with murder, but was never convicted. In 1947 he took part in an abortive plot to overthrow Rafael Trujillo, then dictator of the Dominican Republic. The Cayo Confites expedition, as it is called, was stopped before it got underway.

220px-Jorge_Eliecer_Gaitan_(1936).jpgMany researchers propose that Castro was involved in the 1948  assassination of a popular Columbian politician, Jorge Eliécer Gaitán (1903 - 1948). It is widely speculated that Gaitán would likely have been elected President had he not been assassinated on April 9, 1948. Castro had attempted to recruit Gaitán earlier to his cause, but Gaitán had repeatedly declined and was assassinated because he was too politically influential and would have countered the Cold War objectives of the USSR in the Caribbean.

Gaitán was a Bogatá attorney who gained national popularity by successfully defending striking workers at the United Fruit Company. UFC was represented by Sullivan & Cromwell, a N.Y. City law firm of which John Foster Dulles was partner. (Dulles was also Sec. of State; his brother Allen was Director of the CIA; and John Moors Cabot, past president of UFC, was Asst. Sec. of State for Inter-American Affairs.) In his speeches, Gaitán distinguished between the "political country," which was controlled by an oligarchy through use of fictitious internal struggles, orchestrated between "Liberal" and "Conservative" factions, and the "national country," which responds to the real political and economic needs of a nation of people.

Related- Body Guard Exposes Castro as Billionaire Drug Dealer
Castro Profited from Communist Scam - History of Communist Takeover
The Longest Romance- The MSM and Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro- Story of a Monster

First Comment by Marcos:

The US is not known for shyness about invading any country. It is pretty obvious that Cuba was preserved from any kind of US intervention by design.

Cuba was picked to be a model of communist propaganda with the role of small David facing the Goliath. In the 60s, they were very active in sabotage and financing with KGB money all kinds of Marxist activities in Latin America. The plan (Antonio Gramsci's strategy) worked extremely well, planting marxist thought in universities, the judiciary, the press and the artistic intelligentsia.  

In 1990, Castro and Lula from Brazil created the Forum of Sao Paulo, a multinational marxist organization that congregated leftist parties and even terrorist groups such as the drug dealers, the Colombian FARC. Through perfect application of modern strategies of propaganda and election fraud, they were able to take over the whole of Latin America, with the exception of a few countries such as Paraguay.

Bingo! The new world order now has a united region (one of the ten global ones) under marxism and a single purpose, informally called the UNASUR. Complete political corruption, dumbing down of the population, enslaved and alienated docile citizens in the hands of bloody marxist dictators such as Maduro or Morales.   

Marxism must come before new world order perfect regimes, such as the one in China, because it destroys traditional values, individual freedoms and any kind of possible middle class resistance to total Illuminati control. Cuba was the key for the total domination of Latin America. No wonder Castro receives the praises of Obama, Ban Ki Moon, Mark Zuckerberg, the Pope and this week, even Francois Hollande from France. Vinco, Vici, Victum. He did it ! 

Carmindo writes:

Like Henry, "I'm not sure what Molecule's sources are". But I´m sure communism is a very useful tool to big money and Fidel is one of those tools.

One example. Angola etc.

In 1974, the Portuguese authoritarian regime was deposed by a military coup. As a consequence, the Communist Party - infiltrated in the military - started a campaign to abandon Portugal's colonies in Africa: Angola, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau.

With the independence, almost 1 million of white Portuguese that lived there had to abandon their houses, cars, businesses, farms, etc..
Marxist governments (MPLA in Angola, FRELIMO in Mozambique, PAIGC in Guinea) were imposed to the african populations, devastating their countries.

But ... surprise! The American oil interests in Cabinda (Angola) didn´t suffer at all!!

Gulf Oil Corporation (now Chevron) maintained its oil exploration in Cabinda with the Marxist government. 

Try to guess who had thousand of soldiers fighting next to the communists during the ensuing angolan civil war, at the same time the marxist government protected Chevron?

Yes... Fidel Castro's Cuba!

 About this, I recommend the late Prof. Antony Sutton work "THE BEST ENEMY MONEY CAN BUY". I quote him: « As succinctly stated by Congressman William L. Dickinson (July 1985), "These Cuban troops are protecting American oil interests and they are preventing UNITA from overrunning the MPLA."»

So, simultaneously: 

- one million of Portuguese citizens is deprived of everything by communists;
- Chevron is protected by the same communists; 
- Fidel Castro's troops help the communists that help Chevron.

I can´t think about a better example to illustrate Molecule's arguments.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Fidel Castro Was a CIA Agent "

HV said (May 13, 2015):

Interesting article on Fidel. There is indeed little doubt that at some point in his career, Fidel worked with the CIA. Cuba was one of those countries where this was absolutely a necessity for anyone aspiring to a career in politics. Thus, Castro had at least one CIA agent assigned to supervise him. For example, Neill Macaulay (one of my professors at the University of FLorida), who published "My years as a Castro Rebel" and who was a heavy weapons platoon commander during the insurgency led by Castro.

Steve said (May 13, 2015):

Gaddafi one of the few I look up in this world. May God rest his soul.

Gaddafi was raised as a Bedouin and while in college around 1961 formed a boodless coup and took his country's oil back from the banksters. In 1973 He then gave up all his control and was just a well paid fiqure head. He had established a true democracy where 2000 groups of 2000 people would vote directly their governments actions, no representative. What he started was a country that shared it's wealth with it's citizens. Free housing, education, health and even stipend for getting married. The USA lead banksters destroyed a moderating stable country that had mastered its water supply in a desert.

James Perloff said (May 13, 2015):

The U.S. media and State Department worked overtime to put Castro in power. A series of articles by New York Times reporter Herbert L. Matthews (CFR) persuaded Americans that Castro was the George Washington of Cuba. Castro was featured on the Ed Sullivan Show and Jack Paar. The best alternative-media book I read on Cuba was DAGGER IN THE HEART: AMERICAN POLICY FAILURES IN CUBA (1968) by Cuban exile Mario Lazo. He revealed why Cubans accepted the Castro takeover: the U.S. media blitz of adulation had convinced them that the best way to maintain friendship with America would be to accept Castro!

Earle E. T. Smith, who was U.S. Ambassador to Cuba then, candidly said: “To the contrary, Castro could not have seized power in Cuba without the aid of the United States. American Government agencies and the United States press played a major role in bringing Castro to power….As the U.S. Ambassador to Cuba during the Castro-Communist revolution of 1957–1959, I had first-hand knowledge of the facts which brought about the rise of Fidel Castro….The State Department consistently intervened—positively, negatively, and by innuendo—to bring about the downfall of President Fulgencio Batista, thereby making it possible for Fidel Castro to take over the Government of Cuba.” (letter to New York Times, 9/26/1979).

I also agree with Molecule about the Bay of Pigs and the failed “assassination attempts.” The U.S. military could have easily deposed Castro; the Cuban people would have fully supported it.

Note the absurdity: the U.S. spent billions and sent 500,000 troops around the world to Vietnam to “fight communism,” yet it wouldn’t lift one finger to fight communism in its own backyard (Castro’s island is only 90 miles from our shores). The CIA could also have easily had Castro assassinated; I have always believed the “attempts” myth was standard company PR disseminated as a “leak.”

As an interesting aside, Castro did not suppress Freemasonry in Cuba as he did the church; over 300 lodges are still operating there today:

I would be interested in hearing Molecule’s take on the 1962 missile crisis.

CO said (May 12, 2015):

I've always been extremely sceptical of the cult of Castro as a sworn enemy of US capitalism. If he was such a bête noire, how did he survive for so long right on America's doorstep? The New World Order expended huge resources in violently removing leaders they perceived as enemies of their interests in faraway countries, e.g., Mossadegh, Saddam, Ghaddafi, the Taliban, and many many more. Yet the logistically far simpler task of removing a ramshackle Marxist regime right next door has always been beyond them? I don't think so. The 1974 World Book encyclopaedia entry for Castro portrays him as an impossibly glamorous, macho character - and the World Book was always a reliable conduit for Masonic/CIA propaganda. And if American big business hated and feared Cuban Marxism why have they, over the last 45 odd years, promoted Castro's deceased sidekick, Che Guevara, as a western pop culture icon to rival Elvis, James Dean and Marilyn Monroe? Hollywood and the MSM have always peddled the notion of Batista as the corrupt buddy of American mafioso, but neglect to mention that many more mobsters aided the Castroites - including, incidentally, Jack Ruby.

McLeod said (May 12, 2015):

Molecule's" portrayal of Fulgencio Batista as some sort of saint certainly collides with the historical evidence of the mobbed up company he kept: Meyer Lansky, Lucky Luciano, Santo Traficante et al. -- all of whom had well documented postwar connections with the CIA. Forced to make a choice, I would say that Batista was far more likely to have been a CIA asset than was/is Fidel Castro. At the risk of insulting an anonymous contributor, "Molecule" exudes the scent of a troll, a "mole" in CIA argot being a deep cover agent whose job is to penetrate and confound the opposition

Peter said (May 12, 2015):

The strange book, The Carnivals of Life and Death, by James Shelby Downard, Feral House, 2006, has some interesting Castro background. Not indexed, 286pp. We are all conned on almost everything. My touchstone is.’The more bullshit there is, The more it is bullshit.’

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at