Ayn Rand - Another Communist (Satanist) Jew
August 3, 2015

Has anyone else
noticed that Ayn Rand's
doctrine is
characteristically Jewish?
Ayn Rand's influence is still powerful among libertarians today. They fail to see that she was created by the Illuminati to entrap them in a false dialectic.
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Recently, I dusted off my old VCR and rediscovered my collection of movies on videotape.
When I was younger I used to scour movies for meaning and direction. I went to the theater once or twice a week and would purchase copies of the few films that spoke to me. Last week, I re-watched "The Passion of Ayn Rand" (1999) and was astonished at how intelligent it was.
It reminded me that movies used to inspire and stimulate. Often, a new movie was an "event." It spoke to our condition. As Cabalist possession has taken hold, art has been replaced by occultism, predictive programming, porn and social engineering.
Real art reveals truth. The Ayn Rand movie gave my parched soul a rinse.

Ayn Rand didn't believe in passion. She believed in "reason." Yet she was a hypocrite. She fell in love with a disciple half her age, Nathaniel Branden, and then tried to destroy him when he dumped her for a younger woman.
The movie is based on the book by Branden's wife, Barbara. Although she too had been betrayed by her husband, she urged Rand not to destroy his career:
Barbara Branden: I'm asking you to show compassion.
Ayn Rand: Why?
Barbara Branden: It's what humans do.
This cuts to the core of Ayn Rand's philosophy. She didn't believe in the existence of the soul. Our soul is our true identity. It is our connection to God, what makes us "human."
Rand didn't believe in God or religion, which she termed "the supernatural." She was a materialist. "Reason" is totally based on the senses: "emotion ultimately derives from the thinking one has done, or has failed to do."
(In fact, reason divorced from moral absolutes is nothing but expedience.)

Christ taught that the gospel of love is the path of human evolution. Love your neighbor as yourself. Be considerate. We are all part of one family. Personal and collective happiness require reciprocity.
Instead, Rand asked: "Why is it moral to serve the happiness of others, but not your own?"
I didn't realize that altruism had become a serious social problem. Ayn Rand gave people permission to be selfish and greedy just like Freud allowed them to indulge their sexual libido.
A reader directed me to a 1928 journal entry where Rand exulted that the statement "what is good for me is right" expressed "the psychology of a real man." What better description of the arrested development of the Cabalist Jew? See this solipsistic, narcissistic psychopathy operating in Israel today. They're not just God's Chosen people. They're the only people.
When are Christians going to wake up and realize that Cabalist Judaism is a satanic cult, and the NWO represents its ascendency? The Illuminati will destroy the world in their quest to be God.

This explains Ayn Rand's "success."
She was part of the Illuminati dialectic. On the one hand, they constructed Communism and socialism, "collectivism;" and then they used Ayn Rand to posit its dialectic opposite, Rand's "Objectivism" a form of individualism. While individualists and collectivists fight it out in aPunch and Judy Show, they don't see the puppet masters.
This dialectic is largely specious. Both reject God and the existence of the soul. "Collectivism" is simply a means to win popular support for a totalitarian government run by Illuminati Jews and their Masonic fart catchers. Objectivism releases these billionaire Illuminati psychopaths from conscience or any social obligation.
The Cabalist Jew believes that God is formless, unknowable and not even in the world. The Cabalist Jew alone is human, and channels God's Will.

Who is John Galt? He is Ayn Rand. He is the Cabalist Jew who demands the world accept him as God. He is Rothschild and Rockefeller.
He is the Illuminati.
Has anyone else remarked that Ayn Rand's doctrine is
Cabalist Jewish (and satanic)?
Only Christopher Jon Bjerknes.
Ayn Rand Backs Israel as does her namesake Rand Paul (Thanks Annette)
Background on Rand-Rosenbaum from Jewish Journal
See this interview with the engaging Nathaniel Branden who covers the same period in his book Judgment Day (1989.) The book reveals that Ayn Rand and was addicted to amphetamines which she began taking as a young woman as a weigh-loss remedy.
Makow- Cabalist Doctrine of Destruction is cause of human malady.
John Todd's Reference to "Atlas Shrugged" as Illuminati Codebook
First Comment by Dan:
LC said (August 6, 2015):
You never fail to impress me, but this brief description of Ayn 'Rand' and her philosophy of "Objectivism" was superb!
Especially love that descriptive phrase: "Masonic fart catchers." In essence, an accurate portrayal.
Amazing how the Illuminati puppet show can assume the mantle of both "Left" and "Right" while they pull the strings of the unknowing.
With your pithy analysis, you have revealed them yet again.