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April 5, 2016

(Greenwald and partner) 

On Glen Greenwald: 
When Glen Greenwald defended Brazilian President Dilma on his twitter feed, I retweeted with the comment "Shame on you for downplaying Dilma's corruption and spitting in the face of Brazilians who want change." 
Greenwald, a gay Jew, actually replied by ridiculing my views on the mainstreaming of homosexuality.  I got the following from 
Marcos this morning. I actually applaud Greenwald's work on Ed Snowden's behalf and wish he would stop pandering to the corrupt and degenerate Brazilian Communist government.. 

by Marcos

Thanks for exposing Glen Greenwald for what he is.

This man has a Brazilian gay lover, and was practically adopted by the Left here as a hero. His role is to make people believe that Obama (hahaha) is against Dilma and that the US is an imperialist capitalist monster. In this way, he helps to hide the facts about the Cuban/Forum de Sao Paulo Marxist scheme that took over Latin America.

He writes often for what is called here the Sewage-Blogsphere, a group of websites and journalists which receive tons of money from the government to defend Dilma and the Party. In one of the recorded tapes of phone conversations, Lula was caught dictating the content of an article to the editor of a major leftist magazine, Carta Capital, which receives millions in advertising money from the government and state companies.

These criminals are under investigation now, because some of the money they got came straight from the bribes at Petrobras. 

 It is funny that when Wikileaks found out evidence of Lula getting bribes from Sweden so Brazil would buy their junk jet-fighters, Greenwald was completely silent. 

Of course, the Party has always paid thousands of MAVs, the cyber terrorists who patrol comment sections in websites and create pro-government facebook pages. The most famous is "Dilma Bolada", from a guy who was receiving US$ 10K a month to write a stupid humor facebook page. They also fund things such as Mídia Ninja, a group of young marxist militants who pose as alternative-media producers. A famous comedians' Youtube channel, "Porta dos Fundos", has just received R$ 7,5 MM after posting a video attacking the Federal Police and their investigation against Lula. They have lost half their fans ever since.

If you are curious, here is a link about the MAVs:

The thing is backfiring, because everybody knows who they are and shuns them. Nevertheless, the money keeps flowing, and now more than ever, as they try to stop the impeachment process. Lula has established a HQ in a hotel in Brasilia and is offering positions in ministries, government offices and state companies for any Congressman who votes against the impeachment next 18th. Of course, this is a crime, but his judges at the Supreme Court are doing their job at slowing down the process the most they can. 

Judge Moro has started yet another line of investigation, one that involves Lula in a murder against a Party mayor (Celso Daniel) who rebelled against the rampant corruption in his city. Eight people involved in the crime have been murdered so far, the family of the victim lives in France as refugees for safety reasons and everybody in Brazil knows Lula and the Party ordered the crime. 

Basically, Greenwald must be enjoying his celebrity status and the privileges here in Brazil. Here he is someone special; in the US he would be one more common leftist.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at