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April 27, 2016


Religion is based on spiritual experience provided 
by entheogens, i.e. marijuana, psychedelics. 

Book Review by Clifford Shack

A child born into this world enters it under a great disadvantage. The entire playing field, from cradle to grave is tilted so far against him that his chances of truly understanding the world around him are slim to none. We are literally born with our heads up our asses and thousands of years of social engineering has insured that this view point is held in place to our end. Of course, one out of ten thousand may fly over the Cuckoo's nest but that too is expected and dealt with accordingly. 

The world can be divided in many ways. By gender. By race. By religion. By experience. 

The personal choices we make along our life path and the things that we experience along the way prepares us for how we see the world. Also, our life experience often determines what we eschew or embrace with regard to new information. In short, who and what to trust. 

Ah, if we all had the mental clarity of say Jesus, Moses or Buddha! On a deep level we realize this. That is why many in the world respect and follow the teachings of these great leaders whether within the confines of the organized religions built around these teachers or at a safe distance. 

But what if these teachers never existed? What if they were penned by men from among the quiet ruling power that has been imposing law and order among the masses since the beginning of civilization and empire? 

But if this were true where would such men garner the wisdom necessary to put into the mouths of such literary creations? The answer will surprise most but not all. 


The world can be divided into two groups. Those that have taken an entheogen and those that have not. The vast majority of the world's population have not. This is no accident. It is a fact of social engineering and a key dynamic of empire building. 

The world is run by men that understand this particular division very, very well. 

For those interested in taking the leap to begin to understand the roots of the faith that they may hold so dear I highly recommend "Astrotheology & Shamanism: Christianity's Pagan Roots."

It is based upon the ideas put forward by John Marco Allegro, a scholar was involved with piecing together the Dead Sea scrolls. As a direct result of his involvement with the scrolls he wrote, "The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross." This is a curious fact to say the very least. 

Jan Irvin and Andrew Rutajit, the authors of "Astrotheology & Shamanism" have delved deep into Judaic-Christian symbolism and mythology to reveal the true origins of Judaism and Christianity in fertility cults and entheogenic drug use. This knowledge, for good reason, has been kept secret from the public. The book documents the organized efforts throughout history to conceal this truth through an ongoing Pharmacratic Inquisition (currently known as the "War on Drugs"). 

Linking Judeo-Christianity and other world religions to sacramental drug use is a sure trip to the burning stake as John Marco's ghost can testify. Nevertheless, the flight over the cuckoo's nest is not an easy one, the path of wisdom will always belong only to those willing to suspend those ideas they hold most dear and walk the roads less taken that are as narrow as the razor's edge. 

This book is available here.

Related- Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy 
---------    Mushroom, Magic and Mithras- The Drug Cult that Civilized Europe 
------------The Pharmacratic Inquisition | The Astrotheological & Shamanistic Origins of Christianity

Comment from John:

Entheogens are classically called psychedelics, which comes from the Greek noun psyche: "mind"; and the Greek verb deloun: "to make visible or to reveal by removing a source of obscuration." Thus, Psychedelic means "To reveal the Mind." (In other words to reveal, or make known, aspects of the mind)

In ancient Shamanic culture, entheogens were thusly referred to as medicines. Medicine comes from the Latin noun medi: "middle; center; balance point"; and cinus: "ruin; destruction; chaos." Thus, "To bring balance to that which was in ruin."

Those familiar with the likes of Shamanism, Terence McKenna and the application of entheogens, may know of Dr. Rick Strassman who wrote an excellent book entitled, DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor's Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences. For 5 years Strassman conducted government funded research on DMT, which is one of the most powerful entheogens known and, in fact, manufactured by the human brain. Strassman's accounts taken from the 60 volunteers who took DMT injections are extremely fascinating, especially to those who've never taken a psychedelic-entheogenic compound, and thus never had such an experience. To those who have partaken, the volunteers' experiences are all too familiar.

According to a description of his latest book, DMT and the Soul of Prophecy: A New Science of Spiritual Revelation in the Hebrew Bible:
"Rick Strassman observed that the visions of the ancient Hebrew prophets were strikingly similar to those of the volunteers in his DMT studies. In this book, he introduces "Theoneurology," a model proposing that the Divine communicates with us through the chemistry of DMT present in the human brain."

Taking an enthoegenic compound, and thus having a psychedelic experience, is something everyone needs to try at least once in their life, but not without taking extreme care and respect for what you are doing. Shamanic culture teaches such care and respect for entheogens, while modern mainstream culture and governments do not. This is why, in my opinion, we are seeing marijuana, a milder entheogen, progressively being tolerated by governments of the world. Most people lack a deeper, Shamanic, knowledge of such plants which ultimately prevents the marijuana user from ever getting the full healing benefits of that amazing plant. This would include having all forms of illusions, which have been built up in one's mind, destroyed - specifically the notion that man is a powerless individual. MK Ultra victim, Cathy O'Brien, claims that the U.S. government knows marijuana stops the brainwashing and programming which was why it was so feared by them for many years: 

However, presently, since most people do not use marijuana to help open up their minds and free them from their invisible chains created by their own thoughts, the legalization thereof and usage by people for recreation poses no threat whatsoever to authority.
Marcos comments:

The article from Shack is basically a vile attack from an occultist on Christianity. From all the religions of the world, Christianity is the one which relies the most on rational thought and logic. Christ is the Word made flesh. The Bible is the standard for doctrine in Christianity. Jesus rebuked the devil saying: "it is written". 

There are multiple warnings in the Bible against the use of drugs, called phamarkeia, exactly because they nullify our God-given natural protection to spiritual entities. Our senses are tuned to this material world. When our defenses are brought down by psychodelic drugs, we fall prey to evil demonic spirits which hate mankind and will do their best to distance men from God. 

I would respect Shack's opinion if he would only defend his use of drugs. He is free to destroy his soul, as many practitioners of ayuasca do, for example, much like a famous case here in Brazil last month, where a man became so psychotic (demon possessed) that he eventually stopped eating for two weeks and drowned himself in the sea. But I don't respect his idiotic attack on Christianity with absolutely no valid arguments, claiming it to be exactly the opposite of what it is. This was not an informative article, it was a sordid piece of proselytizing for his new age beliefs. 

The coming world religion of the Illuminati, which is based on Theosophy and Babylon religion, is Mr Schack's religion of sensations and mystical subjective experiences. He will feel at home when all religions come together and start enjoying their new age peace, but it won't last long. He forgets to mention that Jesus said He will come back to end this witchcraft nonsense for good, and deal with those who slander His name.  

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at