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'The Giver' - Movie Dystopia Resonates Today

September 2, 2016

Movie describes post apocalyptic society.

"Jonas cannot believe that Community would ban all beauty, all grace, all normalcy and redefine human existence along such rigid, drab lines. There's no winners, no losers, no love, no hate, no music, no fear, no memory, no dancing and no "lies," except for the fact that Community is one Big Lie."


"The Giver" is an intriguing movie which offers a glimmer of hope in a hopeless world, while describing the kind of society in which we're held captive.

In this 2014 movie, available on Netflix, a young man, Jonas, is at first content living in a post-apocalyptic "utopia" where he's surrounded by totally like-minded friends. They were all born in a lab after a calamity ("The Ruin") nearly extinguished humanity and brought about a  reconfiguration of society.

While nurturing the remnant of humanity back to "health," the State has completely rejected the "messiness" of past human existence. 

Natural child birth is forbidden. Marriage doesn't exist. Infants are matched with state-assigned, man-and-woman couples. The state seems benevolent and largely acceptable in its outward appearance.

(Note- Due to a technical glitch, the rest of this article has been lost. The original version is here.)
First Comment by FS:

The author misses the resistance-neutralizing mind control spin at the film's heart-pounding grand finale': "Yes my little dears, there is the possibility of a resemblance between the movie and the dystopic societal conditions of your present and near future now taking shape before your eyes (so, damn it, GET USED TO IT!), but not to worry, go back to sleep.  No need to rise to action.  It was all just a bad dream which ended with the movie.  The world has been saved by a teenage super hero on a "Magical Mystery Tour" with a baby -- Humanity's new beginning -- , crossing the mystical "Boundry of Memory" at the masonic standing stones triangle on a sled."

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "'The Giver' - Movie Dystopia Resonates Today"

Hutch said (September 3, 2016):

By coincidence - The Giver was on TV tonight. My wife asked how did he (The Receiver) break free from 'the community'. My answer was... anyone can achieve their freedom by simply being aware of 'the big lie'. Awareness makes us the Giver. Once you understand that everything is a fabricated, orchestrated, monstrous lie you are on a real life journey. Living means enjoying your life to the fullest (truth, beauty, family, GOD, music, art, accepting joy and hardship) and only by doing this can you defeat the Controllers.

As a side note - they always blame or indicate we (the people) are the source of all misery, the source of all problems, the source of all wars, hunger, mass deaths. They never blame the Controllers (aka Illuminati Rothschild World). Their arrogance forces them to expose themselves in plain sight. Connect the dots.

Expose them.
Become the Giver.

Dan said (September 2, 2016):

Sounds like a Hillary and Google wet dream of Utopia.

Actually, the movie is probably a documentary about California in the future - 2017!

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at