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"Anti Semite" Conceded Jewish Hegemony in 1879

October 5, 2016

Marr-2.jpg(left. Wilhelm Marr, 1819-1904)

The man who coined 
the term "anti Semitism"
conceded Germany to 
"the Jews" 137 years ago. 

After reading this, ask yourself if Hitler could have come to power without Jewish collusion at some level. 

Marr's 1879 vision for Russia proved prophetic.

"The destructive mission of Judaism (which also existed in antiquity) will only come to a halt
once it has reached its culmination, that is after Jewish Caesarism has been installed."

Does this prophesy also apply to the "NWO"? 

by Kevin MacDonald
Wilhelm Marr's Victory of Judaism Over Germanism 
Edited and abridged by

Wilhelm Marr has gone down in history as the first racial anti-Semite. His signature work, The Victory of Judaism over Germanism: Viewed from a Nonreligious Point of View, (1879) expresses Marr's views as "a 'scream of pain' coming from the oppressed" (p. 6).

Marr sees Germans as having already lost the battle with Jewry: "Judaism has triumphed on a worldwide historical, basis. I shall bring the news of a lost battle and of the victory of the enemy and all of that I shall do without offering excuses for the defeated army."

In other words, Marr is not blaming the Jews for their predominance in German society, but rather blaming the Germans for allowing this to happen.

Anti-Semitism .. was actually motivated by "the struggle of nations and their response to the very real Judaization of society, that is, to a battle for survival.... I therefore unconditionally defend Jewry against any and all religious persecution." (p. 10)

stamp.jpgJews used their abilities to obtain power in Germany and other Western societies: "By the 19th century, the amazing toughness and endurance of the Semites had made them the leading power within occidental society. As a result, and that particularly in Germany, Jewry has not been assimilated into Germanism, but Germanism has been absorbed into Judaism." (p. 11)

Marr credits Jews with bringing economic benefits to Germany: "There is no way to deny that the abstract, money-oriented, haggling mind of the Jews has contributed much to the flourishing of commerce and industry in Germany."

"What we [Germans] don't have is the drive of the Semitic people. On account of our tribal organization we shall never be able to acquire such a drive and because cultural development knows no pause, our outlook is none other than a time when we Germans will live as slaves under the legal and political feudalism of Judaism." (p. 14) ...

"We are no longer a match for this foreign tribe." (p. 27)

As a result of his high estimation of Jews and low estimation of Germans, Marr claims that he does not hate Jews. The conflict between Jews and Germans is "like a war. How can I hate the soldier whose bullet happens to hit me? -- Does one not offer one's hand as victor as well as a prisoner of war? ... In my eyes, it is a war which has been going on for 1800 years." (p. 28)


By 1848 Judaism had entirely ceased being a religion at all. It was "nothing else but the constitution of a people, forming a state within a state and this secondary or counter-state demanded certain material advantages for its members." (p. 17)

 Marr states that Jewish emancipation only meant political equality because Jews had already achieved "a leading and dominating role" (p. 17), and dominated all political factions except the Catholics.

"The daily press is predominantly in Jewish hands, which have transformed journalism ... into a business with public opinion; critique of the theater, of art in general -- is to three quarters in the hands of Jews. Writing about politics and even religion is -- in Jewish hands." (p. 19)

While Jews are deeply involved in creating the culture of Germany, "Judaism has been declared a subject off-limits for us Germans. ... To comment on [Jewish] rituals is 'hatred', but if the Jew takes it upon himself to pronounce the last word in our religious and state affairs, then it is quite a different matter." (p. 20)

Jews are powerful and they will continue to obtain more power. In the end, Germans will be at the mercy of the Jews:

"Within less than four generations there will not be a single office in the land, including the highest, which will not have been usurped by the Jews. Yes, through Jewry Germany will become a world power, an Occidental Palestine... Jewry has fought the Occident for 1800 years. It has conquered and subjected it. We are the vanquished and it is quite in order that the victor chants 'Vae Victis' [woe to the vanquished]. (p. 22)

The Jew has no real religion, he has a business contract with Jehovah and pays his god with statutes and formulations and in return is charged with the pleasant task of exterminating all that is not Jewish. (p. 14)


Marr saw Russia as the only European nation that had resisted the Jewish onslaught. However, he believed that Russia would eventually fall by bloody revolution and this revolution would lead to the downfall of the West:

rrev.jpg[Among European nations, only Russia] is left to still resist the foreign invasion. ... [T]he final surrender of Russia is only a question of time. ... Jewish resilient, fly-by-night attitude will plunge Russia into a revolution like the world might never have seen before. ... With Russia, Jewry will have captured the last strategic position from which it has to fear a possible attack on its rear .... After it has invaded Russia's offices and agencies the same way it did ours, then the collapse of our Western society will begin in earnest openly and in Jewish fashion. The 'last hour' of doomed Europa will strike at the latest in 100 to 150 years." (p. 24-25)

Indeed, Jews are already taking the lead in fomenting anti-Russian policy, as in the Russian-Turkish war. For example, ideas that "the insolence of the great sea power England might be curbed" by allying with Russia were banned from the Jewish newspapers. (p. 26)

Marr is entirely pessimistic about the future, foreseeing a cataclysm:  

The destructive mission of Judaism (which also existed in antiquity) will only come to a halt once it has reached its culmination, that is after Jewish Caesarism has been installed." (p. 28)

Jewry will have to face a final, desperate assault particularly by Germanism, before it will achieve authoritarian dominance. (p. 29)

Marr thinks that anti-Jewish attitudes will become powerful but ultimately they will fail to fend off disaster for the Germans and the West. Marr lays part of the blame on the fact that the only people who publicly oppose the Jews conceptualize them incorrectly as a religion.

 As a result, responsible, informed criticism of Jews that would appeal to non-religious people and intellectual elites never appears in the press: "A catastrophe lies ahead, because the indignation against the Judaization of society is intensified by the fact that it can't be ventilated in the press without showing itself as a most abstruse religious hatred, such as it surfaces in the ultramontane and generally in the reactionary press" (p. 30).

 Nevertheless, even a "violent anti-Jewish explosion will only delay, but not avert the disintegration of Judaized society" (p. 30).

Regarding his own mission, Marr sees himself as a soldier fighting a lost cause: "I am aware that my journalist friends and I stand defenseless before Jewry. We have no patronage among the nobility or the middle class. Our German people are too Judaized to have the will for self-preservation." (p. 32)


Kevin MacDonald is editor of The Occidental Observer and a professor of psychology at California State University-Long Beach.

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Comments for ""Anti Semite" Conceded Jewish Hegemony in 1879"

Peter said (October 7, 2016):

It was the Jews (mostly Askenazi) being let out of their ghettos in the 18-19th century that led to their disproportionate influence in Germany, but the threads go way back, to Sumeria and before (we do not know).

The Vipers of Venice accommodated Germans from along the Rhine from the 12th century at the University of Padua (Aristotelian) for what I call 'business school', it wasn't all about double entry bookkeeping.

Caesar had Jewish backers for his venture across the Rubicon, Luther got on candidly with his Jewish friends at first, Zionism was the only other organizational flag that the Nazis allowed , Julian the Apostate (Roman Emperor AD 360-3) financed a failed venture (crusade) to take Palestine and have the Temple rebuilt. Napoleon reconvened the Sanhedrin. The Jewish quarter of Rome was relatively unharmed when most of Rome burned under Nero, Rothschild's own Frankfurt En Main town (but not his own house) got burned in 1796 by the French (who were under the vice of the Rothschild's Illuminati) and that got him and his folk out of the ghetto for good.

The question is, knowing what they do to attain hegemony (then destruction of their host before the hosts respond in their own interests), what if everyone did 'business' that way? Inbreeding, keeping it all in the family, sharing only as an investment to exploit later, opportunistically fomenting chaos and 'Talmudic thinking'.

Gilad Atzmon's new term for them is the Mammonites, which is cool as it avoids the controversial 'J' word and all it's connotations. Lauren Moret calls them Phoenicians of Iranian descent.

Debra said (May 16, 2014):

The article brings attention to Jewry primarily as in organized-Jewry; also, referred to as counterfeit-Jewry / the Synagogue of Satan, but fails to bring attention to the counterfeit-Christianity component, which came later after Jesus, that enforces organized-Jewry to the point of the NWO organization where the christians now support a State of counterfeit-Israel. Marrs is saying it indirectly, making it sound solely national rather than what it is; organized/counterfeit-Jewry working hand in hand with organized/counterfeit-Christianity.

Anonymous said (May 15, 2014):

Marr lived at a time when there still were major cultural and worldview differences between European thinking and belief and the Jewish one.

If he could visit the West today, Marr would easily recognize how far Modern culture's mindset has become "Jewish" for everyone. Americans today take for granted or extol business ethics which were against the law as mortal sins in Catholic Europe before the Renaissance. But be sure to include the factor that Western, Modern Jews became more like Europeans too.

The fact is that everyone today would be an alien to their ancestors in terms of their thinking and beliefs.

A third worldview which is a simulacrum of the original dichotomy: I mean most Jews of today would be excommunicated and ruled 'dead' by their fathers if they found themselves in the Jewish past.

This worldview isn't merely a hybrid of two worldviews. Because they're in many ways conflicting, what emerged is not a synthesis but something different.

Christopher said (May 14, 2014):

What an amazing article on the powerful prophetic vision and understanding of Wilhelm Marr.

Marr states that if people truly understood Judaism - for what it REALLY is (NOT a religion), only then would they be able to see the harsh realities confronting them. What Marr deciphered, or revealed, was the major difference between Talmudic, Global ZIONISM and true, Torah/Bible based Judaism.

In 1879, however, it may have been somewhat more difficult to get the dialectics and definitions completely correct. Marr, it seems, was too far ahead of his time.

Yet, then, as now, it is quite easy to lump Zionism in with basic, traditional Judaism. That is quite unfortunate for all Jews (who are just Jews, not Zionists), who have been as duped by the propaganda and other machinations as everyone else - but will pay double price for it (via their destroyed lives AND the increasing hatred/persecution thrown against them).

As seen in WWII; to the Zionists, the literal sacrifice of Jews - via slave labor, torture, and starvation - are but a small price to pay for the twisted dreams of Zionists to become even more twisted reality.

Tell all that to those same/said Jewish victims? I don't think so. They were on sold on Israel as their promised land, a land that offered safety and security from the very hatred and persecution the Zionists themselves helped create! It is important to realize that even (Torah based) Jews must awaken to the harsh reality, just like everyone else.

JG said (May 14, 2014):

This man here had some stunningly accurate predictions on the coming Zionist World Government known today as the NWO.

Yes, Russia was the last sovereign Christian European stronghold to fall during the Jewish-led Communist Revolution that claimed the lives of 10's of millions as well as outlawing the Christian faith along with the burning of some of it's cathedrals.

This Jewish Revolution against Christian Russia should NEVER be called the Russian Revolution. There was nothing Russian about it other than the millions of Russian corpses spread throughout the countryside during this Communist ordered genocide.

The NWO is a satanic order who's end game is famine, enslavement and death.

Tyron said (May 14, 2014):

Marrs was very prophetic and my suspicious is that he was a Christian knowing full well that only upon the installment of their false "King David- Messiah" will the destructive force behind Babylonian Jewry come to a total halt. Why? Because it is the the lie will give way to the truth- the true Messiah and his 144,000 authentic Israelite-Judaites from all 12 tribes.

These pawns of Judaism inside all Corporation monolithic religions are only doing exactly to themselves what Rabbinic Judaism believes it is doing to the "goy"-- enslaving themselves to be ruled over. The Prime Creator is using Satan and his chosen by way of allowing them to erect a NWO structure that will be RIPPED away from them as they end up taking the place and status of those whom they tried to render enslavement and destruction upon. Believers must always keep this in mind!

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at