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Will Trump Keep Promise to White Voters?

December 4, 2016

(Apparently this pic was photoshopped by liberals but the message is no less valid.) 

Ann Coulter says Trump's response to illegal immigration and 
migration will be the litmus test of his Presidency. 
She already sees signs that he is fudging on this promise. 
If he does, he will destroy his base of support. 
As Kevin MacDonald explains below, the GOP
has become the white people's party. Having sponsored migration, organized Jewry faces a white backlash.  "Once White identity politics starts gaining traction, it's only a matter of time before there is a critical mass of Whites who are dialled into the Jewish role in White dispossession, and that would not, as they say, be good for the Jews."

by Kevin MacDonald 
(Excerpt by 

By far the biggest problem for Jews is that the forces unleashed by Jewish activism in favor of immigration and multiculturalism have unleashed a rise in White identity politics, either implicitly, as among most Trump supporters, or explicitly, as among the Alt Right which has been the only intellectual movement supporting Trump. 

Jewish writers like Jonathan Chait (New York Magazine), David Brooks, and Paul Krugman (New York Times) have been very aware of that Trump has been successful because of White identity politics. For Chait, Trump is a reincarnation of a decades-old Jewish bogeyman in American politics, right wing populism: He says, "The party has grown increasingly reliant upon White identity politics to supply its votes, which has left an indelible imprint on not only the Republican Party's function but also its form."

For Brooks, Trump voters are "just going with their gene pool," a rather bald statement that Trump voters are voting their racial interests. After the election, Brooks predicted that the country would be split into two factions, with one faction advocating ethnic separatism, which many on the Alt Right are already advocating. Would that it were so.

For Krugman, Trump voters were motivated by "blood and soil, patriarchy, and racial hierarchy."

While these statements seem over the top, in fact implicit White identity politics were doubtless an important aspect of the election. Research shows that Whites who see diversity increasing tend to vote for candidates of the right. Anxiety over those changes may explain a lot of Trump's support, even if they don't admit it (here; also here and here). In fact, the Wall Street Journal reported that the counties in Iowa and Wisconsin that changed from Obama to Trump were the areas in the US undergoing the fastest ethnic changes.

Once White identity politics starts gaining traction, it's only a matter of time before there is a critical mass of Whites who are dialled into the Jewish role in White dispossession, and that would not, as they say, be good for the Jews. Psychologically, we expect that racial identity and a sense of racial interests will be more important as Whites head toward minority status. Being the object of hostility increases this tendency to identify as White, so it is noteworthy that Whites are routinely subjected to hostility in the educational system and the media. In a very poignant letter commenting on an article in The American Conservative, a college Republican wrote:

I am in college and nearly all of my conservative friends are at least sympathetic to the alt-right. Even if they don't openly talk about it, they're regularly browsing 8chan's /pol/, The Right Stuff, Radix, VDare, Occidental Observer, AmRen, etc.

How did this come about? It's harder for older people to understand, but we younger whites have been vilified all our lives. Throughout elementary school and high school, I was regularly demonized for being white. (I attended public and Christian schools and it was even worse at the latter.) And now it's even more extreme in college. Our entire white race is regularly trashed on a daily basis. ... We have the right to oppose our own dispossession and extinction - just as every other race does. It's time for younger whites to pick up the gauntlet because we're the future.

I imagine that quite a few of you here today know exactly what he is talking about. Whites tuned into the internet are also aware of disproportionate crime committed by Blacks, Latinos, and Muslims against Whites, and this awareness also leads to the Alt Right and results in very real worries about what the future will be like for Whites if we become a minority. 

Will juries convict non-Whites who attack Whites? What are the implications of the vast majority of non-Whites voting Democrat and wanting big government handouts when Whites are a minority? What about affirmative action at universities were Whites are trapped between low-achieving Blacks and Latinos in need of affirmative action and high-achieving minorities such as East Asians.

Given all the corruption by the Clintons uncovered in the recent campaign with the entire establishment nevertheless backing her, we cannot suppose that the rule of law will survive a White minority.

So the bottom line is that Jews remade America in their interests, constructing intellectual theories and media messages designed to make White America comfortable with massive non-White immigration and its own dispossession. Toward the end of Hillary's campaign, we were treated to a constant barrage of such messages on the wonders of diversity and inclusiveness. "Instead of [Trump's] dark and divisive [vision], [mine is] hopeful and inclusive. [Mine is] big-hearted, not small-minded. It is about lifting people up, not putting them down. ... It's a vision that says, and I believe this with all my heart, we are stronger together." (Nov. 1, 2016).

 I'd like to see the research showing that America has become stronger because of importing millions of non-Whites, but obviously a lot of White Americans don't think so.


But let's face it, 35-40% of White Americans still buy into it. Too many Americans are suckers for idealistic, optimistic rhetoric, full of lofty moralism and entreaties for empathy, and Jewish activists have known this for a long time. As our friend Israel Zangwill said to a Jewish audience in opposition to the immigration restriction law of 1924, "You must make a fight against this bill; tell them they are destroying American ideals" (here, p. 266). Again, Zangwill knew exactly which buttons to push. I am sure Zangwill would be quite happy that Israel doesn't believe in such ideals.

But this idealism is part of the psyche of many Whites, and engrained in our culture, blasted out 24/7 by the media and the educational system. Interviews with White protestors horrified by Trump's victory shows their extreme sense of moral superiority and moral fervor and their genuine belief in the glorious rainbow, kumbaya America. We have to understand these White people and convince them of the moral righteousness of our cause. We must show them that their idealism about the future is suicidal.

Multiculturalism is the contemporary version of utopian Marxist rhetoric that was pushed by three generations of Jewish intellectuals: Even after millions of murders and the incarceration of many more millions, they preached that we can look forward to the utopian dream of a classless society. Now we are supposed to look forward to a future of blissful ethnic harmony, despite the long and bloody history of ethnic conflict around the world. As with communism, these utopias ultimately fail because they are not based on scientific views of human nature or on the social science research on the costs and consequences of multiculturalism to native populations.

The end result of this Jewish activism has been White flight away from diversity, the beginnings of a police state, restrictions on free speech, an upsurge of implicit White identity politics and the racialization of politics in general as the GOP becomes the White people's party, and an urgent need to create an explicitly White politics of the Alt Right. This activism has also resulted in increased conflict -- conflict that could ultimately lead to civil war.

The protests following Trump's election and the banning from social media have just begun. We are entering a very dangerous period now, and we can only hope that Donald Trump will live up to the expectations of those who voted for him.


Related - YouTube must watch - Trump's Jewish Cabal 

-------------Makow - Have Americans Been NeoConned? 

--------------------Makow - Mossad Blackmail - Tempering Our Expectations of Trump 

-------------Miles Mathis - Why I think Kevin MacDonald and the Occidental Observer are Controlled Opposition  (I don't agree- hm) 

Makow comment: Most white people can accept minorities but they don't want to become one. Liberals have used labels like "hate" and "racist" to describe this perfectly legitimate attitude. What is more hateful than throwing this smear around?  No non-white country -- China, Japan, India, Nigeria, Israel -- would allow itself to become a racial minority. Yet somehow whites are expected to docilely accept this fate because organized Jewry perceives them as a threat.   

First Comment by Kurt:

You don't have to deport anyone or build an expensive wall.
Make the E-Verify System mandatory for all employers and public benefits agencies and you remove the incentive to enter and remain in the country illegally at almost no cost.
The law should apply to all new hires immediately. Then audits should be done on employers with a history of illegal hiring. This will determine who is working here illegally. Fines leading up to jail time for scoff-law employers will insure compliance.
Without jobs or welfare, people here illegally will be forced to go home and apply legally.
For the past several decades Congress has held enforcement hostage to gain an amnesty and massive increases in legal immigration. It stalled because the American public was strongly opposed to any increases during a time of high unemployment and a low labor participation rate. .
American immigration policy should work for the advantage of American citizens, not sweat shop employers and their Chamber of Commerce benefactors. It should try to create parity between the number of available jobs and the workers needed to fill them. This would force employers to offer better pay and benefits to attract and retain the best workers. The available jobs should be filled by laid off citizens, not foreign nationals wanting to move here.
We need a 'time out' on all immigration until full employment is achieved and we have time to assimilate the 40 million immigrants that have arrived in the last several decades.
In order to deal compassionately with those people found working here illegally, we could offer a limited number of conditional work VISA's. Individuals who are gainfully employed, not felons and not using public benefits would be allowed to obtain a renewable VISA to stay here as long as they meet the mentioned requirements. It would include only your spouse and minor children. All others would be free to return to their home country without penalty and we could offer a free service to aid them.
People who come here should contribute, not consume resources.
The issue is numbers, not nationality. 

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Will Trump Keep Promise to White Voters? "

Stephen Coleman said (December 5, 2016):

This whole immigration thing is a non-issue. People fail to understand that the ruined economies below the border are being caused by the very same forces that have destroyed the US economy. Getting rid of illegals is like firefighters frantically putting out smoldering stumps as the wildfire rages on. It is only a symptom and not a cause.

The real issue is and no other issue matters, Trump has promised to reinstate Glass/Steagall. This will cause the likes of Soros and other mega speculators to lose 100s of trillions of dollars and we the people don't have to bail them out. That is the issue, those are the ones organizing the riots and recalls. This act was first put into place by FDR and was key to start the job of rebuilding out of the Great Depression.

Lets see if Trump keeps his word, it will be one hell of a fight. Let the bankers rot and don't sacrifice the world's people for the sake of a few criminally insane bankers.

Doug P said (December 5, 2016):

If only Christians were not divided over Zionism. We could unite under something meaningful other than skin color. You can't build a foundation for society on skin color and the Jews know it. We are being led into White ID politics to misunderstand the conflict. It is absolutely a religious conflict.

Unconsciousness of this will facilitate a transition to overt Talmudic Noahide laws rather than covert ones we have now. Once these are are in place, no turning back and no Christian will be left alive. Law is much more powerful than the economy or skin color and it is silent.

We understand physics by understanding its laws, biology by understanding its laws, chemistry by understanding its laws, math by understanding its laws, ethics, morals and society by understanding its...laws! - if we choose universalism than law becomes a science like any other science. Chose materialism, you have no laws and statutes reinforce the hopes and dreams of our rulers. The basic underlying structure of Western society is Christian law. Lose that and its short trip to the third world.

Marco said (December 5, 2016):

White identity politics is predominately being channeled through the alt-right movement. Unfortunately, the alt-right is already showing major signs of being a controlled and impotent movement through its rabid support of Donald Trump, and with its blind eyes and deaf ears to the realization that Trump is an Israeli pawn - evident through his Zionist cabinet choices.

If Trump is a pawn to Israel, and therefore the Jews, how can he possibly be for Whites?

McDonald is wrong from the start. This is just a simple Jewish plan:
We are witnessing the revolving door of Jewish control. Marxists and uncontrolled immigration gives way to Kosher Nationalism ie. Zionist controlled Right-wing cabinets.

White Genocide is very real. We need a true leader. And a true leader is not to be found in an Israeli tool lacking moral character.

Sid Green said (December 4, 2016):

Trump isn't president right now. There is a chance he will not be. If he is, I don't think he will build a wall and I don't think there is a need for a wall. Immigration from Latin America isn't a problem. They are all Christian cultures. The problem is the media. The people in control can start a civil war thru the TV
I don't think things are going to go as expected

Tony B said (December 4, 2016):

Whites who want to back up their arguments could make a very solid case by showing in photos and otherwise what has happened to South Africa. Now that blacks can steal and murder as they please and whites consider themselves lucky to live on top of a garbage dump and only be raped once or twice a week there is not one tiny whisper about anything South African in the MSM.

Al Thompson said (December 4, 2016):

The issue here isn't race. Sure, white people have been persecuted over the years but that nonsense comes from the libtards. The race issue is like an all-purpose opposition issue when the left doesn't have anything intelligent to say.

In most big cities, you cannot be a racist and expect a peaceful life. The race issue always comes from the communist left. They are too lazy to think through real issues so when someone opposes them they cry racism. The ADL is a perfect example of that but the good part of it is that no one is buying it any longer. The credibility of the political class has been seriously compromised by the truth that has been revealed about them. I doubt if the left can ever recover from it because they have nothing to offer anyone. White people have nothing to do with any of it, in my opinion. Many people from all cultures and races voted for Trump. It's not a racial issue at all, in my opinion.

The objection to immigrants is their behavior and not their race. If they come to this country and start to commit murders and rape young women then they are good for nothing and they should be thrown out. This is why Trump wants to build the wall.

He may be able to control immigration without the wall. If that's possible, then he could save everyone the expense. The wall seems to be a crude solution in this modern age of technology but if that's what it takes to solve the problem, then he should build it. I think it would be easier to put more guards on the border. But he should do with whatever works the best.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at