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February 18, 2017


Why I Left Iran Pt. 2   by Brendan O'Connell

I sit in my nice windowless hotel room and explain why I left Iran. Of particular note was the Iranian/American lawyer, based in Atlanta, Georgia. He was quite strange, to say the least.

His family are involved in Swiss banking and own Tehran apartment blocks.

Also, the seeming reluctance of people I met to talk about Israeli Intelligence activity and Jewish racial and religious supremacism I found quite surprising. In Malaysia they talk about it at the drop of a hat and in places like Pakistan you can find book shops all over the place - in English - explaining Israeli did 9-11. I was battling to strike up a conversation about it. 

Iranians seemed particularly disinterested in the subject, though, after screaming for three weeks that I would"walk" if I was diverted from those subjects, it was finally agreed I would work with The Persian Gulf Studies Center to organize a conference on Israeli Intelligence activity and their involvement in 9-11 and other nefarious activities.

Of course, I walked before that could happen. TPGSC pulled their website down.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at