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March 22, 2017

The story that the intelligence services, the FBI, the Secret Service, etc., and gatekeepers like Jim Marrs don't want you to know

by Ken Adachi 

As a result of you mentioning that you posted the article, I re-read all the articles I sent to you and re-read the link I had embedded of the sworn testimony of JFK assassination witness Hugh William Betzner, Jr.

I hadn't read it since I first posted the Larry Jamison article in 2007, 

but upon re-reading it,  I suddenly realized that Betzner's testimony of the loud sounds he heard matches most closely with the sequence of shots described in the book, "Murder from Within" by Fred Newcomb and Perry Adams. The book was published for the first time in 2011, just a month before Fred Newcomb died. Newcomb and Adams had originally made 100 Kinko copies of their book in 1973, after 5 years of investigation, and sent it to DOJ, FBI, many members of congress, etc. etc. and NO ONE got back to them. No publisher would touch the book. A German publisher said he would publish the book until he read the manuscript and then backed out, realizing it revealed too much and might get him killed. .

The reason I'm emphasizing this is that the ONLY book which accurately describes how JFK and Connally were shot is Murder from Within. All of the well known JFK assassination experts/authors, or video documentaries, etc, want to keep your attention OUTSIDE of the limo. The two bullets that hit JFK and the one bullet that hit Connally in the back ALL came from Greer's gun:

Greer first shot JFK in the throat.
As JFK was clutching his throat, Connally (who was in on the assassination plan but didn't know it was going to happen in the limo) turned around 180 degrees and was gawking at him, mouth agape. 
Because he was blocking Greer's line of sight, Greer had to shoot him in the back to get him to lay down. Nellie Connally, who could see what was taking place, pulled Connally down on top of her to get him to lay down.  Greer then shot JFK in the head in Zapruder frame 313.

The very first shot heard at 12:30PM (before Greer started shooting) was described by all street witnesses as either a "firecracker" or a car backfiring. It was actually a "Decoy shot" from the revolver of Secret Service agent Woody Taylor who fired into the air from the rear seat of the 1963 yellow  Mercury he was riding in as it made the turn onto Elm St from Houston. 

The details and photos are here: 

February 5, 2013, Augmented Nov. 22, 2013
Tiny url:
 THIS is the story that the intelligence services, the FBI, the Secret Service, etc., and gatekeepers like Jim Marrs doesn't want the world to know

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at