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April 9, 2017


Tom Mysiewicz

I gave him the benefit of the doubt but President Trump--with his unprovoked, probably illegal (under the UN Charter and other international law) and possibly un-Constitutional attack on Syria--has made his policy orientation crystal clear: his real intention is to Make ISRAEL Great Again (MIGA.)  Although I hoped to be proven wrong, this change was predicted by me in articles such as the following:

At this point I'm wondering if  Hillary was created as an ogre to stampede middle-class Americans into voting Trump and if the attacks and the outrageous anti-Trump propaganda in the media were designed to garner sympathy for Trump and support for American involvement in the partition of Iraq and Syria (and very likely direct involvement in a coming Israeli attack on Lebanon, which itself is destined to become part of "Eretz" or greater Israel under the Yinon Plan?)  Bloomberg News, which has lead the charge against Trump, today spoke glowingly of Trump's "first term"!

With this attack, without even a flimsy pretense under international law except some unproven appeals to RTP (responsibility to protect,) President Trump has finished off the world order created after WWII and, quite possibly, finished off another chunk of the U.S. Constitution.  Don't hold your breath for the Democrats to hold him to account for bypassing Congress.  Most of them also gave Bibi Netanyahu standing ovations and enjoy the support of organized Zionist interests.  They will do little or nothing unless there is another 2013-like groundswell of public opinion against the machinations of the Neocons. 

To find out where this is all going to end, I suggest two of my articles: 

(1) "Chess in the Age of ISIS"


(2) "War With ISIS: Multiplexing a New World Order"

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at