Taboo Against Anti-Semitism Must be Lifted
January 17, 2018

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January 17, 2018
Bro Nathaniel said (January 19, 2018):
Ha ha ha. He's already backtracking and posting pro-Jew Articles.
For Fear Of The Jews...
I sent him my most innocuous Articles and Videos and he didn't even have the decency to respond. Gilbert Doctorow warned him against saying the Jew word. Looks like Bauseman caved. +BN
RK said (January 18, 2018):
"..HOW CAN a high ranking Mason (Putin) be an OBSTACLE to masonic global domination?.."
I agree. Putin is, no doubt, a high ranking Freemason. He also claims to be a somewhat devout Christian ( Orthodox). Christianity and Freemasonry,( and Communism ) don't go together. Christianity is for God, Freemasonry/communism is for Satan.
Yet, for many people, this dichotomy doesn't seem to be the problem.
Somehow they manage to convince themselves that is perfectly ok to serve demons while praising God at the same time.
Some time ago I've read a book written by John Salza, Catholic, lawyer, who was(?) 32-th degree Freemason for quite a few years. In his book, (condemning Freemasonry) , he claims that he honestly thought, ( he is not a stupid guy , he is an attorney), that it is ok to be a Catholic and make a career as a Freemason. at the same time.
For me, personally, it was hard to believe it. I knew for many of years, ( basically since I was a child), that Freemasonry and Catholic Church do not mix.
I took Salza quite some time to figure that simple thing out.
But... I assume it is possible that some people, somehow justify their basically impossible spiritual choices.
I guess they want to take advantage of many materialistic, temporal opportunities that being High ranking Freemason offers and at the same time they , somehow, want to be on good terms with God. Just in case.!!!
I don't think things work like that.
God very clearly and very decisively says: "You shall have NO OTHER gods before me.." It is the very first commandment and in a way the MOST important.
Freemasonry is about worshiping "other gods".
To be precise it is about worshiping Satan. They call it conveniently the 'great architect of the universe'/GAOTU.
People oftentimes try to combine fire and water. They are allowed to do that.
We have free, spiritual will. We make our free choices.
And then, we will pay the consequences of those choices.
Either here on earth or later, in eternity.
JG said (January 18, 2018):
Excellent article by Mr. Bausman here. He is "spot on" in his conclusions concerning American Foreign Policy and those who dictate it to our Presidents and then propagate it through the MSM.
Yes, these are the same Anti White European Christian Marxists that have started most of America's wars since the Civil War with exceptions like the Korean and Viet Nam Wars where America actively fought against Communist forces.This is also why the MSM in America did not support these wars.These wars were for American national interests and not for the NWO.
To back up my thesis here both WW1 and WW2 were White Christians fighting White Christians with the exception of the nation Japan and other smaller anti-communist nations.
Is it a surprise that now Russia has become the new enemy ever since the Communists Oligarchs were run out of the country by Putin?
A war with Russia would be another White Christian bloodbath like WW1 and WW2. Christians killing Christians is NOT Christianity.
The MSM is "dogging" both President Trump and Vladimir Putin for trying to get along and this is why the neocons have done everything to sabotage American relations with Russia.
Both President Trump and Vladimir Putin are too smart to be suckered by these bloodthirsty neocons to even entertain the idea of any direct military conflict.
CR said (January 18, 2018):
Does Russia present an obstacle to NWO?
Remember this article (that you tweeted) from two days ago:
"RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin has compared communism to Christianity and likened Bolshevik revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin to a “saint†in a revealing new interview."
He must have been thinking of the crusades. You yourself said that communism is Satanic and all communists are masons, how can a high ranking mason be an obstacle to masonic global domination?
My grandparents (Polish) told me that Russia was a bad country and not to trust them, they were right. See this article from 2015:
"Russian Ambassador Says Poland Was Partly to Blame for World War II"
"Ambassador Sergey Andreev of Russia on Friday described the Soviet Union’s 1939 invasion of Poland as an act of self-defense, not aggression."
“Polish policy led to the disaster in September 1939, because during the 1930s Poland repeatedly blocked the formation of a coalition against Hitler’s Germany. Poland was therefore partly responsible for the disaster which then took place.â€
I don't know whether the last part is true or not, but last I heard Stalin and Hitler were allies and simultaneously invaded Poland from both sides.
Remember the Katyn massacre? Christianity in action.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
John said (January 19, 2018):
re. article refuting Bausman
January 19, 2018 @ 1:32 am # Edit This
Brother Nathanael is right
This pro-Jew disinformation article had 160 comments, mostly negative.
So they closed down the comment section, and comments have been deleted.
So much for “openly discussing Jewsâ€