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Dutch Cancer Specialist Exposes Cancer Treatment Fraud

October 30, 2018


"Cancer is massively over-diagnosed. 
We are seeing more and more 
that many lumps would never lead to cancer, 
and don't need treatment at all."

"According to our recent research, 
41% of women currently getting chemo 
don't need it"

by Anthony Migchels 

I came across a stunning post in Die Welt, a leading German opinion magazine. 

It is an interview with a Dutch breast cancer specialist who validates everything the natural health scene has been saying about cancer treatments. It's really shocking:

I summarize his main points. I think it's pretty mind-blowing. Hundreds of thousands of women have suffered horrendously dangerous, painful and invasive procedures, that have made Big Pharma trillions. And this guy just says they were all wrong.

Look what he says about amputations, for instance, a procedure STILL inflicted on a third of women diagnosed with breast cancer.

"An admission of abysmal failure of truly epic proportions that has killed tens, no hundreds of thousands of women over the last decades. An interview of a top breast cancer specialist, Emiel Rutgers, left, with Die Welt: "Less is more: tumours are getting less and less treatment. More and more doctors decide to wait and see if the situation clears up naturally"

"We doctors have gone way too far"

"Many doctors still think that chemo, radiation and operation help, as long as you do it a lot. But the main message of the last few years is, that the less we do, the longer women live."

"Q: Which therapies can be stopped? 

A: For instance amputations. Still, one-third of women have their breast(s) amputated after a diagnosis. But amputees don't do better, and don't live longer."

"Q: Amputations will become seldom? 

A: Not only amputations, operations in general. Cancer is massively over-diagnosed. We are seeing more and more that many lumps would never lead to cancer, and don't need treatment at all."

"Q: are there other patients that you will no longer operate in the future? 

A: The vast majority. We thought cancer moved through the body via the lymphatic system, but this is not true at all. Routine removal of lymph nodes will stop it too.

"We will use chemo a great deal less. Many breast cancers can be well treated with simple hormonal treatments"

"According to our recent research, 41% of women currently getting chemo don't need it"

"Q: what does this mean for the cost of healthcare? 

A: "That is not my focus, but costs can be expected to decline."


Of course, all this had been known by proponents of natural health for decades. And in fact also by REAL scientists, unencumbered by Rockefeller's Big Pharma payrolls.

But they were scoffed at, attacked, marginalized, arrested, incarcerated, and even killed.

And all the killing that has been going on in Hospitals for decades, netting doctors, hospitals, and Big Pharma Trillions of dollars, has been touted as 'science'.

Nobody will pay a price, none of these Trillions will be taken from either the doctors or Big Pharma. The same quacks will continue calling real healers 'quacks'. The Society of Skeptics will continue to tout 'modern medicine' as the pinnacle of human progress, while cheap herbal, energetic, nutritional and other methods will continue to be sidelined and attacked.

Once more, faith in the Scientism religion comes with grave risks.

Our recommendation remains the same: stay away from the Priesthood in White, and take control of your own health, if you don't want to die miserably, expensively, painfully, humiliatingly and just downright way too early."
Stephen Coleman writes:

I have worked many cases of breast cancer and most clients respond well after just one session of dealing with the root causes, that is the emotional conflicts that are the true cause that causes the breast tissue to proliferate. 

Yesterday I worked with a lady with an about 2 cm intraductal breast cancer. The MD is already talking about mastectomy. I once had a client with intraductal cancer that was estimated to weigh 15 kilos. The poor woman had to walk around holding it, it was so large. She survived why can't a lady with a 2 cm survive? 

As far as cancer "spreading" that too is a false assumption. Commonly the lymph nodes swell near the breast for two reasons. 1. The cancer is already starting to heal on its own and the nodes are working overtime to cleanse. 2. An attack conflict can also trigger lymphoma. That is the MD scares the poor woman to death. 

I fully agree that cancer is overdiagnosed and kill the fly with a sledgehammer is the medical establishment's answer. I'm much against chemotherapy and radiation. But legally I can't tell the client to not take it, though 5-year survivability studies show that no treatment at all has a better survival rate.

A German oncologist, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, was among the first to correlate emotional issues with cancer. For his great discoveries, he was imprisoned, defrocked and chased from nation to nation. Indeed there is a huge amount of money to be made in oncology and a single case of cancer can earn a hospital more than I earn in a decade. 

No wonder they want to keep the truth under wraps. 
E writes-

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your latest article on cancer.  It gives me much reassurance and confirmation that I made the right decision concerning the huge lump I have had in my breast for the past four years!  I decided to leave whatever it is alone.  If it is cancer I wanted to see if it would take care of itself if left alone; because the minute anyone learns that they have cancer, they jump under the knife, or chemo, or radiation. I felt that this was the path that the Lord was showing me, and now your article makes me feel that I made a good choice!   Thank you, thank you!

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Dutch Cancer Specialist Exposes Cancer Treatment Fraud"

NCK MD said (October 30, 2018):

I agree that many people are getting treatment when a wait and see approach may be the better option.
i am a general practitioner so i do not get to treat most of these patients with these problems.
From my perspective, it seems many people are treated more out of a fear of possible future litigation than purely on medical grounds..
When a wait-and-see approach is taken and it turns out to be cancer litigation is not uncommon.
I think this may be an often under-realised reason why medicine is being practised the way it is.
Perhaps if the criminalising of medical decisions can in some way be removed from the equation, we may find that the practice of medicine may become like we would like it to be.

Catherine M said (October 30, 2018):

Keeping this short.

It is a delight to read your article and comments.

I always said that if I got breast cancer, I would refuse the cut and burn "treatment"

Christmas Eve 2012 I was diagnosed.I was kept in a room for ages until I signed the agreement. I never did and walked out in the end.

I went down natural route- physical healing.

Then I felt it was all connected to my mother and my birth etc.

I remember like it was today, me being born and placed in glass crib- so I could see my Mother.

She turned away from me and kept holding her headless statue of St Anthony.

All my life she told me that "I was a mistake". I was never wanted".

Age 10 I sent my soul "home" for safety.

My Dad was the opposite......he was my mother, father,protector.

Today I focus on healing the pain in the knowing that my feelings were and are correct.

Thank you for this life changing article and the knowledge it brings.

Kind Regards

Evelyn said (October 30, 2018):

In response to Stephen Coleman's comment, I could relate. Last week I had a dental visit, which I rarely do. The dentist, years ago, discovered lymphoma in my mama and sent her directly to the hospital, where she immediately had surgery to remove the lump behind her ear, followed by a large amount of chemo. It was a heart wrenching experience the day I took her to select a wig. The entire day her hair kept falling out by the handfuls, and at day's end she was bald! Needless to say, she only survived a few years. Well, on my visit, I told him "NO xrays because I do not want it near the malignant tumor which I have also had for four years on my temple." I showed him the pictures of how bad it had been back in January, because I was so thrilled at how small it has become, due to the use of the natural remedies I have been using: C-Herb, poultices of saturated solutions of sodium ascorbate, tea tree oil, oil of oregano, and olive leaf extract. In addition to these, I have continued internally with massive doses of Vitamin C (remember Norman Cousins' Anatomy of an Illness ?), all sorts of supplements for the immune system, and milk thistle and dandelion to keep the liver cleansed as the toxins are thrown off. Of course, the main thing has been MASSIVE DOSES of PRAYER!

I said all of that because that is what I told the dentist. His response was that I had misdiagnosed the cells...not basil, but squamous. Then in a most sincere, concerned way, he intimated most firmly that I was probably killing myself by not seeing a medical doctor!

Naturally, I have no way to prove my theory, but I think the person's state of mind will have a large part in whether or not the cancer is defeated. There can be no room in the mind for one seed of doubt. Must admit that this is much easier said than done. It brings to mind the father in the Bible who came to Jesus because of his child who was suffering. The man told Jesus that he did believe, but he requested Him to HELP HIS UNBELIEF!

Tudor said (October 30, 2018):

Plato, Charmides:

"This Thracian told me that in these notions of theirs, which I was just now mentioning, the Greek physicians are quite right as far as they go; but Zamolxis, he added, our king, who is also a god, says further, 'that as you ought not to attempt to cure the eyes without the head, or the head without the body, so neither ought you to attempt to cure the body without the soul; and this,' he said, 'is the reason why the cure of many diseases is unknown to the physicians of Hellas, because they are ignorant of the whole, which ought to be studied also; for the part can never be well unless the whole is well.' For all good and evil, whether in the body or in human nature, originates, as he declared, in the soul, and overflows from thence, as if from the head into the eyes. And therefore if the head and body are to be well, you must begin by curing the soul; that is the first thing."

Today is called The German New Medicine. Each disease* is caused by a specific conflict. Once the conflict is solved the healing of the soul and the body begins.
The breast cancer has two specific conflicts, (1) nest or worry conflict that involves the breast glands and (2) separation conflict (my child/mother/partner has been torn from my breast) or wanting to separate involves milk ducts.
*disease is not the right word, better natural biological process."This Thracian told me that in these notions of theirs, which I was just now mentioning, the Greek physicians are quite right as far as they go; but Zamolxis, he added, our king, who is also a god, says further, 'that as you ought not to attempt to cure the eyes without the head, or the head without the body, so neither ought you to attempt to cure the body without the soul; and this,' he said, 'is the reason why the cure of many diseases is unknown to the physicians of Hellas, because they are ignorant of the whole, which ought to be studied also; for the part can never be well unless the whole is well.' For all good and evil, whether in the body or in human nature, originates, as he declared, in the soul, and overflows from thence, as if from the head into the eyes. And therefore if the head and body are to be well, you must begin by curing the soul; that is the first thing." (Plato, Charmides)
Today is called The German New Medicine. Each disease* is caused by a specific conflict. Once the conflict is solved the healing of the soul and the body begins.
The breast cancer has two specific conflicts, (1) nest or worry conflict that involves the breast glands and (2) separation conflict (my child/mother/partner has been torn from my breast) or wanting to separate involves milk ducts.
*disease is not the right word, better natural biological process.

AR said (October 30, 2018):

The good doctor is recommending more conservative treatment, instead of opting for amputations and chemotherapy. That doesn't mean you should ignore any potential cancer. He says himself in the interview that they can cure 80% of the women with breast cancer as long as it hasn't spread to other organs.

He doesn't say to do nothing, and doesn't mention natural remedies in favour of "big pharma". He just advocates for less is more.

This article leaps to unfounded conclusions not present at all in the original interview.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at