[Ken Adachi: Every American citizen needs to listen to Kay Griggs entire eight hour 1998 video interview to understand the complete degeneracy and subjugation that has taken place among the upper command structure of the Army, Navy, and Marines due to the subversion of Zionist fifth columnists.]
from Aug 12, 2015
By Tony Bonn
(Abridged by henrymakow.com)
Admiral Jeremy "Mike" Boorda (1939-1996) died, according to the state controlled media, of suicide from controversy surrounding wearing of the V device on one of his navy awards. The truth is that he was murdered.
At the time of his murder [May 16, 1996], Boorda was Chief of Naval Operations, an accomplishment he achieved by rising through the ranks as an enlisted man to an officer serving at the pinnacle of the Navy's hierarchy. Such an attainment almost invariably requires graduation from Annapolis; so this exception probably earned Boorda some animosity from many naval officers whose philosophy of life is based upon entitlement rather than merit.
Around the time of his death, newsfakers reported that Boorda left two typed suicide notes, one to his family, and one to the Navy. Neither note has been released although retired United States Army Reserve Major Glenn MacDonald presented the contents of one. The problem with the suicide notes is that they are unsigned, as in the case of Vincent Foster, meaning that Boorda did not write them.

Another concealment which confirms that Boorda was murdered is that of his autopsy which has never been released which means that the Navy has something to hide. What the Navy has hidden is that the CNO was murdered. MacDonald obtained the witness of one Chief Medical Corpsman who stated that he saw TWO bullet holes in Boorda's body. The official story is that Boorda shot himself in the chest with a hollow point bullet, but the truth is that his murderer killed him with 2 shots to the chest.
All persons who knew Boorda were shocked by the "suicide." The majority of comments posted on internet sites are very favorable of the admiral, but a few planted-comments by ONI [Office of Naval Intelligence] spooks degrading him stand out as anomalies. Given his family background and personality, no one honestly believes that Boorda killed himself, especially when hours before his death he remarked how he was looking forward to retirement later that year.

MacDonald alludes to the Kay Griggs [left] revelations in which she, married to Marine Corps Colonel George Griggs, relates that her husband was most likely involved in the Boorda murder.
Griggs goes into considerable detail about the Tailhook scandal which was a vast Marine Corps and Navy homosexual sex ring involving very senior naval personnel. We would never have assumed that to be the cause of the murder until we watched the full 8 hour interview of Kay Griggs given in 1998 in which she suggested that her husband was involved in the murder.
Griggs is vitally important to understanding how the Marine Corps and Navy work. She states that it is nearly impossible to rise to colonel / commander or above without participating in the gay sex rituals which dominate the upper reaches of the US Navy.
When the Tailhook scandal broke, it was painted as a call girl / sexual harassment story, but Griggs set the record straight by pointing out that it had everything to do with extensive homosexual activities and rites.
Griggs also stated that her husband George was an assassin for the Marine Corps, though it always operated under Army command. Thus her husband was involved in countless assassinations of Americans.
Boorda made the "mistake" of firing or easing into retirement too many of the individuals involved in the Tailhook operation, earning numerous powerful enemies such as General Jim Joy, General Al Gray, General Victor Krulak, General Carl Steiner, and many more senior military officers who sponsored and participated in the rituals.
Boorda hit a raw nerve in attempting to clean up the scandal and debauchery, but did not know the extent of the animosity and power behind the cabal of officers committed to these practices.
While we cannot be dogmatic about the reason for his murder, we are certain that Tailhook was the root cause of his demise.
Thanks to Ken Adachi for sending this important story.
Pedro said (December 3, 2018):
I paused the Kay Gregg video where she showed the photo of her husband having one of his 'turns'. If you want to see a man possessed, and a
shining example of someone who really should have played the character in The Shining, that was it.
Though I also wonder why to this date no-one has presented a credible video of them in their ritual satanic acts, even if that meant dying for
the cause. It's a bit like UFO research actually.
I'll always appreciate the scene in the "Wolf Creek" movie where the clever British victim, being tortured, says to his similarly criminally insane torturer who was threatening to rape him , "what are you a fag ?" and the reaction that was similar to that of Rolf Harris who was groping a girl in public when she said out loud "why you're a dirty old man". Tell the truth and shame the devils.