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December 20, 2019

Trump can't ban "antisemitism." 

"Every president who has since declared, via executive order, a new law or a modification of a law is an unlawful criminal, playing the dictator, the very reason the nation was created as a republic."  

By Tony B

It is a total ignorance of the law of the U.S. to cave into accepting an executive order, which can never be allowed to be law, as the executive, by its very title, absolutely does not have that mandate.  

That division's mandate is to implement the lawful statutes of congress and the basic constitutional law as it exists, as created by the nation's founders, and since, to those of the legislature or congress which adhere to that original constitution.

(Since the right to free speech is mandated in the original constitution - by an amendment demanded by the citizenry before they would allow the new constitution to be ratified as our law - not even the lawful law making body can make any statute curtailing our freedom to speak as we wish, much less a usurper of law making such as the president.)

Every president who has since declared, via executive order, a new law or a modification of a law is an unlawful criminal, playing the dictator, the very reason the nation was created as a republic.  

No so-called law created by executive order is any law at all, it is an abortion NOT TO BE OBEYED AND TRUE REASON NOT ONLY TO IMPEACH BUT TO IMPRISON FOREVER THE PRESIDENT WHO SO DOES.

Plus any member of congress, house or senate, who has unlawfully passed some of that body's mandate to the executive branch is JUST AS CRIMINAL AND SHOULD BE IN PRISON ALONG WITH THE CRIMINAL PRESIDENT.

You can add to that criminal body any member of the so-called supreme court who does not declare such acts as unconstitutional and criminal.  There is nothing to debate or study in these obvious violations of the laws of our nation by those supposedly in charge of keeping the nation politically sanctified.  The only reason they are allowed to pass is the massive mostly-willful ignorance of too large a section of the people.

Very simply, for congress, the mandated law making body which was purposely made the closest to the control of the people via popular vote theoretically giving the people the best control over their own political lives, to hand that mandate to the president of the executive branch, creates a potentate who can do as he pleases with the people's lives, the very complaint of this article.

The popular vote as a control over the law makers of the government was to be the ONLY part of our government meant to be democratic as pure democracy ALWAYS devolves into pure anarchy which is ALWAYS followed by one form of dictatorship or another.  Until very recent generations these truths were carefully taught in our public schools.

This republic was meant to be a place of RULE BY LAW and the law was meant to be what was best for its people, not a tool for a satanic clique to have its henchmen subjugate the people as it pleases - yes, as cattle, the talmudic description of all who are not a part of that satanic mental dysfunction.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at