Anthony Migchels: Ending Debt & Usury Would Save Mankind
August 3, 2020
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August 3, 2020
Robert K said (August 4, 2020):
More financial obscurantism from Migchels and Icke: the solution to all our woes is to have the government provide interest-free credit to the people. Hooray!
Didn't the Clintons run a system like this in Arkansas? It was very beneficial to their friends.
Frankly, for all that my local banker is necessarily part of a corrupt racket, I would rather deal with him than have to appeal for "interest-free credit" to the likes of Justin Trudeau, Bill Morneau, and their corrupt bureaucratic agentur.
Until you rationalize and specify the principles and rules for the infusion of financial credit into the community--and, preferably, inscribe them in the Constitution--you are blowing hot air. All this was worked out a century ago by an engineer, Major Clifford Hugh Douglas, with the support of ethically motivated notables like Nobel Prize awardee Frederick "Science without Social Credit is sheer suicide" Soddy.
The threat this highly censored movement posed to the global financial Establishment is surely proven by the fact that its very name has been appropriated by its exact opposite; namely, contemporary "Social Credit" in China.
Kevin Barrett said (August 4, 2020):
Cal of the Austrian School writes that usury is necessary and beneficial. He sees it as a tax on time preference, transferring wealth from high-time-preference people to low-time-preference people, civilizing society by encouraging people to think of the future rather than the present.
Then why has God forbidden usury? Why has every traditional culture viewed it as monstrously destructive and evil?
Perhaps because the usury “tax on time preference†offers exponential increase. By the very nature of logarithmic expansion, he greedy and power-hungry among the low-time-preference people inevitably end up with all the resources, and everyone else ends up with little or nothing. The result is mass debt slavery run by a tiny cabal of slaveowning usurers.
God wants us to be low-time-preference with a spiritual, not material, focus. He wants us to practice non-attachment to our base desires NOT so we can plot and plan and scheme to become richer and more powerful than our neighbors, but so we can love our neighbors and practice generosity rather than avarice. We should look ahead to the mansions in paradise that await us if we perfect our non-attachment in time, before we die—instead of investing money at compound interest so we can build a mansion on earth and then die in agony clutching vainly at our wealth as we are dragged off to hell. (Hell is a very real state of consciousness experienced by those who die and step off into eternity with too much attachment to their base desires, as the Tibetan Book of the Dead explains.)
A certain Jewish elite has made the terrible mistake of seeking to transcend death not by cleansing the soul in worship of God, but by building an intergenerational wealth-and-power machine so their progeny will (they hope) rule the world. Usury and selective breeding have been driving that machine for 2500 years, as explained in Laurent Guyénot’s From Yahweh to Zion. These low-time-preference tribally-sociopathic hyper-materialists are not, unfortunately, exerting a civilizing influence; quite the contrary. As they plot and plan to capture all the wealth and power, they find it useful to de-civilize the masses. So much for usury fostering refinement and higher levels of civilization. It’s a nice theory, Cal, but unfortunately, it’s as wrong as wrong can be.
Sioux said (August 3, 2020):
Here is America's choice in 2020:
Vote for Joe (or whomever the Dems annoint, doesn't really matter) and get a 'Totalitarian Marxist /Maoist' regime to finish off the formerly free Constitutional Republic of the United States of America.
Vote for Trump and continue on with his Fascist/Nationalist Socialist/Globalist-lite regime also bent on finishing off America [Operation Warp Speed; continued plundering of the economy for the Elites under the direction of the NWO Sanhedrin; state-sanctioned lawlessness and chaos to bring on a civil war that only a few want; defacto open borders due to USMCA treaty; drug war intensifies in Latin America to take out the CIA's competition; emptying out the prisons to make room for the despicable and dangerous Patriots who reject Authority and won't wear the Mask of Servitude or take the Jab. Trump himself will call us a Danger to Society and order our Quarantine.
There are no more political solutions for Americans or Canadians either (I am half Canadian on Mom's side). I am a free woman and I fear No Evil no matter what they try to do. I live in Michigan - the Wicked Gretch and her team of Harpies will Flip this state Blue in November. That's all it takes to give the WH back to the Dems - Polls mean Zilch. Will we be any worse off with a known quantity of evil or a betrayer bait&switch Judas?
The real question is will you all make it easy for them by cowering behind masks and "safe distancing?"
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Free Spirit said (August 4, 2020):
As long as the ROTHSCHILD FAMILY is FREE and/or ALIVE, they will simply BRIBE and/or COERCE the right people, to open THEIR TYPE of Banking. They have more wealth than ALL the Oligarchs put together. They will BRIBE and even COERCE, and they CAN until they get EXACTLY what they want.
What is my PROOF: The Republic closed their bank TWICE but on the 3rd occasion, in 1913, the Rothschild won their bank once more and, seemingly, FINAL at least until now.
THAT is why I stated NUMEROUS times,in my emails, since 2009, We must Get rid of that Family, one way or another and confiscate their stolen WEALTH
Their CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, of FRAUD, Genocide and WARS, causing the SLAUGHTER of Multi-Millions, Destruction of countries and related assets, including the Bolshevik WAR in Russia/Ukraine and WW1 and WW2 and theft of the Wealth, and Slavery, are sufficient LAWFUL reasons
If we don't, then PREPARE for SLAVERY and GENOCIDE, because they know we are gettting WISE to THEM and the Witnesses (Us/We) MUST be eliminated.