Anthony Fauci's Bio-War on Humanity
October 26, 2020

The man charged with fighting the pandemic
is responsible for inventing the virus
and spreading it in the first place.
When there's no doubt of a "surprise" outbreak,
it means you're responsible for it.,
All Suspicions Confirmed. The Chinese government now has the unlimited ability to keep manufacturing pandemic viruses
Fauci-Funded Chinese/US Research Led to COVID-19
By Peter R. Breggin MD and Ginger Breggin
Four scientists, led by Li-Meng Yan (MD, Ph.D.), who recently escaped from Communist China, have released a pre-publication paper (follow the paper's progress here) in which they confirm the direct relationship between the Fauci-funded research and China's ability to create SARS-CoV-2.
Although the scientists do not name him, their work shows that research funded and politically supported by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Director of NIH's Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, led directly to the ability of the Chinese to engineer SARS-CoV-2 and to causing the COVID-19 pandemic.
For many years, Fauci paid for and encouraged multiple research projects, at least two involving US researchers collaborating in making deadly viruses with China's notoriously insecure Communist-run biowarfare facility in Wuhan.
They also confirm that the military-controlled Wuhan Institute now has the world's largest collection of coronaviruses extracted from bats--which constitutes a threat of further accidental releases and/or outright biological warfare. By supporting Wuhan and its researchers, Fauci helped put the entire world at risk for the current pandemic and for future ones.
We first published about Fauci's dangerous activities on April 15, 2020, when we issued a report and released our video confirming that he and his institute were funding collaborative research between Chinese and US scientists on manipulating SARS coronaviruses. We suggested that this work potentially led to the laboratory creation of SARS-CoV-2 and the pandemic. Please see our Coronavirus Resource Center for additional analyses and background material.

Within 48 hours of our report about Fauci's funding joint American/Chinese projects to create epidemic viruses, President Donald Trump cancelled funding for the heinous project. Unfortunately, Fauci remains Director of the Institute, despite being a Chinese collaborator and now scientific leader of pro-lockdown political forces that are dismantling our economy and suppressing our individual lives.
The term RBM refers to receptor-binding motif--the part of the virus that hooks to a receptor in human cells to allow the virus to enter the cell to cause disease. RBM is the part of SARS-CoV-2 that makes it so infectious and potentially deadly to humans. The first paragraph in the quote from Dr. Yan's scientific article (below) summarizes the basic finding of their research paper that the RBM of SARS-CoV-2 did not originate in nature. The paragraph then cites research (their citations 44-47, see details in the Additional Notes below) to indicate that this Spike protein (the RBM) has "repeatedly" been used in laboratories to create "human-infecting" coronaviruses of non-human origin.
Two papers (citations 45 and 46; Menarchery et al., 2015 and Menarchery et al, 2016) involve direct Chinese/American collaborations on building epidemic viruses. Those two papers involved US/Wuhan Institute collaborations with acknowledgements that funding for the research was provided by Fauci's Institute.
The second paragraph in the quote from Dr. Yan's scientific article (below) states that the Wuhan Institute of Virology has been working on studies to make these "human-infecting viruses" and specifically cites the paper that originally disclosed to us this tragic Fauci-funded US/China collaboration that led to COVID-19 (Menachery et al., 2015).
The Yan et al. paper then warns that the Wuhan Institute possesses "the world's largest collection of coronaviruses." It follows this with a chilling observation that there is no longer any "technical barrier" to the Chinese altering these viruses into infectious ones through "engineering" the virus to give it "gain-of-function," that is, the ability to infect humans. This means that the Chinese have at their scientific fingertips the unlimited ability to keep manufacturing pandemic viruses.
Here are the paragraphs from the Yan et al. scientific publication that we have been interpreting:
While the above evidence and analyses together appear to disapprove a natural origin of SARS-CoV-2's RBM, abundant literature shows that gain-of-function research, where the Spike protein of a coronavirus was specifically engineered, has repeatedly led to the successful generation of human-Âinfecting coronaviruses from coronaviruses of non-human origin.44-47
Record also shows that research laboratories, for example, the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), have successfully carried out such studies working with US researchers45 and also working alone47. In addition, the WIV has engaged in decades-long coronavirus surveillance studies and therefore owns the world's largest collection of coronaviruses. Evidently, the technical barrier is non-existent for the WIV and other related laboratories to carry out and succeed in such Spike/REM engineering and gain-of-Âfunction research. P. 10
In a recent "scientific" article in Cell authored with one of his assistants, Fauci directly lied, claiming that the COVID-19 emerged from nature on its own and not from laboratory tinkering.
Then he did more than ignore his own role in funding the engineering of coronaviruses with China, he blamed us--you and me, humanity--for causing the virus by disrupting nature:
Infectious diseases prevalent in humans and animals are caused by pathogens that once emerged from other animal hosts. In addition to these established infections, new infectious diseases periodically emerge. In extreme cases, they may cause pandemics such as COVID-19... Disease emergence reflects dynamic balances and imbalances, within complex globally distributed ecosystems comprising humans, animals, pathogens, and the environment. Understanding these variables is a necessary step in controlling future devastating disease emergencies.
This may be one of the most colossal misrepresentations in the history of the human race--the man most responsible for enabling the Chinese to engineer SARS-Cov-2 in their Wuhan Institute is blaming COVID-19 on humanity's indiscretions in nature instead of his own nefarious activities in the laboratory. Working with China, Fauci himself has funded and promoted taking viruses out of nature and engineering them to become pandemic viruses; but now he wants us to take his advice on transforming human activity in nature to make it less disruptive! Fauci is the Great Disruptor, whose work enabled China to unleash COVID-19 on the world.
President Trump and the US Congress, as well as the American people, need to know that Anthony Fauci funded research that unleashed COVID-19 upon the world. In addition, this Fauci-funding has enabled China to possess the largest store of coronaviruses in the world, along with the technology to continue turning them into human-infecting agents. It is time to fire Fauci, to investigate this entire disaster, and to consider what needs to be done to protect the US and the world from future Communist Chinese pandemics, whether accidental or intentional.
Additional Notes on the four articles cited by Yan et al. (references 44-47) as key to China's coronavirus research can be found at the source.
Related - Bill Gates Warned of his own Bioterror Attack on Humanity in 2017
---------------- Fauci says that even with vaccine, masks and social distancing will continue until 2022
David C said (October 27, 2020):
Doctors Breggin should do some reading at, where Mr. Rappoport exposed that CDC admits there is no SARS-C0V-2 virus. Dr, Andrew Kaufman, and Dr. Thomas Cowan have been saying that for months, since the beginning of this supposed pandemic.
I have no doubt Fauci is involved with manufacturing this staged fake 'pandemic', as he was with swine flu, and HIV/AIDS, etc. However, pretending there is a SAR-C0V-2 virus that causes a supposed "CV-19" disease is counterproductive, and keeps fear of the phantom virus going. Dr. Judy Mikovitz exposed Fauci's, who she used to work with, in her book "Pandemic", but she believes a virus exists.
I've ordered Dr. Cowan's new book "The Contagion Myth", which explains why the germ theory is erroneous. Even Louis Pasteur, "father of the germ theory", admitted he was wrong before he died, and that the "terrain theory" is valid. So-called "medicine" was weaponized long ago, with physicians against compulsory vaccinations existing back in the 1800's.
"Allopathic fascism" is a better term for modern 'medicine', because it's weaponized by the medical corporations.