How James Perloff Circumvented Amazon Ban
December 26, 2020

James Perloff's book "The Shadows of Power" (1988) was the first book I read to learn about the NWO. Perloff continues to open our eyes with his new book
about the Covidscam.
by James Perloff
When the COVID plandemic struck in the spring, I had been writing a major book about 9/11. It soon became clear, however, that, as important as 9/11 was, the plandemic was more urgent; the Deep State was going all out to swiftly install the New World Order.
I wrote a blog post on COVID in April. As more information debunking the official narrative came in, I kept expanding the post, but by late May it was becoming too unwieldy for online reading; a book was needed.
I worked flat-out for three months. COVID-19 and the Agendas to Come, Red-Pilled has 27 chapters covering virtually every aspect of the COVID fiasco--the many impacts of the lockdowns, masks and social distancing, how COVID death numbers are inflated, testing, various theories about what COVID really is, Bill Gates, global vaccines, contact tracing, long-term plans for digital IDs and a cashless society, etc.
To preserve valuable content YouTube had erased, I made transcripts of deleted videos and quoted key excerpts in the book. To answer skeptics, everything the book stated was documented with nearly 300 end-notes; and I added an index for ease of reference.
On August 20, I uploaded the book onto Amazon. Within two days it ranked #254 of all books on Amazon. It sold over 3,500 copies in less than two months, received over 50 customer ratings, 92% 5-star and 8% 4-star, and was frequently ranked as Amazon's #1 best-seller in the category of "respiratory diseases."
Nevertheless, on October 15 Amazon banned it for "content violations." They refused to specify what the violations were. Amazon and Jeff Bezos, of course, have a vested interest in suppressing science that opposes the lockdowns, which they are profiting from immensely.
Some people incorrectly thought Amazon's ban killed the book. Having anticipated the possibility of censorship, I had already ordered a separate printing, which arrived the week after the ban. However, that printing did sell out due to higher-than-expected demand. I ordered a second printing, which arrived last week.
Some people incorrectly thought Amazon's ban killed the book. Having anticipated the possibility of censorship, I had already ordered a separate printing, which arrived the week after the ban. However, that printing did sell out due to higher-than-expected demand. I ordered a second printing, which arrived last week.
Here are ways to purchase it.
• For those who like to support patriotic sellers, there is Power of Prophecy and American Free Press .
• Amazon's ban temporarily removed the book from mainstream marketplaces, because Amazon had been acting as distributor. However, I have hired my own mainstream distributor, and the book is now back in those venues, including Barnes & Noble , Booksamillion , Powell's Books, and other retailers.
• Canadians used to have to pay a premium to have the book shipped from the U.S. but it is now carried by Indigo , Canada's largest bookseller.
• Buyers throughout the world can now get the book from the UK's Book Depository , which--remarkably--ships to any country for free. But check for their current COVID shipping restrictions, which often change.
• For people in the continental U.S. who would like the book in bulk for broad distribution to friends, family and public officials, I offer it myself at steep discounts.
• Amazon banned the book the day before I was going to upload the digital Kindle edition. Since then, I have made it into a free e-book, and have given away countless copies to people who have requested it from around the world. The e-book is available in three formats (MOBI, EPUB and PDF), and all the endnotes have clickable hyperlinks, so sources can be instantly verified. Click here for details.
Because the COVID situation keeps evolving, the book directs people to an updates page on my website, where I continually post relevant news as it breaks.
Still, censorship continues to ramp up. Many replies I have sent to people from my website have wound up in their spam folders. Even though I've never been on FaceBook, FB now blocks any message that so much as mentions my website. I have begun circumventing this by changing post URLs into short links.
Of course, I am only one of myriad people facing censorship. The same day that Amazon banned my book, YouTube deleted the SGT Report channel with 625,000 subscribers.
James Perloff, a journalist for 35 years and a registered nurse for 45, is author of several books, including Truth Is a Lonely Warrior (a primer on the New World Order), and the follow-up Thirteen Pieces of the Jigsaw .